use core::{time::Duration, fmt}; use std::{ sync::Arc, io::Read, collections::{HashSet, HashMap}, time::{SystemTime, Instant}, }; use async_trait::async_trait; use rand_core::{RngCore, OsRng}; use ciphersuite::{Ciphersuite, Ristretto}; use scale::Encode; use borsh::{BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize}; use serai_client::{primitives::NetworkId, validator_sets::primitives::ValidatorSet, Serai}; use serai_db::Db; use futures_util::StreamExt; use tokio::{ sync::{Mutex, RwLock, mpsc, broadcast}, time::sleep, }; use libp2p::{ core::multiaddr::{Protocol, Multiaddr}, identity::Keypair, PeerId, tcp::Config as TcpConfig, noise, yamux, gossipsub::{ IdentTopic, FastMessageId, MessageId, MessageAuthenticity, ValidationMode, ConfigBuilder, IdentityTransform, AllowAllSubscriptionFilter, Event as GsEvent, PublishError, Behaviour as GsBehavior, }, swarm::{NetworkBehaviour, SwarmEvent, Swarm}, SwarmBuilder, }; pub(crate) use tributary::{ReadWrite, P2p as TributaryP2p}; use crate::{Transaction, Block, Tributary, ActiveTributary, TributaryEvent}; const LIBP2P_TOPIC: &str = "serai-coordinator"; #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize)] pub struct CosignedBlock { pub network: NetworkId, pub block_number: u64, pub block: [u8; 32], pub signature: [u8; 64], } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)] pub enum P2pMessageKind { KeepAlive, Tributary([u8; 32]), Heartbeat([u8; 32]), Block([u8; 32]), CosignedBlock, } impl P2pMessageKind { fn genesis(&self) -> Option<[u8; 32]> { match self { P2pMessageKind::KeepAlive | P2pMessageKind::CosignedBlock => None, P2pMessageKind::Tributary(genesis) | P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(genesis) | P2pMessageKind::Block(genesis) => Some(*genesis), } } fn serialize(&self) -> Vec { match self { P2pMessageKind::KeepAlive => vec![0], P2pMessageKind::Tributary(genesis) => { let mut res = vec![1]; res.extend(genesis); res } P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(genesis) => { let mut res = vec![2]; res.extend(genesis); res } P2pMessageKind::Block(genesis) => { let mut res = vec![3]; res.extend(genesis); res } P2pMessageKind::CosignedBlock => { vec![4] } } } fn read(reader: &mut R) -> Option { let mut kind = [0; 1]; reader.read_exact(&mut kind).ok()?; match kind[0] { 0 => Some(P2pMessageKind::KeepAlive), 1 => Some({ let mut genesis = [0; 32]; reader.read_exact(&mut genesis).ok()?; P2pMessageKind::Tributary(genesis) }), 2 => Some({ let mut genesis = [0; 32]; reader.read_exact(&mut genesis).ok()?; P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(genesis) }), 3 => Some({ let mut genesis = [0; 32]; reader.read_exact(&mut genesis).ok()?; P2pMessageKind::Block(genesis) }), 4 => Some(P2pMessageKind::CosignedBlock), _ => None, } } } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub struct Message { pub sender: P::Id, pub kind: P2pMessageKind, pub msg: Vec, } #[async_trait] pub trait P2p: Send + Sync + Clone + fmt::Debug + TributaryP2p { type Id: Send + Sync + Clone + Copy + fmt::Debug; async fn subscribe(&self, set: ValidatorSet, genesis: [u8; 32]); async fn unsubscribe(&self, set: ValidatorSet, genesis: [u8; 32]); async fn send_raw(&self, to: Self::Id, genesis: Option<[u8; 32]>, msg: Vec); async fn broadcast_raw(&self, genesis: Option<[u8; 32]>, msg: Vec); async fn receive_raw(&self) -> (Self::Id, Vec); async fn send(&self, to: Self::Id, kind: P2pMessageKind, msg: Vec) { let mut actual_msg = kind.serialize(); actual_msg.extend(msg); self.send_raw(to, kind.genesis(), actual_msg).await; } async fn broadcast(&self, kind: P2pMessageKind, msg: Vec) { let mut actual_msg = kind.serialize(); actual_msg.extend(msg); /* log::trace!