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synced 2025-02-03 03:36:35 +00:00
Implements most of #297 to the point I'm fine closing it. The solution implemented is distinct than originally designed, yet much simpler. Since we have a fully-linear view of created transactions, we don't have to per-output track operating costs incurred by that output. We can track it across the entire Serai system, without hooking into the Eventuality system. Also updates documentation.
652 lines
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652 lines
24 KiB
use std::{sync::RwLock, time::Duration, collections::HashMap};
use zeroize::{Zeroize, Zeroizing};
use transcript::{Transcript, RecommendedTranscript};
use ciphersuite::{group::GroupEncoding, Ciphersuite};
use log::{info, warn};
use tokio::time::sleep;
use serai_client::{
primitives::{BlockHash, NetworkId},
validator_sets::primitives::{ValidatorSet, KeyPair},
use messages::{coordinator::PlanMeta, CoordinatorMessage};
use serai_env as env;
use message_queue::{Service, client::MessageQueue};
mod plan;
pub use plan::*;
mod networks;
use networks::{Block, Network, get_latest_block_number, get_block};
#[cfg(feature = "bitcoin")]
use networks::Bitcoin;
#[cfg(feature = "monero")]
use networks::Monero;
mod additional_key;
pub use additional_key::additional_key;
mod db;
pub use db::*;
mod coordinator;
pub use coordinator::*;
mod key_gen;
use key_gen::{KeyConfirmed, KeyGen};
mod signer;
use signer::{SignerEvent, Signer};
mod substrate_signer;
use substrate_signer::{SubstrateSignerEvent, SubstrateSigner};
mod multisigs;
use multisigs::{MultisigEvent, MultisigManager};
mod tests;
// Items which are mutably borrowed by Tributary.
// Any exceptions to this have to be carefully monitored in order to ensure consistency isn't
// violated.
struct TributaryMutable<N: Network, D: Db> {
// The following are actually mutably borrowed by Substrate as well.
// - Substrate triggers key gens, and determines which to use.
// - SubstrateBlock events cause scheduling which causes signing.
// This is still considered Tributary-mutable as most mutation (preprocesses/shares) happens by
// the Tributary.
// Creation of tasks is by Substrate, yet this is safe since the mutable borrow is transferred to
// Tributary.
// Tributary stops mutating a key gen attempt before Substrate is made aware of it, ensuring
// Tributary drops its mutable borrow before Substrate acquires it. Tributary will maintain a
// mutable borrow on the *key gen task*, yet the finalization code can successfully run for any
// attempt.
// The only other note is how the scanner may cause a signer task to be dropped, effectively
// invalidating the Tributary's mutable borrow. The signer is coded to allow for attempted usage
// of a dropped task.
key_gen: KeyGen<N, D>,
signers: HashMap<Vec<u8>, Signer<N, D>>,
// This is also mutably borrowed by the Scanner.
// The Scanner starts new sign tasks.
// The Tributary mutates already-created signed tasks, potentially completing them.
// Substrate may mark tasks as completed, invalidating any existing mutable borrows.
// The safety of this follows as written above.
// There should only be one SubstrateSigner at a time (see #277)
substrate_signer: Option<SubstrateSigner<D>>,
// Items which are mutably borrowed by Substrate.
// Any exceptions to this have to be carefully monitored in order to ensure consistency isn't
// violated.
The MultisigManager contains the Scanner and Schedulers.
The scanner is expected to autonomously operate, scanning blocks as they appear. When a block is
sufficiently confirmed, the scanner causes the Substrate signer to sign a batch. It itself only
mutates its list of finalized blocks, to protect against re-orgs, and its in-memory state though.
Disk mutations to the scan-state only happens once the relevant `Batch` is included on Substrate.
It can't be mutated as soon as the `Batch` is signed as we need to know the order of `Batch`s
relevant to `Burn`s.
