Luke Parker 4e834873d3
Some checks failed
Coordinator Tests / build (push) Has been cancelled
crypto/ Tests / test-crypto (push) Has been cancelled
Full Stack Tests / build (push) Has been cancelled
Lint / clippy (macos-13) (push) Has been cancelled
Lint / clippy (macos-14) (push) Has been cancelled
Lint / clippy (ubuntu-latest) (push) Has been cancelled
Lint / clippy (windows-latest) (push) Has been cancelled
Lint / deny (push) Has been cancelled
Lint / fmt (push) Has been cancelled
Lint / machete (push) Has been cancelled
Message Queue Tests / build (push) Has been cancelled
networks/ Tests / test-networks (push) Has been cancelled
no-std build / build (push) Has been cancelled
Processor Tests / build (push) Has been cancelled
Reproducible Runtime / build (push) Has been cancelled
Tests / test-infra (push) Has been cancelled
Tests / test-substrate (push) Has been cancelled
Tests / test-serai-client (push) Has been cancelled
Lints from latest nightly
We can't adopt it due to some issue with building the runtime, but these are
good to have.
2024-09-01 16:33:44 -04:00

485 lines
18 KiB

#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
)] // TODO
pub mod pallet {
use scale_info::TypeInfo;
use sp_core::sr25519::Public;
use sp_io::hashing::blake2_256;
use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*;
// False positive
use frame_support::{pallet_prelude::*, sp_runtime};
use serai_primitives::*;
use serai_signals_primitives::SignalId;
use validator_sets_pallet::{primitives::ValidatorSet, Config as VsConfig, Pallet as VsPallet};
use in_instructions_pallet::{Config as IiConfig, Pallet as InInstructions};
pub trait Config:
frame_system::Config<AccountId = Public> + VsConfig + IiConfig + TypeInfo
type RuntimeEvent: IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent> + From<Event<Self>>;
type RetirementValidityDuration: Get<u32>;
type RetirementLockInDuration: Get<u32>;
#[derive(Debug, Encode, Decode)]
pub struct GenesisConfig<T: Config> {
_config: PhantomData<T>,
impl<T: Config> Default for GenesisConfig<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
GenesisConfig { _config: PhantomData }
impl<T: Config> BuildGenesisConfig for GenesisConfig<T> {
fn build(&self) {
// Assert the validity duration is less than the lock-in duration so lock-in periods
// automatically invalidate other retirement signals
assert!(T::RetirementValidityDuration::get() < T::RetirementLockInDuration::get());
pub struct Pallet<T>(PhantomData<T>);
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Encode, Decode, TypeInfo, MaxEncodedLen)]
pub struct RegisteredRetirementSignal<T: Config> {
in_favor_of: [u8; 32],
registrant: T::AccountId,
registered_at: BlockNumberFor<T>,
impl<T: Config> RegisteredRetirementSignal<T> {
fn id(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
let mut preimage = b"Signal".to_vec();
type RegisteredRetirementSignals<T: Config> =
StorageMap<_, Blake2_128Concat, [u8; 32], RegisteredRetirementSignal<T>, OptionQuery>;
pub type Favors<T: Config> = StorageDoubleMap<
(SignalId, NetworkId),
pub type SetsInFavor<T: Config> =
StorageMap<_, Blake2_128Concat, (SignalId, ValidatorSet), (), OptionQuery>;
pub type LockedInRetirement<T: Config> =
StorageValue<_, ([u8; 32], BlockNumberFor<T>), OptionQuery>;
#[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)]
pub enum Event<T: Config> {
RetirementSignalRegistered {
signal_id: [u8; 32],
in_favor_of: [u8; 32],
registrant: T::AccountId,
RetirementSignalRevoked {
signal_id: [u8; 32],
SignalFavored {
signal_id: SignalId,
by: T::AccountId,
for_network: NetworkId,
SetInFavor {
signal_id: SignalId,
set: ValidatorSet,
RetirementSignalLockedIn {
signal_id: [u8; 32],
SetNoLongerInFavor {
signal_id: SignalId,
set: ValidatorSet,
FavorRevoked {
signal_id: SignalId,
by: T::AccountId,
for_network: NetworkId,
AgainstSignal {
signal_id: SignalId,
who: T::AccountId,
for_network: NetworkId,
pub enum Error<T> {
// 80% threshold
// TODO: Use 34% for halting a set (not 80%)
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
// Returns true if this network's current set is in favor of the signal.
