Luke Parker e05b77d830
Support multiple key shares per validator (#416)
* Update the coordinator to give key shares based on weight, not based on existence

Participants are now identified by their starting index. While this compiles,
the following is unimplemented:

1) A conversion for DKG `i` values. It assumes the threshold `i` values used
will be identical for the MuSig signature used to confirm the DKG.
2) Expansion from compressed values to full values before forwarding to the

* Add a fn to the DkgConfirmer to convert `i` values as needed

Also removes TODOs regarding Serai ensuring validator key uniqueness +
validity. The current infra achieves both.

* Have the Tributary DB track participation by shares, not by count

* Prevent a node from obtaining 34% of the maximum amount of key shares

This is actually mainly intended to set a bound on message sizes in the
coordinator. Message sizes are amplified by the amount of key shares held, so
setting an upper bound on said amount lets it determine constants. While that
upper bound could be 150, that'd be unreasonable and increase the potential for
DoS attacks.

* Correct the mechanism to detect if sufficient accumulation has occured

It used to check if the latest accumulation hit the required threshold. Now,
accumulations may jump past the required threshold. The required mechanism is
to check the threshold wasn't prior met and is now met.

* Finish updating the coordinator to handle a multiple key share per validator environment

* Adjust stategy re: preventing noce reuse in DKG Confirmer

* Add TODOs regarding dropped transactions, add possible TODO fix

* Update tests/coordinator

This doesn't add new multi-key-share tests, it solely updates the existing
single key-share tests to compile and run, with the necessary fixes to the