( "broadcasting p2p message (kind {})", match kind { P2pMessageKind::KeepAlive => "KeepAlive".to_string(), P2pMessageKind::Tributary(genesis) => format!("Tributary({})", hex::encode(genesis)), P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(genesis) => format!("Heartbeat({})", hex::encode(genesis)), P2pMessageKind::Block(genesis) => format!("Block({})", hex::encode(genesis)), P2pMessageKind::CosignedBlock => "CosignedBlock".to_string(), } ); */ self.broadcast_raw(kind.genesis(), actual_msg).await; } async fn receive(&self) -> Message { let (sender, kind, msg) = loop { let (sender, msg) = self.receive_raw().await; if msg.is_empty() { log::error!("empty p2p message from {sender:?}"); continue; } let mut msg_ref = msg.as_ref(); let Some(kind) = P2pMessageKind::read::<&[u8]>(&mut msg_ref) else { log::error!("invalid p2p message kind from {sender:?}"); continue; }; break (sender, kind, msg_ref.to_vec()); }; /* log::trace!( "received p2p message (kind {})", match kind { P2pMessageKind::KeepAlive => "KeepAlive".to_string(), P2pMessageKind::Tributary(genesis) => format!("Tributary({})", hex::encode(genesis)), P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(genesis) => format!("Heartbeat({})", hex::encode(genesis)), P2pMessageKind::Block(genesis) => format!("Block({})", hex::encode(genesis)), P2pMessageKind::CosignedBlock => "CosignedBlock".to_string(), } ); */ Message { sender, kind, msg } } } #[derive(NetworkBehaviour)] struct Behavior { gossipsub: GsBehavior, } #[allow(clippy::type_complexity)] #[derive(Clone)] pub struct LibP2p { subscribe: Arc>>, broadcast: Arc, Vec)>>>, receive: Arc)>>>, } impl fmt::Debug for LibP2p { fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { fmt.debug_struct("LibP2p").finish_non_exhaustive() } } impl LibP2p { #[allow(clippy::new_without_default)] pub fn new(serai: Arc) -> Self { // Block size limit + 1 KB of space for signatures/metadata const MAX_LIBP2P_MESSAGE_SIZE: usize = tributary::BLOCK_SIZE_LIMIT + 1024; log::info!("creating a libp2p instance"); let throwaway_key_pair = Keypair::generate_ed25519(); let behavior = Behavior { gossipsub: { let heartbeat_interval = tributary::tendermint::LATENCY_TIME / 2; let heartbeats_per_block = usize::try_from(tributary::tendermint::TARGET_BLOCK_TIME / heartbeat_interval).unwrap(); use blake2::{Digest, Blake2s256}; let config = ConfigBuilder::default() .heartbeat_interval(Duration::from_millis(heartbeat_interval.into())) .history_length(heartbeats_per_block * 2) .history_gossip(heartbeats_per_block) .max_transmit_size(MAX_LIBP2P_MESSAGE_SIZE) // We send KeepAlive after 80s .idle_timeout(Duration::from_secs(85)) .validation_mode(ValidationMode::Strict) // Uses a content based message ID to avoid duplicates as much as possible .message_id_fn(|msg| { MessageId::new(&Blake2s256::digest([msg.topic.as_str().as_bytes(), &].concat())) }) // Re-defines for fast ID to prevent needing to convert into a Message to run // message_id_fn // This function is valid for both .fast_message_id_fn(|msg| { FastMessageId::new(&Blake2s256::digest( [msg.topic.as_str().as_bytes(), &].concat(), )) }) .build(); let mut gossipsub = GsBehavior::::new( MessageAuthenticity::Signed(throwaway_key_pair.clone()), config.unwrap(), ) .unwrap(); // Subscribe to the base topic let topic = IdentTopic::new(LIBP2P_TOPIC); gossipsub.subscribe(&topic).unwrap(); gossipsub }, }; // Uses noise for authentication, yamux for multiplexing // TODO: Do we want to add a custom authentication protocol to only accept connections from // fellow validators? Doing so would reduce the potential for spam // TODO: Relay client? let mut swarm = SwarmBuilder::with_existing_identity(throwaway_key_pair) .with_tokio() .with_tcp(TcpConfig::default().nodelay(true), noise::Config::new, || { let mut config = yamux::Config::default(); // 1 MiB default + max message size config.set_max_buffer_size((1024 * 1024) + MAX_LIBP2P_MESSAGE_SIZE); // 256 KiB default + max message size config .set_receive_window_size(((256 * 1024) + MAX_LIBP2P_MESSAGE_SIZE).try_into().unwrap()); config }) .unwrap() .with_behaviour(|_| behavior) .unwrap() .build(); const PORT: u16 = 30563; // 5132 ^ (('c' << 8) | 'o') swarm.listen_on(format!