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synced 2025-03-21 06:38:56 +00:00
* Monero: fix decoy selection algo and add test for latest spendable - DSA only selected coinbase outputs and didn't match the wallet2 implementation - Added test to make sure DSA will select a decoy output from the most recent unlocked block - Made usage of "height" in DSA consistent with other usage of "height" in Monero code (height == num blocks in chain) - Rely on monerod RPC response for output's unlocked status * xmr runner tests mine until outputs are unlocked * fingerprintable canoncial select decoys * Separate fingerprintable canonical function Makes it simpler for callers who are unconcered with consistent canonical output selection across multiple clients to rely on the simpler Decoy::select and not worry about fingerprintable canonical * fix merge conflicts * Put back TODO for issue #104 * Fix incorrect check on distribution len The RingCT distribution on mainnet doesn't start until well after genesis, so the distribution length is expected to be < height. To be clear, this was my mistake from this series of changes to the DSA. I noticed this mistake because the DSA would error when running on mainnet.
326 lines
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326 lines
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use core::ops::Deref;
use std_shims::{sync::OnceLock, collections::HashSet};
use zeroize::Zeroizing;
use rand_core::OsRng;
use curve25519_dalek::{constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE, scalar::Scalar};
use tokio::sync::Mutex;
use monero_serai::{
rpc::{HttpRpc, Rpc},
ViewPair, Scanner,
address::{Network, AddressType, AddressSpec, AddressMeta, MoneroAddress},
SpendableOutput, Fee,
pub fn random_address() -> (Scalar, ViewPair, MoneroAddress) {
let spend = random_scalar(&mut OsRng);
let spend_pub = &spend * ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE;
let view = Zeroizing::new(random_scalar(&mut OsRng));
ViewPair::new(spend_pub, view.clone()),
MoneroAddress {
meta: AddressMeta::new(Network::Mainnet, AddressType::Standard),
spend: spend_pub,
view: view.deref() * ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE,
// TODO: Support transactions already on-chain
// TODO: Don't have a side effect of mining blocks more blocks than needed under race conditions
pub async fn mine_until_unlocked(rpc: &Rpc<HttpRpc>, addr: &str, tx_hash: [u8; 32]) {
// mine until tx is in a block
let mut height = rpc.get_height().await.unwrap();
let mut found = false;
while !found {
let block = rpc.get_block_by_number(height - 1).await.unwrap();
found = match block.txs.iter().find(|&&x| x == tx_hash) {
Some(_) => true,
None => {
height = rpc.generate_blocks(addr, 1).await.unwrap().1 + 1;
// Mine until tx's outputs are unlocked
let o_indexes: Vec<u64> = rpc.get_o_indexes(tx_hash).await.unwrap();
while rpc
.all(|o| (!(o.unlocked && height >= (o.height + DEFAULT_LOCK_WINDOW))))
height = rpc.generate_blocks(addr, 1).await.unwrap().1 + 1;
// Mines 60 blocks and returns an unlocked miner TX output.
pub async fn get_miner_tx_output(rpc: &Rpc<HttpRpc>, view: &ViewPair) -> SpendableOutput {
let mut scanner = Scanner::from_view(view.clone(), Some(HashSet::new()));
// Mine 60 blocks to unlock a miner TX
let start = rpc.get_height().await.unwrap();
.generate_blocks(&view.address(Network::Mainnet, AddressSpec::Standard).to_string(), 60)
let block = rpc.get_block_by_number(start).await.unwrap();
scanner.scan(rpc, &block).await.unwrap().swap_remove(0).ignore_timelock().swap_remove(0)
/// Make sure the weight and fee match the expected calculation.
