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synced 2025-03-15 16:12:44 +00:00
Currently intended to be done with: cargo clippy --features "recommended merlin batch serialize experimental ed25519 ristretto p256 secp256k1 multisig" -- -A clippy::type_complexity -A dead_code
356 lines
13 KiB
356 lines
13 KiB
#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)]
use ink_lang as ink;
use serai_extension::{Curve, GlobalValidatorSetId, ValidatorSetIndex, Key};
type KeysHash = [u8; 32];
#[ink::contract(env = serai_extension::SeraiEnvironment)]
mod multisig {
use scale::Encode;
use ink_storage::{traits::SpreadAllocate, Mapping};
use ink_env::{hash::Blake2x256, hash_encoded};
use super::*;
/// A contract which tracks the current multisig keys.
/// Mapping of each validator set to their multisigs.
pub struct Multisig {
/// Global validator set ID under which this multisig was updated.
/// Used to track if the multisig has been updated to the latest instantiation of a validator
/// set or not.
/// May be behind, and still healthy, if a validator set didn't change despite the global
/// validator set doing so.
updated_at: Mapping<ValidatorSetIndex, GlobalValidatorSetId>,
/// Mapping from a curve's index to the multisig's current public key for it, if it has one.
// This is a mapping due to ink's eager loading. Considering we're right now only considering
// Secp256k1 and Ed25519, it may be notably more efficient to use a Vec here.
// In practice, we're likely discussing up to 7 curves in total, so it may always be better to
// simply use a Vec here, especially since it'd be Vec<Option<Key>>.
keys: Mapping<(ValidatorSetIndex, Curve), Key>,
/// Validator + Keys -> Voted already or not.
/// Prevents voting multiple times on the same set of keys.
voted: Mapping<(AccountId, KeysHash), ()>,
/// Global Validator Set ID + Validator + Keys -> Vote Count.
/// Including the GVSID locks it to a specific time period, preventing a validator from joining
/// a set, voting on old keys, and then moving their bond to a new account to vote again.
votes: Mapping<(GlobalValidatorSetId, ValidatorSetIndex, KeysHash), u16>,
/// Event emitted when a new set of multisig keys is voted on.
pub struct Vote {
/// Validator who issued the vote.
validator: AccountId,
/// Global validator set ID under which keys are being generated.
global_validator_set: GlobalValidatorSetId,
/// Validator set for which keys are being generated.
validator_set: ValidatorSetIndex,
/// Hash of the keys voted on.
hash: KeysHash,
/// Keys voted on. Only present in the first event for a given set of keys.
keys: Option<Vec<Option<Key>>>,
/// Event emitted when the new keys are fully generated for a validator set, having been fully
/// voted on.
pub struct KeyGen {
global_validator_set: GlobalValidatorSetId,
validator_set: ValidatorSetIndex,
hash: KeysHash,
/// The Multisig error types.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, scale::Encode, scale::Decode)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(scale_info::TypeInfo))]
pub enum Error {
/// Returned if a validator set hasn't had keys registered for it yet.
/// Returned if a validator set and curve index doesn't have a key registered for it.
/// Returned if a curve index doesn't exist.
/// Returned if a non-validator is voting.
/// Returned if this validator set already generated keys.
/// Returned if this validator has already voted for these keys.
/// The Multisig result type.
pub type Result<T> = core::result::Result<T, Error>;
impl Multisig {
/// Deploys the Multisig contract.
pub fn new() -> Self {
ink_lang::utils::initialize_contract(|_| {})
/// Global validator set ID under which a validator set updated their multisig.
pub fn updated_at(&self, validator_set: ValidatorSetIndex) -> Result<GlobalValidatorSetId> {
/// Returns the key currently in-use for a given validator set and curve.
/// This is then bound to a given chain by applying a network-specific additive offset, as done
/// by the processor. Each chain then has its own way of receiving funds to these keys, leaving
/// this not for usage by wallets, nor the processor which is expected to track events for this
/// information. This is really solely for debugging purposes.
pub fn key(&self, validator_set: ValidatorSetIndex, curve: Curve) -> Result<Key> {
self.keys.get((validator_set, curve)).ok_or(Error::NonExistentKey)
// TODO: voted
// TODO: votes
fn hash<T: Encode>(value: &T) -> KeysHash {
let mut output = KeysHash::default();
hash_encoded::<Blake2x256, _>(value, &mut output);
/// Vote for a given set of keys.
pub fn vote(&mut self, keys: Vec<Option<Key>>) -> Result<()> {
if keys.len() > 256 {
// Make sure they're a valid validator.
let validator = self.env().caller();
let active_validator = self.env().extension().active_validator(&validator);
if active_validator.is_none() {
let (validator_set, shares) = active_validator.unwrap();
// Prevent a validator set from generating keys multiple times. Only the first-voted-in keys
// should be acknowledged.
let global_validator_set = self.env().extension().global_validator_set_id();
if self.updated_at.get(validator_set) == Some(global_validator_set) {
// Prevent a validator from voting on keys multiple times.
let keys_hash = Self::hash(&keys);
if self.voted.get((validator, keys_hash)).is_some() {
self.voted.insert((validator, keys_hash), &());
let votes =
if let Some(votes) = self.votes.get((global_validator_set, validator_set, keys_hash)) {
self.env().emit_event(Vote {
hash: keys_hash,
keys: None,
votes + shares
} else {
self.env().emit_event(Vote {
hash: keys_hash,
keys: Some(keys.clone()),
// We could skip writing this if we've reached consensus, yet best to keep our ducks in a row
self.votes.insert((global_validator_set, validator_set, keys_hash), &votes);
// If we've reached consensus, action this.