("/ip4/{PORT}").parse().unwrap()).unwrap(); let (broadcast_send, mut broadcast_recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let (receive_send, receive_recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let (subscribe_send, mut subscribe_recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); fn topic_for_set(set: ValidatorSet) -> IdentTopic { IdentTopic::new(format!("{LIBP2P_TOPIC}-{}", hex::encode(set.encode()))) } // The addrs we're currently dialing, and the networks associated with them let dialing_peers = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new())); // The peers we're currently connected to, and the networks associated with them let connected_peers = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::>::new())); // Find and connect to peers let (connect_to_network_send, mut connect_to_network_recv) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let (to_dial_send, mut to_dial_recv) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel(); tokio::spawn({ let dialing_peers = dialing_peers.clone(); let connected_peers = connected_peers.clone(); let connect_to_network_send = connect_to_network_send.clone(); async move { loop { let connect = |network: NetworkId, addr: Multiaddr| { let dialing_peers = dialing_peers.clone(); let connected_peers = connected_peers.clone(); let to_dial_send = to_dial_send.clone(); let connect_to_network_send = connect_to_network_send.clone(); async move { log::info!("found peer from substrate: {addr}"); let protocols = addr.iter().filter_map(|piece| match piece { // Drop PeerIds from the Substrate P2p network Protocol::P2p(_) => None, // Use our own TCP port Protocol::Tcp(_) => Some(Protocol::Tcp(PORT)), other => Some(other), }); let mut new_addr = Multiaddr::empty(); for protocol in protocols { new_addr.push(protocol); } let addr = new_addr; log::debug!("transformed found peer: {addr}"); let (is_fresh_dial, nets) = { let mut dialing_peers = dialing_peers.write().await; let is_fresh_dial = !dialing_peers.contains_key(&addr); if is_fresh_dial { dialing_peers.insert(addr.clone(), HashSet::new()); } // Associate this network with this peer dialing_peers.get_mut(&addr).unwrap().insert(network); let nets = dialing_peers.get(&addr).unwrap().clone(); (is_fresh_dial, nets) }; // Spawn a task to remove this peer from 'dialing' in sixty seconds, in case dialing // fails // This performs cleanup and bounds the size of the map to whatever growth occurs // within a temporal window tokio::spawn({ let dialing_peers = dialing_peers.clone(); let connected_peers = connected_peers.clone(); let connect_to_network_send = connect_to_network_send.clone(); let addr = addr.clone(); async move { tokio::time::sleep(core::time::Duration::from_secs(60)).await; let mut dialing_peers = dialing_peers.write().await; if let Some(expected_nets) = dialing_peers.remove(&addr) { log::debug!