mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 01:04:24 +00:00
* Upstream GBP, divisor, circuit abstraction, and EC gadgets from FCMP++ * Initial eVRF implementation Not quite done yet. It needs to communicate the resulting points and proofs to extract them from the Pedersen Commitments in order to return those, and then be tested. * Add the openings of the PCs to the eVRF as necessary * Add implementation of secq256k1 * Make DKG Encryption a bit more flexible No longer requires the use of an EncryptionKeyMessage, and allows pre-defined keys for encryption. * Make NUM_BITS an argument for the field macro * Have the eVRF take a Zeroizing private key * Initial eVRF-based DKG * Add embedwards25519 curve * Inline the eVRF into the DKG library Due to how we're handling share encryption, we'd either need two circuits or to dedicate this circuit to the DKG. The latter makes sense at this time. * Add documentation to the eVRF-based DKG * Add paragraph claiming robustness * Update to the new eVRF proof * Finish routing the eVRF functionality Still needs errors and serialization, along with a few other TODOs. * Add initial eVRF DKG test * Improve eVRF DKG Updates how we calculcate verification shares, improves performance when extracting multiple sets of keys, and adds more to the test for it. * Start using a proper error for the eVRF DKG * Resolve various TODOs Supports recovering multiple key shares from the eVRF DKG. Inlines two loops to save 2**16 iterations. Adds support for creating a constant time representation of scalars < NUM_BITS. * Ban zero ECDH keys, document non-zero requirements * Implement eVRF traits, all the way up to the DKG, for secp256k1/ed25519 * Add Ristretto eVRF trait impls * Support participating multiple times in the eVRF DKG * Only participate once per key, not once per key share * Rewrite processor key-gen around the eVRF DKG Still a WIP. * Finish routing the new key gen in the processor Doesn't touch the tests, coordinator, nor Substrate yet. `cargo +nightly fmt && cargo +nightly-2024-07-01 clippy --all-features -p serai-processor` does pass. * Deduplicate and better document in processor key_gen * Update serai-processor tests to the new key gen * Correct amount of yx coefficients, get processor key gen test to pass * Add embedded elliptic curve keys to Substrate * Update processor key gen tests to the eVRF DKG * Have set_keys take signature_participants, not removed_participants Now no one is removed from the DKG. Only `t` people publish the key however. Uses a BitVec for an efficient encoding of the participants. * Update the coordinator binary for the new DKG This does not yet update any tests. * Add sensible Debug to key_gen::[Processor, Coordinator]Message * Have the DKG explicitly declare how to interpolate its shares Removes the hack for MuSig where we multiply keys by the inverse of their lagrange interpolation factor. * Replace Interpolation::None with Interpolation::Constant Allows the MuSig DKG to keep the secret share as the original private key, enabling deriving FROST nonces consistently regardless of the MuSig context. * Get coordinator tests to pass * Update spec to the new DKG * Get clippy to pass across the repo * cargo machete * Add an extra sleep to ensure expected ordering of `Participation`s * Update orchestration * Remove bad panic in coordinator It expected ConfirmationShare to be n-of-n, not t-of-n. * Improve documentation on functions * Update TX size limit We now no longer have to support the ridiculous case of having 49 DKG participations within a 101-of-150 DKG. It does remain quite high due to needing to _sign_ so many times. It'd may be optimal for parties with multiple key shares to independently send their preprocesses/shares (despite the overhead that'll cause with signatures and the transaction structure). * Correct error in the Processor spec document * Update a few comments in the validator-sets pallet * Send/Recv Participation one at a time Sending all, then attempting to receive all in an expected order, wasn't working even with notable delays between sending messages. This points to the mempool not working as expected... * Correct ThresholdKeys serialization in modular-frost test * Updating existing TX size limit test for the new DKG parameters * Increase time allowed for the DKG on the GH CI * Correct construction of signature_participants in serai-client tests Fault identified by akil. * Further contextualize DkgConfirmer by ValidatorSet Caught by a safety check we wouldn't reuse preprocesses across messages. That raises the question of we were prior reusing preprocesses (reusing keys)? Except that'd have caused a variety of signing failures (suggesting we had some staggered timing avoiding it in practice but yes, this was possible in theory). * Add necessary calls to set_embedded_elliptic_curve_key in coordinator set rotation tests * Correct shimmed setting of a secq256k1 key * cargo fmt * Don't use `[0; 32]` for the embedded keys in the coordinator rotation test The key_gen function expects the random values already decided. * Big-endian secq256k1 scalars Also restores the prior, safer, Encryption::register function.