if votes == self.env().extension().validator_set_shares(validator_set) {
self.updated_at.insert(validator_set, &global_validator_set);
for (k, key) in keys.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(key) = key {
self.keys.insert((validator_set, Curve::try_from(k).unwrap()), key);
self.env().emit_event(KeyGen { global_validator_set, validator_set, hash: keys_hash });
mod tests {
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use ink_env::{
hash::{CryptoHash, Blake2x256},
use ink_lang as ink;
use serai_extension::{test_validators, test_register};
use super::*;
type Event = <Multisig as ::ink_lang::reflect::ContractEventBase>::Type;
lazy_static! {
static ref EXPECTED_GLOBAL_VALIDATOR_SET: GlobalValidatorSetId = 1;
static ref EXPECTED_VALIDATOR_SET: ValidatorSetIndex = 0;
static ref KEYS: Vec<Option<Key>> = vec![Some(vec![0, 1]), Some(vec![2, 3])];
static ref EXPECTED_HASH: KeysHash = {
let mut hash = KeysHash::default();
ink_env::hash_encoded::<Blake2x256, _>(&*KEYS, &mut hash);
fn hash_prefixed<T: scale::Encode>(prefixed: PrefixedValue<T>) -> [u8; 32] {
let encoded = prefixed.encode();
let mut hash = KeysHash::default();
if encoded.len() < 32 {
hash[.. encoded.len()].copy_from_slice(&encoded);
} else {
Blake2x256::hash(&encoded, &mut hash);
fn assert_vote(
event: &ink_env::test::EmittedEvent,
expected_validator: AccountId,
expected_keys: Option<()>,
) {
let decoded_event = <Event as scale::Decode>::decode(&mut &event.data[..])
.expect("encountered invalid contract event data buffer");
if let Event::Vote(Vote {
keys: actual_keys,
}) = decoded_event
assert_eq!(validator, expected_validator);
assert_eq!(global_validator_set, *EXPECTED_GLOBAL_VALIDATOR_SET);
assert_eq!(validator_set, *EXPECTED_VALIDATOR_SET);
assert_eq!(hash, *EXPECTED_HASH);
assert_eq!(actual_keys.as_ref(), expected_keys.map(|_| &*KEYS));
} else {
panic!("invalid Vote event")
let expected_topics = vec![
hash_prefixed(PrefixedValue { prefix: b"", value: b"Multisig::Vote" }),
hash_prefixed(PrefixedValue {
prefix: b"Multisig::Vote::validator",
value: &expected_validator,
hash_prefixed(PrefixedValue {
prefix: b"Multisig::Vote::global_validator_set",
hash_prefixed(PrefixedValue {
prefix: b"Multisig::Vote::validator_set",
hash_prefixed(PrefixedValue { prefix: b"Multisig::Vote::hash", value: &*EXPECTED_HASH }),
for (n, (actual_topic, expected_topic)) in
assert_eq!(actual_topic, &expected_topic, "encountered invalid topic at {}", n);
fn assert_key_gen(event: &ink_env::test::EmittedEvent) {
let decoded_event = <Event as scale::Decode>::decode(&mut &event.data[..])
.expect("encountered invalid contract event data buffer");
if let Event::KeyGen(KeyGen { global_validator_set, validator_set, hash }) = decoded_event {
assert_eq!(global_validator_set, *EXPECTED_GLOBAL_VALIDATOR_SET);
assert_eq!(validator_set, *EXPECTED_VALIDATOR_SET);
assert_eq!(hash, *EXPECTED_HASH);
} else {
panic!("invalid KeyGen event")
let expected_topics = vec![
hash_prefixed(PrefixedValue { prefix: b"", value: b"Multisig::KeyGen" }),
hash_prefixed(PrefixedValue {
prefix: b"Multisig::KeyGen::global_validator_set",
hash_prefixed(PrefixedValue {
prefix: b"Multisig::KeyGen::validator_set",
hash_prefixed(PrefixedValue { prefix: b"Multisig::KeyGen::hash", value: &*EXPECTED_HASH }),
for (n, (actual_topic, expected_topic)) in
assert_eq!(actual_topic, &expected_topic, "encountered invalid topic at {}", n);
/// The default constructor does its job.
fn new() {
let multisig = Multisig::new();
assert_eq!(multisig.updated_at(0), Err(Error::NonExistentValidatorSet));
/// Non-existent keys error accordingly.
fn non_existent_key() {
assert_eq!(Multisig::new().key(0, 0), Err(Error::NonExistentKey));
fn success() {
let mut multisig = Multisig::new();
// Test voting on keys works without issue, emitting the keys for the first vote
let mut emitted_events = vec![];
for (i, validator) in test_validators().iter().enumerate() {
emitted_events = ink_env::test::recorded_events().collect::<Vec<_>>();
// If this is the last validator, it should also trigger a keygen event, hence the + 1
assert_eq!(emitted_events.len(), (i + 1) + (i / (test_validators().len() - 1)));
// Only the first event for this hash should have the keys
Some(()).filter(|_| i == 0),
// Since this should have key gen'd, verify that
assert_eq!(multisig.updated_at(0).unwrap(), *EXPECTED_GLOBAL_VALIDATOR_SET);