("removed addr from dialing upon timeout: {addr}"); // TODO: De-duplicate this below instance // If we failed to dial and haven't gotten enough actual connections, retry let connected_peers =; for net in expected_nets { let mut remaining_peers = 0; for nets in connected_peers.values() { if nets.contains(&net) { remaining_peers += 1; } } // If we do not, start connecting to this network again if remaining_peers < 3 { connect_to_network_send.send(net).expect( "couldn't send net to connect to due to disconnects (receiver dropped?)", ); } } } } }); if is_fresh_dial { to_dial_send.send((addr, nets)).unwrap(); } } }; // TODO: We should also connect to random peers from random nets as needed for // cosigning // Define a buffer, `to_retry`, so we can exhaust this channel before sending more down // it let mut to_retry = vec![]; while let Some(network) = connect_to_network_recv.recv().await { if let Ok(mut nodes) = serai.p2p_validators(network).await { // If there's an insufficient amount of nodes known, connect to all yet add it // back and break if nodes.len() < 3 { log::warn!( "insufficient amount of P2P nodes known for {:?}: {}", network, nodes.len() ); to_retry.push(network); for node in nodes { connect(network, node).await; } continue; } // Randomly select up to 5 for _ in 0 .. 5 { if !nodes.is_empty() { let to_connect = nodes.swap_remove( usize::try_from(OsRng.next_u64() % u64::try_from(nodes.len()).unwrap()) .unwrap(), ); connect(network, to_connect).await; } } } } for to_retry in to_retry { connect_to_network_send.send(to_retry).unwrap(); } // Sleep 60 seconds before moving to the next iteration tokio::time::sleep(core::time::Duration::from_secs(60)).await; } } }); // Manage the actual swarm tokio::spawn({ let mut time_of_last_p2p_message = Instant::now(); #[allow(clippy::needless_pass_by_ref_mut)] // False positive fn broadcast_raw( p2p: &mut Swarm, time_of_last_p2p_message: &mut Instant, set: Option, msg: Vec, ) { // Update the time of last message *time_of_last_p2p_message = Instant::now(); let topic = if let Some(set) = set { topic_for_set(set) } else { IdentTopic::new(LIBP2P_TOPIC) }; match p2p.behaviour_mut().gossipsub.publish(topic, msg.clone()) { Err(PublishError::SigningError(e)) => panic!("signing error when broadcasting: {e}"), Err(PublishError::InsufficientPeers) => { log::warn!("failed to send p2p message due to insufficient peers") } Err(PublishError::MessageTooLarge) => { panic!("tried to send a too large message: {}", hex::encode(msg)) } Err(PublishError::TransformFailed(e)) => panic!("IdentityTransform failed: {e}"), Err(PublishError::Duplicate) | Ok(_) => {} } } async move { let connected_peers = connected_peers.clone(); let mut set_for_genesis = HashMap::new(); loop { let time_since_last = Instant::now().duration_since(time_of_last_p2p_message); tokio::select! { biased; // Subscribe to any new topics set = subscribe_recv.recv() => { let (subscribe, set, genesis): (_, ValidatorSet, [u8; 32]) = set.expect("subscribe_recv closed. are we shutting down?"); let topic = topic_for_set(set); if subscribe { log::info!("subscribing to p2p messages for {set:?}"); connect_to_network_send.send(; set_for_genesis.insert(genesis, set); swarm.behaviour_mut().gossipsub.subscribe(&topic).unwrap(); } else { log::info!("unsubscribing to p2p messages for {set:?}"); set_for_genesis.remove(&genesis); swarm.behaviour_mut().gossipsub.unsubscribe(&topic).unwrap(); } } // Handle any queued outbound messages msg = broadcast_recv.recv() => { let (genesis, msg): (Option<[u8; 32]>, Vec) = msg.expect("broadcast_recv closed. are we shutting down?"); let set = genesis.and_then(|genesis| set_for_genesis.get(&genesis).copied()); broadcast_raw( &mut swarm, &mut time_of_last_p2p_message, set, msg, ); } // Handle new incoming messages event = => { match event { Some(SwarmEvent::Dialing { connection_id, .. }) => { log::debug!("dialing to peer in connection ID {}", &connection_id); } Some(SwarmEvent::ConnectionEstablished { peer_id, connection_id, endpoint, .. }) => { if &peer_id == swarm.local_peer_id() { log::warn!("established a libp2p connection to ourselves"); swarm.close_connection(connection_id); continue; } let addr = endpoint.get_remote_address(); let nets = { let mut dialing_peers = dialing_peers.write().await; if let Some(nets) = dialing_peers.remove(addr) { nets } else { log::debug!