1286 lines
47 KiB
1286 lines
47 KiB
use core::ops::Deref;
use std::{
sync::{OnceLock, Arc},
collections::{VecDeque, HashSet, HashMap},
use zeroize::{Zeroize, Zeroizing};
use rand_core::OsRng;
use ciphersuite::{
ff::{Field, PrimeField},
Ciphersuite, Ristretto,
use schnorr::SchnorrSignature;
use serai_db::{DbTxn, Db};
use scale::Encode;
use borsh::BorshSerialize;
use serai_client::{
validator_sets::primitives::{Session, ValidatorSet, KeyPair},
Public, Serai, SeraiInInstructions,
use message_queue::{Service, client::MessageQueue};
use tokio::{
sync::{Mutex, RwLock, mpsc, broadcast},
use ::tributary::{ProvidedError, TransactionKind, TransactionTrait, Block, Tributary};
mod tributary;
use crate::tributary::{
TributarySpec, Label, SignData, Transaction, scanner::RecognizedIdType, PlanIds,
mod db;
use db::*;
mod p2p;
pub use p2p::*;
use processor_messages::{
key_gen, sign,
coordinator::{self, SubstrateSignableId},
pub mod processors;
use processors::Processors;
mod substrate;
use substrate::CosignTransactions;
mod cosign_evaluator;
use cosign_evaluator::CosignEvaluator;
pub mod tests;
static ALLOCATOR: zalloc::ZeroizingAlloc<std::alloc::System> =
pub struct ActiveTributary<D: Db, P: P2p> {
pub spec: TributarySpec,
pub tributary: Arc<Tributary<D, Transaction, P>>,
pub enum TributaryEvent<D: Db, P: P2p> {
NewTributary(ActiveTributary<D, P>),
// Creates a new tributary and sends it to all listeners.
async fn add_tributary<D: Db, Pro: Processors, P: P2p>(
db: D,
key: Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
processors: &Pro,
p2p: P,
tributaries: &broadcast::Sender<TributaryEvent<D, P>>,
spec: TributarySpec,
) {
if RetiredTributaryDb::get(&db, spec.set()).is_some() {
log::info!("not adding tributary {:?} since it's been retired", spec.set());
log::info!("adding tributary {:?}", spec.set());
let tributary = Tributary::<_, Transaction, _>::new(
// TODO2: Use a db on a distinct volume to protect against DoS attacks
// TODO2: Delete said db once the Tributary is dropped
// Trigger a DKG for the newly added Tributary
// If we're rebooting, we'll re-fire this message
// This is safe due to the message-queue deduplicating based off the intent system
let set = spec.set();
processor_messages::key_gen::CoordinatorMessage::GenerateKey {
session: set.session,
threshold: spec.t(),
evrf_public_keys: spec.evrf_public_keys(),
// params: frost::ThresholdParams::new(spec.t(), spec.n(&[]), our_i.start).unwrap(),
// shares: u16::from(our_i.end) - u16::from(our_i.start),
.send(TributaryEvent::NewTributary(ActiveTributary { spec, tributary: Arc::new(tributary) }))
.map_err(|_| "all ActiveTributary recipients closed")
// TODO: Find a better pattern for this
static HANDOVER_VERIFY_QUEUE_LOCK: OnceLock<Mutex<()>> = OnceLock::new();
async fn handle_processor_message<D: Db, P: P2p>(
db: &mut D,
key: &Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
serai: &Serai,
p2p: &P,
cosign_channel: &mpsc::UnboundedSender<CosignedBlock>,
tributaries: &HashMap<Session, ActiveTributary<D, P>>,
network: NetworkId,
msg: &processors::Message,
) -> bool {
if let Some(already_handled) = HandledMessageDb::get(db, msg.network) {
assert!(!(already_handled > msg.id));
assert!((already_handled == msg.id) || (already_handled == msg.id - 1));
if already_handled == msg.id {
return true;
} else {
assert_eq!(msg.id, 0);
let _hvq_lock = HANDOVER_VERIFY_QUEUE_LOCK.get_or_init(|| Mutex::new(())).lock().await;
let mut txn = db.txn();
let mut relevant_tributary = match &msg.msg {
// We'll only receive these if we fired GenerateKey, which we'll only do if if we're
// in-set, making the Tributary relevant
ProcessorMessage::KeyGen(inner_msg) => match inner_msg {
key_gen::ProcessorMessage::Participation { session, .. } |
key_gen::ProcessorMessage::GeneratedKeyPair { session, .. } |
key_gen::ProcessorMessage::Blame { session, .. } => Some(*session),
ProcessorMessage::Sign(inner_msg) => match inner_msg {
// We'll only receive InvalidParticipant/Preprocess/Share if we're actively signing
sign::ProcessorMessage::InvalidParticipant { id, .. } |
sign::ProcessorMessage::Preprocess { id, .. } |
sign::ProcessorMessage::Share { id, .. } => Some(id.session),
// While the Processor's Scanner will always emit Completed, that's routed through the
// Signer and only becomes a ProcessorMessage::Completed if the Signer is present and
// confirms it
sign::ProcessorMessage::Completed { session, .. } => Some(*session),
ProcessorMessage::Coordinator(inner_msg) => match inner_msg {
// This is a special case as it's relevant to *all* Tributaries for this network we're
// signing in
// It doesn't return a Tributary to become `relevant_tributary` though
coordinator::ProcessorMessage::SubstrateBlockAck { block, plans } => {
// Get the sessions for these keys
let sessions = plans
.map(|plan| plan.session)
.filter(|session| {
RetiredTributaryDb::get(&txn, ValidatorSet { network, session: *session }).is_none()
// Ensure we have the Tributaries
for session in &sessions {
if !tributaries.contains_key(session) {
return false;
for session in sessions {
let tributary = &tributaries[&session];
let plans = plans
.filter_map(|plan| Some(plan.id).filter(|_| plan.session == session))