// Must only be called for networks which have a set decided.
fn tally_for_network(signal_id: SignalId, network: NetworkId) -> bool {
let this_network_session = VsPallet::<T>::latest_decided_session(network).unwrap();
let this_set = ValidatorSet { network, session: this_network_session };
// This is a bounded O(n) (which is still acceptable) due to the infeasibility of caching
// here
// TODO: Make caching feasible? Do a first-pass with cache then actual pass before
// execution?
let mut iter = Favors::<T>::iter_prefix_values((signal_id, network));
let mut needed_favor = (VsPallet::<T>::total_allocated_stake(network).unwrap().0 *
while && (needed_favor != 0) {
let item_key = iter.last_raw_key();
// `.len() - 32` is safe because AccountId is bound to being Public, which is 32 bytes
let account = T::AccountId::decode(&mut &item_key[(item_key.len() - 32) ..]).unwrap();
if VsPallet::<T>::in_latest_decided_set(network, account) {
// This call uses the current allocation, not the allocation at the time of set
// decision
// This is deemed safe due to the validator-set pallet's deallocation scheduling
// unwrap is safe due to being in the latest decided set
needed_favor =
needed_favor.saturating_sub(VsPallet::<T>::allocation((network, account)).unwrap().0);
if needed_favor == 0 {
// Set the set as in favor until someone triggers a re-tally
// Since a re-tally is an extra step we can't assume will occur, this effectively means a
// network in favor across any point in its Session is in favor for its entire Session
// While a malicious actor could increase their stake, favor a signal, then deallocate,
// this is largely prevented by deallocation scheduling
// At any given point, only just under 50% of a set can be immediately deallocated
// (if each validator has just under two key shares, they can deallocate the entire amount
// above a single key share)
// This means that if a signal has a 67% adoption threshold, and someone executes this
// attack, they still have a majority of the allocated stake (though less of a majority
// than desired)
// With the 80% threshold, removing 39.9% creates a 40.1% to 20% ratio, which is still
// the BFT threshold of 67%
if !SetsInFavor::<T>::contains_key((signal_id, this_set)) {
SetsInFavor::<T>::set((signal_id, this_set), Some(()));
Self::deposit_event(Event::SetInFavor { signal_id, set: this_set });
} else {
if SetsInFavor::<T>::contains_key((signal_id, this_set)) {
// This should no longer be under the current tally
SetsInFavor::<T>::remove((signal_id, this_set));
Self::deposit_event(Event::SetNoLongerInFavor { signal_id, set: this_set });
fn tally_for_all_networks(signal_id: SignalId) -> bool {
let mut total_in_favor_stake = 0;
let mut total_allocated_stake = 0;
for network in serai_primitives::NETWORKS {
let Some(latest_decided_session) = VsPallet::<T>::latest_decided_session(network) else {
// If it has a session, it should have a total allocated stake value
let network_stake = VsPallet::<T>::total_allocated_stake(network).unwrap();
if SetsInFavor::<T>::contains_key((
ValidatorSet { network, session: latest_decided_session },
)) {
total_in_favor_stake += network_stake.0;
total_allocated_stake += network_stake.0;
total_in_favor_stake >=
(total_allocated_stake * REQUIREMENT_NUMERATOR).div_ceil(REQUIREMENT_DIVISOR)
fn revoke_favor_internal(
account: T::AccountId,
signal_id: SignalId,
for_network: NetworkId,
) -> DispatchResult {
if !Favors::<T>::contains_key((signal_id, for_network), account) {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::RevokingNonExistentFavor)?;
Favors::<T>::remove((signal_id, for_network), account);
Self::deposit_event(Event::<T>::FavorRevoked { signal_id, by: account, for_network });
// tally_for_network assumes the network is active, which is implied by having prior set a
// favor for it
// Technically, this tally may make the network in favor and justify re-tallying for all
// networks
// Its assumed not to
Self::tally_for_network(signal_id, for_network);
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
/// Register a retirement signal, declaring the consensus protocol this signal is in favor of.
/// Retirement signals are registered so that the proposer, presumably a developer, can revoke
/// the signal if there's a fault discovered.