("connected to a peer who we didn't have within dialing"); HashSet::new() } }; { let mut connected_peers = connected_peers.write().await; connected_peers.insert(addr.clone(), nets); log::debug!( "connection established to peer {} in connection ID {}, connected peers: {}", &peer_id, &connection_id, connected_peers.len(), ); } } Some(SwarmEvent::ConnectionClosed { peer_id, endpoint, .. }) => { let mut connected_peers = connected_peers.write().await; let Some(nets) = connected_peers.remove(endpoint.get_remote_address()) else { log::debug!("closed connection to peer which wasn't in connected_peers"); continue; }; // Downgrade to a read lock let connected_peers = connected_peers.downgrade(); // For each net we lost a peer for, check if we still have sufficient peers // overall for net in nets { let mut remaining_peers = 0; for nets in connected_peers.values() { if nets.contains(&net) { remaining_peers += 1; } } // If we do not, start connecting to this network again if remaining_peers < 3 { connect_to_network_send .send(net) .expect( "couldn't send net to connect to due to disconnects (receiver dropped?)" ); } } log::debug!( "connection with peer {peer_id} closed, connected peers: {}", connected_peers.len(), ); } Some(SwarmEvent::Behaviour(BehaviorEvent::Gossipsub( GsEvent::Message { propagation_source, message, .. }, ))) => { receive_send .send((propagation_source, .expect("receive_send closed. are we shutting down?"); } _ => {} } } // Handle peers to dial addr_and_nets = to_dial_recv.recv() => { let (addr, nets) = addr_and_nets.expect("received address was None (sender dropped?)"); // If we've already dialed and connected to this address, don't further dial them // Just associate these networks with them if let Some(existing_nets) = connected_peers.write().await.get_mut(&addr) { for net in nets { existing_nets.insert(net); } continue; } if let Err(e) = swarm.dial(addr) { log::warn!("dialing peer failed: {e:?}"); } } // If it's been >80s since we've published a message, publish a KeepAlive since we're // still an active service // This is useful when we have no active tributaries and accordingly aren't sending // heartbeats // If we are sending heartbeats, we should've sent one after 60s of no finalized blocks // (where a finalized block only occurs due to network activity), meaning this won't be // run () = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(80).saturating_sub(time_since_last)) => { broadcast_raw( &mut swarm, &mut time_of_last_p2p_message, None, P2pMessageKind::KeepAlive.serialize() ); } } } } }); LibP2p { subscribe: Arc::new(Mutex::new(subscribe_send)), broadcast: Arc::new(Mutex::new(broadcast_send)), receive: Arc::new(Mutex::new(receive_recv)), } } } #[async_trait] impl P2p for LibP2p { type Id = PeerId; async fn subscribe(&self, set: ValidatorSet, genesis: [u8; 32]) { self .subscribe .lock() .await .send((true, set, genesis)) .expect("subscribe_send closed. are we shutting down?"); } async fn unsubscribe(&self, set: ValidatorSet, genesis: [u8; 32]) { self .subscribe .lock() .await .send((false, set, genesis)) .expect("subscribe_send closed. are we shutting down?"); } async fn send_raw(&self, _: Self::Id, genesis: Option<[u8; 32]>, msg: Vec) { self.broadcast_raw(genesis, msg).await; } async fn broadcast_raw(&self, genesis: Option<[u8; 32]>, msg: Vec) { self .broadcast .lock() .await .send((genesis, msg)) .expect("broadcast_send closed. are we shutting down?"); } // TODO: We only have a single handle call this. Differentiate Send/Recv to remove this constant // lock acquisition? async fn receive_raw(&self) -> (Self::Id, Vec) { self.receive.lock().await.recv().await.expect("receive_recv