#![cfg_attr(docsrs, feature(doc_auto_cfg))] #![doc = include_str!("../README.md")] #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)] use core::fmt::{self, Debug}; #[cfg(feature = "std")] use thiserror::Error; use zeroize::Zeroize; /// MuSig-style key aggregation. pub mod musig; /// Encryption types and utilities used to secure DKG messages. #[cfg(feature = "std")] pub mod encryption; /// The PedPoP distributed key generation protocol described in the /// [FROST paper](https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/852), augmented to be verifiable. #[cfg(feature = "std")] pub mod pedpop; /// Promote keys between ciphersuites. #[cfg(feature = "std")] pub mod promote; /// Tests for application-provided curves and algorithms. #[cfg(any(test, feature = "tests"))] pub mod tests; /// The ID of a participant, defined as a non-zero u16. #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, Debug, Zeroize)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "borsh", derive(borsh::BorshSerialize))] pub struct Participant(pub(crate) u16); impl Participant { /// Create a new Participant identifier from a u16. pub fn new(i: u16) -> Option<Participant> { if i == 0 { None } else { Some(Participant(i)) } } /// Convert a Participant identifier to bytes. #[allow(clippy::wrong_self_convention)] pub fn to_bytes(&self) -> [u8; 2] { self.0.to_le_bytes() } } impl From<Participant> for u16 { fn from(participant: Participant) -> u16 { participant.0 } } impl fmt::Display for Participant { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result { write!(f, "{}", self.0) } } /// Various errors possible during key generation. #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", derive(Error))] pub enum DkgError<B: Clone + PartialEq + Eq + Debug> { /// A parameter was zero. #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", error("a parameter was 0 (threshold {0}, participants {1})"))] ZeroParameter(u16, u16), /// The threshold exceeded the amount of participants. #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", error("invalid threshold (max {1}, got {0})"))] InvalidThreshold(u16, u16), /// Invalid participant identifier. #[cfg_attr( feature = "std", error("invalid participant (0 < participant <= {0}, yet participant is {1})") )] InvalidParticipant(u16, Participant), /// Invalid signing set. #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", error("invalid signing set"))] InvalidSigningSet, /// Invalid amount of participants. #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", error("invalid participant quantity (expected {0}, got {1})"))] InvalidParticipantQuantity(usize, usize), /// A participant was duplicated. #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", error("duplicated participant ({0})"))] DuplicatedParticipant(Participant), /// A participant was missing. #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", error("missing participant {0}"))] MissingParticipant(Participant), /// An invalid proof of knowledge was provided. #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", error("invalid proof of knowledge (participant {0})"))] InvalidCommitments(Participant), /// An invalid DKG share was provided. #[cfg_attr(feature = "std", error("invalid share (participant {participant}, blame {blame})"))] InvalidShare { participant: Participant, blame: Option<B> }, } #[cfg(feature = "std")] mod lib { pub use super::*; use core::ops::Deref; use std::{io, sync::Arc, collections::HashMap}; use zeroize::Zeroizing; use ciphersuite::{ group::{ ff::{Field, PrimeField}, GroupEncoding, }, Ciphersuite, }; #[cfg(feature = "borsh")] impl borsh::BorshDeserialize for Participant { fn deserialize_reader<R: io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> io::Result<Self> { Participant::new(u16::deserialize_reader(reader)?) .ok_or_else(|| io::Error::other("invalid participant")) } } // Validate a map of values to have the expected included participants pub(crate) fn validate_map<T, B: Clone + PartialEq + Eq + Debug>( map: &HashMap<Participant, T>, included: &[Participant], ours: Participant, ) -> Result<(), DkgError<B>> { if (map.len() + 1) != included.len() { Err(DkgError::InvalidParticipantQuantity(included.len(), map.len() + 1))?; } for included in included { if *included == ours { if map.contains_key(included) { Err(DkgError::DuplicatedParticipant(*included))?; } continue; } if !map.contains_key(included) { Err(DkgError::MissingParticipant(*included))?; } } Ok(()) } /// Parameters for a multisig. // These fields should not be made public as they should be static #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Zeroize)] #[cfg_attr(feature = "borsh", derive(borsh::BorshSerialize))] pub struct ThresholdParams { /// Participants needed to sign on behalf of the group. pub(crate) t: u16, /// Amount of participants. pub(crate) n: u16, /// Index of the participant being acted for. pub(crate) i: Participant, } impl ThresholdParams { /// Create a new set of parameters. pub fn new(t: u16, n: u16, i: Participant) -> Result<ThresholdParams, DkgError<()>> { if (t == 0) || (n == 0) { Err(DkgError::ZeroParameter(t, n))?; } if