
605 lines
23 KiB

use std::collections::HashMap;
use zeroize::Zeroizing;
use rand_core::SeedableRng;
use rand_chacha::ChaCha20Rng;
use transcript::{Transcript, RecommendedTranscript};
use ciphersuite::group::GroupEncoding;
use frost::{
curve::{Ciphersuite, Ristretto},
DkgError, Participant, ThresholdParams, ThresholdCore, ThresholdKeys, encryption::*, pedpop::*,
use log::info;
use serai_client::validator_sets::primitives::{Session, KeyPair};
use messages::key_gen::*;
use crate::{Get, DbTxn, Db, create_db, networks::Network};
pub struct KeyConfirmed<C: Ciphersuite> {
pub substrate_keys: Vec<ThresholdKeys<Ristretto>>,
pub network_keys: Vec<ThresholdKeys<C>>,
KeyGenDb {
ParamsDb: (session: &Session, attempt: u32) -> (ThresholdParams, u16),
// Not scoped to the set since that'd have latter attempts overwrite former
// A former attempt may become the finalized attempt, even if it doesn't in a timely manner
// Overwriting its commitments would be accordingly poor
CommitmentsDb: (key: &KeyGenId) -> HashMap<Participant, Vec<u8>>,
GeneratedKeysDb: (session: &Session, substrate_key: &[u8; 32], network_key: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8>,
// These do assume a key is only used once across sets, which holds true so long as a single
// participant is honest in their execution of the protocol
KeysDb: (network_key: &[u8]) -> Vec<u8>,
SessionDb: (network_key: &[u8]) -> Session,
NetworkKeyDb: (session: Session) -> Vec<u8>,
impl GeneratedKeysDb {
fn read_keys<N: Network>(
getter: &impl Get,
key: &[u8],
) -> Option<(Vec<u8>, (Vec<ThresholdKeys<Ristretto>>, Vec<ThresholdKeys<N::Curve>>))> {
let keys_vec = getter.get(key)?;
let mut keys_ref: &[u8] = keys_vec.as_ref();
let mut substrate_keys = vec![];
let mut network_keys = vec![];
while !keys_ref.is_empty() {
substrate_keys.push(ThresholdKeys::new(ThresholdCore::read(&mut keys_ref).unwrap()));
let mut these_network_keys = ThresholdKeys::new(ThresholdCore::read(&mut keys_ref).unwrap());
N::tweak_keys(&mut these_network_keys);
Some((keys_vec, (substrate_keys, network_keys)))
fn save_keys<N: Network>(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
id: &KeyGenId,
substrate_keys: &[ThresholdCore<Ristretto>],
network_keys: &[ThresholdKeys<N::Curve>],
) {
let mut keys = Zeroizing::new(vec![]);
for (substrate_keys, network_keys) in substrate_keys.iter().zip(network_keys) {
impl KeysDb {
fn confirm_keys<N: Network>(
txn: &mut impl DbTxn,
session: Session,
key_pair: &KeyPair,
) -> (Vec<ThresholdKeys<Ristretto>>, Vec<ThresholdKeys<N::Curve>>) {
let (keys_vec, keys) = GeneratedKeysDb::read_keys::<N>(
&GeneratedKeysDb::key(&session, &key_pair.0 .0, key_pair.1.as_ref()),
assert_eq!(key_pair.0 .0, keys.0[0].group_key().to_bytes());
let network_key: &[u8] = key_pair.1.as_ref();
txn.put(Self::key(key_pair.1.as_ref()), keys_vec);
NetworkKeyDb::set(txn, session, &key_pair.1.clone().into_inner());
SessionDb::set(txn, key_pair.1.as_ref(), &session);
fn keys<N: Network>(
getter: &impl Get,
network_key: &<N::Curve as Ciphersuite>::G,
) -> Option<(Session, (Vec<ThresholdKeys<Ristretto>>, Vec<ThresholdKeys<N::Curve>>))> {
let res =
GeneratedKeysDb::read_keys::<N>(getter, &Self::key(network_key.to_bytes().as_ref()))?.1;
assert_eq!(&res.1[0].group_key(), network_key);
Some((SessionDb::get(getter, network_key.to_bytes().as_ref()).unwrap(), res))
pub fn substrate_keys_by_session<N: Network>(
getter: &impl Get,
session: Session,