closed. are we shutting down?") } } #[async_trait] impl TributaryP2p for LibP2p { async fn broadcast(&self, genesis: [u8; 32], msg: Vec) { ::broadcast(self, P2pMessageKind::Tributary(genesis), msg).await } } fn heartbeat_time_unit() -> u64 { // Also include the timestamp so LibP2p doesn't flag this as an old message re-circulating let timestamp = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .expect("system clock is wrong") .as_secs(); // Divide by the block time so if multiple parties send a Heartbeat, they're more likely to // overlap timestamp / u64::from(Tributary::::block_time()) } pub async fn heartbeat_tributaries_task( p2p: P, mut tributary_event: broadcast::Receiver>, ) { let ten_blocks_of_time = Duration::from_secs((10 * Tributary::::block_time()).into()); let mut readers = HashMap::new(); loop { loop { match tributary_event.try_recv() { Ok(TributaryEvent::NewTributary(ActiveTributary { spec, tributary })) => { readers.insert(spec.set(), tributary.reader()); } Ok(TributaryEvent::TributaryRetired(set)) => { readers.remove(&set); } Err(broadcast::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => break, Err(broadcast::error::TryRecvError::Lagged(_)) => { panic!("heartbeat_tributaries lagged to handle tributary_event") } Err(broadcast::error::TryRecvError::Closed) => panic!("tributary_event sender closed"), } } for tributary in readers.values() { let tip = tributary.tip(); let block_time = SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_secs(tributary.time_of_block(&tip).unwrap_or(0)); // Only trigger syncing if the block is more than a minute behind if SystemTime::now() > (block_time + Duration::from_secs(60)) { log::warn!("last known tributary block was over a minute ago"); let mut msg = tip.to_vec(); let time_unit = heartbeat_time_unit::(); msg.extend(time_unit.to_le_bytes()); P2p::broadcast(&p2p, P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(tributary.genesis()), msg).await; } } // Only check once every 10 blocks of time sleep(ten_blocks_of_time).await; } } pub async fn handle_p2p_task( p2p: P, cosign_channel: mpsc::UnboundedSender, mut tributary_event: broadcast::Receiver>, our_key: ::G, ) { let channels = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::<_, mpsc::UnboundedSender>>::new())); tokio::spawn({ let p2p = p2p.clone(); let channels = channels.clone(); let mut set_to_genesis = HashMap::new(); async move { loop { match tributary_event.recv().await.unwrap() { TributaryEvent::NewTributary(tributary) => { let genesis = tributary.spec.genesis(); set_to_genesis.insert(tributary.spec.set(), genesis); let (send, mut recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel(); channels.write().await.insert(genesis, send); // Subscribe to the topic for this tributary p2p.subscribe(tributary.spec.set(), genesis).await; let spec_set = tributary.spec.set(); // Per-Tributary P2P message handler tokio::spawn({ let p2p = p2p.clone(); async move { let mut last_replied_to_heartbeat = 0; loop { let Some(mut msg) = recv.recv().await else { // Channel closure happens when the tributary retires break; }; match msg.kind { P2pMessageKind::KeepAlive => {} P2pMessageKind::Tributary(msg_genesis) => { assert_eq!(msg_genesis, genesis); log::trace!("handling message for tributary {:?}", spec_set); if tributary.tributary.handle_message(&msg.msg).await { P2p::broadcast(&p2p, msg.kind, msg.msg).await; } } // TODO2: Rate limit this per timestamp // And/or slash on Heartbeat which justifies a response, since the node // obviously was offline and we must now use our bandwidth to compensate for // them? P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(msg_genesis) => { assert_eq!