t > n { Err(DkgError::InvalidThreshold(t, n))?; } if u16::from(i) > n { Err(DkgError::InvalidParticipant(n, i))?; } Ok(ThresholdParams { t, n, i }) } /// Return the threshold for a multisig with these parameters. pub fn t(&self) -> u16 { self.t } /// Return the amount of participants for a multisig with these parameters. pub fn n(&self) -> u16 { self.n } /// Return the participant index of the share with these parameters. pub fn i(&self) -> Participant { self.i } } #[cfg(feature = "borsh")] impl borsh::BorshDeserialize for ThresholdParams { fn deserialize_reader<R: io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> io::Result<Self> { let t = u16::deserialize_reader(reader)?; let n = u16::deserialize_reader(reader)?; let i = Participant::deserialize_reader(reader)?; ThresholdParams::new(t, n, i).map_err(|e| io::Error::other(format!("{e:?}"))) } } /// Calculate the lagrange coefficient for a signing set. pub fn lagrange<F: PrimeField>(i: Participant, included: &[Participant]) -> F { let i_f = F::from(u64::from(u16::from(i))); let mut num = F::ONE; let mut denom = F::ONE; for l in included { if i == *l { continue; } let share = F::from(u64::from(u16::from(*l))); num *= share; denom *= share - i_f; } // Safe as this will only be 0 if we're part of the above loop // (which we have an if case to avoid) num * denom.invert().unwrap() } /// Keys and verification shares generated by a DKG. /// Called core as they're expected to be wrapped into an Arc before usage in various operations. #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct ThresholdCore<C: Ciphersuite> { /// Threshold Parameters. pub(crate) params: ThresholdParams, /// Secret share key. pub(crate) secret_share: Zeroizing<C::F>, /// Group key. pub(crate) group_key: C::G, /// Verification shares. pub(crate) verification_shares: HashMap<Participant, C::G>, } impl<C: Ciphersuite> fmt::Debug for ThresholdCore<C> { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt .debug_struct("ThresholdCore") .field("params", &self.params) .field("group_key", &self.group_key) .field("verification_shares", &self.verification_shares) .finish_non_exhaustive() } } impl<C: Ciphersuite> Zeroize for ThresholdCore<C> { fn zeroize(&mut self) { self.params.zeroize(); self.secret_share.zeroize(); self.group_key.zeroize(); for share in self.verification_shares.values_mut() { share.zeroize(); } } } impl<C: Ciphersuite> ThresholdCore<C> { pub(crate) fn new( params: ThresholdParams, secret_share: Zeroizing<C::F>, verification_shares: HashMap<Participant, C::G>, ) -> ThresholdCore<C> { let t = (1 ..= params.t()).map(Participant).collect::<Vec<_>>(); ThresholdCore { params, secret_share, group_key: t.iter().map(|i| verification_shares[i] * lagrange::<C::F>(*i, &t)).sum(), verification_shares, } } /// Parameters for these keys. pub fn params(&self) -> ThresholdParams { self.params } /// Secret share for these keys. pub fn secret_share(&self) -> &Zeroizing<C::F> { &self.secret_share } /// Group key for these keys. pub fn group_key(&self) -> C::G { self.group_key } pub(crate) fn verification_shares(&self) -> HashMap<Participant, C::G> { self.verification_shares.clone() } /// Write these keys to a type satisfying std::io::Write. pub fn write<W: io::Write>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> { writer.write_all(&u32::try_from(C::ID.len()).unwrap().to_le_bytes())?; writer.write_all(C::ID)?; writer.write_all(&self.params.t.to_le_bytes())?; writer.write_all(&self.params.n.to_le_bytes())?; writer.write_all(&self.params.i.to_bytes())?; let mut share_bytes = self.secret_share.to_repr(); writer.write_all(share_bytes.as_ref())?; share_bytes.as_mut().zeroize(); for l in 1 ..= self.params.n { writer .write_all(self.verification_shares[&Participant::new(l).unwrap()].to_bytes().as_ref())?; } Ok(()) } /// Serialize these keys to a `Vec<u8>`. pub fn serialize(&self) -> Zeroizing<Vec<u8>> { let mut serialized = Zeroizing::new(vec![]); self.write::<Vec<u8>>(serialized.as_mut()).unwrap(); serialized } /// Read keys from a type satisfying std::io::Read. pub fn read<R: io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> io::Result<ThresholdCore<C>> { { let different = || io::Error::other("deserializing ThresholdCore for another curve"); let mut id_len = [0; 4]; reader.read_exact(&mut id_len)?; if u32::try_from(C::ID.len()).unwrap().to_le_bytes() != id_len { Err(different())?; } let mut id = vec![0; C::ID.len()]; reader.read_exact(&mut id)?; if id != C::ID { Err(different())?; } } let (t, n, i) = { let mut read_u16 = || -> io::Result<u16> { let mut value = [0; 2]; reader.read_exact(&mut value)?; Ok(u16::from_le_bytes(value)) }; ( read_u16()?, read_u16()?, Participant::new(read_u16()?).ok_or(io::Error::other("invalid participant index"))?, ) }; let secret_share = Zeroizing::new(C::read_F(reader)?); let mut verification_shares = HashMap::new(); for l in (1 ..