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synced 2025-02-03 19:56:36 +00:00
* Remove the explicit included participants from FROST Now, whoever submits preprocesses becomes the signing set. Better separates preprocess from sign, at the cost of slightly more annoying integrations (Monero needs to now independently lagrange/offset its key images). * Support caching preprocesses Closes https://github.com/serai-dex/serai/issues/40. I *could* have added a serialization trait to Algorithm and written a ton of data to disk, while requiring Algorithm implementors also accept such work. Instead, I moved preprocess to a seeded RNG (Chacha20) which should be as secure as the regular RNG. Rebuilding from cache simply loads the previously used Chacha seed, making the Algorithm oblivious to the fact it's being rebuilt from a cache. This removes any requirements for it to be modified while guaranteeing equivalency. This builds on the last commit which delayed determining the signing set till post-preprocess acquisition. Unfortunately, that commit did force preprocess from ThresholdView to ThresholdKeys which had visible effects on Monero. Serai will actually need delayed set determination for #163, and overall, it remains better, hence it's inclusion. * Document FROST preprocess caching * Update ethereum to new FROST * Fix bug in Monero offset calculation and update processor
381 lines
12 KiB
381 lines
12 KiB
use std::collections::HashMap;
use rand_core::OsRng;
use group::GroupEncoding;
use transcript::{Transcript, RecommendedTranscript};
use frost::{
curve::{Ciphersuite, Curve},
FrostError, ThresholdKeys,
sign::{Writable, PreprocessMachine, SignMachine, SignatureMachine},
use crate::{
coin::{CoinError, Output, Coin},
SignError, Network,
pub struct WalletKeys<C: Curve> {
keys: ThresholdKeys<C>,
creation_block: usize,
impl<C: Curve> WalletKeys<C> {
pub fn new(keys: ThresholdKeys<C>, creation_block: usize) -> WalletKeys<C> {
WalletKeys { keys, creation_block }
// Bind this key to a specific network by applying an additive offset
// While it would be fine to just C::ID, including the group key creates distinct
// offsets instead of static offsets. Under a statically offset system, a BTC key could
// have X subtracted to find the potential group key, and then have Y added to find the
// potential ETH group key. While this shouldn't be an issue, as this isn't a private
// system, there are potentially other benefits to binding this to a specific group key
// It's no longer possible to influence group key gen to key cancel without breaking the hash
// function as well, although that degree of influence means key gen is broken already
fn bind(&self, chain: &[u8]) -> ThresholdKeys<C> {
const DST: &[u8] = b"Serai Processor Wallet Chain Bind";
let mut transcript = RecommendedTranscript::new(DST);
transcript.append_message(b"chain", chain);
transcript.append_message(b"curve", C::ID);
transcript.append_message(b"group_key", self.keys.group_key().to_bytes());
self.keys.offset(<C as Ciphersuite>::hash_to_F(DST, &transcript.challenge(b"offset")))
pub trait CoinDb {
// Set a block as scanned to
fn scanned_to_block(&mut self, block: usize);
// Acknowledge a specific block number as part of a canonical block
fn acknowledge_block(&mut self, canonical: usize, block: usize);
// Adds an output to the DB. Returns false if the output was already added
fn add_output<O: Output>(&mut self, output: &O) -> bool;
// Block this coin has been scanned to (inclusive)
fn scanned_block(&self) -> usize;
// Acknowledged block for a given canonical block
fn acknowledged_block(&self, canonical: usize) -> usize;
pub struct MemCoinDb {
// Block number of the block this coin has been scanned to
scanned_block: usize,
// Acknowledged block for a given canonical block
acknowledged_blocks: HashMap<usize, usize>,
outputs: HashMap<Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>>,
