
331 lines
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2023-07-26 18:07:30 +00:00
import 'package:stackwallet/services/cashfusion/fusion.dart';
import 'package:pointycastle/ecc/api.dart';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:crypto/crypto.dart' as crypto;
import 'protocol.dart';
import 'fusion.pb.dart';
import 'dart:convert';
class Address {
String addr = "";
Address({required this.addr}); // Constructor updated to accept addr as a named parameter
Address._create({required this.addr});
static Address fromScriptPubKey(List<int> scriptPubKey) {
// This is just a placeholder code
String addr = ""; // This should be computed from the scriptPubKey
return Address(addr: addr);
// Public constructor for testing
static Address fromString(String address) {
return Address._create(addr: address);
List<int> toScript() {
return [];
class Tuple<T1, T2> {
T1 item1;
T2 item2;
Tuple(this.item1, this.item2);
set setItem1(T1 value) {
this.item1 = value;
set setItem2(T2 value) {
this.item2 = value;
class Util {
static Uint8List hexToBytes(String hex) {
var result = new Uint8List(hex.length ~/ 2);
for (var i = 0; i < hex.length; i += 2) {
var byte = int.parse(hex.substring(i, i + 2), radix: 16);
result[i ~/ 2] = byte;
return result;
static void checkInputElectrumX(InputComponent inputComponent) {
// Implementation needed here
static int randPosition(Uint8List seed, int numPositions, int counter) {
// counter to bytes
var counterBytes = Uint8List(4);
var counterByteData = ByteData.sublistView(counterBytes);
counterByteData.setInt32(0, counter, Endian.big);
// hash the seed and counter
var digest = crypto.sha256.convert([...seed, ...counterBytes]);
// take the first 8 bytes
var first8Bytes = digest.bytes.take(8).toList();
var int64 = ByteData.sublistView(Uint8List.fromList(first8Bytes)).getUint64(0, Endian.big);
// perform the modulo operation
return ((int64 * numPositions) >> 64).toInt();
static List<String> pubkeysFromPrivkey(String privkey) {
// This is a placeholder implementation.
return ['public_key1_dummy', 'public_key2_dummy'];
static int dustLimit(int length) {
// This is a dummy implementation.
return 500;
static Address getAddressFromOutputScript(Uint8List scriptpubkey) {
// Dummy implementation...
// Throw exception if this is not a standard P2PKH address!
return Address.fromString('dummy_address');
static bool schnorrVerify(ECPoint pubkey, List<int> signature, Uint8List messageHash) {
// Implementation needed: actual Schnorr signature verification
return true;
static String formatSatoshis(sats, {int numZeros=8}) {
// To implement
return "";
static void updateWalletLabel(String txid, String label) {
// Call the wallet layer.
static Uint8List getRandomBytes(int length) {
final rand =;
final bytes = Uint8List(length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
bytes[i] = rand.nextInt(256);
return bytes;
static List<List<T>> zip<T>(List<T> list1, List<T> list2) {
int length = min(list1.length, list2.length);
return List<List<T>>.generate(length, (i) => [list1[i], list2[i]]);
static List<int> calcInitialHash(int tier, Uint8List covertDomainB, int covertPort, bool covertSsl, double beginTime) {
// Converting int to bytes in BigEndian order
var tierBytes = ByteData(8)..setInt64(0, tier, Endian.big);
var covertPortBytes = ByteData(4)..setInt32(0, covertPort, Endian.big);
var beginTimeBytes = ByteData(8)..setInt64(0, beginTime.toInt(), Endian.big);
// Define constants
const version = Protocol.VERSION;
const cashFusionSession = "Cash Fusion Session";
// Creating the list of bytes
List<int> elements = [];
elements.add(covertSsl ? 1 : 0);
// Hashing the concatenated elements
var digest = crypto.sha256.convert(elements);
return digest.bytes;
static List<int> calcRoundHash(List<int> lastHash, List<int> roundPubkey, int roundTime, List<List<int>> allCommitments, List<List<int>> allComponents) {
return listHash([
utf8.encode('Cash Fusion Round'),
static List<int> listHash(Iterable<List<int>> iterable) {
var bytes = <int>[];
for (var x in iterable) {
var length = ByteData(4)..setUint32(0, x.length, Endian.big);
return crypto.sha256.convert(bytes).bytes;
static Uint8List get_current_genesis_hash() {
var GENESIS = "000000000019d6689c085ae165831e934ff763ae46a2a6c172b3f1b60a8ce26f";
var _lastGenesisHash = hexToBytes(GENESIS).reversed.toList();
return Uint8List.fromList(_lastGenesisHash);
static List<Address> unreserve_change_address(Address addr) {
//implement later based on wallet.