PlanIds::set(&mut txn, &tributary.spec.genesis(), *block, &plans);
let tx = Transaction::SubstrateBlock(*block);
"processor message effected transaction {} {:?}",
log::trace!("providing transaction {}", hex::encode(tx.hash()));
let res = tributary.tributary.provide_transaction(tx).await;
if !(res.is_ok() || (res == Err(ProvidedError::AlreadyProvided))) {
if res == Err(ProvidedError::LocalMismatchesOnChain) {
// Spin, since this is a crit for this Tributary
loop {
"{}. tributary: {}, provided: SubstrateBlock({})",
"tributary added distinct provided to delayed locally provided TX",
panic!("provided an invalid transaction: {res:?}");
// We'll only fire these if we are the Substrate signer, making the Tributary relevant
coordinator::ProcessorMessage::InvalidParticipant { id, .. } |
coordinator::ProcessorMessage::CosignPreprocess { id, .. } |
coordinator::ProcessorMessage::BatchPreprocess { id, .. } |
coordinator::ProcessorMessage::SlashReportPreprocess { id, .. } |
coordinator::ProcessorMessage::SubstrateShare { id, .. } => Some(id.session),
// This causes an action on our P2P net yet not on any Tributary
coordinator::ProcessorMessage::CosignedBlock { block_number, block, signature } => {
let cosigned_block = CosignedBlock {
block_number: *block_number,
block: *block,
signature: {
let mut arr = [0; 64];
let mut buf = vec![];
cosigned_block.serialize(&mut buf).unwrap();
P2p::broadcast(p2p, GossipMessageKind::CosignedBlock, buf).await;
// This causes an action on Substrate yet not on any Tributary
coordinator::ProcessorMessage::SignedSlashReport { session, signature } => {
let set = ValidatorSet { network, session: *session };
let signature: &[u8] = signature.as_ref();
let signature = serai_client::Signature(signature.try_into().unwrap());
let slashes = crate::tributary::SlashReport::get(&txn, set)
.expect("signed slash report despite not having slash report locally");
let slashes_pubs =
slashes.iter().map(|(address, points)| (Public(*address), *points)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let tx = serai_client::SeraiValidatorSets::report_slashes(
.map(|(address, points)| (serai_client::SeraiAddress(address), points))
loop {
if serai.publish(&tx).await.is_ok() {
break None;
// Check if the slashes shouldn't still be reported. If not, break.
let Ok(serai) = serai.as_of_latest_finalized_block().await else {
let Ok(key) = serai.validator_sets().key_pending_slash_report(network).await else {
let Some(key) = key else {
break None;
// If this is the key for this slash report, then this will verify
use sp_application_crypto::RuntimePublic;
if !key.verify(
&serai_client::validator_sets::primitives::report_slashes_message(&set, &slashes_pubs),
) {
break None;
// These don't return a relevant Tributary as there's no Tributary with action expected
ProcessorMessage::Substrate(inner_msg) => match inner_msg {
processor_messages::substrate::ProcessorMessage::Batch { batch } => {
batch.network, msg.network,
"processor sent us a batch for a different network than it was for",
ExpectedBatchDb::save_expected_batch(&mut txn, batch);
// If this is a new Batch, immediately publish it (if we can)
processor_messages::substrate::ProcessorMessage::SignedBatch { batch } => {
batch.batch.network, msg.network,
"processor sent us a signed batch for a different network than it was for",
log::debug!("received batch {:?} {}", batch.batch.network, batch.batch.id);
// Save this batch to the disk
BatchDb::set(&mut txn, batch.batch.network, batch.batch.id, &batch.clone());
// Get the next-to-execute batch ID
let Ok(mut next) = substrate::expected_next_batch(serai, network).await else {
return false;
// Since we have a new batch, publish all batches yet to be published to Serai
// This handles the edge-case where batch n+1 is signed before batch n is
let mut batches = VecDeque::new();
while let Some(batch) = BatchDb::get(&txn, network, next) {
next += 1;
while let Some(batch) = batches.pop_front() {
// If this Batch should no longer be published, continue
let Ok(expected_next_batch) = substrate::expected_next_batch(serai, network).await else {
return false;
if expected_next_batch > batch.batch.id {
let tx = SeraiInInstructions::execute_batch(batch.clone());
log::debug!("attempting to publish batch {:?} {}", batch.batch.network, batch.batch.id,);
// This publish may fail if this transactions already exists in the mempool, which is
// possible, or if this batch was already executed on-chain
// Either case will have eventual resolution and be handled by the above check on if
// this batch should execute
let res = serai.publish(&tx).await;
if res.is_ok() {
"published batch {network:?} {} (block {})",
} else {
"couldn't publish batch {:?} {}: {:?}",
// If we failed to publish it, restore it
// Sleep for a few seconds before retrying to prevent hammering the node
// If we have a relevant Tributary, check it's actually still relevant and has yet to be retired
if let Some(relevant_tributary_value) = relevant_tributary {
if RetiredTributaryDb::get(
ValidatorSet { network: msg.network, session: relevant_tributary_value },
relevant_tributary = None;
// If there's a relevant Tributary...
