2022-12-16 22:31:13 +00:00
import ' dart:convert ' ;
import ' package:http/http.dart ' as http ;
class Paynym {
static const String baseURL = " https://paynym.is/api " ;
static const String version = " /v1 " ;
Future < Map < String , dynamic > > _post (
String endpoint ,
Map < String , dynamic > body , [
Map < String , String > additionalHeaders = const { } ,
] ) async {
String url = baseURL +
version +
( endpoint . startsWith ( " / " ) ? endpoint : " / $ endpoint " ) ;
final uri = Uri . parse ( url ) ;
final response = await http . post (
uri ,
headers: {
' Content-Type ' : ' application/json; charset=UTF-8 ' ,
} . . addAll ( additionalHeaders ) ,
body: jsonEncode ( body ) ,
) ;
// print("response code: ${response.statusCode}");
return jsonDecode ( response . body ) as Map < String , dynamic > ;
// ### `/api/v1/create`
// Create a new PayNym entry in the database.
// **Request**
// ```json
// POST /api/v1/create
// content-type: application/json
// {
// "code":"PM8T..."
// }
// ```
// | Value | Key |
// | ----- | -------------------- |
// | code | A valid payment code |
// **Response** (201)
// ```json
// {
// "claimed": false,
// "nymID": "v9pJm...",
// "nymName": "snowysea",
// "segwit": true,
// "token": "IlBNOF...",
// }
// ```
// | Code | Meaning |
// | ---- | --------------------------- |
// | 201 | PayNym created successfully |
// | 200 | PayNym already exists |
// | 400 | Bad request |
// ------
Future < Map < String , dynamic > > create ( String code ) async {
return _post ( " /create " , { " code " : code } ) ;
// ### `/api/v1/token`
// Update the verification token in the database. A token is valid for 24 hours and only for a single authenticated call. The payment code must be in the database or the request will return `404`
// **Request**
// ```json
// POST /api/v1/token/
// content-type: application/json
// {"code":"PM8T..."}
// ```
// | Value | Key |
// | ----- | -------------------- |
// | code | A valid payment code |
// **Response** (200)
// ```json
// {
// "token": "DP7S3w..."
// }
// ```
// | Code | Meaning |
// | ---- | ------------------------------ |
// | 200 | Token was successfully updated |
// | 404 | Payment code was not found |
// | 400 | Bad request |
// ------
Future < Map < String , dynamic > > token ( String code ) async {
return _post ( " /token " , { " code " : code } ) ;
// ### `/api/v1/nym`
// Returns all known information about a PayNym account including any other payment codes associated with this Nym.
// **Request**
// ```json
// POST /api/v1/nym/
// content-type: application/json
// {"nym":"PM8T..."}
// ```
// | Value | Key |
// | ----- | ---------------------------------------- |
// | nym | A valid payment `code`, `nymID`, or `nymName` |
// **Response** (200)
// ```json
// {
// "codes": [
// {
// "claimed": true,
// "segwit": true,
// "code": "PM8T..."
// }
// ],
// "followers": [
// {
// "nymId": "5iEpU..."
// }
// ],
// "following": [],
// "nymID": "wXGgdC...",
// "nymName": "littlevoice"
// }
// ```
// If the `compact=true` parameter is added to the URL, follower and following will not returned. This can achieve faster requests.
// | Code | Meaning |
// | ---- | ---------------------- |
// | 200 | Nym found and returned |
// | 404 | Nym not found |
// | 400 | Bad request |
Future < Map < String , dynamic > > nym ( String code ) async {
return _post ( " /nym " , { " code " : code } ) ;
// ## Authenticated Requests
// ### Making authenticated requests
// 1. Set an `auth-token` header containing the `token`
// 2. Sign the `token` with the private key of the notification address of the primary payment code
// 3. Add the `signature` to the body of the request.
// 4. A token can only be used once per authenticated request. A new `token` will be returned in the response of a successful authenticated request
// ### `/api/v1/claim`
// Claim ownership of a payment code added to a newly created PayNym identity.
// **Request**
// ```json
// POST /api/v1/claim
// content-type: application/json
// auth-token: IlBNOFRKWmt...