Schedulers take in new outputs, confirmed in `Batch`s, and outbound payments, triggered by
Substrate also decides when to move to a new multisig, hence why this entire object is
Since MultisigManager should always be verifiable, and the Tributary is temporal, MultisigManager
being entirely SubstrateMutable shows proper data pipe-lining.
type SubstrateMutable<N, D> = MultisigManager<D, N>;
async fn handle_coordinator_msg<D: Db, N: Network, Co: Coordinator>(
txn: &mut D::Transaction<'_>,
network: &N,
coordinator: &mut Co,
tributary_mutable: &mut TributaryMutable<N, D>,
substrate_mutable: &mut SubstrateMutable<N, D>,
msg: &Message,
) {
// If this message expects a higher block number than we have, halt until synced
async fn wait<N: Network, D: Db>(
txn: &D::Transaction<'_>,
substrate_mutable: &SubstrateMutable<N, D>,
block_hash: &BlockHash,
) {
let mut needed_hash = <N::Block as Block<N>>::Id::default();
loop {
// Ensure our scanner has scanned this block, which means our daemon has this block at
// a sufficient depth
if substrate_mutable.block_number(txn, &needed_hash).await.is_none() {
"node is desynced. we haven't scanned {} which should happen after {} confirms",
// TODO2: Sanity check we got an AckBlock (or this is the AckBlock) for the block in question
let synced = |context: &SubstrateContext, key| -> Result<(), ()> {
// Check that we've synced this block and can actually operate on it ourselves
let latest = scanner.latest_scanned(key);
if usize::try_from(context.network_latest_finalized_block).unwrap() < latest {
"external network node disconnected/desynced from rest of the network. \
our block: {latest:?}, network's acknowledged: {}",
if let Some(required) = msg.msg.required_block() {
// wait only reads from, it doesn't mutate, substrate_mutable
wait(txn, substrate_mutable, &required).await;
async fn activate_key<N: Network, D: Db>(
network: &N,
substrate_mutable: &mut SubstrateMutable<N, D>,
tributary_mutable: &mut TributaryMutable<N, D>,
txn: &mut D::Transaction<'_>,
set: ValidatorSet,
key_pair: KeyPair,
activation_number: usize,
) {
info!("activating {set:?}'s keys at {activation_number}");
let network_key = <N as Network>::Curve::read_G::<&[u8]>(&mut key_pair.1.as_ref())
.expect("Substrate finalized invalid point as a network's key");
if tributary_mutable.key_gen.in_set(&set) {
// See TributaryMutable's struct definition for why this block is safe
let KeyConfirmed { substrate_keys, network_keys } =
tributary_mutable.key_gen.confirm(txn, set, key_pair.clone()).await;
if set.session.0 == 0 {
tributary_mutable.substrate_signer = Some(SubstrateSigner::new(N::NETWORK, substrate_keys));
.insert(key_pair.1.into(), Signer::new(network.clone(), network_keys));
substrate_mutable.add_key(txn, activation_number, network_key).await;
match msg.msg.clone() {
CoordinatorMessage::KeyGen(msg) => {
coordinator.send(tributary_mutable.key_gen.handle(txn, msg).await).await;
CoordinatorMessage::Sign(msg) => {
.expect("coordinator told us to sign with a signer we don't have")
.handle(txn, msg)
CoordinatorMessage::Coordinator(msg) => {
"coordinator told us to sign a batch when we don't have a Substrate signer at this time",
.handle(txn, msg)
CoordinatorMessage::Substrate(msg) => {
match msg {
messages::substrate::CoordinatorMessage::ConfirmKeyPair { context, set, key_pair } => {
// This is the first key pair for this network so no block has been finalized yet
// TODO: Write documentation for this in docs/
// TODO: Use an Option instead of a magic?
