members = [










# Always compile Monero (and a variety of dependencies) with optimizations due
# to the unoptimized performance of Bulletproofs
subtle = { opt-level = 3 }
curve25519-dalek = { opt-level = 3 }

ff = { opt-level = 3 }
group = { opt-level = 3 }

crypto-bigint = { opt-level = 3 }
dalek-ff-group = { opt-level = 3 }
minimal-ed448 = { opt-level = 3 }

multiexp = { opt-level = 3 }

monero-serai = { opt-level = 3 }

panic = "unwind"

# array-bytes 4.1.0 is GPL-3.0.
# array-bytes git, which has no code changes, includes a dual-license under Apache-2.0.
array-bytes = { git = "https://github.com/hack-ink/array-bytes", rev = "994cd29b66bd2ab5c8c15f0b15a1618d4bb2d94c" }