mirror of
synced 2025-01-10 12:54:35 +00:00
Adds several packages into tree, deprecates an API we use. This commit does update accordingly. While this may not be preferable, it is inevitable.
601 lines
22 KiB
601 lines
22 KiB
use core::{time::Duration, fmt};
use std::{
time::{SystemTime, Instant},
use async_trait::async_trait;
use serai_db::Db;
use tokio::{
sync::{Mutex, RwLock, mpsc, broadcast},
use libp2p::{
tcp::Config as TcpConfig,
noise, yamux,
IdentTopic, FastMessageId, MessageId, MessageAuthenticity, ValidationMode, ConfigBuilder,
IdentityTransform, AllowAllSubscriptionFilter, Event as GsEvent, PublishError,
Behaviour as GsBehavior,
swarm::{NetworkBehaviour, SwarmEvent, Swarm},
pub(crate) use tributary::{ReadWrite, P2p as TributaryP2p};
use crate::{Transaction, Block, Tributary, ActiveTributary, TributaryEvent};
// TODO: Use distinct topics
const LIBP2P_TOPIC: &str = "serai-coordinator";
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
pub enum P2pMessageKind {
Tributary([u8; 32]),
Heartbeat([u8; 32]),
Block([u8; 32]),
impl P2pMessageKind {
fn serialize(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
match self {
P2pMessageKind::KeepAlive => vec![0],
P2pMessageKind::Tributary(genesis) => {
let mut res = vec![1];
P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(genesis) => {
let mut res = vec![2];
P2pMessageKind::Block(genesis) => {
let mut res = vec![3];
fn read<R: Read>(reader: &mut R) -> Option<P2pMessageKind> {
let mut kind = [0; 1];
reader.read_exact(&mut kind).ok()?;
match kind[0] {
0 => Some(P2pMessageKind::KeepAlive),
1 => Some({
let mut genesis = [0; 32];
reader.read_exact(&mut genesis).ok()?;
2 => Some({
let mut genesis = [0; 32];
reader.read_exact(&mut genesis).ok()?;
3 => Some({
let mut genesis = [0; 32];
reader.read_exact(&mut genesis).ok()?;
_ => None,
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Message<P: P2p> {
pub sender: P::Id,
pub kind: P2pMessageKind,
pub msg: Vec<u8>,
pub trait P2p: Send + Sync + Clone + fmt::Debug + TributaryP2p {
type Id: Send + Sync + Clone + Copy + fmt::Debug;
async fn send_raw(&self, to: Self::Id, msg: Vec<u8>);
async fn broadcast_raw(&self, msg: Vec<u8>);
async fn receive_raw(&self) -> (Self::Id, Vec<u8>);
async fn send(&self, to: Self::Id, kind: P2pMessageKind, msg: Vec<u8>) {
let mut actual_msg = kind.serialize();
self.send_raw(to, actual_msg).await;
async fn broadcast(&self, kind: P2pMessageKind, msg: Vec<u8>) {
let mut actual_msg = kind.serialize();
"broadcasting p2p message (kind {})",
match kind {
P2pMessageKind::KeepAlive => "KeepAlive".to_string(),
P2pMessageKind::Tributary(genesis) => format!("Tributary({})", hex::encode(genesis)),
P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(genesis) => format!("Heartbeat({})", hex::encode(genesis)),
P2pMessageKind::Block(genesis) => format!("Block({})", hex::encode(genesis)),
async fn receive(&self) -> Message<Self> {
let (sender, kind, msg) = loop {
let (sender, msg) = self.receive_raw().await;
if msg.is_empty() {
log::error!("empty p2p message from {sender:?}");
let mut msg_ref = msg.as_ref();
let Some(kind) = P2pMessageKind::read::<&[u8]>(&mut msg_ref) else {
log::error!("invalid p2p message kind from {sender:?}");
break (sender, kind, msg_ref.to_vec());
"received p2p message (kind {})",
match kind {
P2pMessageKind::KeepAlive => "KeepAlive".to_string(),
P2pMessageKind::Tributary(genesis) => format!("Tributary({})", hex::encode(genesis)),
P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(genesis) => format!("Heartbeat({})", hex::encode(genesis)),
P2pMessageKind::Block(genesis) => format!("Block({})", hex::encode(genesis)),
Message { sender, kind, msg }
struct Behavior {
gossipsub: GsBehavior,
