use monero_serai::{ transaction::Transaction, wallet::SpendableOutput, rpc::{Rpc, OutputResponse}, Protocol, DEFAULT_LOCK_WINDOW, }; mod runner; test!( select_latest_output_as_decoy_canonical, ( // First make an initial tx0 |_, mut builder: Builder, addr| async move { builder.add_payment(addr, 2000000000000); (, ()) }, |rpc: Rpc<_>, tx: Transaction, mut scanner: Scanner, ()| async move { let output = scanner.scan_transaction(&tx).not_locked().swap_remove(0); assert_eq!(output.commitment().amount, 2000000000000); SpendableOutput::from(&rpc, output).await.unwrap() }, ), ( // Then make a second tx1 |protocol: Protocol, rpc: Rpc<_>, mut builder: Builder, addr, state: _| async move { let output_tx0: SpendableOutput = state; let decoys = Decoys::fingerprintable_canonical_select( &mut OsRng, &rpc, protocol.ring_len(), rpc.get_height().await.unwrap(), &[output_tx0.clone()], ) .await .unwrap(); let inputs = [output_tx0.clone()].into_iter().zip(decoys).collect::<Vec<_>>(); builder.add_inputs(&inputs); builder.add_payment(addr, 1000000000000); (, (protocol, output_tx0)) }, // Then make sure DSA selects freshly unlocked output from tx1 as a decoy |rpc: Rpc<_>, tx: Transaction, mut scanner: Scanner, state: (_, _)| async move { use rand_core::OsRng; let height = rpc.get_height().await.unwrap(); let output_tx1 = SpendableOutput::from(&rpc, scanner.scan_transaction(&tx).not_locked().swap_remove(0)) .await .unwrap(); // Make sure output from tx1 is in the block in which it unlocks let out_tx1: OutputResponse = rpc.get_outs(&[output_tx1.global_index]).await.unwrap().swap_remove(0); assert_eq!(out_tx1.height, height - DEFAULT_LOCK_WINDOW); assert!(out_tx1.unlocked); // Select decoys using spendable output from tx0 as the real, and make sure DSA selects // the freshly unlocked output from tx1 as a decoy let (protocol, output_tx0): (Protocol, SpendableOutput) = state; let mut selected_fresh_decoy = false; let mut attempts = 1000; while !selected_fresh_decoy && attempts > 0 { let decoys = Decoys::fingerprintable_canonical_select( &mut OsRng, // TODO: use a seeded RNG to consistently select the latest output &rpc, protocol.ring_len(), height, &[output_tx0.clone()], ) .await .unwrap(); selected_fresh_decoy = decoys[0].indexes().contains(&output_tx1.global_index); attempts -= 1; } assert!(selected_fresh_decoy); assert_eq!(height, rpc.get_height().await.unwrap()); }, ), ); test!( select_latest_output_as_decoy, ( // First make an initial tx0 |_, mut builder: Builder, addr| async move { builder.add_payment(addr, 2000000000000); (, ()) }, |rpc: Rpc<_>, tx: Transaction, mut scanner: Scanner, ()| async move { let output = scanner.scan_transaction(&tx).not_locked().swap_remove(0); assert_eq!(output.commitment().amount, 2000000000000); SpendableOutput::from(&rpc, output).await.unwrap() }, ), ( // Then make a second tx1 |protocol: Protocol, rpc: Rpc<_>, mut builder: Builder, addr, state: _| async move { let output_tx0: SpendableOutput = state; let decoys = Decoys::select( &mut OsRng, &rpc, protocol.ring_len(), rpc.get_height().await.unwrap(), &[output_tx0.clone()], ) .await .unwrap(); let inputs = [output_tx0.clone()].into_iter().zip(decoys).collect::<Vec<_>>(); builder.add_inputs(&inputs); builder.add_payment(addr, 1000000000000); (, (protocol, output_tx0)) }, // Then make sure DSA selects freshly unlocked output from tx1 as a decoy |rpc: Rpc<_>, tx: Transaction, mut scanner: Scanner, state: (_, _)| async move { use rand_core::OsRng; let height = rpc.get_height().await.unwrap(); let output_tx1 = SpendableOutput::from(&rpc, scanner.scan_transaction(&tx).not_locked().swap_remove(0)) .await .unwrap(); // Make sure output from tx1 is in the block in which it unlocks let out_tx1: OutputResponse = rpc.get_outs(&[output_tx1.global_index]).await.unwrap().swap_remove(0); assert_eq!(out_tx1.height, height - DEFAULT_LOCK_WINDOW); assert!(out_tx1.unlocked); // Select decoys using spendable output from tx0 as the real, and make sure DSA selects // the freshly unlocked output from tx1 as a decoy let (protocol, output_tx0): (Protocol, SpendableOutput) = state; let mut selected_fresh_decoy = false; let mut attempts = 1000; while !selected_fresh_decoy && attempts > 0 { let decoys = Decoys::select( &mut OsRng, // TODO: use a seeded RNG to consistently select the latest output &rpc, protocol.ring_len(), height, &[output_tx0.clone()], ) .await .unwrap(); selected_fresh_decoy = decoys[0].indexes().contains(&output_tx1.global_index); attempts -= 1; } assert!(selected_fresh_decoy); assert_eq!(height, rpc.get_height().await.unwrap()); }, ), );