use core::fmt::Debug; use std::io; use lazy_static::lazy_static; use zeroize::Zeroizing; use rand_core::{RngCore, CryptoRng}; use sha2::{Digest, Sha256}; use transcript::Transcript; use secp256k1::schnorr::Signature; use k256::{ elliptic_curve::{ ops::Reduce, sec1::{Tag, ToEncodedPoint}, }, U256, Scalar, ProjectivePoint, }; use frost::{ curve::{Ciphersuite, Secp256k1}, Participant, ThresholdKeys, ThresholdView, FrostError, algorithm::{Hram as HramTrait, Algorithm, Schnorr as FrostSchnorr}, }; use bitcoin::key::XOnlyPublicKey; /// Get the x coordinate of a non-infinity, even point. Panics on invalid input. pub fn x(key: &ProjectivePoint) -> [u8; 32] { let encoded = key.to_encoded_point(true); assert_eq!(encoded.tag(), Tag::CompressedEvenY, "x coordinate of odd key"); (*encoded.x().expect("point at infinity")).into() } /// Convert a non-infinity even point to a XOnlyPublicKey. Panics on invalid input. pub fn x_only(key: &ProjectivePoint) -> XOnlyPublicKey { XOnlyPublicKey::from_slice(&x(key)).expect("x_only was passed a point which was infinity or odd") } /// Make a point even by adding the generator until it is even. Returns the even point and the /// amount of additions required. pub fn make_even(mut key: ProjectivePoint) -> (ProjectivePoint, u64) { let mut c = 0; while key.to_encoded_point(true).tag() == Tag::CompressedOddY { key += ProjectivePoint::GENERATOR; c += 1; } (key, c) } /// A BIP-340 compatible HRAm for use with the modular-frost Schnorr Algorithm. /// /// If passed an odd nonce, it will have the generator added until it is even. #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub struct Hram; lazy_static! { static ref TAG_HASH: [u8; 32] = Sha256::digest(b"BIP0340/challenge").into(); } #[allow(non_snake_case)] impl HramTrait for Hram { fn hram(R: &ProjectivePoint, A: &ProjectivePoint, m: &[u8]) -> Scalar { // Convert the nonce to be even let (R, _) = make_even(*R); let mut data = Sha256::new(); data.update(*TAG_HASH); data.update(*TAG_HASH); data.update(x(&R)); data.update(x(A)); data.update(m); Scalar::reduce(U256::from_be_slice(&data.finalize())) } } /// BIP-340 Schnorr signature algorithm. /// /// This must be used with a ThresholdKeys whose group key is even. If it is odd, this will panic. #[derive(Clone)] pub struct Schnorr(FrostSchnorr); impl Schnorr { /// Construct a Schnorr algorithm continuing the specified transcript. pub fn new(transcript: T) -> Schnorr { Schnorr(FrostSchnorr::new(transcript)) } } impl Algorithm for Schnorr { type Transcript = T; type Addendum = (); type Signature = Signature; fn transcript(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Transcript { self.0.transcript() } fn nonces(&self) -> Vec> { self.0.nonces() } fn preprocess_addendum( &mut self, rng: &mut R, keys: &ThresholdKeys, ) { self.0.preprocess_addendum(rng, keys) } fn read_addendum(&self, reader: &mut R) -> io::Result { self.0.read_addendum(reader) } fn process_addendum( &mut self, view: &ThresholdView, i: Participant, addendum: (), ) -> Result<(), FrostError> { self.0.process_addendum(view, i, addendum) } fn sign_share( &mut self, params: &ThresholdView, nonce_sums: &[Vec<::G>], nonces: Vec::F>>, msg: &[u8], ) -> ::F { self.0.sign_share(params, nonce_sums, nonces, msg) } #[must_use] fn verify( &self, group_key: ProjectivePoint, nonces: &[Vec], sum: Scalar, ) -> Option { self.0.verify(group_key, nonces, sum).map(|mut sig| { // Make the R of the final signature even let offset; (sig.R, offset) = make_even(sig.R); // s = r + cx. Since we added to the r, add to s sig.s += Scalar::from(offset); // Convert to a secp256k1 signature Signature::from_slice(&sig.serialize()[1 ..]) .expect("couldn't convert SchnorrSignature to Signature") }) } fn verify_share( &self, verification_share: ProjectivePoint, nonces: &[Vec], share: Scalar, ) -> Result, ()> { self.0.verify_share(verification_share, nonces, share) } }