mdns: libp2p::mdns::tokio::Behaviour,
pub struct LibP2p(
Arc<Mutex<mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<(PeerId, Vec<u8>)>>>,
impl fmt::Debug for LibP2p {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
impl LibP2p {
pub fn new() -> Self {
log::info!("creating a libp2p instance");
let throwaway_key_pair = Keypair::generate_ed25519();
let throwaway_peer_id = PeerId::from(throwaway_key_pair.public());
let behavior = Behavior {
gossipsub: {
// Block size limit + 1 KB of space for signatures/metadata
const MAX_LIBP2P_MESSAGE_SIZE: usize = tributary::BLOCK_SIZE_LIMIT + 1024;
let heartbeat_interval = tributary::tendermint::LATENCY_TIME / 2;
let heartbeats_per_block =
usize::try_from(tributary::tendermint::TARGET_BLOCK_TIME / heartbeat_interval).unwrap();
use blake2::{Digest, Blake2s256};
let config = ConfigBuilder::default()
.history_length(heartbeats_per_block * 2)
// We send KeepAlive after 80s
// Uses a content based message ID to avoid duplicates as much as possible
.message_id_fn(|msg| {
MessageId::new(&Blake2s256::digest([msg.topic.as_str().as_bytes(), &msg.data].concat()))
// Re-defines for fast ID to prevent needing to convert into a Message to run
// message_id_fn
// This function is valid for both
.fast_message_id_fn(|msg| {
[msg.topic.as_str().as_bytes(), &msg.data].concat(),
let mut gossipsub = GsBehavior::<IdentityTransform, AllowAllSubscriptionFilter>::new(
// Uses a single topic to prevent being a BTC validator only connected to ETH validators,
// unable to communicate with other BTC validators
let topic = IdentTopic::new(LIBP2P_TOPIC);
// Only use MDNS in debug environments, as it should have no value in a release build
// TODO: We do tests on release binaries as of right now...
mdns: {
log::info!("creating mdns service");
libp2p::mdns::tokio::Behaviour::new(libp2p::mdns::Config::default(), throwaway_peer_id)
// Uses noise for authentication, yamux for multiplexing
// TODO: Do we want to add a custom authentication protocol to only accept connections from
// fellow validators? Doing so would reduce the potential for spam
// TODO: Relay client?
let mut swarm = SwarmBuilder::with_existing_identity(throwaway_key_pair)
.with_tcp(TcpConfig::default().nodelay(true), noise::Config::new, yamux::Config::default)
.with_behaviour(|_| behavior)
const PORT: u16 = 30563; // 5132 ^ (('c' << 8) | 'o')
let (broadcast_send, mut broadcast_recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let (receive_send, receive_recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
let mut time_of_last_p2p_message = Instant::now();
#[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_ref_mut)] // False positive
async fn broadcast_raw(
p2p: &mut Swarm<Behavior>,
time_of_last_p2p_message: &mut Instant,
msg: Vec<u8>,
) {
// Update the time of last message
*time_of_last_p2p_message = Instant::now();
match p2p.behaviour_mut().gossipsub.publish(IdentTopic::new(LIBP2P_TOPIC), msg.clone()) {
Err(PublishError::SigningError(e)) => panic!("signing error when broadcasting: {e}"),
Err(PublishError::InsufficientPeers) => {
log::warn!("failed to send p2p message due to insufficient peers")
Err(PublishError::MessageTooLarge) => {
panic!("tried to send a too large message: {}", hex::encode(msg))
Err(PublishError::TransformFailed(e)) => panic!("IdentityTransform failed: {e}"),
Err(PublishError::Duplicate) | Ok(_) => {}
async move {
// Run this task ad-infinitum
loop {
let time_since_last = Instant::now().duration_since(time_of_last_p2p_message);
tokio::select! {
// Handle any queued outbound messages
msg = broadcast_recv.recv() => {
&mut swarm,
&mut time_of_last_p2p_message,
msg.expect("broadcast_recv closed. are we shutting down?")
