Luke Parker 7d2d739042
Rename the coins folder to networks (#583)
* Rename the coins folder to networks

Ethereum isn't a coin. It's a network.

Resolves #357.

* More renames of coins -> networks in orchestration

* Correct paths in tests/

* cargo fmt
2024-07-18 15:16:45 -04:00

284 lines
9.3 KiB

#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_auto_cfg))]
#![doc = include_str!("../")]
use curve25519_dalek::{scalar::Scalar, edwards::EdwardsPoint};
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_json::json;
use monero_serai::{
ringct::{RctPrunable, bulletproofs::BatchVerifier},
transaction::{Input, Transaction},
use monero_rpc::{RpcError, Rpc};
use monero_simple_request_rpc::SimpleRequestRpc;
use tokio::task::JoinHandle;
async fn check_block(rpc: impl Rpc, block_i: usize) {
let hash = loop {
match rpc.get_block_hash(block_i).await {
Ok(hash) => break hash,
Err(RpcError::ConnectionError(e)) => {
println!("get_block_hash ConnectionError: {e}");
Err(e) => panic!("couldn't get block {block_i}'s hash: {e:?}"),
// TODO: Grab the JSON to also check it was deserialized correctly
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct BlockResponse {
blob: String,
let res: BlockResponse = loop {
match rpc.json_rpc_call("get_block", Some(json!({ "hash": hex::encode(hash) }))).await {
Ok(res) => break res,
Err(RpcError::ConnectionError(e)) => {
println!("get_block ConnectionError: {e}");
Err(e) => panic!("couldn't get block {block_i} via block.hash(): {e:?}"),
let blob = hex::decode(res.blob).expect("node returned non-hex block");
let block = Block::read(&mut blob.as_slice())
.unwrap_or_else(|e| panic!("couldn't deserialize block {block_i}: {e}"));
assert_eq!(block.hash(), hash, "hash differs");
assert_eq!(block.serialize(), blob, "serialization differs");
let txs_len = 1 + block.transactions.len();
if !block.transactions.is_empty() {
// Test getting pruned transactions
loop {
match rpc.get_pruned_transactions(&block.transactions).await {
Ok(_) => break,
Err(RpcError::ConnectionError(e)) => {
println!("get_pruned_transactions ConnectionError: {e}");
Err(e) => panic!("couldn't call get_pruned_transactions: {e:?}"),
let txs = loop {
match rpc.get_transactions(&block.transactions).await {
Ok(txs) => break txs,
Err(RpcError::ConnectionError(e)) => {
println!("get_transactions ConnectionError: {e}");
Err(e) => panic!("couldn't call get_transactions: {e:?}"),
let mut batch = BatchVerifier::new();
for tx in txs {
match tx {
Transaction::V1 { prefix: _, signatures } => {
Transaction::V2 { prefix: _, proofs: None } => {
panic!("proofs were empty in non-miner v2 transaction");
Transaction::V2 { ref prefix, proofs: Some(ref proofs) } => {
let sig_hash = tx.signature_hash().expect("no signature hash for TX with proofs");
// Verify all proofs we support proving for
// This is due to having debug_asserts calling verify within their proving, and CLSAG
// multisig explicitly calling verify as part of its signing process
// Accordingly, making sure our signature_hash algorithm is correct is great, and further
// making sure the verification functions are valid is appreciated
match &proofs.prunable {
RctPrunable::AggregateMlsagBorromean { .. } | RctPrunable::MlsagBorromean { .. } => {}
RctPrunable::MlsagBulletproofs { bulletproof, .. } |
RctPrunable::MlsagBulletproofsCompactAmount { bulletproof, .. } => {
&mut rand_core::OsRng,
&mut batch,
RctPrunable::Clsag { bulletproof, clsags, pseudo_outs } => {
&mut rand_core::OsRng,
&mut batch,
for (i, clsag) in clsags.iter().enumerate() {
let (amount, key_offsets, image) = match &prefix.inputs[i] {
Input::Gen(_) => panic!("Input::Gen"),
Input::ToKey { amount, key_offsets, key_image } => {
(amount, key_offsets, key_image)
let mut running_sum = 0;
let mut actual_indexes = vec![];
for offset in key_offsets {
running_sum += offset;
async fn get_outs(
rpc: &impl Rpc,
amount: u64,
indexes: &[u64],
) -> Vec<[EdwardsPoint; 2]> {
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Out {
key: String,
mask: String,
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct Outs {
outs: Vec<Out>,
let outs: Outs = loop {
match rpc
"get_txid": true,
"outputs": indexes.iter().map(|o| json!({
"amount": amount,
"index": o
Ok(outs) => break outs,
Err(RpcError::ConnectionError(e)) => {
println!("get_outs ConnectionError: {e}");
Err(e) => panic!("couldn't connect to RPC to get outs: {e:?}"),
let rpc_point = |point: &str| {
.expect("invalid hex for ring member")
.expect("invalid point len for ring member"),
.expect("invalid point for ring member")
.map(|out| {
let mask = rpc_point(&out.mask);
if amount != 0 {
assert_eq!(mask, Commitment::new(Scalar::from(1u8), amount).calculate());
[rpc_point(&out.key), mask]
&get_outs(&rpc, amount.unwrap_or(0), &actual_indexes).await,
println!("Deserialized, hashed, and reserialized {block_i} with {txs_len} TXs");
async fn main() {
let args = std::env::args().collect::<Vec<String>>();
// Read start block as the first arg
let mut block_i =
args.get(1).expect("no start block specified").parse::<usize>().expect("invalid start block");
// How many blocks to work on at once
let async_parallelism: usize =
args.get(2).unwrap_or(&"8".to_string()).parse::<usize>().expect("invalid parallelism argument");
// Read further args as RPC URLs
let default_nodes = vec![
let mut specified_nodes = vec![];
let mut i = 0;
loop {
let Some(node) = args.get(3 + i) else { break };
i += 1;
let nodes = if specified_nodes.is_empty() { default_nodes } else { specified_nodes };
let rpc = |url: String| async move {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("couldn't create SimpleRequestRpc connected to {url}"))
let main_rpc = rpc(nodes[0].clone()).await;
let mut rpcs = vec![];
for i in 0 .. async_parallelism {
rpcs.push(rpc(nodes[i % nodes.len()].clone()).await);
let mut rpc_i = 0;
let mut handles: Vec<JoinHandle<()>> = vec![];
let mut height = 0;
loop {
let new_height = main_rpc.get_height().await.expect("couldn't call get_height");
if new_height == height {
height = new_height;
while block_i < height {
if handles.len() >= async_parallelism {
// Guarantee one handle is complete
// Remove all of the finished handles
let mut i = 0;
while i < handles.len() {
if handles[i].is_finished() {
i += 1;
handles.push(tokio::spawn(check_block(rpcs[rpc_i].clone(), block_i)));
rpc_i = (rpc_i + 1) % rpcs.len();
block_i += 1;