impl MemCoinDb {
pub fn new() -> MemCoinDb {
MemCoinDb { scanned_block: 0, acknowledged_blocks: HashMap::new(), outputs: HashMap::new() }
impl CoinDb for MemCoinDb {
fn scanned_to_block(&mut self, block: usize) {
self.scanned_block = block;
fn acknowledge_block(&mut self, canonical: usize, block: usize) {
self.acknowledged_blocks.insert(canonical, block);
fn add_output<O: Output>(&mut self, output: &O) -> bool {
// This would be insecure as we're indexing by ID and this will replace the output as a whole
// Multiple outputs may have the same ID in edge cases such as Monero, where outputs are ID'd
// by output key, not by hash + index
// self.outputs.insert(output.id(), output).is_some()
let id = output.id().as_ref().to_vec();
if self.outputs.contains_key(&id) {
return false;
self.outputs.insert(id, output.serialize());
fn scanned_block(&self) -> usize {
fn acknowledged_block(&self, canonical: usize) -> usize {
fn select_inputs<C: Coin>(inputs: &mut Vec<C::Output>) -> (Vec<C::Output>, u64) {
// Sort to ensure determinism. Inefficient, yet produces the most legible code to be optimized
// later
inputs.sort_by_key(|a| a.amount());
// Select the maximum amount of outputs possible
let res = inputs.split_off(inputs.len() - C::MAX_INPUTS.min(inputs.len()));
// Calculate their sum value, minus the fee needed to spend them
let sum = res.iter().map(|input| input.amount()).sum();
// sum -= C::MAX_FEE; // TODO
(res, sum)
fn select_outputs<C: Coin>(
payments: &mut Vec<(C::Address, u64)>,
value: &mut u64,
) -> Vec<(C::Address, u64)> {
// Prioritize large payments which will most efficiently use large inputs
payments.sort_by(|a, b| a.1.cmp(&b.1));
// Grab the payments this will successfully fund
let mut outputs = vec![];
let mut p = payments.len();
while p != 0 {
p -= 1;
if *value >= payments[p].1 {
*value -= payments[p].1;
// Swap remove will either pop the tail or insert an element that wouldn't fit, making it
// always safe to move past
// Doesn't break in this else case as a smaller payment may still fit
// Optimizes on the expectation selected/inputs are sorted from lowest value to highest
fn refine_inputs<C: Coin>(
selected: &mut Vec<C::Output>,
inputs: &mut Vec<C::Output>,
mut remaining: u64,
) {
// Drop unused inputs
let mut s = 0;
while remaining > selected[s].amount() {
remaining -= selected[s].amount();
s += 1;
// Add them back to the inputs pool
inputs.extend(selected.drain(.. s));
// Replace large inputs with smaller ones
for s in (0 .. selected.len()).rev() {
for input in inputs.iter_mut() {
// Doesn't break due to inputs no longer being sorted
// This could be made faster if we prioritized small input usage over transaction size/fees
// TODO: Consider. This would implicitly consolidate inputs which would be advantageous
if selected[s].amount() < input.amount() {
// If we can successfully replace this input, do so
let diff = selected[s].amount() - input.amount();
if remaining > diff {
remaining -= diff;
let old = selected[s].clone();
selected[s] = input.clone();
*input = old;
fn select_inputs_outputs<C: Coin>(
inputs: &mut Vec<C::Output>,
outputs: &mut Vec<(C::Address, u64)>,
) -> (Vec<C::Output>, Vec<(C::Address, u64)>) {
if inputs.is_empty() {
return (vec![], vec![]);
let (mut selected, mut value) = select_inputs::<C>(inputs);
let outputs = select_outputs::<C>(outputs, &mut value);
if outputs.is_empty() {
return (vec![], vec![]);
refine_inputs::<C>(&mut selected, inputs, value);
(selected, outputs)
pub struct Wallet<D: CoinDb, C: Coin> {
db: D,
coin: C,
keys: Vec<(ThresholdKeys<C::Curve>, Vec<C::Output>)>,
pending: Vec<(usize, ThresholdKeys<C::Curve>)>,
impl<D: CoinDb, C: Coin> Wallet<D, C> {
pub fn new(db: D, coin: C) -> Wallet<D, C> {
Wallet { db, coin, keys: vec![], pending: vec![] }
pub fn scanned_block(&self) -> usize {
pub fn acknowledge_block(&mut self, canonical: usize, block: usize) {
self.db.acknowledge_block(canonical, block);
