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synced 2025-03-20 22:28:51 +00:00
1) Removes the key image DLEq on the Monero side of things, as the produced signature share serves as a DLEq for it. 2) Removes the nonce DLEqs from modular-frost as they're unnecessary for monero-serai. Updates documentation accordingly. Without the proof the nonces are internally consistent, the produced signatures from modular-frost can be argued as a batch-verifiable CP93 DLEq (R0, R1, s), or as a GSP for the CP93 DLEq statement (which naturally produces (R0, R1, s)). The lack of proving the nonces consistent does make the process weaker, yet it's also unnecessary for the class of protocols this is intended to service. To provide DLEqs for the nonces would be to provide PoKs for the nonce commitments (in the traditional Schnorr case).
213 lines
6.9 KiB
213 lines
6.9 KiB
// FROST defines its nonce as sum(Di, Ei * bi)
// In order for this library to be robust, it supports generating an arbitrary amount of nonces,
// each against an arbitrary list of generators
// Each nonce remains of the form (d, e) and made into a proper nonce with d + (e * b)
use core::ops::Deref;
use std::{
io::{self, Read, Write},
use rand_core::{RngCore, CryptoRng};
use zeroize::{Zeroize, Zeroizing};
use transcript::Transcript;
use ciphersuite::group::{ff::PrimeField, Group, GroupEncoding};
use multiexp::multiexp_vartime;
use crate::{curve::Curve, Participant};
// Each nonce is actually a pair of random scalars, notated as d, e under the FROST paper
// This is considered a single nonce as r = d + be
#[derive(Clone, Zeroize)]
pub(crate) struct Nonce<C: Curve>(pub(crate) [Zeroizing<C::F>; 2]);
// Commitments to a specific generator for this binomial nonce
#[derive(Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) struct GeneratorCommitments<C: Curve>(pub(crate) [C::G; 2]);
impl<C: Curve> GeneratorCommitments<C> {
fn read<R: Read>(reader: &mut R) -> io::Result<GeneratorCommitments<C>> {
Ok(GeneratorCommitments([<C as Curve>::read_G(reader)?, <C as Curve>::read_G(reader)?]))
fn write<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
// A single nonce's commitments
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) struct NonceCommitments<C: Curve> {
// Called generators as these commitments are indexed by generator later on
// So to get the commitments for the first generator, it'd be commitments.generators[0]
pub(crate) generators: Vec<GeneratorCommitments<C>>,
impl<C: Curve> NonceCommitments<C> {
pub(crate) fn new<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
rng: &mut R,
secret_share: &Zeroizing<C::F>,
generators: &[C::G],
) -> (Nonce<C>, NonceCommitments<C>) {
let nonce = Nonce::<C>([
C::random_nonce(secret_share, &mut *rng),
C::random_nonce(secret_share, &mut *rng),
let mut commitments = Vec::with_capacity(generators.len());
for generator in generators {
*generator * nonce.0[0].deref(),
*generator * nonce.0[1].deref(),
(nonce, NonceCommitments { generators: commitments })
fn read<R: Read>(reader: &mut R, generators: &[C::G]) -> io::Result<NonceCommitments<C>> {
Ok(NonceCommitments {
generators: (0 .. generators.len())
.map(|_| GeneratorCommitments::read(reader))
.collect::<Result<_, _>>()?,
fn write<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
for generator in &self.generators {
fn transcript<T: Transcript>(&self, t: &mut T) {
for commitments in &self.generators {
t.append_message(b"commitment_D", commitments.0[0].to_bytes());
t.append_message(b"commitment_E", commitments.0[1].to_bytes());
/// Commitments for all the nonces across all their generators.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub(crate) struct Commitments<C: Curve> {
// Called nonces as these commitments are indexed by nonce
// So to get the commitments for the first nonce, it'd be commitments.nonces[0]
pub(crate) nonces: Vec<NonceCommitments<C>>,
impl<C: Curve> Commitments<C> {
pub(crate) fn new<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
rng: &mut R,
secret_share: &Zeroizing<C::F>,
planned_nonces: &[Vec<C::G>],
) -> (Vec<Nonce<C>>, Commitments<C>) {
let mut nonces = vec![];
let mut commitments = vec![];
for generators in planned_nonces {
let (nonce, these_commitments): (Nonce<C>, _) =
NonceCommitments::new(&mut *rng, secret_share, generators);
(nonces, Commitments { nonces: commitments })
pub(crate) fn transcript<T: Transcript>(&self, t: &mut T) {
for nonce in &self.nonces {
pub(crate) fn read<R: Read>(reader: &mut R, generators: &[Vec<C::G>]) -> io::Result<Self> {
let nonces = (0 .. generators.len())
.map(|i| NonceCommitments::read(reader, &generators[i]))
.collect::<Result<Vec<NonceCommitments<C>>, _>>()?;
Ok(Commitments { nonces })
pub(crate) fn write<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
for nonce in &self.nonces {
pub(crate) struct IndividualBinding<C: Curve> {
commitments: Commitments<C>,
binding_factors: Option<Vec<C::F>>,
pub(crate) struct BindingFactor<C: Curve>(pub(crate) HashMap<Participant, IndividualBinding<C>>);
impl<C: Curve> BindingFactor<C> {
pub(crate) fn insert(&mut self, i: Participant, commitments: Commitments<C>) {
self.0.insert(i, IndividualBinding { commitments, binding_factors: None });
pub(crate) fn calculate_binding_factors<T: Clone + Transcript>(&mut self, transcript: &T) {
for (l, binding) in &mut self.0 {
let mut transcript = transcript.clone();
transcript.append_message(b"participant", C::F::from(u64::from(u16::from(*l))).to_repr());
// It *should* be perfectly fine to reuse a binding factor for multiple nonces
// This generates a binding factor per nonce just to ensure it never comes up as a question
binding.binding_factors = Some(
(0 .. binding.commitments.nonces.len())
.map(|_| C::hash_binding_factor(transcript.challenge(b"rho").as_ref()))
pub(crate) fn binding_factors(&self, i: Participant) -> &[C::F] {
// Get the bound nonces for a specific party
pub(crate) fn bound(&self, l: Participant) -> Vec<Vec<C::G>> {
let mut res = vec![];
for (i, (nonce, rho)) in
for generator in &nonce.generators {
res[i].push(generator.0[0] + (generator.0[1] * rho));
// Get the nonces for this signing session
pub(crate) fn nonces(&self, planned_nonces: &[Vec<C::G>]) -> Vec<Vec<C::G>> {
let mut nonces = Vec::with_capacity(planned_nonces.len());
for n in 0 .. planned_nonces.len() {
for g in 0 .. planned_nonces[n].len() {
let mut D = C::G::identity();
let mut statements = Vec::with_capacity(self.0.len());
for IndividualBinding { commitments, binding_factors } in self.0.values() {
D += commitments.nonces[n].generators[g].0[0];
.push((binding_factors.as_ref().unwrap()[n], commitments.nonces[n].generators[g].0[1]));
nonces[n].push(D + multiexp_vartime(&statements));