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// FROST defines its nonce as sum(Di, Ei * bi)
// Monero needs not just the nonce over G however, yet also over H
// Then there is a signature (a modified Chaum Pedersen proof) using multiple nonces at once
// Accordingly, in order for this library to be robust, it supports generating an arbitrary amount
// of nonces, each against an arbitrary list of generators
// Each nonce remains of the form (d, e) and made into a proper nonce with d + (e * b)
// When representations across multiple generators are provided, a DLEq proof is also provided to
// confirm their integrity
use core::ops::Deref;
use std::{
io::{self, Read, Write},
use rand_core::{RngCore, CryptoRng};
use zeroize::{Zeroize, Zeroizing};
use transcript::Transcript;
use ciphersuite::group::{ff::PrimeField, Group, GroupEncoding};
use multiexp::multiexp_vartime;
use dleq::MultiDLEqProof;
use crate::{curve::Curve, Participant};
// Transcript used to aggregate binomial nonces for usage within a single DLEq proof.
fn aggregation_transcript<T: Transcript>(context: &[u8]) -> T {
let mut transcript = T::new(b"FROST DLEq Aggregation v0.5");
transcript.append_message(b"context", context);
// Every participant proves for their commitments at the start of the protocol
// These proofs are verified sequentially, requiring independent transcripts
// In order to make these transcripts more robust, the FROST transcript (at time of preprocess) is
// challenged in order to create a commitment to it, carried in each independent transcript
// (effectively forking the original transcript)
// For FROST, as defined by the IETF, this will do nothing (and this transcript will never even be
// constructed). For higher level protocols, the transcript may have contextual info these proofs
// will then be bound to
fn dleq_transcript<T: Transcript>(context: &[u8]) -> T {
let mut transcript = T::new(b"FROST Commitments DLEq v0.5");
transcript.append_message(b"context", context);
// Each nonce is actually a pair of random scalars, notated as d, e under the FROST paper
// This is considered a single nonce as r = d + be
#[derive(Clone, Zeroize)]
pub(crate) struct Nonce<C: Curve>(pub(crate) [Zeroizing<C::F>; 2]);
// Commitments to a specific generator for this binomial nonce
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) struct GeneratorCommitments<C: Curve>(pub(crate) [C::G; 2]);
impl<C: Curve> GeneratorCommitments<C> {
fn read<R: Read>(reader: &mut R) -> io::Result<GeneratorCommitments<C>> {
Ok(GeneratorCommitments([<C as Curve>::read_G(reader)?, <C as Curve>::read_G(reader)?]))
fn write<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
// A single nonce's commitments and relevant proofs
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) struct NonceCommitments<C: Curve> {
// Called generators as these commitments are indexed by generator later on
// So to get the commitments for the first generator, it'd be commitments.generators[0]
pub(crate) generators: Vec<GeneratorCommitments<C>>,
impl<C: Curve> NonceCommitments<C> {
pub(crate) fn new<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
rng: &mut R,
secret_share: &Zeroizing<C::F>,
generators: &[C::G],
) -> (Nonce<C>, NonceCommitments<C>) {
let nonce = Nonce::<C>([
C::random_nonce(secret_share, &mut *rng),
C::random_nonce(secret_share, &mut *rng),
let mut commitments = Vec::with_capacity(generators.len());
for generator in generators {
*generator * nonce.0[0].deref(),
*generator * nonce.0[1].deref(),
(nonce, NonceCommitments { generators: commitments })
fn read<R: Read>(reader: &mut R, generators: &[C::G]) -> io::Result<NonceCommitments<C>> {
Ok(NonceCommitments {
generators: (0 .. generators.len())
.map(|_| GeneratorCommitments::read(reader))
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()?,
fn write<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
for generator in &self.generators {
fn transcript<T: Transcript>(&self, t: &mut T) {
for commitments in &self.generators {
t.append_message(b"commitment_D", commitments.0[0].to_bytes());
t.append_message(b"commitment_E", commitments.0[1].to_bytes());
fn aggregation_factor<T: Transcript>(&self, context: &[u8]) -> C::F {
let mut transcript = aggregation_transcript::<T>(context);
self.transcript(&mut transcript);
<C as Curve>::hash_to_F(b"dleq_aggregation", transcript.challenge(b"binding").as_ref())
/// Commitments for all the nonces across all their generators.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) struct Commitments<C: Curve> {