(msg_genesis, genesis); let current_time_unit = heartbeat_time_unit::(); if current_time_unit.saturating_sub(last_replied_to_heartbeat) < 10 { continue; } if msg.msg.len() != 40 { log::error!("validator sent invalid heartbeat"); continue; } // Only respond to recent heartbeats let msg_time_unit = u64::from_le_bytes(msg.msg[32 .. 40].try_into().expect( "length-checked heartbeat message didn't have 8 bytes for the u64", )); if current_time_unit.saturating_sub(msg_time_unit) > 1 { continue; } // This is the network's last replied to, not ours specifically last_replied_to_heartbeat = current_time_unit; let reader = tributary.tributary.reader(); // Have sqrt(n) nodes reply with the blocks #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation, clippy::cast_sign_loss)] let mut responders = f32::from(tributary.spec.n(&[])).sqrt().floor() as u64; // Try to have at least 3 responders if responders < 3 { responders = tributary.spec.n(&[]).min(3).into(); } // Decide which nodes will respond by using the latest block's hash as a // mutually agreed upon entropy source // This isn't a secure source of entropy, yet it's fine for this let entropy = u64::from_le_bytes(reader.tip()[.. 8].try_into().unwrap()); // If n = 10, responders = 3, we want `start` to be 0 ..= 7 // (so the highest is 7, 8, 9) // entropy % (10 + 1) - 3 = entropy % 8 = 0 ..= 7 let start = usize::try_from( entropy % (u64::from(tributary.spec.n(&[]) + 1) - responders), ) .unwrap(); let mut selected = false; for validator in &tributary.spec.validators() [start .. (start + usize::try_from(responders).unwrap())] { if our_key == validator.0 { selected = true; continue; } } if !selected { log::debug!("received heartbeat and not selected to respond"); continue; } log::debug!("received heartbeat and selected to respond"); let p2p = p2p.clone(); // Spawn a dedicated task as this may require loading large amounts of data // from disk and take a notable amount of time tokio::spawn(async move { // Have the selected nodes respond // TODO: Spawn a dedicated topic for this heartbeat response? let mut latest = msg.msg[.. 32].try_into().unwrap(); let mut to_send = vec![]; while let Some(next) = reader.block_after(&latest) { to_send.push(next); latest = next; } if to_send.len() > 3 { for next in to_send { let mut res = reader.block(&next).unwrap().serialize(); res.extend(reader.commit(&next).unwrap()); // Also include the timestamp used within the Heartbeat res.extend(&msg.msg[32 .. 40]); p2p.send(msg.sender, P2pMessageKind::Block(genesis), res).await; } } }); } P2pMessageKind::Block(msg_genesis) => { assert_eq!(msg_genesis, genesis); let mut msg_ref: &[u8] = msg.msg.as_ref(); let Ok(block) = Block::::read(&mut msg_ref) else { log::error!("received block message with an invalidly serialized block"); continue; }; // Get just the commit msg.msg.drain(.. (msg.msg.len() - msg_ref.len())); msg.msg.drain((msg.msg.len() - 8) ..); let res = tributary.tributary.sync_block(block, msg.msg).await; log::debug!( "received block from {:?}, sync_block returned {}", msg.sender, res ); } P2pMessageKind::CosignedBlock => unreachable!(), } } } }); } TributaryEvent::TributaryRetired(set) => { if let Some(genesis) = set_to_genesis.remove(&set) { p2p.unsubscribe(set, genesis).await; channels.write().await.remove(&genesis); } } } } } }); loop { let msg = p2p.receive().await; match msg.kind { P2pMessageKind::KeepAlive => {} P2pMessageKind::Tributary(genesis) | P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(genesis) | P2pMessageKind::Block(genesis) => { if let Some(channel) = { channel.send(msg).unwrap(); } } P2pMessageKind::CosignedBlock => { let Ok(msg) = CosignedBlock::deserialize_reader(&mut msg.msg.as_slice()) else { log::error!("received CosignedBlock message with invalidly serialized contents"); continue; }; cosign_channel.send(msg).unwrap(); } } } }