mirror of
synced 2025-02-06 13:16:49 +00:00
Some checks failed
Coordinator Tests / build (push) Has been cancelled
crypto/ Tests / test-crypto (push) Has been cancelled
Full Stack Tests / build (push) Has been cancelled
Lint / clippy (macos-13) (push) Has been cancelled
Lint / clippy (macos-14) (push) Has been cancelled
Lint / clippy (ubuntu-latest) (push) Has been cancelled
Lint / clippy (windows-latest) (push) Has been cancelled
Lint / deny (push) Has been cancelled
Lint / fmt (push) Has been cancelled
Lint / machete (push) Has been cancelled
Message Queue Tests / build (push) Has been cancelled
networks/ Tests / test-networks (push) Has been cancelled
no-std build / build (push) Has been cancelled
Processor Tests / build (push) Has been cancelled
Reproducible Runtime / build (push) Has been cancelled
Tests / test-infra (push) Has been cancelled
Tests / test-substrate (push) Has been cancelled
Tests / test-serai-client (push) Has been cancelled
We can't adopt it due to some issue with building the runtime, but these are good to have.
485 lines
18 KiB
485 lines
18 KiB
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
)] // TODO
pub mod pallet {
use scale_info::TypeInfo;
use sp_core::sr25519::Public;
use sp_io::hashing::blake2_256;
use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*;
// False positive
use frame_support::{pallet_prelude::*, sp_runtime};
use serai_primitives::*;
use serai_signals_primitives::SignalId;
use validator_sets_pallet::{primitives::ValidatorSet, Config as VsConfig, Pallet as VsPallet};
use in_instructions_pallet::{Config as IiConfig, Pallet as InInstructions};
pub trait Config:
frame_system::Config<AccountId = Public> + VsConfig + IiConfig + TypeInfo
type RuntimeEvent: IsType<<Self as frame_system::Config>::RuntimeEvent> + From<Event<Self>>;
type RetirementValidityDuration: Get<u32>;
type RetirementLockInDuration: Get<u32>;
#[derive(Debug, Encode, Decode)]
pub struct GenesisConfig<T: Config> {
_config: PhantomData<T>,
impl<T: Config> Default for GenesisConfig<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
GenesisConfig { _config: PhantomData }
impl<T: Config> BuildGenesisConfig for GenesisConfig<T> {
fn build(&self) {
// Assert the validity duration is less than the lock-in duration so lock-in periods
// automatically invalidate other retirement signals
assert!(T::RetirementValidityDuration::get() < T::RetirementLockInDuration::get());
pub struct Pallet<T>(PhantomData<T>);
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Encode, Decode, TypeInfo, MaxEncodedLen)]
pub struct RegisteredRetirementSignal<T: Config> {
in_favor_of: [u8; 32],
registrant: T::AccountId,
registered_at: BlockNumberFor<T>,
impl<T: Config> RegisteredRetirementSignal<T> {
fn id(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
let mut preimage = b"Signal".to_vec();
type RegisteredRetirementSignals<T: Config> =
StorageMap<_, Blake2_128Concat, [u8; 32], RegisteredRetirementSignal<T>, OptionQuery>;
pub type Favors<T: Config> = StorageDoubleMap<
(SignalId, NetworkId),
pub type SetsInFavor<T: Config> =
StorageMap<_, Blake2_128Concat, (SignalId, ValidatorSet), (), OptionQuery>;
pub type LockedInRetirement<T: Config> =
StorageValue<_, ([u8; 32], BlockNumberFor<T>), OptionQuery>;
#[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)]
pub enum Event<T: Config> {
RetirementSignalRegistered {
signal_id: [u8; 32],
in_favor_of: [u8; 32],
registrant: T::AccountId,
RetirementSignalRevoked {
signal_id: [u8; 32],
SignalFavored {
signal_id: SignalId,
by: T::AccountId,
for_network: NetworkId,
SetInFavor {
signal_id: SignalId,
set: ValidatorSet,
RetirementSignalLockedIn {
signal_id: [u8; 32],
SetNoLongerInFavor {
signal_id: SignalId,
set: ValidatorSet,
FavorRevoked {
signal_id: SignalId,
by: T::AccountId,
for_network: NetworkId,
AgainstSignal {
signal_id: SignalId,
who: T::AccountId,
for_network: NetworkId,
pub enum Error<T> {
// 80% threshold
// TODO: Use 34% for halting a set (not 80%)
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
// Returns true if this network's current set is in favor of the signal.