) -> Option<Vec<ThresholdKeys<Ristretto>>> {
let network_key = NetworkKeyDb::get(getter, session)?;
Some(GeneratedKeysDb::read_keys::<N>(getter, &Self::key(&network_key))?.1 .0)
type SecretShareMachines<N> =
Vec<(SecretShareMachine<Ristretto>, SecretShareMachine<<N as Network>::Curve>)>;
type KeyMachines<N> = Vec<(KeyMachine<Ristretto>, KeyMachine<<N as Network>::Curve>)>;
pub struct KeyGen<N: Network, D: Db> {
db: D,
entropy: Zeroizing<[u8; 32]>,
active_commit: HashMap<Session, (SecretShareMachines<N>, Vec<Vec<u8>>)>,
active_share: HashMap<Session, (KeyMachines<N>, Vec<HashMap<Participant, Vec<u8>>>)>,
impl<N: Network, D: Db> KeyGen<N, D> {
pub fn new(db: D, entropy: Zeroizing<[u8; 32]>) -> KeyGen<N, D> {
KeyGen { db, entropy, active_commit: HashMap::new(), active_share: HashMap::new() }
pub fn in_set(&self, session: &Session) -> bool {
// We determine if we're in set using if we have the parameters for a session's key generation
// The usage of 0 for the attempt is valid so long as we aren't malicious and accordingly
// aren't fatally slashed
// TODO: Revisit once we do DKG removals for being offline
ParamsDb::get(&self.db, session, 0).is_some()
pub fn keys(
key: &<N::Curve as Ciphersuite>::G,
) -> Option<(Session, (Vec<ThresholdKeys<Ristretto>>, Vec<ThresholdKeys<N::Curve>>))> {
// This is safe, despite not having a txn, since it's a static value
// It doesn't change over time/in relation to other operations
KeysDb::keys::<N>(&self.db, key)
pub fn substrate_keys_by_session(
session: Session,
) -> Option<Vec<ThresholdKeys<Ristretto>>> {
KeysDb::substrate_keys_by_session::<N>(&self.db, session)
pub fn handle(
&mut self,
txn: &mut D::Transaction<'_>,
msg: CoordinatorMessage,
) -> ProcessorMessage {
const SUBSTRATE_KEY_CONTEXT: &str = "substrate";
const NETWORK_KEY_CONTEXT: &str = "network";
let context = |id: &KeyGenId, key| {
// TODO2: Also embed the chain ID/genesis block
"Serai Key Gen. Session: {:?}, Network: {:?}, Attempt: {}, Key: {}",
let rng = |label, id: KeyGenId| {
let mut transcript = RecommendedTranscript::new(label);
transcript.append_message(b"entropy", &self.entropy);
transcript.append_message(b"context", context(&id, "rng"));
let coefficients_rng = |id| rng(b"Key Gen Coefficients", id);
let secret_shares_rng = |id| rng(b"Key Gen Secret Shares", id);
let share_rng = |id| rng(b"Key Gen Share", id);
let key_gen_machines = |id, params: ThresholdParams, shares| {
let mut rng = coefficients_rng(id);
let mut machines = vec![];
let mut commitments = vec![];
for s in 0 .. shares {
let params = ThresholdParams::new(
Participant::new(u16::from(params.i()) + s).unwrap(),
let substrate = KeyGenMachine::new(params, context(&id, SUBSTRATE_KEY_CONTEXT))
.generate_coefficients(&mut rng);
let network = KeyGenMachine::new(params, context(&id, NETWORK_KEY_CONTEXT))
.generate_coefficients(&mut rng);
machines.push((substrate.0, network.0));
let mut serialized = vec![];
substrate.1.write(&mut serialized).unwrap();
network.1.write(&mut serialized).unwrap();
(machines, commitments)
let secret_share_machines = |id,
params: ThresholdParams,
machines: SecretShareMachines<N>,
commitments: HashMap<Participant, Vec<u8>>|
-> Result<_, ProcessorMessage> {
let mut rng = secret_shares_rng(id);
fn handle_machine<C: Ciphersuite>(
rng: &mut ChaCha20Rng,
id: KeyGenId,
machine: SecretShareMachine<C>,
commitments: HashMap<Participant, EncryptionKeyMessage<C, Commitments<C>>>,