return [];
static List<Address> reserve_change_addresses(int number_addresses) {
//implement later based on wallet.
return [];
static bool walletHasTransaction(String txid) {
// implement later based on wallet.
return true;
static Uint8List bigIntToBytes(BigInt bigInt) {
return Uint8List.fromList(bigInt.toRadixString(16).padLeft(32, '0').codeUnits);
static Tuple<Uint8List, Uint8List> genKeypair() {
var params = ECDomainParameters('secp256k1');
var privKeyBigInt = _generatePrivateKey(params.n.bitLength);
var pubKeyPoint = params.G * privKeyBigInt;
if (pubKeyPoint == null) {
throw Exception("Error generating public key.");
Uint8List privKey = bigIntToBytes(privKeyBigInt);
Uint8List pubKey = pubKeyPoint.getEncoded(true);
return Tuple(privKey, pubKey);
// Generates a cryptographically secure private key
static BigInt _generatePrivateKey(int bitLength) {
final random =;
var bytes = bitLength ~/ 8; // floor division
var remBit = bitLength % 8;
// Generate random BigInt
List<int> rnd = List<int>.generate(bytes, (_) => random.nextInt(256));
var rndBit = random.nextInt(1 << remBit);
var privateKey = BigInt.parse( => x.toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0')).join(), radix: 16);
return privateKey;
// Additional helper function to convert bytes to hex
static String bytesToHex(Uint8List bytes) {
return => byte.toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0')).join();
static BigInt bytesToBigInt(Uint8List bytes) {
String hexString = bytesToHex(bytes);
return BigInt.parse(hexString, radix: 16);
static Uint8List sha256(Uint8List bytes) {
crypto.Digest digest = crypto.sha256.convert(bytes);
return Uint8List.fromList(digest.bytes);
static Uint8List tokenBytes([int nbytes = 32]) {
final Random _random =;
return Uint8List.fromList(List<int>.generate(nbytes, (i) => _random.nextInt(256)));
static int componentFee(int size, int feerate) {
// feerate in sat/kB
// size and feerate should both be integer
// fee is always rounded up
return ((size * feerate) + 999) ~/ 1000;
static ECPoint ser_to_point(Uint8List serializedPoint, ECDomainParameters params) {
var point = params.curve.decodePoint(serializedPoint);
if (point == null) {
throw FormatException('Point decoding failed');
return point;
static Uint8List point_to_ser(ECPoint point, bool compress) {
return point.getEncoded(compress);
static BigInt secureRandomBigInt(int bitLength) {
final random =;
final bytes = (bitLength + 7) ~/ 8; // ceil division
final Uint8List randomBytes = Uint8List(bytes);
for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {
randomBytes[i] = random.nextInt(256);
BigInt randomNumber = BigInt.parse( => e.toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0')).join(), radix: 16);
return randomNumber;
static ECPoint combinePubKeys(List<ECPoint> pubKeys) {
if (pubKeys.isEmpty) throw ArgumentError('pubKeys cannot be empty');
ECPoint combined = pubKeys.first.curve.infinity!;
for (var pubKey in pubKeys) {
combined = (combined + pubKey)!;
if (combined.isInfinity) {
throw Exception('Combined point is at infinity');
return combined;
static bool isPointOnCurve(ECPoint point, ECCurve curve) {
var x = point.x!.toBigInteger()!;
var y = point.y!.toBigInteger()!;
var a = curve.a!.toBigInteger()!;
var b = curve.b!.toBigInteger()!;
// Calculate the left and right sides of the equation
var left = y * y;
var right = (x * x * x) + (a * x) + b;
// Check if the point is on the curve
return left == right;