if context.network_latest_finalized_block.0 == [0; 32] {
// We can't check this as existing is no longer pub
// assert!(substrate_mutable.existing.as_ref().is_none());
// Wait until a network's block's time exceeds Serai's time
// If the latest block number is 10, then the block indexed by 1 has 10 confirms
// 10 + 1 - 10 = 1
let mut block_i;
while {
block_i =
(get_latest_block_number(network).await + 1).saturating_sub(N::CONFIRMATIONS);
get_block(network, block_i).await.time() < context.serai_time
} {
"serai confirmed the first key pair for a set. {} {}",
"we're waiting for a network's finalized block's time to exceed unix time ",
// Find the first block to do so
let mut earliest = block_i;
// earliest > 0 prevents a panic if Serai creates keys before the genesis block
// which... should be impossible
// Yet a prevented panic is a prevented panic
while (earliest > 0) &&
(get_block(network, earliest - 1).await.time() >= context.serai_time)
earliest -= 1;
// Use this as the activation block
let activation_number = earliest;
} else {
let mut block_before_queue_block = <N::Block as Block<N>>::Id::default();
// We can't set these keys for activation until we know their queue block, which we
// won't until the next Batch is confirmed
// Set this variable so when we get the next Batch event, we can handle it
MainDb::<N, D>::set_pending_activation(txn, block_before_queue_block, set, key_pair);
messages::substrate::CoordinatorMessage::SubstrateBlock {
network: network_id,
block: substrate_block,
} => {
assert_eq!(network_id, N::NETWORK, "coordinator sent us data for another network");
if let Some((block, set, key_pair)) = MainDb::<N, D>::pending_activation(txn) {
// Only run if this is a Batch belonging to a distinct block
if context.network_latest_finalized_block.as_ref() != block.as_ref() {
let mut queue_block = <N::Block as Block<N>>::Id::default();
let activation_number = substrate_mutable
.block_number(txn, &queue_block)
.expect("KeyConfirmed from context we haven't synced") +
MainDb::<N, D>::clear_pending_activation(txn);
// Since this block was acknowledged, we no longer have to sign the batches for it
if let Some(substrate_signer) = tributary_mutable.substrate_signer.as_mut() {
for batch_id in batches {
substrate_signer.batch_signed(txn, batch_id);
let (acquired_lock, to_sign) =
substrate_mutable.substrate_block(txn, network, context, burns).await;
// Send SubstrateBlockAck, with relevant plan IDs, before we trigger the signing of these
// plans
if !tributary_mutable.signers.is_empty() {
.send(messages::coordinator::ProcessorMessage::SubstrateBlockAck {
network: N::NETWORK,
block: substrate_block,
plans: to_sign
.map(|signable| PlanMeta {
key: signable.0.to_bytes().as_ref().to_vec(),
id: signable.1,
// See commentary in TributaryMutable for why this is safe
let signers = &mut tributary_mutable.signers;
for (key, id, tx, eventuality) in to_sign {
if let Some(signer) = signers.get_mut(key.to_bytes().as_ref()) {
signer.sign_transaction(txn, id, tx, eventuality).await;
// This is not premature, even if this block had multiple `Batch`s created, as the first
// `Batch` alone will trigger all Plans/Eventualities/Signs
if acquired_lock {
async fn boot<N: Network, D: Db>(
raw_db: &mut D,
network: &N,
) -> (MainDb<N, D>, TributaryMutable<N, D>, SubstrateMutable<N, D>) {
let mut entropy_transcript = {
let entropy = Zeroizing::new(env::var("ENTROPY").expect("entropy wasn't specified"));
if entropy.len() != 64 {
panic!("entropy isn't the right length");
let mut bytes =
Zeroizing::new(hex::decode(entropy).map_err(|_| ()).expect("entropy wasn't hex-formatted"));
if bytes.len() != 32 {
panic!("entropy wasn't 32 bytes");
let mut entropy = Zeroizing::new([0; 32]);
let entropy_mut: &mut [u8] = entropy.as_mut();
let mut transcript = RecommendedTranscript::new(b"Serai Processor Entropy");
transcript.append_message(b"entropy", entropy);
// TODO: Save a hash of the entropy to the DB and make sure the entropy didn't change
let mut entropy = |label| {
let mut challenge = entropy_transcript.challenge(label);
let mut res = Zeroizing::new([0; 32]);
let res_mut: &mut [u8] = res.as_mut();
res_mut.copy_from_slice(&challenge[.. 32]);
// We don't need to re-issue GenerateKey orders because the coordinator is expected to
// schedule/notify us of new attempts
// TODO: Is this above comment still true? Not at all due to the planned lack of DKG timeouts?