if let Some(relevant_tributary) = relevant_tributary {
// Make sure we have it
// Per the reasoning above, we only return a Tributary as relevant if we're a participant
// Accordingly, we do *need* to have this Tributary now to handle it UNLESS the Tributary has
// already completed and this is simply an old message (which we prior checked)
let Some(ActiveTributary { spec, tributary }) = tributaries.get(&relevant_tributary) else {
// Since we don't, sleep for a fraction of a second and return false, signaling we didn't
// handle this message
// At the start of the loop which calls this function, we'll check for new tributaries,
// making this eventually resolve
return false;
let genesis = spec.genesis();
let pub_key = Ristretto::generator() * key.deref();
let txs = match msg.msg.clone() {
ProcessorMessage::KeyGen(inner_msg) => match inner_msg {
key_gen::ProcessorMessage::Participation { session, participation } => {
assert_eq!(session, spec.set().session);
vec![Transaction::DkgParticipation { participation, signed: Transaction::empty_signed() }]
key_gen::ProcessorMessage::GeneratedKeyPair { session, substrate_key, network_key } => {
assert_eq!(session, spec.set().session);
&mut txn,
&KeyPair(Public(substrate_key), network_key.try_into().unwrap()),
// Create a MuSig-based machine to inform Substrate of this key generation
let confirmation_nonces =
crate::tributary::dkg_confirmation_nonces(key, spec, &mut txn, 0);
vec![Transaction::DkgConfirmationNonces {
attempt: 0,
signed: Transaction::empty_signed(),
key_gen::ProcessorMessage::Blame { session, participant } => {
assert_eq!(session, spec.set().session);
let participant = spec.reverse_lookup_i(participant).unwrap();
vec![Transaction::RemoveParticipant { participant, signed: Transaction::empty_signed() }]
ProcessorMessage::Sign(msg) => match msg {
sign::ProcessorMessage::InvalidParticipant { .. } => {
// TODO: Locally increase slash points to maximum (distinct from an explicitly fatal
// slash) and censor transactions (yet don't explicitly ban)
sign::ProcessorMessage::Preprocess { id, preprocesses } => {
if id.attempt == 0 {
&mut txn,
} else {
vec![Transaction::Sign(SignData {
plan: id.id,
attempt: id.attempt,
label: Label::Preprocess,
data: preprocesses,
signed: Transaction::empty_signed(),
sign::ProcessorMessage::Share { id, shares } => {
vec![Transaction::Sign(SignData {
plan: id.id,
attempt: id.attempt,
label: Label::Share,
data: shares,
signed: Transaction::empty_signed(),
sign::ProcessorMessage::Completed { session: _, id, tx } => {
let r = Zeroizing::new(<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F::random(&mut OsRng));
let R = <Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::generator() * r.deref();
let mut tx = Transaction::SignCompleted {
plan: id,
tx_hash: tx,
first_signer: pub_key,
signature: SchnorrSignature { R, s: <Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F::ZERO },
let signed = SchnorrSignature::sign(key, r, tx.sign_completed_challenge());
match &mut tx {
Transaction::SignCompleted { signature, .. } => {
*signature = signed;
_ => unreachable!(),
ProcessorMessage::Coordinator(inner_msg) => match inner_msg {
coordinator::ProcessorMessage::SubstrateBlockAck { .. } => unreachable!(),
coordinator::ProcessorMessage::InvalidParticipant { .. } => {
// TODO: Locally increase slash points to maximum (distinct from an explicitly fatal
// slash) and censor transactions (yet don't explicitly ban)
coordinator::ProcessorMessage::CosignPreprocess { id, preprocesses } |
coordinator::ProcessorMessage::SlashReportPreprocess { id, preprocesses } => {
vec![Transaction::SubstrateSign(SignData {
plan: id.id,
attempt: id.attempt,
label: Label::Preprocess,
data: preprocesses.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(),
signed: Transaction::empty_signed(),
coordinator::ProcessorMessage::BatchPreprocess { id, block, preprocesses } => {
"informed of batch (sign ID {}, attempt {}) for block {}",
// If this is the first attempt instance, wait until we synchronize around the batch
// first
if id.attempt == 0 {
&mut txn,
let SubstrateSignableId::Batch(id) = id.id else {
panic!("BatchPreprocess SubstrateSignableId wasn't Batch")
let intended = Transaction::Batch {
block: block.0,
batch: match id.id {
SubstrateSignableId::Batch(id) => id,
_ => panic!("BatchPreprocess did not contain Batch ID"),
// If this is the new key's first Batch, only create this TX once we verify all
// all prior published `Batch`s
// TODO: This assumes BatchPreprocess is immediately after Batch
// Ensure that assumption
let last_received = LastReceivedBatchDb::get(&txn, msg.network).unwrap();
let handover_batch = HandoverBatchDb::get(&txn, spec.set());
let mut queue = false;
if let Some(handover_batch) = handover_batch {
// There is a race condition here. We may verify all `Batch`s from the prior set,
// start signing the handover `Batch` `n`, start signing `n+1`, have `n+1` signed
// before `n` (or at the same time), yet then the prior set forges a malicious
// `Batch` `n`.