= n).map(Participant) { verification_shares.insert(l, <C as Ciphersuite>::read_G(reader)?); } Ok(ThresholdCore::new( ThresholdParams::new(t, n, i).map_err(|_| io::Error::other("invalid parameters"))?, secret_share, verification_shares, )) } } /// Threshold keys usable for signing. #[derive(Clone, Debug, Zeroize)] pub struct ThresholdKeys<C: Ciphersuite> { // Core keys. // If this is the last reference, the underlying keys will be dropped. When that happens, the // private key present within it will be zeroed out (as it's within Zeroizing). #[zeroize(skip)] pub(crate) core: Arc<ThresholdCore<C>>, // Offset applied to these keys. pub(crate) offset: Option<C::F>, } /// View of keys, interpolated and offset for usage. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct ThresholdView<C: Ciphersuite> { offset: C::F, group_key: C::G, included: Vec<Participant>, secret_share: Zeroizing<C::F>, original_verification_shares: HashMap<Participant, C::G>, verification_shares: HashMap<Participant, C::G>, } impl<C: Ciphersuite> fmt::Debug for ThresholdView<C> { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt .debug_struct("ThresholdView") .field("offset", &self.offset) .field("group_key", &self.group_key) .field("included", &self.included) .field("original_verification_shares", &self.original_verification_shares) .field("verification_shares", &self.verification_shares) .finish_non_exhaustive() } } impl<C: Ciphersuite> Zeroize for ThresholdView<C> { fn zeroize(&mut self) { self.offset.zeroize(); self.group_key.zeroize(); self.included.zeroize(); self.secret_share.zeroize(); for share in self.original_verification_shares.values_mut() { share.zeroize(); } for share in self.verification_shares.values_mut() { share.zeroize(); } } } impl<C: Ciphersuite> ThresholdKeys<C> { /// Create a new set of ThresholdKeys from a ThresholdCore. pub fn new(core: ThresholdCore<C>) -> ThresholdKeys<C> { ThresholdKeys { core: Arc::new(core), offset: None } } /// Offset the keys by a given scalar to allow for various account and privacy schemes. /// /// This offset is ephemeral and will not be included when these keys are serialized. It also /// accumulates, so calling offset multiple times will produce a offset of the offsets' sum. #[must_use] pub fn offset(&self, offset: C::F) -> ThresholdKeys<C> { let mut res = self.clone(); // Carry any existing offset // Enables schemes like Monero's subaddresses which have a per-subaddress offset and then a // one-time-key offset res.offset = Some(offset + res.offset.unwrap_or(C::F::ZERO)); res } /// Return the current offset in-use for these keys. pub fn current_offset(&self) -> Option<C::F> { self.offset } /// Return the parameters for these keys. pub fn params(&self) -> ThresholdParams { self.core.params } /// Return the secret share for these keys. pub fn secret_share(&self) -> &Zeroizing<C::F> { &self.core.secret_share } /// Return the group key, with any offset applied. pub fn group_key(&self) -> C::G { self.core.group_key + (C::generator() * self.offset.unwrap_or(C::F::ZERO)) } /// Return all participants' verification shares without any offsetting. pub(crate) fn verification_shares(&self) -> HashMap<Participant, C::G> { self.core.verification_shares() } /// Serialize these keys to a `Vec<u8>`. pub fn serialize(&self) -> Zeroizing<Vec<u8>> { self.core.serialize() } /// Obtain a view of these keys, with any offset applied, interpolated for the specified signing /// set. pub fn view(&self, mut included: Vec<Participant>) -> Result<ThresholdView<C>, DkgError<()>> { if (included.len() < self.params().t.into()) || (usize::from(self.params().n()) < included.len()) { Err(DkgError::InvalidSigningSet)?; } included.sort(); let mut secret_share = Zeroizing::new( lagrange::<C::F>(self.params().i(), &included) * self.secret_share().deref(), ); let mut verification_shares = self.verification_shares(); for (i, share) in &mut verification_shares { *share *= lagrange::<C::F>(*i, &included); } // The offset is included by adding it to the participant with the lowest ID let offset = self.offset.unwrap_or(C::F::ZERO); if included[0] == self.params().i() { *secret_share += offset; } *verification_shares.get_mut(&included[0]).unwrap() += C::generator() * offset; Ok(ThresholdView { offset, group_key: self.group_key(), secret_share, original_verification_shares: self.verification_shares(), verification_shares, included, }) } } impl<C: Ciphersuite> From<ThresholdCore<C>> for ThresholdKeys<C> { fn from(keys: ThresholdCore<C>) -> ThresholdKeys<C> { ThresholdKeys::new(keys) } } impl<C: Ciphersuite> ThresholdView<C> { /// Return the offset for this view. pub fn offset(&self) -> C::F { self.offset } /// Return the group key. pub fn group_key(&self) -> C::G { self.group_key } /// Return the included signers. pub fn included(&self) -> &[Participant] { &self.included } /// Return the interpolated, offset secret share. pub fn secret_share(&self) -> &Zeroizing<C::F> { &self.secret_share } /// Return the original verification share for the specified participant. pub fn original_verification_share(&self, l: Participant) -> C::G { self.original_verification_shares[&l] } /// Return the interpolated, offset verification share for the specified participant. pub fn verification_share(&self, l: Participant) -> C::G { self.verification_shares[&l] } } } #[cfg(feature = "std")] pub use lib::*;