pub fn acknowledged_block(&self, canonical: usize) -> usize {
pub fn add_keys(&mut self, keys: &WalletKeys<C::Curve>) {
self.pending.push((self.acknowledged_block(keys.creation_block), keys.bind(C::ID)));
pub fn address(&self) -> C::Address {
self.coin.address(self.keys[self.keys.len() - 1].0.group_key())
// TODO: Remove
pub async fn is_confirmed(&mut self, tx: &[u8]) -> Result<bool, CoinError> {
pub async fn poll(&mut self) -> Result<(), CoinError> {
if self.coin.get_latest_block_number().await? < (C::CONFIRMATIONS - 1) {
return Ok(());
let confirmed_block = self.coin.get_latest_block_number().await? - (C::CONFIRMATIONS - 1);
// Will never scan the genesis block, which shouldn't be an issue
for b in (self.scanned_block() + 1) ..= confirmed_block {
// If any keys activated at this block, shift them over
let mut k = 0;
while k < self.pending.len() {
//if b < self.pending[k].0 {
//} else if b == self.pending[k].0 {
if b <= self.pending[k].0 {
self.keys.push((self.pending.swap_remove(k).1, vec![]));
} else {
k += 1;
let block = self.coin.get_block(b).await?;
for (keys, outputs) in self.keys.iter_mut() {
.get_outputs(&block, keys.group_key())
.filter(|output| self.db.add_output(output)),
// This should be called whenever new outputs are received, meaning there was a new block
// If these outputs were received and sent to Substrate, it should be called after they're
// included in a block and we have results to act on
// If these outputs weren't sent to Substrate (change), it should be called immediately
// with all payments still queued from the last call
pub async fn prepare_sends(
&mut self,
canonical: usize,
payments: Vec<(C::Address, u64)>,
fee: C::Fee,
) -> Result<(Vec<(C::Address, u64)>, Vec<C::SignableTransaction>), CoinError> {
if payments.is_empty() {
return Ok((vec![], vec![]));
let acknowledged_block = self.acknowledged_block(canonical);
// TODO: Log schedule outputs when MAX_OUTPUTS is lower than payments.len()
// Payments is the first set of TXs in the schedule
// As each payment re-appears, let mut payments = schedule[payment] where the only input is
// the source payment
// let (mut payments, schedule) = schedule(payments);
let mut payments = payments;
let mut txs = vec![];
for (keys, outputs) in self.keys.iter_mut() {
while !outputs.is_empty() {
let (inputs, outputs) = select_inputs_outputs::<C>(outputs, &mut payments);
// If we can no longer process any payments, move to the next set of keys
if outputs.is_empty() {
debug_assert_eq!(inputs.len(), 0);
// Create the transcript for this transaction
let mut transcript = RecommendedTranscript::new(b"Serai Processor Wallet Send");
.append_message(b"canonical_block", u64::try_from(canonical).unwrap().to_le_bytes());
transcript.append_message(b"index", u64::try_from(txs.len()).unwrap().to_le_bytes());
let tx = self
.prepare_send(keys.clone(), transcript, acknowledged_block, inputs, &outputs, fee)
// self.db.save_tx(tx) // TODO
Ok((payments, txs))
pub async fn attempt_send<N: Network>(
&mut self,
network: &mut N,
prepared: C::SignableTransaction,
) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, Vec<<C::Output as Output>::Id>), SignError> {
let attempt = self.coin.attempt_send(prepared).await.map_err(SignError::CoinError)?;
let (attempt, commitments) = attempt.preprocess(&mut OsRng);
let commitments = network
.map(|(validator, preprocess)| {
.read_preprocess::<&[u8]>(&mut preprocess.as_ref())
.map_err(|_| SignError::FrostError(FrostError::InvalidPreprocess(validator)))?,
.collect::<Result<HashMap<_, _>, _>>()?;
let (attempt, share) = attempt.sign(commitments, b"").map_err(SignError::FrostError)?;
let shares = network
.map(|(validator, share)| {
.read_share::<&[u8]>(&mut share.as_ref())
.map_err(|_| SignError::FrostError(FrostError::InvalidShare(validator)))?,
.collect::<Result<HashMap<_, _>, _>>()?;
let tx = attempt.complete(shares).map_err(SignError::FrostError)?;