#![allow(non_snake_case)] use lazy_static::lazy_static; use thiserror::Error; use rand_core::{RngCore, CryptoRng}; use curve25519_dalek::{ constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE, scalar::Scalar, traits::{IsIdentity, VartimePrecomputedMultiscalarMul}, edwards::{EdwardsPoint, VartimeEdwardsPrecomputation}, }; use crate::{ Commitment, random_scalar, hash_to_scalar, wallet::decoys::Decoys, ringct::hash_to_point, serialize::*, }; #[cfg(feature = "multisig")] mod multisig; #[cfg(feature = "multisig")] pub use multisig::{ClsagDetails, ClsagMultisig}; lazy_static! { static ref INV_EIGHT: Scalar = Scalar::from(8u8).invert(); } #[derive(Clone, Error, Debug)] pub enum ClsagError { #[error("internal error ({0})")] InternalError(String), #[error("invalid ring")] InvalidRing, #[error("invalid ring member (member {0}, ring size {1})")] InvalidRingMember(u8, u8), #[error("invalid commitment")] InvalidCommitment, #[error("invalid key image")] InvalidImage, #[error("invalid D")] InvalidD, #[error("invalid s")] InvalidS, #[error("invalid c1")] InvalidC1, } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct ClsagInput { // The actual commitment for the true spend pub commitment: Commitment, // True spend index, offsets, and ring pub decoys: Decoys, } impl ClsagInput { pub fn new(commitment: Commitment, decoys: Decoys) -> Result { let n = decoys.len(); if n > u8::MAX.into() { Err(ClsagError::InternalError("max ring size in this library is u8 max".to_string()))?; } let n = u8::try_from(n).unwrap(); if decoys.i >= n { Err(ClsagError::InvalidRingMember(decoys.i, n))?; } // Validate the commitment matches if decoys.ring[usize::from(decoys.i)][1] != commitment.calculate() { Err(ClsagError::InvalidCommitment)?; } Ok(ClsagInput { commitment, decoys }) } } #[allow(clippy::large_enum_variant)] enum Mode { Sign(usize, EdwardsPoint, EdwardsPoint), Verify(Scalar), } // Core of the CLSAG algorithm, applicable to both sign and verify with minimal differences // Said differences are covered via the above Mode fn core( ring: &[[EdwardsPoint; 2]], I: &EdwardsPoint, pseudo_out: &EdwardsPoint, msg: &[u8; 32], D: &EdwardsPoint, s: &[Scalar], A_c1: Mode, ) -> ((EdwardsPoint, Scalar, Scalar), Scalar) { let n = ring.len(); let images_precomp = VartimeEdwardsPrecomputation::new([I, D]); let D = D * *INV_EIGHT; // Generate the transcript // Instead of generating multiple, a single transcript is created and then edited as needed const PREFIX: &[u8] = b"CLSAG_"; #[rustfmt::skip] const AGG_0: &[u8] = b"agg_0"; #[rustfmt::skip] const ROUND: &[u8] = b"round"; const PREFIX_AGG_0_LEN: usize = PREFIX.len() + AGG_0.len(); let mut to_hash = Vec::with_capacity(((2 * n) + 5) * 32); to_hash.extend(PREFIX); to_hash.extend(AGG_0); to_hash.extend([0; 32 - PREFIX_AGG_0_LEN]); let mut P = Vec::with_capacity(n); for member in ring { P.push(member[0]); to_hash.extend(member[0].compress().to_bytes()); } let mut C = Vec::with_capacity(n); for member in ring { C.push(member[1] - pseudo_out); to_hash.extend(member[1].compress().to_bytes()); } to_hash.extend(I.compress().to_bytes()); to_hash.extend(D.compress().to_bytes()); to_hash.extend(pseudo_out.compress().to_bytes()); // mu_P with agg_0 let mu_P = hash_to_scalar(&to_hash); // mu_C with agg_1 to_hash[PREFIX_AGG_0_LEN - 1] = b'1'; let mu_C = hash_to_scalar(&to_hash); // Truncate it for the round transcript, altering the DST as needed to_hash.truncate(((2 * n) + 1) * 32); for i in 0 .. ROUND.len() { to_hash[PREFIX.len() + i] = ROUND[i]; } // Unfortunately, it's I D pseudo_out instead of pseudo_out I D, meaning this needs to be // truncated just to add it back to_hash.extend(pseudo_out.compress().to_bytes()); to_hash.extend(msg); // Configure the loop based on if we're signing or verifying let start; let end; let mut c; match A_c1 { Mode::Sign(r, A, AH) => { start = r + 1; end = r + n; to_hash.extend(A.compress().to_bytes()); to_hash.extend(AH.compress().to_bytes()); c = hash_to_scalar(&to_hash); } Mode::Verify(c1) => { start = 0; end = n; c = c1; } } // Perform the core loop let mut c1 = None; for i in (start .. end).map(|i| i % n) { if i == 0 { c1 = Some(c); } let c_p = mu_P * c; let c_c = mu_C * c; let L = (&s[i] * &ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE) + (c_p * P[i]) + (c_c * C[i]); let PH = hash_to_point(P[i]); // Shouldn't be an issue as all of the variables in this vartime statement are public let R = (s[i] * PH) + images_precomp.vartime_multiscalar_mul(&[c_p, c_c]); to_hash.truncate(((2 * n) + 3) * 32); to_hash.extend(L.compress().to_bytes()); to_hash.extend(R.compress().to_bytes()); c = hash_to_scalar(&to_hash); } // This first tuple is needed to continue signing, the latter is the c to be tested/worked with ((D, c * mu_P, c * mu_C), c1.unwrap_or(c)) } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] pub struct Clsag { pub D: EdwardsPoint, pub s: Vec, pub c1: Scalar, } impl Clsag { // Sign core is the extension of core as needed for signing, yet is shared between single signer // and multisig, hence why it's still core pub(crate) fn sign_core( rng: &mut R, I: &EdwardsPoint, input: &ClsagInput, mask: Scalar, msg: &[u8; 32], A: EdwardsPoint, AH: EdwardsPoint, ) -> (Clsag, EdwardsPoint, Scalar, Scalar) { let r: usize = input.decoys.i.into(); let pseudo_out = Commitment::new(mask, input.commitment.amount).calculate(); let z = input.commitment.mask - mask; let H = hash_to_point(input.decoys.ring[r][0]); let D = H * z; let mut s = Vec::with_capacity(input.decoys.ring.len()); for _ in 0 .. input.decoys.ring.len() { s.push(random_scalar(rng)); } let ((D, p, c), c1) = core(&input.decoys.ring, I, &pseudo_out, msg, &D, &s, Mode::Sign(r, A, AH)); (Clsag { D, s, c1 }, pseudo_out, p, c * z) } // Single signer CLSAG pub fn sign( rng: &mut R, inputs: &[(Scalar, EdwardsPoint, ClsagInput)], sum_outputs: Scalar, msg: [u8; 32], ) -> Vec<(Clsag, EdwardsPoint)> { let nonce = random_scalar(rng); let mut rand_source = [0; 64]; rng.fill_bytes(&mut rand_source); let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(inputs.len()); let mut sum_pseudo_outs = Scalar::zero(); for i in 0 .. inputs.len() { let mut mask = random_scalar(rng); if i == (inputs.len() - 1) { mask = sum_outputs - sum_pseudo_outs; } else { sum_pseudo_outs += mask; } let mut rand_source = [0; 64]; rng.fill_bytes(&mut rand_source); let (mut clsag, pseudo_out, p, c) = Clsag::sign_core( rng, &inputs[i].1, &inputs[i].2, mask, &msg, &nonce * &ED25519_BASEPOINT_TABLE, nonce * hash_to_point(inputs[i].2.decoys.ring[usize::from(inputs[i].2.decoys.i)][0]), ); clsag.s[usize::from(inputs[i].2.decoys.i)] = nonce - ((p * inputs[i].0) + c); res.push((clsag, pseudo_out)); } res } pub fn verify( &self, ring: &[[EdwardsPoint; 2]], I: &EdwardsPoint, pseudo_out: &EdwardsPoint, msg: &[u8; 32], ) -> Result<(), ClsagError> { // Preliminary checks. s, c1, and points must also be encoded canonically, which isn't checked // here if ring.is_empty() { Err(ClsagError::InvalidRing)?; } if ring.len() != self.s.len() { Err(ClsagError::InvalidS)?; } if I.is_identity() { Err(ClsagError::InvalidImage)?; } let D = self.D.mul_by_cofactor(); if D.is_identity() { Err(ClsagError::InvalidD)?; } let (_, c1) = core(ring, I, pseudo_out, msg, &D, &self.s, Mode::Verify(self.c1)); if c1 != self.c1 { Err(ClsagError::InvalidC1)?; } Ok(()) } pub(crate) fn fee_weight(ring_len: usize) -> usize { (ring_len * 32) + 32 + 32 } pub fn serialize(&self, w: &mut W) -> std::io::Result<()> { write_raw_vec(write_scalar, &self.s, w)?; w.write_all(&self.c1.to_bytes())?; write_point(&self.D, w) } pub fn deserialize(decoys: usize, r: &mut R) -> std::io::Result { Ok(Clsag { s: read_raw_vec(read_scalar, decoys, r)?, c1: read_scalar(r)?, D: read_point(r)? }) } }