# Validator Sets Validator Sets are defined at the protocol level, with the following parameters: - `index` (VS): Validator set index, a global key atomically increasing from 0. - `bond` (Amount): Amount of bond per key-share of this validator set. - `coins` (Vec\<Coin>): Coins managed by this validator set. At launch, there will solely be validator set 0, managing Bitcoin, Ethereum, USDC, DAI, and Monero. ### Multisig Management Every validator set is expected to form a t-of-n multisig, where n is the amount of key shares in the validator set and t is `n / 3 * 2 + 1`, per curve required by its coins. This multisig is secure to hold funds up to 67% of the validator set's bond value. If funds exceed that threshold, there's more value in the multisig than in the supermajority of bond that must be put forth to control it. ### Participation in the BFT process All validator sets participate in the BFT process. Specifically, a block containing `Oraclization`s for a coin must be approved by the BFT majority of the validator set responsible for it, along with the BFT majority of the network by bond. At this time, `Oraclization`s for a coin are only expected to be included when a validator from the validator set managing the coin is the producer of the block in question.