) -> Result<
(KeyMachine<C>, HashMap<Participant, EncryptedMessage<C, SecretShare<C::F>>>),
> {
match machine.generate_secret_shares(rng, commitments) {
Ok(res) => Ok(res),
Err(e) => match e {
DkgError::ZeroParameter(_, _) |
DkgError::InvalidThreshold(_, _) |
DkgError::InvalidParticipant(_, _) |
DkgError::InvalidSigningSet |
DkgError::InvalidShare { .. } => unreachable!("{e:?}"),
DkgError::InvalidParticipantQuantity(_, _) |
DkgError::DuplicatedParticipant(_) |
DkgError::MissingParticipant(_) => {
panic!("coordinator sent invalid DKG commitments: {e:?}")
DkgError::InvalidCommitments(i) => {
Err(ProcessorMessage::InvalidCommitments { id, faulty: i })?
let mut substrate_commitments = HashMap::new();
let mut network_commitments = HashMap::new();
for i in 1 ..= params.n() {
let i = Participant::new(i).unwrap();
let mut commitments = commitments[&i].as_slice();
EncryptionKeyMessage::<Ristretto, Commitments<Ristretto>>::read(&mut commitments, params)
.map_err(|_| ProcessorMessage::InvalidCommitments { id, faulty: i })?,
EncryptionKeyMessage::<N::Curve, Commitments<N::Curve>>::read(&mut commitments, params)
.map_err(|_| ProcessorMessage::InvalidCommitments { id, faulty: i })?,
if !commitments.is_empty() {
// Malicious Participant included extra bytes in their commitments
// (a potential DoS attack)
Err(ProcessorMessage::InvalidCommitments { id, faulty: i })?;
let mut key_machines = vec![];
let mut shares = vec![];
for (m, (substrate_machine, network_machine)) in machines.into_iter().enumerate() {
let actual_i = Participant::new(u16::from(params.i()) + u16::try_from(m).unwrap()).unwrap();
let mut substrate_commitments = substrate_commitments.clone();
let (substrate_machine, mut substrate_shares) =
handle_machine::<Ristretto>(&mut rng, id, substrate_machine, substrate_commitments)?;
let mut network_commitments = network_commitments.clone();
let (network_machine, network_shares) =
handle_machine(&mut rng, id, network_machine, network_commitments.clone())?;
key_machines.push((substrate_machine, network_machine));
let mut these_shares: HashMap<_, _> =
substrate_shares.drain().map(|(i, share)| (i, share.serialize())).collect();
for (i, share) in &mut these_shares {
Ok((key_machines, shares))
match msg {
CoordinatorMessage::GenerateKey { id, params, shares } => {
info!("Generating new key. ID: {id:?} Params: {params:?} Shares: {shares}");
// Remove old attempts
if self.active_commit.remove(&id.session).is_none() &&
// If we haven't handled this session before, save the params
ParamsDb::set(txn, &id.session, id.attempt, &(params, shares));
let (machines, commitments) = key_gen_machines(id, params, shares);
self.active_commit.insert(id.session, (machines, commitments.clone()));
ProcessorMessage::Commitments { id, commitments }
CoordinatorMessage::Commitments { id, mut commitments } => {
info!("Received commitments for {:?}", id);
if self.active_share.contains_key(&id.session) {
// We should've been told of a new attempt before receiving commitments again
// The coordinator is either missing messages or repeating itself
// Either way, it's faulty
panic!("commitments when already handled commitments");
let (params, share_quantity) = ParamsDb::get(txn, &id.session, id.attempt).unwrap();
// Unwrap the machines, rebuilding them if we didn't have them in our cache
// We won't if the processor rebooted
// This *may* be inconsistent if we receive a KeyGen for attempt x, then commitments for