// The malicious `Batch` `n` would be publishable to Serai, as Serai can't
// distinguish what's intended to be a handover `Batch`, yet then anyone could
// publish the new set's `n+1`, causing their acceptance of the handover.
// To fix this, if this is after the handover `Batch` and we have yet to verify
// publication of the handover `Batch`, don't yet yield the provided.
if last_received > handover_batch {
if let Some(last_verified) = LastVerifiedBatchDb::get(&txn, msg.network) {
if last_verified < handover_batch {
queue = true;
} else {
queue = true;
} else {
HandoverBatchDb::set_handover_batch(&mut txn, spec.set(), last_received);
// If this isn't the first batch, meaning we do have to verify all prior batches, and
// the prior Batch hasn't been verified yet...
if (last_received != 0) &&
LastVerifiedBatchDb::get(&txn, msg.network)
.map_or(true, |last_verified| last_verified < (last_received - 1))
// Withhold this TX until we verify all prior `Batch`s
queue = true;
if queue {
QueuedBatchesDb::queue(&mut txn, spec.set(), &intended);
} else {
// Because this is post-verification of the handover batch, take all queued `Batch`s
// now to ensure we don't provide this before an already queued Batch
// This *may* be an unreachable case due to how last_verified_batch is set, yet it
// doesn't hurt to have as a defensive pattern
let mut res = QueuedBatchesDb::take(&mut txn, spec.set());
} else {
vec![Transaction::SubstrateSign(SignData {
plan: id.id,
attempt: id.attempt,
label: Label::Preprocess,
data: preprocesses.into_iter().map(Into::into).collect(),
signed: Transaction::empty_signed(),
coordinator::ProcessorMessage::SubstrateShare { id, shares } => {
vec![Transaction::SubstrateSign(SignData {
plan: id.id,
attempt: id.attempt,
label: Label::Share,
data: shares.into_iter().map(|share| share.to_vec()).collect(),
signed: Transaction::empty_signed(),
#[allow(clippy::match_same_arms)] // Allowed to preserve layout
coordinator::ProcessorMessage::CosignedBlock { .. } => unreachable!(),
coordinator::ProcessorMessage::SignedSlashReport { .. } => unreachable!(),
ProcessorMessage::Substrate(inner_msg) => match inner_msg {
processor_messages::substrate::ProcessorMessage::Batch { .. } |
processor_messages::substrate::ProcessorMessage::SignedBatch { .. } => unreachable!(),
// If this created transactions, publish them
for mut tx in txs {
log::trace!("processor message effected transaction {} {:?}", hex::encode(tx.hash()), &tx);
match tx.kind() {
TransactionKind::Provided(_) => {
log::trace!("providing transaction {}", hex::encode(tx.hash()));
let res = tributary.provide_transaction(tx.clone()).await;
if !(res.is_ok() || (res == Err(ProvidedError::AlreadyProvided))) {
if res == Err(ProvidedError::LocalMismatchesOnChain) {
// Spin, since this is a crit for this Tributary
loop {
"{}. tributary: {}, provided: {:?}",
"tributary added distinct provided to delayed locally provided TX",
panic!("provided an invalid transaction: {res:?}");
TransactionKind::Unsigned => {
log::trace!("publishing unsigned transaction {}", hex::encode(tx.hash()));
match tributary.add_transaction(tx.clone()).await {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => panic!("created an invalid unsigned transaction: {e:?}"),
TransactionKind::Signed(_, _) => {
tx.sign(&mut OsRng, genesis, key);
tributary::publish_signed_transaction(&mut txn, tributary, tx).await;
HandledMessageDb::set(&mut txn, msg.network, &msg.id);
async fn handle_processor_messages<D: Db, Pro: Processors, P: P2p>(
mut db: D,
key: Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
serai: Arc<Serai>,
processors: Pro,
p2p: P,
cosign_channel: mpsc::UnboundedSender<CosignedBlock>,
network: NetworkId,
mut tributary_event: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<TributaryEvent<D, P>>,
) {
let mut tributaries = HashMap::new();
loop {
match tributary_event.try_recv() {
Ok(event) => match event {
TributaryEvent::NewTributary(tributary) => {
let set = tributary.spec.set();
assert_eq!(set.network, network);
tributaries.insert(set.session, tributary);
TributaryEvent::TributaryRetired(set) => {
Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => {}
Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Disconnected) => {
panic!("handle_processor_messages tributary_event sender closed")
// TODO: Check this ID is sane (last handled ID or expected next ID)
let Ok(msg) = tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_secs(1), processors.recv(network)).await
else {
log::trace!("entering handle_processor_message for {:?}", network);
if handle_processor_message(
&mut db,
log::trace!("exited handle_processor_message for {:?}", network);
async fn handle_cosigns_and_batch_publication<D: Db, P: P2p>(