// {"signature":"..."}
// ```
// | Value | Key |
// | --------- | ---------------------------------------- |
// | signature | The `token` signed by the BIP47 notification address |
// **Response** (200)
// ```json
// {
// "claimed" : "PM8T...",
// "token" : "IlBNOFRKSmt..."
// }
// ```
// | Code | Meaning |
// | ---- | --------------------------------- |
// | 200 | Payment code successfully claimed |
// | 400 | Bad request |
// ------
Future < Map < String , dynamic > > claim ( String token , String signature ) async {
2022-12-16 23:45:08 +00:00
return _post ( " /claim " , { " signature " : signature } , { " auth-token " : token } ) ;
2022-12-16 22:31:13 +00:00
// ### `/api/v1/follow`
// Follow another PayNym account.
// **Request**
// ```json
// POST /api/v1/follow/
// content-type: application/json
// auth-token: IlBNOFRKWmt...
// {
// "target": "wXGgdC...",
// "signature":"..."
// }
// ```
// | Key | Value |
// | --------- | ---------------------------------------- |
// | target | The payment code to follow |
// | signature | The `token` signed by the BIP47 notification address |
// **Response** (200)
// ```json
// {
// "follower": "5iEpU...",
// "following": "wXGgdC...",
// "token" : "IlBNOFRKSmt..."
// }
// ```
// | Code | Meaning |
// | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
// | 200 | Added to followers |
// | 404 | Payment code not found |
// | 400 | Bad request |
// | 401 | Unauthorized token or signature or Unclaimed payment code |
// ------
Future < Map < String , dynamic > > follow (
String token ,
String signature ,
String target ,
) async {
return _post (
2022-12-16 23:45:08 +00:00
" /follow " ,
2022-12-16 22:31:13 +00:00
" target " : target ,
" signature " : signature ,
} ,
" auth-token " : token ,
} ,
) ;
// ### `/api/v1/unfollow`
// Unfollow another PayNym account.
// **Request**
// ```json
// POST /api/v1/unfollow/
// content-type: application/json
// auth-token: IlBNOFRKWmt...
// {
// "target": "wXGgdC...",
// "signature":"..."
// }
// ```
// | Key | Value |
// | --------- | ---------------------------------------- |
// | target | The payment code to unfollow |
// | signature | The `token` signed by the BIP47 notification address |
// **Response** (200)
// ```json
// {
// "follower": "5iEpU...",
// "unfollowing": "wXGgdC...",
// "token" : "IlBNOFRKSmt..."
// }
// ```
// | Code | Meaning |
// | ---- | ---------------------------------------- |
// | 200 | Unfollowed successfully |
// | 404 | Payment code not found |
// | 400 | Bad request |
// | 401 | Unauthorized token or signature or Unclaimed payment code |
// ------
Future < Map < String , dynamic > > unfollow (
String token ,
String signature ,
String target ,
) async {
return _post (
2022-12-16 23:45:08 +00:00
" /unfollow " ,
2022-12-16 22:31:13 +00:00
" target " : target ,
" signature " : signature ,
} ,
" auth-token " : token ,
} ,
) ;
// ### `/api/v1/nym/add`
// Add a new payment code to an existing Nym
// **Request**
// ```json
// POST /api/v1/nym/add
// content-type: application/json
// auth-token: IlBNOFRKWmt...
// {
// "nym": "wXGgdC...",
// "code":"PM8T...",
// "signature":"..."
// }
// ```
// | Key | Value |
// | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
// | nym | A valid payment `code`, `nymID`, or `nymName` |
// | code | A valid payment code |
// | signature | The `token` signed by the BIP47 notification address of the primary payment code. |
// **Response** (200)
// ```json
// {
// "code":"PM8T...",
// "segwit": true,
// "token" : "IlBNOFRKSmt..."
// }
// ```
// | Code | Meaning |
// | ---- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
// | 200 | Nym updated successfully |
// | 404 | Nym not found |
// | 400 | Bad request |
// | 401 | Unauthorized token or signature or Unclaimed payment code |
// ------
Future < Map < String , dynamic > > add (
String token ,
String signature ,
String nym ,
String code ,
) async {
return _post (
2022-12-16 23:45:08 +00:00
" /add " ,
2022-12-16 22:31:13 +00:00
" nym " : nym ,
" code " : code ,
" signature " : signature ,
} ,
" auth-token " : token ,
} ,
) ;