// Must only be called for networks which have a set decided.
fn tally_for_network(signal_id: SignalId, network: NetworkId) -> bool {
let this_network_session = VsPallet::<T>::latest_decided_session(network).unwrap();
let this_set = ValidatorSet { network, session: this_network_session };
// This is a bounded O(n) (which is still acceptable) due to the infeasibility of caching
// here
// TODO: Make caching feasible? Do a first-pass with cache then actual pass before
// execution?
let mut iter = Favors::<T>::iter_prefix_values((signal_id, network));
let mut needed_favor = (VsPallet::<T>::total_allocated_stake(network).unwrap().0 *
while iter.next().is_some() && (needed_favor != 0) {
let item_key = iter.last_raw_key();
// `.len() - 32` is safe because AccountId is bound to being Public, which is 32 bytes
let account = T::AccountId::decode(&mut &item_key[(item_key.len() - 32) ..]).unwrap();
if VsPallet::<T>::in_latest_decided_set(network, account) {
// This call uses the current allocation, not the allocation at the time of set
// decision
// This is deemed safe due to the validator-set pallet's deallocation scheduling
// unwrap is safe due to being in the latest decided set
needed_favor =
needed_favor.saturating_sub(VsPallet::<T>::allocation((network, account)).unwrap().0);
if needed_favor == 0 {
// Set the set as in favor until someone triggers a re-tally
// Since a re-tally is an extra step we can't assume will occur, this effectively means a
// network in favor across any point in its Session is in favor for its entire Session
// While a malicious actor could increase their stake, favor a signal, then deallocate,
// this is largely prevented by deallocation scheduling
// At any given point, only just under 50% of a set can be immediately deallocated
// (if each validator has just under two key shares, they can deallocate the entire amount
// above a single key share)
// This means that if a signal has a 67% adoption threshold, and someone executes this
// attack, they still have a majority of the allocated stake (though less of a majority
// than desired)
// With the 80% threshold, removing 39.9% creates a 40.1% to 20% ratio, which is still
// the BFT threshold of 67%
if !SetsInFavor::<T>::contains_key((signal_id, this_set)) {
SetsInFavor::<T>::set((signal_id, this_set), Some(()));
Self::deposit_event(Event::SetInFavor { signal_id, set: this_set });
} else {
if SetsInFavor::<T>::contains_key((signal_id, this_set)) {
// This should no longer be under the current tally
SetsInFavor::<T>::remove((signal_id, this_set));
Self::deposit_event(Event::SetNoLongerInFavor { signal_id, set: this_set });
fn tally_for_all_networks(signal_id: SignalId) -> bool {
let mut total_in_favor_stake = 0;
let mut total_allocated_stake = 0;
for network in serai_primitives::NETWORKS {
let Some(latest_decided_session) = VsPallet::<T>::latest_decided_session(network) else {
// If it has a session, it should have a total allocated stake value
let network_stake = VsPallet::<T>::total_allocated_stake(network).unwrap();
if SetsInFavor::<T>::contains_key((
ValidatorSet { network, session: latest_decided_session },
)) {
total_in_favor_stake += network_stake.0;
total_allocated_stake += network_stake.0;
total_in_favor_stake >=
(total_allocated_stake * REQUIREMENT_NUMERATOR).div_ceil(REQUIREMENT_DIVISOR)
fn revoke_favor_internal(
account: T::AccountId,
signal_id: SignalId,
for_network: NetworkId,
) -> DispatchResult {
if !Favors::<T>::contains_key((signal_id, for_network), account) {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::RevokingNonExistentFavor)?;
Favors::<T>::remove((signal_id, for_network), account);
Self::deposit_event(Event::<T>::FavorRevoked { signal_id, by: account, for_network });
// tally_for_network assumes the network is active, which is implied by having prior set a
// favor for it
// Technically, this tally may make the network in favor and justify re-tallying for all
// networks
// Its assumed not to
Self::tally_for_network(signal_id, for_network);
impl<T: Config> Pallet<T> {
/// Register a retirement signal, declaring the consensus protocol this signal is in favor of.
/// Retirement signals are registered so that the proposer, presumably a developer, can revoke
/// the signal if there's a fault discovered.