mut db: D,
network: NetworkId,
mut tributary_event: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<TributaryEvent<D, P>>,
) {
let mut tributaries = HashMap::new();
'outer: loop {
// TODO: Create a better async flow for this
match tributary_event.try_recv() {
Ok(event) => match event {
TributaryEvent::NewTributary(tributary) => {
let set = tributary.spec.set();
assert_eq!(set.network, network);
tributaries.insert(set.session, tributary);
TributaryEvent::TributaryRetired(set) => {
Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => {}
Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Disconnected) => {
panic!("handle_processor_messages tributary_event sender closed")
// Handle pending cosigns
let mut txn = db.txn();
while let Some((session, block, hash)) = CosignTransactions::try_recv(&mut txn, network) {
let Some(ActiveTributary { spec, tributary }) = tributaries.get(&session) else {
log::warn!("didn't yet have tributary we're supposed to cosign with");
"{network:?} {session:?} cosigning block #{block} (hash {}...)",
hex::encode(&hash[.. 8])
let tx = Transaction::CosignSubstrateBlock(hash);
let res = tributary.provide_transaction(tx.clone()).await;
if !(res.is_ok() || (res == Err(ProvidedError::AlreadyProvided))) {
if res == Err(ProvidedError::LocalMismatchesOnChain) {
// Spin, since this is a crit for this Tributary
loop {
"{}. tributary: {}, provided: {:?}",
"tributary added distinct CosignSubstrateBlock",
panic!("provided an invalid CosignSubstrateBlock: {res:?}");
// Verify any publifshed `Batch`s
let _hvq_lock = HANDOVER_VERIFY_QUEUE_LOCK.get_or_init(|| Mutex::new(())).lock().await;
let mut txn = db.txn();
let mut to_publish = vec![];
let start_id =
LastVerifiedBatchDb::get(&txn, network).map_or(0, |already_verified| already_verified + 1);
if let Some(last_id) =
substrate::verify_published_batches::<D>(&mut txn, network, u32::MAX).await
// Check if any of these `Batch`s were a handover `Batch` or the `Batch` before a handover
// `Batch`
// If so, we need to publish queued provided `Batch` transactions
for batch in start_id ..= last_id {
let is_pre_handover = LookupHandoverBatchDb::get(&txn, network, batch + 1);
if let Some(session) = is_pre_handover {
let set = ValidatorSet { network, session };
let mut queued = QueuedBatchesDb::take(&mut txn, set);
// is_handover_batch is only set for handover `Batch`s we're participating in, making
// this safe
if queued.is_empty() {
panic!("knew the next Batch was a handover yet didn't queue it");
// Only publish the handover Batch
to_publish.push((set.session, queued.remove(0)));
// Re-queue the remaining batches
for remaining in queued {
QueuedBatchesDb::queue(&mut txn, set, &remaining);
let is_handover = LookupHandoverBatchDb::get(&txn, network, batch);
if let Some(session) = is_handover {
for queued in QueuedBatchesDb::take(&mut txn, ValidatorSet { network, session }) {
to_publish.push((session, queued));
for (session, tx) in to_publish {
let Some(ActiveTributary { spec, tributary }) = tributaries.get(&session) else {
log::warn!("didn't yet have tributary we're supposed to provide a queued Batch for");
// Safe since this will drop the txn updating the most recently queued batch
continue 'outer;
log::debug!("providing Batch transaction {:?}", &tx);
let res = tributary.provide_transaction(tx.clone()).await;
if !(res.is_ok() || (res == Err(ProvidedError::AlreadyProvided))) {
if res == Err(ProvidedError::LocalMismatchesOnChain) {
// Spin, since this is a crit for this Tributary
loop {
"{}. tributary: {}, provided: {:?}",
"tributary added distinct Batch",
panic!("provided an invalid Batch: {res:?}");
pub async fn handle_processors<D: Db, Pro: Processors, P: P2p>(
db: D,
key: Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
serai: Arc<Serai>,
processors: Pro,
p2p: P,
cosign_channel: mpsc::UnboundedSender<CosignedBlock>,
mut tributary_event: broadcast::Receiver<TributaryEvent<D, P>>,
) {
let mut channels = HashMap::new();
for network in serai_client::primitives::NETWORKS {
if network == NetworkId::Serai {
let (processor_send, processor_recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let (cosign_send, cosign_recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
tokio::spawn(handle_cosigns_and_batch_publication(db.clone(), network, cosign_recv));
channels.insert(network, (processor_send, cosign_send));
// Listen to new tributary events
loop {
match tributary_event.recv().await.unwrap() {
TributaryEvent::NewTributary(tributary) => {
let (c1, c2) = &channels[&tributary.spec.set().network];
TributaryEvent::TributaryRetired(set) => {
let (c1, c2) = &channels[&set.network];
pub async fn run<D: Db, Pro: Processors, P: P2p>(
raw_db: D,