pub fn check_weight_and_fee(tx: &Transaction, fee_rate: Fee) {
let fee = tx.rct_signatures.base.fee;
let weight = tx.weight();
let expected_weight = fee_rate.calculate_weight_from_fee(fee);
assert_eq!(weight, expected_weight);
let expected_fee = fee_rate.calculate_fee_from_weight(weight);
assert_eq!(fee, expected_fee);
pub async fn rpc() -> Rpc<HttpRpc> {
let rpc = HttpRpc::new("http://serai:seraidex@".to_string()).await.unwrap();
// Only run once
if rpc.get_height().await.unwrap() != 1 {
return rpc;
let addr = MoneroAddress {
meta: AddressMeta::new(Network::Mainnet, AddressType::Standard),
spend: &random_scalar(&mut OsRng) * ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE,
view: &random_scalar(&mut OsRng) * ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE,
// Mine 40 blocks to ensure decoy availability
rpc.generate_blocks(&addr, 40).await.unwrap();
// Make sure we recognize the protocol
pub static SEQUENTIAL: OnceLock<Mutex<()>> = OnceLock::new();
macro_rules! async_sequential {
($(async fn $name: ident() $body: block)*) => {
async fn $name() {
let guard = runner::SEQUENTIAL.get_or_init(|| tokio::sync::Mutex::new(())).lock().await;
let local = tokio::task::LocalSet::new();
local.run_until(async move {
if let Err(err) = tokio::task::spawn_local(async move { $body }).await {
macro_rules! test {
$name: ident,
$first_tx: expr,
$first_checks: expr,
$tx: expr,
$checks: expr,
) => {
async_sequential! {
async fn $name() {
use core::{ops::Deref, any::Any};
use std::collections::HashSet;
#[cfg(feature = "multisig")]
use std::collections::HashMap;
use zeroize::Zeroizing;
use rand_core::OsRng;
use curve25519_dalek::constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE;
#[cfg(feature = "multisig")]
use transcript::{Transcript, RecommendedTranscript};
#[cfg(feature = "multisig")]
use frost::{
tests::{THRESHOLD, key_gen},
use monero_serai::{
address::{Network, AddressSpec}, ViewPair, Scanner, Change, Decoys, FeePriority,
SignableTransaction, SignableTransactionBuilder,
use runner::{
random_address, rpc, mine_until_unlocked, get_miner_tx_output,
type Builder = SignableTransactionBuilder;
// Run each function as both a single signer and as a multisig
for multisig in [false, true] {
// Only run the multisig variant if multisig is enabled
if multisig {
#[cfg(not(feature = "multisig"))]
let spend = Zeroizing::new(random_scalar(&mut OsRng));
#[cfg(feature = "multisig")]
let keys = key_gen::<_, Ed25519>(&mut OsRng);
let spend_pub = if !multisig {
spend.deref() * ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE
} else {
#[cfg(not(feature = "multisig"))]
panic!("Multisig branch called without the multisig feature");
#[cfg(feature = "multisig")]
let rpc = rpc().await;
let view = ViewPair::new(spend_pub, Zeroizing::new(random_scalar(&mut OsRng)));
let addr = view.address(Network::Mainnet, AddressSpec::Standard);
let miner_tx = get_miner_tx_output(&rpc, &view).await;
let protocol = rpc.get_protocol().await.unwrap();
let builder = SignableTransactionBuilder::new(
rpc.get_fee(protocol, FeePriority::Unimportant).await.unwrap(),
&random_scalar(&mut OsRng) * ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE,
Zeroizing::new(random_scalar(&mut OsRng))
let sign = |tx: SignableTransaction| {
let spend = spend.clone();
#[cfg(feature = "multisig")]
let keys = keys.clone();
async move {
if !multisig {
tx.sign(&mut OsRng, &spend).unwrap()
} else {
#[cfg(not(feature = "multisig"))]
panic!("Multisig branch called without the multisig feature");
#[cfg(feature = "multisig")]
let mut machines = HashMap::new();
for i in (1 ..= THRESHOLD).map(|i| Participant::new(i).unwrap()) {
RecommendedTranscript::new(b"Monero Serai Test Transaction"),
frost::tests::sign_without_caching(&mut OsRng, machines, &[])
// TODO: Generate a distinct wallet for each transaction to prevent overlap
let next_addr = addr;
let temp = Box::new({
let mut builder = builder.clone();
let decoys = Decoys::fingerprintable_canonical_select(
&mut OsRng,
builder.add_input((miner_tx, decoys.first().unwrap().clone()));
let (tx, state) = ($first_tx)(rpc.clone(), builder, next_addr).await;
let fee_rate = tx.fee_rate().clone();
let signed = sign(tx).await;
mine_until_unlocked(&rpc, &random_address().2.to_string(), signed.hash()).await;
let tx = rpc.get_transaction(signed.hash()).await.unwrap();
check_weight_and_fee(&tx, fee_rate);
let scanner =
Scanner::from_view(view.clone(), Some(HashSet::new()));
($first_checks)(rpc.clone(), tx, scanner, state).await
#[allow(unused_variables, unused_mut, unused_assignments)]
let mut carried_state: Box<dyn Any> = temp;
let (tx, state) = ($tx)(
let fee_rate = tx.fee_rate().clone();
let signed = sign(tx).await;
mine_until_unlocked(&rpc, &random_address().2.to_string(), signed.hash()).await;
let tx = rpc.get_transaction(signed.hash()).await.unwrap();
if stringify!($name) != "spend_one_input_to_two_outputs_no_change" {
// Skip weight and fee check for the above test because when there is no change,
// the change is added to the fee
check_weight_and_fee(&tx, fee_rate);
let scanner =
Scanner::from_view(view.clone(), Some(HashSet::new()));
carried_state =
Box::new(($checks)(rpc.clone(), tx, scanner, state).await);