let key_gen = KeyGen::<N, _>::new(raw_db.clone(), entropy(b"key-gen_entropy"));
let (multisig_manager, current_keys, actively_signing) =
MultisigManager::new(raw_db, network).await;
let mut substrate_signer = None;
let mut signers = HashMap::new();
let main_db = MainDb::<N, _>::new(raw_db.clone());
for (i, key) in current_keys.iter().enumerate() {
let Some((substrate_keys, network_keys)) = key_gen.keys(key) else { continue };
let network_key = network_keys.group_key();
// If this is the oldest key, load the SubstrateSigner for it as the active SubstrateSigner
// The new key only takes responsibility once the old key is fully deprecated
// We don't have to load any state for this since the Scanner will re-fire any events
// necessary, only no longer scanning old blocks once Substrate acks them
if i == 0 {
substrate_signer = Some(SubstrateSigner::new(N::NETWORK, substrate_keys));
// The Scanner re-fires events as needed for substrate_signer yet not signer
// This is due to the transactions which we start signing from due to a block not being
// guaranteed to be signed before we stop scanning the block on reboot
// We could simplify the Signer flow by delaying when it acks a block, yet that'd:
// 1) Increase the startup time
// 2) Cause re-emission of Batch events, which we'd need to check the safety of
// (TODO: Do anyways?)
// 3) Violate the attempt counter (TODO: Is this already being violated?)
let mut signer = Signer::new(network.clone(), network_keys);
// Sign any TXs being actively signed
let key = key.to_bytes();
for (plan, tx, eventuality) in &actively_signing {
if plan.key == network_key {
let mut txn = raw_db.txn();
signer.sign_transaction(&mut txn, plan.id(), tx.clone(), eventuality.clone()).await;
// This should only have re-writes of existing data
signers.insert(key.as_ref().to_vec(), signer);
(main_db, TributaryMutable { key_gen, substrate_signer, signers }, multisig_manager)
#[allow(clippy::await_holding_lock)] // Needed for txn, unfortunately can't be down-scoped
async fn run<N: Network, D: Db, Co: Coordinator>(mut raw_db: D, network: N, mut coordinator: Co) {
// We currently expect a contextless bidirectional mapping between these two values
// (which is that any value of A can be interpreted as B and vice versa)
// While we can write a contextual mapping, we have yet to do so
// This check ensures no network which doesn't have a bidirectional mapping is defined
assert_eq!(<N::Block as Block<N>>::Id::default().as_ref().len(), BlockHash([0u8; 32]).0.len());
let (main_db, mut tributary_mutable, mut substrate_mutable) = boot(&mut raw_db, &network).await;
// We can't load this from the DB as we can't guarantee atomic increments with the ack function
// TODO: Load with a slight tolerance
let mut last_coordinator_msg = None;
loop {
// The following select uses this txn in both branches, hence why needing a RwLock to pass it
// around is needed
let txn = RwLock::new(raw_db.txn());
let mut outer_msg = None;
tokio::select! {
// This blocks the entire processor until it finishes handling this message
// KeyGen specifically may take a notable amount of processing time
// While that shouldn't be an issue in practice, as after processing an attempt it'll handle
// the other messages in the queue, it may be beneficial to parallelize these
// They could likely be parallelized by type (KeyGen, Sign, Substrate) without issue
msg = coordinator.recv() => {
let mut txn = txn.write().unwrap();
let txn = &mut txn;
assert_eq!(msg.id, (last_coordinator_msg.unwrap_or(msg.id - 1) + 1));
last_coordinator_msg = Some(msg.id);
// Only handle this if we haven't already
if !main_db.handled_message(msg.id) {
MainDb::<N, D>::handle_message(txn, msg.id);
// This is isolated to better think about how its ordered, or rather, about how the other
// cases aren't ordered
// While the coordinator messages are ordered, they're not deterministically ordered