// attempt y
// The coordinator is trusted to be proper in this regard
let (prior, our_commitments) = self
.unwrap_or_else(|| key_gen_machines(id, params, share_quantity));
for (i, our_commitments) in our_commitments.into_iter().enumerate() {
Participant::new(u16::from(params.i()) + u16::try_from(i).unwrap()).unwrap(),
CommitmentsDb::set(txn, &id, &commitments);
match secret_share_machines(id, params, prior, commitments) {
Ok((machines, shares)) => {
self.active_share.insert(id.session, (machines, shares.clone()));
ProcessorMessage::Shares { id, shares }
Err(e) => e,
CoordinatorMessage::Shares { id, shares } => {
info!("Received shares for {:?}", id);
let (params, share_quantity) = ParamsDb::get(txn, &id.session, id.attempt).unwrap();
// Same commentary on inconsistency as above exists
let (machines, our_shares) = self.active_share.remove(&id.session).unwrap_or_else(|| {
let prior = key_gen_machines(id, params, share_quantity).0;
let (machines, shares) =
secret_share_machines(id, params, prior, CommitmentsDb::get(txn, &id).unwrap())
.expect("got Shares for a key gen which faulted");
(machines, shares)
let mut rng = share_rng(id);
fn handle_machine<C: Ciphersuite>(
rng: &mut ChaCha20Rng,
id: KeyGenId,
// These are the params of our first share, not this machine's shares
params: ThresholdParams,
m: usize,
machine: KeyMachine<C>,
shares_ref: &mut HashMap<Participant, &[u8]>,
) -> Result<ThresholdCore<C>, ProcessorMessage> {
let params = ThresholdParams::new(
Participant::new(u16::from(params.i()) + u16::try_from(m).unwrap()).unwrap(),
// Parse the shares
let mut shares = HashMap::new();
for i in 1 ..= params.n() {
let i = Participant::new(i).unwrap();
let Some(share) = shares_ref.get_mut(&i) else { continue };
EncryptedMessage::<C, SecretShare<C::F>>::read(share, params).map_err(|_| {
ProcessorMessage::InvalidShare { id, accuser: params.i(), faulty: i, blame: None }
(match machine.calculate_share(rng, shares) {
Ok(res) => res,
Err(e) => match e {
DkgError::ZeroParameter(_, _) |
DkgError::InvalidThreshold(_, _) |
DkgError::InvalidParticipant(_, _) |
DkgError::InvalidSigningSet |
DkgError::InvalidCommitments(_) => unreachable!("{e:?}"),
DkgError::InvalidParticipantQuantity(_, _) |
DkgError::DuplicatedParticipant(_) |
DkgError::MissingParticipant(_) => {
panic!("coordinator sent invalid DKG shares: {e:?}")
DkgError::InvalidShare { participant, blame } => {
Err(ProcessorMessage::InvalidShare {
accuser: params.i(),
faulty: participant,
blame: Some(|blame| blame.serialize())).flatten(),
let mut substrate_keys = vec![];
let mut network_keys = vec![];
for (m, machines) in machines.into_iter().enumerate() {
let mut shares_ref: HashMap<Participant, &[u8]> =
shares[m].iter().map(|(i, shares)| (*i, shares.as_ref())).collect();
for (i, our_shares) in our_shares.iter().enumerate() {
if m != i {
Participant::new(u16::from(params.i()) + u16::try_from(i).unwrap()).unwrap(),
[&Participant::new(u16::from(params.i()) + u16::try_from(m).unwrap()).unwrap()]
let these_substrate_keys =
match handle_machine(&mut rng, id, params, m, machines.0, &mut shares_ref) {
Ok(keys) => keys,
Err(msg) => return msg,
let these_network_keys =
match handle_machine(&mut rng, id, params, m, machines.1, &mut shares_ref) {
Ok(keys) => keys,
Err(msg) => return msg,
for i in 1 ..= params.n() {
let i = Participant::new(i).unwrap();
let Some(shares) = shares_ref.get(&i) else { continue };
if !shares.is_empty() {