key: Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
p2p: P,
processors: Pro,
serai: Arc<Serai>,
) {
let (new_tributary_spec_send, mut new_tributary_spec_recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
// Reload active tributaries from the database
for spec in ActiveTributaryDb::active_tributaries(&raw_db).1 {
let (perform_slash_report_send, mut perform_slash_report_recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let (tributary_retired_send, mut tributary_retired_recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
// Handle new Substrate blocks
// Handle the Tributaries
// This should be large enough for an entire rotation of all tributaries
// If it's too small, the coordinator fail to boot, which is a decent sanity check
let (tributary_event, mut tributary_event_listener_1) = broadcast::channel(32);
let tributary_event_listener_2 = tributary_event.subscribe();
let tributary_event_listener_3 = tributary_event.subscribe();
let tributary_event_listener_4 = tributary_event.subscribe();
let tributary_event_listener_5 = tributary_event.subscribe();
// Emit TributaryEvent::TributaryRetired
let tributary_event = tributary_event.clone();
async move {
loop {
let retired = tributary_retired_recv.recv().await.unwrap();
tributary_event.send(TributaryEvent::TributaryRetired(retired)).map_err(|_| ()).unwrap();
// Spawn a task to further add Tributaries as needed
let raw_db = raw_db.clone();
let key = key.clone();
let processors = processors.clone();
let p2p = p2p.clone();
async move {
loop {
let spec = new_tributary_spec_recv.recv().await.unwrap();
// Uses an inner task as Tributary::new may take several seconds
let raw_db = raw_db.clone();
let key = key.clone();
let processors = processors.clone();
let p2p = p2p.clone();
let tributary_event = tributary_event.clone();
async move {
add_tributary(raw_db, key, &processors, p2p, &tributary_event, spec).await;
// When we reach synchrony on an event requiring signing, send our preprocess for it
// TODO: Properly place this into the Tributary scanner, as it's a mess out here
let recognized_id = {
let raw_db = raw_db.clone();
let key = key.clone();
let specs = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new()));
let tributaries = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new()));
// Spawn a task to maintain a local view of the tributaries for whenever recognized_id is
// called
let specs = specs.clone();
let tributaries = tributaries.clone();
let mut set_to_genesis = HashMap::new();
async move {
loop {
match tributary_event_listener_1.recv().await {
Ok(TributaryEvent::NewTributary(tributary)) => {
set_to_genesis.insert(tributary.spec.set(), tributary.spec.genesis());
tributaries.write().await.insert(tributary.spec.genesis(), tributary.tributary);
specs.write().await.insert(tributary.spec.set(), tributary.spec);
Ok(TributaryEvent::TributaryRetired(set)) => {
if let Some(genesis) = set_to_genesis.remove(&set) {
Err(broadcast::error::RecvError::Lagged(_)) => {
panic!("recognized_id lagged to handle tributary_event")
Err(broadcast::error::RecvError::Closed) => panic!("tributary_event sender closed"),
// Also spawn a task to handle slash reports, as this needs such a view of tributaries
let mut raw_db = raw_db.clone();
let key = key.clone();
let tributaries = tributaries.clone();
async move {
'task_loop: loop {
match perform_slash_report_recv.recv().await {
Some(set) => {
let (genesis, validators) = loop {
let specs = specs.read().await;
let Some(spec) = specs.get(&set) else {
// If we don't have this Tributary because it's retired, break and move on
if RetiredTributaryDb::get(&raw_db, set).is_some() {
continue 'task_loop;
// This may happen if the task above is simply slow
log::warn!("tributary we don't have yet is supposed to perform a slash report");
break (spec.genesis(), spec.validators());
let mut slashes = vec![];
for (validator, _) in validators {
if validator == (<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::generator() * key.deref()) {
let validator = validator.to_bytes();
let fatally = tributary::FatallySlashed::get(&raw_db, genesis, validator).is_some();
// TODO: Properly type this
let points = if fatally {
} else {
tributary::SlashPoints::get(&raw_db, genesis, validator).unwrap_or(0)
let mut tx = Transaction::SlashReport(slashes, Transaction::empty_signed());
tx.sign(&mut OsRng, genesis, &key);
let mut first = true;
loop {
if !first {
first = false;
let tributaries = tributaries.read().await;
let Some(tributary) = tributaries.get(&genesis) else {
// If we don't have this Tributary because it's retired, break and move on
if RetiredTributaryDb::get(&raw_db, set).is_some() {
// This may happen if the task above is simply slow
