use std::collections::HashSet; use zeroize::Zeroizing; use rand_core::{RngCore, OsRng}; use scale::Encode; use serai_client::{ primitives::{Amount, NetworkId, Coin, Balance, ExternalAddress}, validator_sets::primitives::ExternalKey, in_instructions::primitives::{InInstruction, RefundableInInstruction, Shorthand}, }; use dockertest::{PullPolicy, Image, StartPolicy, Composition, DockerOperations}; use crate::*; pub const RPC_USER: &str = "serai"; pub const RPC_PASS: &str = "seraidex"; pub const BTC_PORT: u32 = 8332; pub const XMR_PORT: u32 = 18081; pub fn bitcoin_instance() -> (Composition, u32) { serai_docker_tests::build("bitcoin".to_string()); let mut composition = Composition::with_image( Image::with_repository("serai-dev-bitcoin").pull_policy(PullPolicy::Never), ) .with_cmd(vec![ "bitcoind".to_string(), "-txindex".to_string(), "-regtest".to_string(), format!("-rpcuser={RPC_USER}"), format!("-rpcpassword={RPC_PASS}"), "-rpcbind=".to_string(), "-rpcallowip=".to_string(), "-rpcport=8332".to_string(), ]); composition.publish_all_ports(); (composition, BTC_PORT) } pub fn monero_instance() -> (Composition, u32) { serai_docker_tests::build("monero".to_string()); let mut composition = Composition::with_image( Image::with_repository("serai-dev-monero").pull_policy(PullPolicy::Never), ) .with_cmd(vec![ "monerod".to_string(), "--regtest".to_string(), "--offline".to_string(), "--fixed-difficulty=1".to_string(), "--rpc-bind-ip=".to_string(), format!("--rpc-login={RPC_USER}:{RPC_PASS}"), "--rpc-access-control-origins=*".to_string(), "--confirm-external-bind".to_string(), "--non-interactive".to_string(), ]) .with_start_policy(StartPolicy::Strict); composition.publish_all_ports(); (composition, XMR_PORT) } pub fn network_instance(network: NetworkId) -> (Composition, u32) { match network { NetworkId::Bitcoin => bitcoin_instance(), NetworkId::Ethereum => todo!(), NetworkId::Monero => monero_instance(), NetworkId::Serai => { panic!("Serai is not a valid network to spawn an instance of for a processor") } } } pub fn network_rpc(network: NetworkId, ops: &DockerOperations, handle: &str) -> String { let (ip, port) = ops .handle(handle) .host_port(match network { NetworkId::Bitcoin => BTC_PORT, NetworkId::Ethereum => todo!(), NetworkId::Monero => XMR_PORT, NetworkId::Serai => panic!("getting port for external network yet it was Serai"), }) .unwrap(); format!("http://{RPC_USER}:{RPC_PASS}@{ip}:{port}") } pub fn confirmations(network: NetworkId) -> usize { use processor::networks::*; match network { NetworkId::Bitcoin => Bitcoin::CONFIRMATIONS, NetworkId::Ethereum => todo!(), NetworkId::Monero => Monero::CONFIRMATIONS, NetworkId::Serai => panic!("getting confirmations required for Serai"), } } #[derive(Clone)] pub enum Wallet { Bitcoin { private_key: bitcoin_serai::bitcoin::PrivateKey, public_key: bitcoin_serai::bitcoin::PublicKey, input_tx: bitcoin_serai::bitcoin::Transaction, }, Monero { handle: String, spend_key: Zeroizing, view_pair: monero_serai::wallet::ViewPair, inputs: Vec, }, } // TODO: Merge these functions with the processor's tests, which offers very similar functionality impl Wallet { pub async fn new(network: NetworkId, ops: &DockerOperations, handle: String) -> Wallet { let rpc_url = network_rpc(network, ops, &handle); match network { NetworkId::Bitcoin => { use bitcoin_serai::{ bitcoin::{ secp256k1::{SECP256K1, SecretKey}, PrivateKey, PublicKey, ScriptBuf, Network, Address, }, rpc::Rpc, }; let secret_key = SecretKey::new(&mut rand_core::OsRng); let private_key = PrivateKey::new(secret_key, Network::Regtest); let public_key = PublicKey::from_private_key(SECP256K1, &private_key); let main_addr = Address::p2pkh(&public_key, Network::Regtest); let rpc = Rpc::new(rpc_url).await.expect("couldn't connect to the Bitcoin RPC"); let new_block = rpc.get_latest_block_number().await.unwrap() + 1; rpc .rpc_call::>("generatetoaddress", serde_json::json!