
150 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:isar/isar.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/balance.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/models/isar/models/blockchain_data/address.dart';
import 'package:stackwallet/utilities/enums/coin_enum.dart';
part 'wallet_info.g.dart';
@Collection(accessor: "walletInfo")
class WalletInfo {
Id id = Isar.autoIncrement;
@Index(unique: true, replace: false)
final String walletId;
final String name;
final WalletType walletType;
final AddressType mainAddressType;
/// Only exposed for Isar. Use the [cachedBalance] getter.
// Only exposed for isar as Amount cannot be stored in isar easily
final String? cachedBalanceString;
/// Only exposed for Isar. Use the [coin] getter.
// Only exposed for isar to avoid dealing with storing enums as Coin can change
final String coinName;
final bool isFavourite;
/// User set favourites ordering. No restrictions are placed on uniqueness.
/// Reordering logic in the ui code should ensure this is unique.
final int favouriteOrderIndex;
/// Wallets without this flag set to true should be deleted on next app run
/// and should not be displayed in the ui.
final bool isMnemonicVerified;
/// The highest block height the wallet has scanned.
final int cachedChainHeight;
/// Wallet creation chain height. Applies to select coin only.
final int creationHeight;
/// Wallet restore chain height. Applies to select coin only.
final int restoreHeight;
Coin get coin => Coin.values.byName(coinName);
Balance get cachedBalance {
if (cachedBalanceString == null) {
return Balance.zeroForCoin(coin: coin);
} else {
return Balance.fromJson(cachedBalanceString!, coin.decimals);
required this.coinName,
required this.walletId,
required this.walletType,
required this.mainAddressType,
this.isFavourite = false,
this.favouriteOrderIndex = 0,
this.cachedChainHeight = 0,
this.creationHeight = 0,
this.restoreHeight = 0,
this.isMnemonicVerified = false,
}) : assert( =>,
WalletInfo copyWith({
String? coinName,
String? name,
bool? isFavourite,
int? favouriteOrderIndex,
int? cachedChainHeight,
int? creationHeight,
int? restoreHeight,
bool? isMnemonicVerified,
String? cachedBalanceString,
}) {
return WalletInfo(
coinName: coinName ?? this.coinName,
walletId: walletId,
name: name ??,
walletType: walletType,
mainAddressType: mainAddressType,
isFavourite: isFavourite ?? this.isFavourite,
favouriteOrderIndex: favouriteOrderIndex ?? this.favouriteOrderIndex,
cachedChainHeight: cachedChainHeight ?? this.cachedChainHeight,
creationHeight: creationHeight ?? this.creationHeight,
restoreHeight: restoreHeight ?? this.restoreHeight,
isMnemonicVerified: isMnemonicVerified ?? this.isMnemonicVerified,
cachedBalanceString: cachedBalanceString ?? this.cachedBalanceString,
) = id;
@Deprecated("Legacy support")
factory WalletInfo.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> jsonObject,
WalletType walletType, AddressType mainAddressType) {
final coin = Coin.values.byName(jsonObject["coin"] as String);
return WalletInfo(
walletId: jsonObject["id"] as String,
name: jsonObject["name"] as String,
walletType: walletType,
mainAddressType: mainAddressType,
@Deprecated("Legacy support")
Map<String, String> toMap() {
return {
"name": name,
"id": walletId,
@Deprecated("Legacy support")
String toJsonString() {
return jsonEncode(toMap());
String toString() {
return "WalletInfo: ${toJsonString()}";
// Used in Isar db and stored there as int indexes so adding/removing values
// in this definition should be done extremely carefully in production
enum WalletType {