log::warn!("tributary we don't have yet is supposed to perform a slash report");
// This is safe to perform multiple times and solely needs atomicity with regards
// to itself
// TODO: Should this not take a txn accordingly? It's best practice to take a txn,
// yet taking a txn fails to declare its achieved independence
let mut txn = raw_db.txn();
tributary::publish_signed_transaction(&mut txn, tributary, tx).await;
None => panic!("perform slash report sender closed"),
move |set: ValidatorSet, genesis, id_type, id: Vec<u8>| {
log::debug!("recognized ID {:?} {}", id_type, hex::encode(&id));
let mut raw_db = raw_db.clone();
let key = key.clone();
let tributaries = tributaries.clone();
async move {
// The transactions for these are fired before the preprocesses are actually
// received/saved, creating a race between Tributary ack and the availability of all
// Preprocesses
// This waits until the necessary preprocess is available 0,
let get_preprocess = |raw_db, id_type, id| async move {
loop {
let Some(preprocess) = FirstPreprocessDb::get(raw_db, set.network, id_type, id) else {
log::warn!("waiting for preprocess for recognized ID");
return preprocess;
let mut tx = match id_type {
RecognizedIdType::Batch => Transaction::SubstrateSign(SignData {
data: get_preprocess(&raw_db, id_type, &id).await,
plan: SubstrateSignableId::Batch(u32::from_le_bytes(id.try_into().unwrap())),
label: Label::Preprocess,
attempt: 0,
signed: Transaction::empty_signed(),
RecognizedIdType::Plan => Transaction::Sign(SignData {
data: get_preprocess(&raw_db, id_type, &id).await,
plan: id.try_into().unwrap(),
label: Label::Preprocess,
attempt: 0,
signed: Transaction::empty_signed(),
tx.sign(&mut OsRng, genesis, &key);
let mut first = true;
loop {
if !first {
first = false;
let tributaries = tributaries.read().await;
let Some(tributary) = tributaries.get(&genesis) else {
// If we don't have this Tributary because it's retired, break and move on
if RetiredTributaryDb::get(&raw_db, set).is_some() {
// This may happen if the task above is simply slow
log::warn!("tributary we don't have yet came to consensus on an Batch");
// This is safe to perform multiple times and solely needs atomicity with regards to
// itself
// TODO: Should this not take a txn accordingly? It's best practice to take a txn, yet
// taking a txn fails to declare its achieved independence
let mut txn = raw_db.txn();
tributary::publish_signed_transaction(&mut txn, tributary, tx).await;
// Handle new blocks for each Tributary
let raw_db = raw_db.clone();
// Spawn the heartbeat task, which will trigger syncing if there hasn't been a Tributary block
// in a while (presumably because we're behind)
tokio::spawn(p2p::heartbeat_tributaries_task(p2p.clone(), tributary_event_listener_3));
// Create the Cosign evaluator
let cosign_channel = CosignEvaluator::new(raw_db.clone(), p2p.clone(), serai.clone());
// Handle P2P messages
// Handle all messages from processors
async fn main() {
// Override the panic handler with one which will panic if any tokio task panics
let existing = std::panic::take_hook();
std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |panic| {
const MSG: &str = "exiting the process due to a task panicking";
if std::env::var("RUST_LOG").is_err() {
std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", serai_env::var("RUST_LOG").unwrap_or_else(|| "info".to_string()));
log::info!("starting coordinator service...");
#[allow(unused_variables, unreachable_code)]
let db = {
#[cfg(all(feature = "parity-db", feature = "rocksdb"))]
panic!("built with parity-db and rocksdb");
#[cfg(all(feature = "parity-db", not(feature = "rocksdb")))]
let db =
serai_db::new_parity_db(&serai_env::var("DB_PATH").expect("path to DB wasn't specified"));
#[cfg(feature = "rocksdb")]
let db =
serai_db::new_rocksdb(&serai_env::var("DB_PATH").expect("path to DB wasn't specified"));
let key = {
let mut key_hex = serai_env::var("SERAI_KEY").expect("Serai key wasn't provided");
let mut key_vec = hex::decode(&key_hex).map_err(|_| ()).expect("Serai key wasn't hex-encoded");
if key_vec.len() != 32 {
panic!("Serai key had an invalid length");
let mut key_bytes = [0; 32];
let key = Zeroizing::new(<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F::from_repr(key_bytes).unwrap());
let processors = Arc::new(MessageQueue::from_env(Service::Coordinator));
let serai = (async {
loop {
let Ok(serai) = Serai::new(format!(
serai_env::var("SERAI_HOSTNAME").expect("Serai hostname wasn't provided")
else {
log::error!("couldn't connect to the Serai node");
log::info!("made initial connection to Serai node");
return Arc::new(serai);
let p2p = LibP2p::new(serai.clone());
run(db, key, p2p, processors, serai).await