([1, main_addr])) .await .unwrap(); // Mine it to maturity rpc .rpc_call::>( "generatetoaddress", serde_json::json!([100, Address::p2sh(&ScriptBuf::new(), Network::Regtest).unwrap()]), ) .await .unwrap(); let funds = rpc .get_block(&rpc.get_block_hash(new_block).await.unwrap()) .await .unwrap() .txdata .swap_remove(0); Wallet::Bitcoin { private_key, public_key, input_tx: funds } } NetworkId::Ethereum => todo!(), NetworkId::Monero => { use curve25519_dalek::{constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT, scalar::Scalar}; use monero_serai::{ wallet::{ ViewPair, Scanner, address::{Network, AddressSpec}, }, rpc::HttpRpc, }; let mut bytes = [0; 64]; OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut bytes); let spend_key = Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order_wide(&bytes); OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut bytes); let view_key = Scalar::from_bytes_mod_order_wide(&bytes); let view_pair = ViewPair::new(ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT * spend_key, Zeroizing::new(view_key)); let rpc = HttpRpc::new(rpc_url).expect("couldn't connect to the Monero RPC"); let height = rpc.get_height().await.unwrap(); // Mines 200 blocks so sufficient decoys exist, as only 60 is needed for maturity let _: EmptyResponse = rpc .json_rpc_call( "generateblocks", Some(serde_json::json!({ "wallet_address": view_pair.address( Network::Mainnet, AddressSpec::Standard ).to_string(), "amount_of_blocks": 200, })), ) .await .unwrap(); let block = rpc.get_block(rpc.get_block_hash(height).await.unwrap()).await.unwrap(); let output = Scanner::from_view(view_pair.clone(), Some(HashSet::new())) .scan(&rpc, &block) .await .unwrap() .remove(0) .ignore_timelock() .remove(0); Wallet::Monero { handle, spend_key: Zeroizing::new(spend_key), view_pair, inputs: vec![output.output.clone()], } } NetworkId::Serai => panic!("creating a wallet for for Serai"), } } pub async fn send_to_address( &mut self, ops: &DockerOperations, to: &ExternalKey, instruction: Option, ) -> (Vec, Balance) { match self { Wallet::Bitcoin { private_key, public_key, ref mut input_tx } => { use bitcoin_serai::bitcoin::{ secp256k1::{SECP256K1, Message}, key::{XOnlyPublicKey, TweakedPublicKey}, consensus::Encodable, sighash::{EcdsaSighashType, SighashCache}, script::{PushBytesBuf, Script, ScriptBuf, Builder}, address::Payload, OutPoint, Sequence, Witness, TxIn, TxOut, absolute::LockTime, Transaction, }; const AMOUNT: u64 = 100000000; let mut tx = Transaction { version: 2, lock_time: LockTime::ZERO, input: vec![TxIn { previous_output: OutPoint { txid: input_tx.txid(), vout: 0 }, script_sig: Script::empty().into(), sequence: Sequence(u32::MAX), witness: Witness::default(), }], output: vec![ TxOut { value: input_tx.output[0].value - AMOUNT - 10000, script_pubkey: input_tx.output[0].script_pubkey.clone(), }, TxOut { value: AMOUNT, script_pubkey: Payload::p2tr_tweaked(TweakedPublicKey::dangerous_assume_tweaked( XOnlyPublicKey::from_slice(&to[1 ..]).unwrap(), )) .script_pubkey(), }, ], }; if let Some(instruction) = instruction { tx.output.push(TxOut { value: 0, script_pubkey: ScriptBuf::new_op_return( &PushBytesBuf::try_from( Shorthand::Raw(RefundableInInstruction { origin: None, instruction }).encode(), ) .unwrap(), ), }); } let mut der = SECP256K1 .sign_ecdsa_low_r( &Message::from( SighashCache::new(&tx) .legacy_signature_hash( 0, &input_tx.output[0].script_pubkey, EcdsaSighashType::All.to_u32(), ) .unwrap() .to_raw_hash(), ), &private_key.inner, ) .serialize_der() .to_vec(); der.push(1); tx.input[0].script_sig = Builder::new() .push_slice(PushBytesBuf::try_from(der).unwrap()) .push_key(public_key) .into_script(); let mut buf = vec![]; tx.consensus_encode(&mut buf).unwrap(); *input_tx = tx; (buf, Balance { coin: Coin::Bitcoin, amount: Amount(AMOUNT) }) } Wallet::Monero { handle, ref spend_key, ref view_pair, ref mut inputs } => { use curve25519_dalek::{constants::ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT, edwards::CompressedEdwardsY}; use monero_serai::{ Protocol, wallet::{ address::{Network, AddressType, AddressMeta, Address}, SpendableOutput, Decoys, Change, FeePriority, Scanner, SignableTransaction, }, rpc::HttpRpc, }; use processor::{additional_key, networks::Monero}; let rpc_url = network_rpc(NetworkId::Monero, ops, handle); let rpc = HttpRpc::new(rpc_url).expect("couldn't connect to the Monero RPC"); // Prepare inputs let outputs = std::mem::take(inputs); let mut these_inputs = vec![]; for output in outputs { these_inputs.push( SpendableOutput::from(&rpc, output) .await .expect("prior transaction was never published"), ); } let mut decoys = Decoys::select( &mut OsRng, &rpc, Protocol::v16.ring_len(), rpc.get_height().await.unwrap() - 1, &these_inputs, ) .await .unwrap(); let to_spend_key = CompressedEdwardsY(<[u8; 32]>::try_from(to.as_ref()).unwrap()).decompress().unwrap(); let to_view_key = additional_key::(0); let to_addr = Address::new( AddressMeta::new( Network::Mainnet, AddressType::Featured { subaddress: false, payment_id: None, guaranteed: true }, ), to_spend_key, ED25519_BASEPOINT_POINT * to_view_key.0, ); // Create and sign the TX const AMOUNT: u64 = 1_000_000_000_000; let mut data = vec![]; if let Some(instruction) = instruction { data.push(Shorthand::Raw(RefundableInInstruction { origin: None, instruction }).encode()); } let tx = SignableTransaction::new( Protocol::v16, None, these_inputs.drain(..).zip(decoys.drain(..)).collect(), vec![(to_addr, AMOUNT)], Some(Change::new(view_pair, false)), data, rpc.get_fee(Protocol::v16, FeePriority::Low).await.unwrap(), ) .unwrap() .sign(&mut OsRng, spend_key) .unwrap(); // Push the change output inputs.push( Scanner::from_view(view_pair.clone(), Some(HashSet::new())) .scan_transaction(&tx) .ignore_timelock() .remove(0), ); (tx.serialize(), Balance { coin: Coin::Monero, amount: Amount(AMOUNT) }) } } } pub fn address(&self) -> ExternalAddress { use serai_client::networks; match self { Wallet::Bitcoin { public_key, .. } => { use bitcoin_serai::bitcoin::{Network, Address}; ExternalAddress::new( networks::bitcoin::Address(Address::p2pkh(public_key, Network::Regtest)) .try_into() .unwrap(), ) .unwrap() } Wallet::Monero { view_pair, .. } => { use monero_serai::wallet::address::{Network, AddressSpec}; ExternalAddress::new( networks::monero::Address::new( view_pair.address(Network::Mainnet, AddressSpec::Standard), ) .unwrap() .try_into() .unwrap(), ) .unwrap() } } } }