#[pallet::weight(0)] // TODO
pub fn register_retirement_signal(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
in_favor_of: [u8; 32],
) -> DispatchResult {
// Don't allow retirement signals to be registered once a retirement has been locked in
if LockedInRetirement::<T>::exists() {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::RetirementSignalLockedIn)?;
let account = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// Bind the signal ID to the proposer
// This prevents a malicious actor from frontrunning a proposal, causing them to be the
// registrant, just to cancel it later
let signal = RegisteredRetirementSignal {
registrant: account,
registered_at: frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number(),
let signal_id =;
if RegisteredRetirementSignals::<T>::get(signal_id).is_some() {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::RetirementSignalAlreadyRegistered)?;
Self::deposit_event(Event::<T>::RetirementSignalRegistered {
registrant: account,
RegisteredRetirementSignals::<T>::set(signal_id, Some(signal));
#[pallet::weight(0)] // TODO
pub fn revoke_retirement_signal(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
retirement_signal_id: [u8; 32],
) -> DispatchResult {
let account = ensure_signed(origin)?;
let Some(registered_signal) = RegisteredRetirementSignals::<T>::get(retirement_signal_id)
else {
return Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::NonExistentRetirementSignal.into());
if account != registered_signal.registrant {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::NotRetirementSignalRegistrant)?;
// If this signal was locked in, remove it
// This lets a post-lock-in discovered fault be prevented from going live without
// intervention by all validators
if LockedInRetirement::<T>::get().map(|(signal_id, _block_number)| signal_id) ==
Self::deposit_event(Event::<T>::RetirementSignalRevoked { signal_id: retirement_signal_id });
#[pallet::weight(0)] // TODO
pub fn favor(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
signal_id: SignalId,
for_network: NetworkId,
) -> DispatchResult {
let account = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// If this is a retirement signal, perform the relevant checks
if let SignalId::Retirement(signal_id) = signal_id {
// Make sure a retirement hasn't already been locked in
if LockedInRetirement::<T>::exists() {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::RetirementSignalLockedIn)?;
// Make sure this is a registered retirement
// We don't have to do this for a `Halt` signal as `Halt` doesn't have the registration
// process
let Some(registered_signal) = RegisteredRetirementSignals::<T>::get(signal_id) else {
return Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::NonExistentRetirementSignal.into());
// Check the signal isn't out of date
// This isn't truly necessary since we only track votes from the most recent validator
// sets, ensuring modern relevancy
// The reason to still have it is because locking in a dated runtime may cause a corrupt
// blockchain and lead to a failure in system integrity
// `Halt`, which doesn't have this check, at worst causes temporary downtime
if (registered_signal.registered_at + T::RetirementValidityDuration::get().into()) <
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::ExpiredRetirementSignal)?;
// Check the signer is a validator
// Technically, in the case of Serai, this will check they're planned to be in the next set,
// not that they are in the current set
// This is a practical requirement due to the lack of tracking historical allocations, and
// fine for the purposes here
if !VsPallet::<T>::in_latest_decided_set(for_network, account) {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::NotValidator)?;
// Set them as in-favor
// Doesn't error if they already voted in order to let any validator trigger a re-tally
if !Favors::<T>::contains_key((signal_id, for_network), account) {
Favors::<T>::set((signal_id, for_network), account, Some(()));
Self::deposit_event(Event::SignalFavored { signal_id, by: account, for_network });
// Check if the network is in favor
// tally_for_network expects the network to be active, which is implied by being in the
// latest decided set
let network_in_favor = Self::tally_for_network(signal_id, for_network);
// If this network is in favor, check if enough networks are
// We could optimize this by only running the following code when the network is *newly* in
// favor
// Re-running the following code ensures that if networks' allocated stakes change relative
// to each other, any new votes will cause a re-tally
if network_in_favor {
// If enough are, lock in the signal
if Self::tally_for_all_networks(signal_id) {
match signal_id {
SignalId::Retirement(signal_id) => {
frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number() +
Self::deposit_event(Event::RetirementSignalLockedIn { signal_id });
SignalId::Halt(network) => {
/// Revoke favor into an abstaining position.
#[pallet::weight(0)] // TODO
pub fn revoke_favor(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
signal_id: SignalId,
for_network: NetworkId,
) -> DispatchResult {
if matches!(&signal_id, SignalId::Retirement(_)) && LockedInRetirement::<T>::exists() {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::RetirementSignalLockedIn)?;
// Doesn't check the signal exists due to later checking the favor exists
// While the signal may have been revoked, making this pointless, it's not worth the storage
// read on every call to check
// Since revoke will re-tally, this does technically mean a network will become in-favor of a
// revoked signal. Since revoke won't re-tally for all networks/lock-in, this is also fine
Self::revoke_favor_internal(ensure_signed(origin)?, signal_id, for_network)
/// Emit an event standing against the signal.
/// If the origin is currently in favor of the signal, their favor will be revoked.
#[pallet::weight(0)] // TODO
pub fn stand_against(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
signal_id: SignalId,
for_network: NetworkId,
) -> DispatchResult {
if LockedInRetirement::<T>::exists() {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::RetirementSignalLockedIn)?;
let account = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// If currently in favor, revoke the favor
if Favors::<T>::contains_key((signal_id, for_network), account) {
Self::revoke_favor_internal(account, signal_id, for_network)?;
} else {
// Check this Signal exists (which would've been implied by Favors for it existing)
if let SignalId::Retirement(signal_id) = signal_id {
if RegisteredRetirementSignals::<T>::get(signal_id).is_none() {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::NonExistentRetirementSignal)?;
// Emit an event that we're against the signal
// No actual effects happen besides this
Self::deposit_event(Event::<T>::AgainstSignal { signal_id, who: account, for_network });
impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {
fn on_initialize(current_number: BlockNumberFor<T>) -> Weight {
// If this is the block at which a locked-in signal has been set for long enough, panic
// This will prevent this block from executing and halt the chain
if let Some((signal, block_number)) = LockedInRetirement::<T>::get() {
if block_number == current_number {
"locked-in signal {} has been set for too long",
Weight::zero() // TODO
pub use pallet::*;