use curve25519_dalek::{scalar::Scalar, edwards::EdwardsPoint}; use crate::{ hash, hash_to_scalar, serialize::write_varint, transaction::Input }; mod scan; pub use scan::SpendableOutput; pub(crate) mod decoys; pub(crate) use decoys::Decoys; mod send; pub use send::{Fee, TransactionError, SignableTransaction}; #[cfg(feature = "multisig")] pub use send::TransactionMachine; fn key_image_sort(x: &EdwardsPoint, y: &EdwardsPoint) -> std::cmp::Ordering { x.compress().to_bytes().cmp(&y.compress().to_bytes()).reverse() } // pub(crate) fn uniqueness(inputs: &[Input]) -> [u8; 32] { let mut u = b"domain_separator".to_vec(); for input in inputs { match input { // If Gen, this should be the only input, making this loop somewhat pointless // This works and even if there were somehow multiple inputs, it'd be a false negative Input::Gen(height) => { write_varint(&(*height).try_into().unwrap(), &mut u).unwrap(); }, Input::ToKey { key_image, .. } => u.extend(key_image.compress().to_bytes()) } } hash(&u) } // Hs(8Ra || o) with as an option #[allow(non_snake_case)] pub(crate) fn shared_key(uniqueness: Option<[u8; 32]>, s: Scalar, P: &EdwardsPoint, o: usize) -> Scalar { // uniqueness let mut shared = uniqueness.map_or(vec![], |uniqueness| uniqueness.to_vec()); // || 8Ra shared.extend((s * P).mul_by_cofactor().compress().to_bytes().to_vec()); // || o write_varint(&o.try_into().unwrap(), &mut shared).unwrap(); // Hs() hash_to_scalar(&shared) } pub(crate) fn amount_encryption(amount: u64, key: Scalar) -> [u8; 8] { let mut amount_mask = b"amount".to_vec(); amount_mask.extend(key.to_bytes()); (amount ^ u64::from_le_bytes(hash(&amount_mask)[0 .. 8].try_into().unwrap())).to_le_bytes() } fn amount_decryption(amount: [u8; 8], key: Scalar) -> u64 { u64::from_le_bytes(amount_encryption(u64::from_le_bytes(amount), key)) } pub(crate) fn commitment_mask(shared_key: Scalar) -> Scalar { let mut mask = b"commitment_mask".to_vec(); mask.extend(shared_key.to_bytes()); hash_to_scalar(&mask) }