// Handle new incoming messages
event = swarm.next() => {
match event {
))) => {
for (peer, mut addr) in list {
// Check the port is as expected to prevent trying to peer with Substrate nodes
if addr.pop() == Some(libp2p::multiaddr::Protocol::Tcp(PORT)) {
log::info!("found peer via mdns");
))) => {
for (peer, _) in list {
log::info!("disconnecting peer due to mdns");
GsEvent::Message { propagation_source, message, .. },
))) => {
.send((propagation_source, message.data))
.expect("receive_send closed. are we shutting down?");
_ => {}
// If it's been >80s since we've published a message, publish a KeepAlive since we're
// still an active service
// This is useful when we have no active tributaries and accordingly aren't sending
// heartbeats
// If we are sending heartbeats, we should've sent one after 60s of no finalized blocks
// (where a finalized block only occurs due to network activity), meaning this won't be
// run
_ = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(80).saturating_sub(time_since_last)) => {
&mut swarm,
&mut time_of_last_p2p_message,
LibP2p(Arc::new(Mutex::new(broadcast_send)), Arc::new(Mutex::new(receive_recv)))
impl P2p for LibP2p {
type Id = PeerId;
async fn send_raw(&self, _: Self::Id, msg: Vec<u8>) {
async fn broadcast_raw(&self, msg: Vec<u8>) {
self.0.lock().await.send(msg).expect("broadcast_send closed. are we shutting down?");
// TODO: We only have a single handle call this. Differentiate Send/Recv to remove this constant
// lock acquisition?
async fn receive_raw(&self) -> (Self::Id, Vec<u8>) {
self.1.lock().await.recv().await.expect("receive_recv closed. are we shutting down?")
impl TributaryP2p for LibP2p {
async fn broadcast(&self, genesis: [u8; 32], msg: Vec<u8>) {
<Self as P2p>::broadcast(self, P2pMessageKind::Tributary(genesis), msg).await
pub async fn heartbeat_tributaries_task<D: Db, P: P2p>(
p2p: P,
mut tributary_event: broadcast::Receiver<TributaryEvent<D, P>>,
) {
let ten_blocks_of_time =
Duration::from_secs((10 * Tributary::<D, Transaction, P>::block_time()).into());
let mut readers = HashMap::new();
loop {
loop {
match tributary_event.try_recv() {
Ok(TributaryEvent::NewTributary(ActiveTributary { spec, tributary })) => {
readers.insert(spec.set(), tributary.reader());
Ok(TributaryEvent::TributaryRetired(set)) => {
Err(broadcast::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => break,
Err(broadcast::error::TryRecvError::Lagged(_)) => {
panic!("heartbeat_tributaries lagged to handle tributary_event")
Err(broadcast::error::TryRecvError::Closed) => panic!("tributary_event sender closed"),
for tributary in readers.values() {
let tip = tributary.tip();
let block_time =
SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_secs(tributary.time_of_block(&tip).unwrap_or(0));
// Only trigger syncing if the block is more than a minute behind
if SystemTime::now() > (block_time + Duration::from_secs(60)) {
log::warn!("last known tributary block was over a minute ago");
let mut msg = tip.to_vec();
// Also include the timestamp so LibP2p doesn't flag this as an old message re-circulating
let timestamp = SystemTime::now()
.expect("system clock is wrong")
// Divide by the block time so if multiple parties send a Heartbeat, they're more likely to
// overlap
let time_unit = timestamp / u64::from(Tributary::<D, Transaction, P>::block_time());
P2p::broadcast(&p2p, P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(tributary.genesis()), msg).await;
// Only check once every 10 blocks of time
pub async fn handle_p2p_task<D: Db, P: P2p>(
p2p: P,
mut tributary_event: broadcast::Receiver<TributaryEvent<D, P>>,
) {
let channels = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::<_, mpsc::UnboundedSender<Message<P>>>::new()));
let p2p = p2p.clone();
let channels = channels.clone();
let mut set_to_genesis = HashMap::new();
async move {
loop {
match tributary_event.recv().await.unwrap() {
TributaryEvent::NewTributary(tributary) => {
let genesis = tributary.spec.genesis();
set_to_genesis.insert(tributary.spec.set(), genesis);
let (send, mut recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
channels.write().await.insert(genesis, send);
// Per-Tributary P2P message handler
let p2p = p2p.clone();
async move {
loop {
let Some(mut msg) = recv.recv().await else {
// Channel closure happens when the tributary retires
match msg.kind {
P2pMessageKind::KeepAlive => {}
P2pMessageKind::Tributary(msg_genesis) => {
assert_eq!(msg_genesis, genesis);
log::trace!("handling message for tributary {:?}", tributary.spec.set());
if tributary.tributary.handle_message(&msg.msg).await {
P2p::broadcast(&p2p, msg.kind, msg.msg).await;
// TODO2: Rate limit this per timestamp
// And/or slash on Heartbeat which justifies a response, since the node
// obviously was offline and we must now use our bandwidth to compensate for
// them?