// Called nonces as these commitments are indexed by nonce
// So to get the commitments for the first nonce, it'd be commitments.nonces[0]
pub(crate) nonces: Vec<NonceCommitments<C>>,
// DLEq Proof proving that each set of commitments were generated using a single pair of discrete
// logarithms
pub(crate) dleq: Option<MultiDLEqProof<C::G>>,
impl<C: Curve> Commitments<C> {
pub(crate) fn new<R: RngCore + CryptoRng, T: Transcript>(
rng: &mut R,
secret_share: &Zeroizing<C::F>,
planned_nonces: &[Vec<C::G>],
context: &[u8],
) -> (Vec<Nonce<C>>, Commitments<C>) {
let mut nonces = vec![];
let mut commitments = vec![];
let mut dleq_generators = vec![];
let mut dleq_nonces = vec![];
for generators in planned_nonces {
let (nonce, these_commitments): (Nonce<C>, _) =
NonceCommitments::new(&mut *rng, secret_share, generators);
if generators.len() > 1 {
(these_commitments.aggregation_factor::<T>(context) * nonce.0[1].deref()) +
let dleq = if !dleq_generators.is_empty() {
&mut dleq_transcript::<T>(context),
} else {
(nonces, Commitments { nonces: commitments, dleq })
pub(crate) fn transcript<T: Transcript>(&self, t: &mut T) {
for nonce in &self.nonces {
// Transcripting the DLEqs implicitly transcripts the exact generators used for the nonces in
// an exact order
// This means it shouldn't be possible for variadic generators to cause conflicts
if let Some(dleq) = &self.dleq {
t.append_message(b"dleq", dleq.serialize());
pub(crate) fn read<R: Read, T: Transcript>(
reader: &mut R,
generators: &[Vec<C::G>],
context: &[u8],
) -> io::Result<Self> {
let nonces = (0 .. generators.len())
.map(|i| NonceCommitments::read(reader, &generators[i]))
.collect::<Result<Vec<NonceCommitments<C>>, _>>()?;
let mut dleq_generators = vec![];
let mut dleq_nonces = vec![];
for (generators, nonce) in generators.iter().cloned().zip(&nonces) {
if generators.len() > 1 {
let binding = nonce.aggregation_factor::<T>(context);
let mut aggregated = vec![];
for commitments in &nonce.generators {
aggregated.push(commitments.0[0] + (commitments.0[1] * binding));
let dleq = if !dleq_generators.is_empty() {
let dleq = MultiDLEqProof::read(reader, dleq_generators.len())?;
.verify(&mut dleq_transcript::<T>(context), &dleq_generators, &dleq_nonces)
.map_err(|_| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "invalid DLEq proof"))?;
} else {
Ok(Commitments { nonces, dleq })
pub(crate) fn write<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
for nonce in &self.nonces {
if let Some(dleq) = &self.dleq {
pub(crate) struct IndividualBinding<C: Curve> {
commitments: Commitments<C>,
binding_factors: Option<Vec<C::F>>,
pub(crate) struct BindingFactor<C: Curve>(pub(crate) HashMap<Participant, IndividualBinding<C>>);
impl<C: Curve> BindingFactor<C> {
pub(crate) fn insert(&mut self, i: Participant, commitments: Commitments<C>) {
self.0.insert(i, IndividualBinding { commitments, binding_factors: None });
pub(crate) fn calculate_binding_factors<T: Clone + Transcript>(&mut self, transcript: &T) {
for (l, binding) in self.0.iter_mut() {
let mut transcript = transcript.clone();
transcript.append_message(b"participant", C::F::from(u64::from(u16::from(*l))).to_repr());
// It *should* be perfectly fine to reuse a binding factor for multiple nonces
// This generates a binding factor per nonce just to ensure it never comes up as a question
binding.binding_factors = Some(
(0 .. binding.commitments.nonces.len())
.map(|_| C::hash_binding_factor(transcript.challenge(b"rho").as_ref()))
pub(crate) fn binding_factors(&self, i: Participant) -> &[C::F] {
// Get the bound nonces for a specific party
pub(crate) fn bound(&self, l: Participant) -> Vec<Vec<C::G>> {
let mut res = vec![];
for (i, (nonce, rho)) in
for generator in &nonce.generators {
res[i].push(generator.0[0] + (generator.0[1] * rho));
// Get the nonces for this signing session
pub(crate) fn nonces(&self, planned_nonces: &[Vec<C::G>]) -> Vec<Vec<C::G>> {
let mut nonces = Vec::with_capacity(planned_nonces.len());
for n in 0 .. planned_nonces.len() {
for g in 0 .. planned_nonces[n].len() {
let mut D = C::G::identity();
let mut statements = Vec::with_capacity(self.0.len());
for IndividualBinding { commitments, binding_factors } in self.0.values() {
D += commitments.nonces[n].generators[g].0[0];
.push((binding_factors.as_ref().unwrap()[n], commitments.nonces[n].generators[g].0[1]));
nonces[n].push(D + multiexp_vartime(&statements));