return ProcessorMessage::InvalidShare {
accuser: these_substrate_keys.params().i(),
faulty: i,
blame: None,
let mut these_network_keys = ThresholdKeys::new(these_network_keys);
N::tweak_keys(&mut these_network_keys);
let mut generated_substrate_key = None;
let mut generated_network_key = None;
for keys in substrate_keys.iter().zip(&network_keys) {
if generated_substrate_key.is_none() {
generated_substrate_key = Some(keys.0.group_key());
generated_network_key = Some(keys.1.group_key());
} else {
assert_eq!(generated_substrate_key, Some(keys.0.group_key()));
assert_eq!(generated_network_key, Some(keys.1.group_key()));
GeneratedKeysDb::save_keys::<N>(txn, &id, &substrate_keys, &network_keys);
ProcessorMessage::GeneratedKeyPair {
substrate_key: generated_substrate_key.unwrap().to_bytes(),
// TODO: This can be made more efficient since tweaked keys may be a subset of keys
network_key: generated_network_key.unwrap().to_bytes().as_ref().to_vec(),
CoordinatorMessage::VerifyBlame { id, accuser, accused, share, blame } => {
let params = ParamsDb::get(txn, &id.session, id.attempt).unwrap().0;
let mut share_ref = share.as_slice();
let Ok(substrate_share) = EncryptedMessage::<
SecretShare<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
>::read(&mut share_ref, params) else {
return ProcessorMessage::Blame { id, participant: accused };
let Ok(network_share) = EncryptedMessage::<
SecretShare<<N::Curve as Ciphersuite>::F>,
>::read(&mut share_ref, params) else {
return ProcessorMessage::Blame { id, participant: accused };
if !share_ref.is_empty() {
return ProcessorMessage::Blame { id, participant: accused };
let mut substrate_commitment_msgs = HashMap::new();
let mut network_commitment_msgs = HashMap::new();
let commitments = CommitmentsDb::get(txn, &id).unwrap();
for (i, commitments) in commitments {
let mut commitments = commitments.as_slice();
.insert(i, EncryptionKeyMessage::<_, _>::read(&mut commitments, params).unwrap());
.insert(i, EncryptionKeyMessage::<_, _>::read(&mut commitments, params).unwrap());
// There is a mild DoS here where someone with a valid blame bloats it to the maximum size
// Given the ambiguity, and limited potential to DoS (this being called means *someone* is
// getting fatally slashed) voids the need to ensure blame is minimal
let substrate_blame =
blame.clone().and_then(|blame| EncryptionKeyProof::read(&mut blame.as_slice()).ok());
let network_blame =
blame.clone().and_then(|blame| EncryptionKeyProof::read(&mut blame.as_slice()).ok());
let substrate_blame = AdditionalBlameMachine::new(
&mut rand_core::OsRng,
.blame(accuser, accused, substrate_share, substrate_blame);
let network_blame = AdditionalBlameMachine::new(
&mut rand_core::OsRng,
context(&id, NETWORK_KEY_CONTEXT),
.blame(accuser, accused, network_share, network_blame);
// If the accused was blamed for either, mark them as at fault
if (substrate_blame == accused) || (network_blame == accused) {
return ProcessorMessage::Blame { id, participant: accused };
ProcessorMessage::Blame { id, participant: accuser }
// This should only be called if we're participating, hence taking our instance
pub fn confirm(
&mut self,
txn: &mut D::Transaction<'_>,
session: Session,
key_pair: &KeyPair,
) -> KeyConfirmed<N::Curve> {
"Confirmed key pair {} {} for {:?}",
let (substrate_keys, network_keys) = KeysDb::confirm_keys::<N>(txn, session, key_pair);
KeyConfirmed { substrate_keys, network_keys }