P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(msg_genesis) => {
assert_eq!(msg_genesis, genesis);
if msg.msg.len() != 40 {
log::error!("validator sent invalid heartbeat");
let p2p = p2p.clone();
let spec = tributary.spec.clone();
let reader = tributary.tributary.reader();
// Spawn a dedicated task as this may require loading large amounts of data
// from disk and take a notable amount of time
tokio::spawn(async move {
// Have sqrt(n) nodes reply with the blocks
let mut responders = (tributary.spec.n() as f32).sqrt().floor() as u64;
// Try to have at least 3 responders
if responders < 3 {
responders = tributary.spec.n().min(3).into();
// Have up to three nodes respond
let responders = u64::from(spec.n().min(3));
// Decide which nodes will respond by using the latest block's hash as a
// mutually agreed upon entropy source
// This isn't a secure source of entropy, yet it's fine for this
let entropy = u64::from_le_bytes(reader.tip()[.. 8].try_into().unwrap());
// If n = 10, responders = 3, we want `start` to be 0 ..= 7
// (so the highest is 7, 8, 9)
// entropy % (10 + 1) - 3 = entropy % 8 = 0 ..= 7
let start =
usize::try_from(entropy % (u64::from(spec.n() + 1) - responders))
let mut selected = false;
for validator in &spec.validators()
[start .. (start + usize::try_from(responders).unwrap())]
if our_key == validator.0 {
selected = true;
if !selected {
log::debug!("received heartbeat and not selected to respond");
log::debug!("received heartbeat and selected to respond");
// Have every node respond
// While we could only have a subset respond, LibP2P will sync all messages
// it isn't aware of
// It's cheaper to be aware from our disk than from over the network
// TODO: Spawn a dedicated topic for this heartbeat response?
let mut latest = msg.msg[.. 32].try_into().unwrap();
while let Some(next) = reader.block_after(&latest) {
let mut res = reader.block(&next).unwrap().serialize();
// Also include the timestamp used within the Heartbeat
res.extend(&msg.msg[32 .. 40]);
p2p.send(msg.sender, P2pMessageKind::Block(spec.genesis()), res).await;
latest = next;
P2pMessageKind::Block(msg_genesis) => {
assert_eq!(msg_genesis, genesis);
let mut msg_ref: &[u8] = msg.msg.as_ref();
let Ok(block) = Block::<Transaction>::read(&mut msg_ref) else {
log::error!("received block message with an invalidly serialized block");
// Get just the commit
msg.msg.drain(.. (msg.msg.len() - msg_ref.len()));
msg.msg.drain((msg.msg.len() - 8) ..);
let res = tributary.tributary.sync_block(block, msg.msg).await;
"received block from {:?}, sync_block returned {}",
TributaryEvent::TributaryRetired(set) => {
if let Some(genesis) = set_to_genesis.remove(&set) {
loop {
let msg = p2p.receive().await;
match msg.kind {
P2pMessageKind::KeepAlive => {}
P2pMessageKind::Tributary(genesis) => {
if let Some(channel) = channels.read().await.get(&genesis) {
P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(genesis) => {
if let Some(channel) = channels.read().await.get(&genesis) {
P2pMessageKind::Block(genesis) => {
if let Some(channel) = channels.read().await.get(&genesis) {