#[pallet::weight(0)] // TODO
pub fn register_retirement_signal(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
in_favor_of: [u8; 32],
) -> DispatchResult {
// Don't allow retirement signals to be registered once a retirement has been locked in
if LockedInRetirement::<T>::exists() {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::RetirementSignalLockedIn)?;
let account = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// Bind the signal ID to the proposer
// This prevents a malicious actor from frontrunning a proposal, causing them to be the
// registrant, just to cancel it later
let signal = RegisteredRetirementSignal {
registrant: account,
registered_at: frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number(),
let signal_id = signal.id();
if RegisteredRetirementSignals::<T>::get(signal_id).is_some() {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::RetirementSignalAlreadyRegistered)?;
Self::deposit_event(Event::<T>::RetirementSignalRegistered {
registrant: account,
RegisteredRetirementSignals::<T>::set(signal_id, Some(signal));
#[pallet::weight(0)] // TODO
pub fn revoke_retirement_signal(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
retirement_signal_id: [u8; 32],
) -> DispatchResult {
let account = ensure_signed(origin)?;
let Some(registered_signal) = RegisteredRetirementSignals::<T>::get(retirement_signal_id)
else {
return Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::NonExistentRetirementSignal.into());
if account != registered_signal.registrant {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::NotRetirementSignalRegistrant)?;
// If this signal was locked in, remove it
// This lets a post-lock-in discovered fault be prevented from going live without
// intervention by all validators
if LockedInRetirement::<T>::get().map(|(signal_id, _block_number)| signal_id) ==
Self::deposit_event(Event::<T>::RetirementSignalRevoked { signal_id: retirement_signal_id });
#[pallet::weight(0)] // TODO
pub fn favor(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
signal_id: SignalId,
for_network: NetworkId,
) -> DispatchResult {
let account = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// If this is a retirement signal, perform the relevant checks
if let SignalId::Retirement(signal_id) = signal_id {
// Make sure a retirement hasn't already been locked in
if LockedInRetirement::<T>::exists() {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::RetirementSignalLockedIn)?;
// Make sure this is a registered retirement
// We don't have to do this for a `Halt` signal as `Halt` doesn't have the registration
// process
let Some(registered_signal) = RegisteredRetirementSignals::<T>::get(signal_id) else {
return Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::NonExistentRetirementSignal.into());
// Check the signal isn't out of date
// This isn't truly necessary since we only track votes from the most recent validator
// sets, ensuring modern relevancy
// The reason to still have it is because locking in a dated runtime may cause a corrupt
// blockchain and lead to a failure in system integrity
// `Halt`, which doesn't have this check, at worst causes temporary downtime
if (registered_signal.registered_at + T::RetirementValidityDuration::get().into()) <
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::ExpiredRetirementSignal)?;
// Check the signer is a validator
// Technically, in the case of Serai, this will check they're planned to be in the next set,
// not that they are in the current set
// This is a practical requirement due to the lack of tracking historical allocations, and
// fine for the purposes here
if !VsPallet::<T>::in_latest_decided_set(for_network, account) {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::NotValidator)?;
// Set them as in-favor
// Doesn't error if they already voted in order to let any validator trigger a re-tally
if !Favors::<T>::contains_key((signal_id, for_network), account) {
Favors::<T>::set((signal_id, for_network), account, Some(()));
Self::deposit_event(Event::SignalFavored { signal_id, by: account, for_network });
// Check if the network is in favor
// tally_for_network expects the network to be active, which is implied by being in the
// latest decided set
let network_in_favor = Self::tally_for_network(signal_id, for_network);
// If this network is in favor, check if enough networks are
// We could optimize this by only running the following code when the network is *newly* in
// favor
// Re-running the following code ensures that if networks' allocated stakes change relative
// to each other, any new votes will cause a re-tally
if network_in_favor {
// If enough are, lock in the signal
if Self::tally_for_all_networks(signal_id) {
match signal_id {
SignalId::Retirement(signal_id) => {
frame_system::Pallet::<T>::block_number() +
Self::deposit_event(Event::RetirementSignalLockedIn { signal_id });
SignalId::Halt(network) => {
/// Revoke favor into an abstaining position.
#[pallet::weight(0)] // TODO
pub fn revoke_favor(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
signal_id: SignalId,
for_network: NetworkId,
) -> DispatchResult {
if matches!(&signal_id, SignalId::Retirement(_)) && LockedInRetirement::<T>::exists() {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::RetirementSignalLockedIn)?;
// Doesn't check the signal exists due to later checking the favor exists
// While the signal may have been revoked, making this pointless, it's not worth the storage
// read on every call to check
// Since revoke will re-tally, this does technically mean a network will become in-favor of a
// revoked signal. Since revoke won't re-tally for all networks/lock-in, this is also fine
Self::revoke_favor_internal(ensure_signed(origin)?, signal_id, for_network)
/// Emit an event standing against the signal.
/// If the origin is currently in favor of the signal, their favor will be revoked.
#[pallet::weight(0)] // TODO
pub fn stand_against(
origin: OriginFor<T>,
signal_id: SignalId,
for_network: NetworkId,
) -> DispatchResult {
if LockedInRetirement::<T>::exists() {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::RetirementSignalLockedIn)?;
let account = ensure_signed(origin)?;
// If currently in favor, revoke the favor
if Favors::<T>::contains_key((signal_id, for_network), account) {
Self::revoke_favor_internal(account, signal_id, for_network)?;
} else {
// Check this Signal exists (which would've been implied by Favors for it existing)
if let SignalId::Retirement(signal_id) = signal_id {
if RegisteredRetirementSignals::<T>::get(signal_id).is_none() {
Err::<(), _>(Error::<T>::NonExistentRetirementSignal)?;
// Emit an event that we're against the signal
// No actual effects happen besides this
Self::deposit_event(Event::<T>::AgainstSignal { signal_id, who: account, for_network });
impl<T: Config> Hooks<BlockNumberFor<T>> for Pallet<T> {
fn on_initialize(current_number: BlockNumberFor<T>) -> Weight {
// If this is the block at which a locked-in signal has been set for long enough, panic
// This will prevent this block from executing and halt the chain
if let Some((signal, block_number)) = LockedInRetirement::<T>::get() {
if block_number == current_number {
"locked-in signal {} has been set for too long",
Weight::zero() // TODO
pub use pallet::*;