use std::{path::Path}; use crate::{Network, Os, mimalloc, os, build_serai_service, write_dockerfile}; pub fn serai(orchestration_path: &Path, network: Network) { // Always builds in release for performance reasons let setup = mimalloc(Os::Debian).to_string() + &build_serai_service(true, "", "serai-node"); let setup_fast_epoch = mimalloc(Os::Debian).to_string() + &build_serai_service(true, "fast-epoch", "serai-node"); // TODO: Review the ports exposed here let run_serai = format!( r#" # Copy the Serai binary and relevant license COPY --from=builder --chown=serai /serai/bin/serai-node /bin/ COPY --from=builder --chown=serai /serai/AGPL-3.0 . # Run the Serai node EXPOSE 30333 9615 9933 9944 ADD /orchestration/{}/serai/ / CMD ["/"] "#, network.label() ); let run = os(Os::Debian, "", "serai") + &run_serai; let res = setup + &run; let res_fast_epoch = setup_fast_epoch + &run; let mut serai_path = orchestration_path.to_path_buf(); serai_path.push("serai"); let mut serai_fast_epoch_path = serai_path.clone(); serai_path.push("Dockerfile"); serai_fast_epoch_path.push(""); write_dockerfile(serai_path, &res); write_dockerfile(serai_fast_epoch_path, &res_fast_epoch); }