// Tributary-caused messages are deterministically ordered, and Substrate-caused messages
// are deterministically-ordered, yet they're both shoved into a singular queue
// The order at which they're shoved in together isn't deterministic
// This is safe so long as Tributary and Substrate messages don't both expect mutable
// references over the same data
&mut **txn,
&mut coordinator,
&mut tributary_mutable,
&mut substrate_mutable,
outer_msg = Some(msg);
msg = substrate_mutable.next_event(&txn) => {
let mut txn = txn.write().unwrap();
let txn = &mut txn;
match msg {
MultisigEvent::Batches(retired_key_new_key, batches) => {
// Start signing this batch
for batch in batches {
info!("created batch {} ({} instructions)", batch.id, batch.instructions.len());
messages::substrate::ProcessorMessage::Batch { batch: batch.clone() }
if let Some(substrate_signer) = tributary_mutable.substrate_signer.as_mut() {
substrate_signer.sign(txn, batch).await;
if let Some((retired_key, new_key)) = retired_key_new_key {
// Safe to mutate since all signing operations are done and no more will be added
if let Some((substrate_keys, _)) = tributary_mutable.key_gen.keys(&new_key) {
tributary_mutable.substrate_signer =
Some(SubstrateSigner::new(N::NETWORK, substrate_keys));
MultisigEvent::Completed(key, id, tx) => {
if let Some(signer) = tributary_mutable.signers.get_mut(&key) {
signer.completed(txn, id, tx);
// Check if the signers have events
// The signers will only have events after the above select executes, so having no timeout on
// the above is fine
// TODO: Have the Signers return these events, allowing removing these channels?
for (key, signer) in tributary_mutable.signers.iter_mut() {
while let Some(msg) = signer.events.pop_front() {
match msg {
SignerEvent::ProcessorMessage(msg) => {
SignerEvent::SignedTransaction { id, tx } => {
// It is important ProcessorMessage::Completed is only emitted if a Signer we had
// created the TX completed (which having it only emitted after a SignerEvent ensures)
.send(messages::sign::ProcessorMessage::Completed {
key: key.clone(),
tx: tx.as_ref().to_vec(),
if let Some(signer) = tributary_mutable.substrate_signer.as_mut() {
while let Some(msg) = signer.events.pop_front() {
match msg {
SubstrateSignerEvent::ProcessorMessage(msg) => {
SubstrateSignerEvent::SignedBatch(batch) => {
coordinator.send(messages::substrate::ProcessorMessage::SignedBatch { batch }).await;
if let Some(msg) = outer_msg {
async fn main() {
// Override the panic handler with one which will panic if any tokio task panics
let existing = std::panic::take_hook();
std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |panic| {
const MSG: &str = "exiting the process due to a task panicking";
if std::env::var("RUST_LOG").is_err() {
std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", serai_env::var("RUST_LOG").unwrap_or_else(|| "info".to_string()));
let db = serai_db::new_rocksdb(&env::var("DB_PATH").expect("path to DB wasn't specified"));
// Network configuration
let url = {
let login = env::var("NETWORK_RPC_LOGIN").expect("network RPC login wasn't specified");
let hostname = env::var("NETWORK_RPC_HOSTNAME").expect("network RPC hostname wasn't specified");
let port = env::var("NETWORK_RPC_PORT").expect("network port domain wasn't specified");
"http://".to_string() + &login + "@" + &hostname + ":" + &port
let network_id = match env::var("NETWORK").expect("network wasn't specified").as_str() {
"bitcoin" => NetworkId::Bitcoin,
"monero" => NetworkId::Monero,
_ => panic!("unrecognized network"),
let coordinator = MessageQueue::from_env(Service::Processor(network_id));
match network_id {
#[cfg(feature = "bitcoin")]
NetworkId::Bitcoin => run(db, Bitcoin::new(url).await, coordinator).await,
#[cfg(feature = "monero")]
NetworkId::Monero => run(db, Monero::new(url), coordinator).await,
_ => panic!("spawning a processor for an unsupported network"),