* Update processor key_gen to handle generating multiple key shares at once

* Update SubstrateSigner

* Update signer, clippy

* Update processor tests

* Update processor docker tests
2023-11-04 19:26:13 -04:00

207 lines
8.5 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use zeroize::Zeroizing;
use rand_core::SeedableRng;
use rand_chacha::ChaCha20Rng;
use transcript::{Transcript, RecommendedTranscript};
use ciphersuite::{Ciphersuite, Ristretto};
use frost::{
dkg::{Participant, musig::musig},
use frost_schnorrkel::Schnorrkel;
use serai_client::validator_sets::primitives::{KeyPair, musig_context, set_keys_message};
use crate::tributary::TributarySpec;
The following confirms the results of the DKG performed by the Processors onto Substrate.
This is done by a signature over the generated key pair by the validators' MuSig-aggregated
public key. The MuSig-aggregation achieves on-chain efficiency and prevents on-chain censorship
of individual validator's DKG results by the Serai validator set.
Since we're using the validators public keys, as needed for their being the root of trust, the
coordinator must perform the signing. This is distinct from all other group-signing operations
which are generally done by the processor.
Instead of maintaining state, the following rebuilds the full state on every call. This is deemed
acceptable re: performance as:
1) The DKG confirmation is only done upon the start of the Tributary.
2) This is an O(n) algorithm.
3) The size of the validator set is bounded by MAX_KEY_SHARES_PER_SET.
Accordingly, this should be infrequently ran and of tolerable algorithmic complexity.
As for safety, it is explicitly unsafe to reuse nonces across signing sessions. This is in
contradiction with our rebuilding which is dependent on deterministic nonces. Safety is derived
from the deterministic nonces being context-bound under a BFT protocol. The flow is as follows:
1) Derive a deterministic nonce by hashing the private key, Tributary parameters, and attempt.
2) Publish the nonces' commitments, receiving everyone elses *and the DKG shares determining the
message to be signed*.
3) Sign and publish the signature share.
In order for nonce re-use to occur, the received nonce commitments, or the received DKG shares,
would have to be distinct and sign would have to be called again.
Before we act on any received messages, they're ordered and finalized by a BFT algorithm. The
only way to operate on distinct received messages would be if:
1) A logical flaw exists, letting new messages over write prior messages
2) A reorganization occured from chain A to chain B, and with it, different messages
Reorganizations are not supported, as BFT is assumed by the presence of a BFT algorithm. While
a significant amount of processes may be byzantine, leading to BFT being broken, that still will
not trigger a reorganization. The only way to move to a distinct chain, with distinct messages,
would be by rebuilding the local process entirely (this time following chain B).
Accordingly, safety follows if:
1) The local view of received messages is static
2) The local process doesn't rebuild after a byzantine fault produces multiple blockchains
We assume the former. We can prevent the latter (TODO) by:
1) Defining a per-build entropy, used so long as a DB is used.
2) Checking the initially used commitments for the DKG align with the per-build entropy.
If a rebuild occurs, which is the only way we could follow a distinct blockchain, our entropy
will change (preventing nonce reuse).
This will allow a validator to still participate in DKGs within a single build, even if they have
spontaneous reboots, and on collapse triggering a rebuild, they don't lose safety.
TODO: We also need to review how we're handling Processor preprocesses and likely implement the
same on-chain-preprocess-matches-presumed-preprocess check before publishing shares.
pub(crate) struct DkgConfirmer;
impl DkgConfirmer {
// Convert the passed in HashMap, which uses the validators' start index for their `s` threshold
// shares, to the indexes needed for MuSig
fn from_threshold_i_to_musig_i(
spec: &TributarySpec,
mut old_map: HashMap<Participant, Vec<u8>>,
) -> HashMap<Participant, Vec<u8>> {
let mut new_map = HashMap::new();
for (new_i, validator) in spec.validators().into_iter().enumerate() {
let threshold_i = spec.i(validator.0).unwrap();
if let Some(value) = old_map.remove(&threshold_i.start) {
new_map.insert(Participant::new(u16::try_from(new_i + 1).unwrap()).unwrap(), value);
fn preprocess_internal(
spec: &TributarySpec,
key: &Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
attempt: u32,
) -> (AlgorithmSignMachine<Ristretto, Schnorrkel>, [u8; 64]) {
let validators = spec.validators().iter().map(|val| val.0).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let context = musig_context(spec.set());
let mut chacha = ChaCha20Rng::from_seed({
let mut entropy_transcript = RecommendedTranscript::new(b"DkgConfirmer Entropy");
entropy_transcript.append_message(b"spec", spec.serialize());
entropy_transcript.append_message(b"key", Zeroizing::new(key.to_bytes()));
entropy_transcript.append_message(b"attempt", attempt.to_le_bytes());
let (machine, preprocess) = AlgorithmMachine::new(
musig(&context, key, &validators)
.expect("confirming the DKG for a set we aren't in/validator present multiple times")
.preprocess(&mut chacha);
(machine, preprocess.serialize().try_into().unwrap())
// Get the preprocess for this confirmation.
pub(crate) fn preprocess(
spec: &TributarySpec,
key: &Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
attempt: u32,
) -> [u8; 64] {
Self::preprocess_internal(spec, key, attempt).1
fn share_internal(
spec: &TributarySpec,
key: &Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
attempt: u32,
preprocesses: HashMap<Participant, Vec<u8>>,
key_pair: &KeyPair,
) -> Result<(AlgorithmSignatureMachine<Ristretto, Schnorrkel>, [u8; 32]), Participant> {
let machine = Self::preprocess_internal(spec, key, attempt).0;
let preprocesses = Self::from_threshold_i_to_musig_i(spec, preprocesses)
.map(|(p, preprocess)| {
.read_preprocess(&mut preprocess.as_slice())
.map(|preprocess| (p, preprocess))
.map_err(|_| p)
.collect::<Result<HashMap<_, _>, _>>()?;
let (machine, share) = machine
.sign(preprocesses, &set_keys_message(&spec.set(), key_pair))
.map_err(|e| match e {
FrostError::InternalError(e) => unreachable!("FrostError::InternalError {e}"),
FrostError::InvalidParticipant(_, _) |
FrostError::InvalidSigningSet(_) |
FrostError::InvalidParticipantQuantity(_, _) |
FrostError::DuplicatedParticipant(_) |
FrostError::MissingParticipant(_) => unreachable!("{e:?}"),
FrostError::InvalidPreprocess(p) | FrostError::InvalidShare(p) => p,
Ok((machine, share.serialize().try_into().unwrap()))
// Get the share for this confirmation, if the preprocesses are valid.
pub(crate) fn share(
spec: &TributarySpec,
key: &Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
attempt: u32,
preprocesses: HashMap<Participant, Vec<u8>>,
key_pair: &KeyPair,
) -> Result<[u8; 32], Participant> {
Self::share_internal(spec, key, attempt, preprocesses, key_pair).map(|(_, share)| share)
pub(crate) fn complete(
spec: &TributarySpec,
key: &Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
attempt: u32,
preprocesses: HashMap<Participant, Vec<u8>>,
key_pair: &KeyPair,
shares: HashMap<Participant, Vec<u8>>,
) -> Result<[u8; 64], Participant> {
let machine = Self::share_internal(spec, key, attempt, preprocesses, key_pair)
.expect("trying to complete a machine which failed to preprocess")
let shares = Self::from_threshold_i_to_musig_i(spec, shares)
.map(|(p, share)| {
machine.read_share(&mut share.as_slice()).map(|share| (p, share)).map_err(|_| p)
.collect::<Result<HashMap<_, _>, _>>()?;
let signature = machine.complete(shares).map_err(|e| match e {
FrostError::InternalError(e) => unreachable!("FrostError::InternalError {e}"),
FrostError::InvalidParticipant(_, _) |
FrostError::InvalidSigningSet(_) |
FrostError::InvalidParticipantQuantity(_, _) |
FrostError::DuplicatedParticipant(_) |
FrostError::MissingParticipant(_) => unreachable!("{e:?}"),
FrostError::InvalidPreprocess(p) | FrostError::InvalidShare(p) => p,