use std::collections::HashMap; use rand_core::OsRng; use transcript::{Transcript, RecommendedTranscript}; use k256::{ elliptic_curve::{ group::{ff::Field, Group}, sec1::{Tag, ToEncodedPoint}, }, Scalar, ProjectivePoint, }; use frost::{ Participant, tests::{THRESHOLD, key_gen, sign_without_caching}, }; use bitcoin_serai::{ bitcoin::{hashes::Hash as HashTrait, OutPoint, Script, TxOut, Network, Address}, wallet::{tweak_keys, address, ReceivedOutput, Scanner, SignableTransaction}, rpc::Rpc, }; mod runner; use runner::rpc; fn is_even(key: ProjectivePoint) -> bool { key.to_encoded_point(true).tag() == Tag::CompressedEvenY } async fn send(rpc: &Rpc, address: Address) -> usize { let res = rpc.get_latest_block_number().await.unwrap() + 1; rpc.rpc_call::>("generatetoaddress", serde_json::json!([1, address])).await.unwrap(); // Mine until maturity rpc .rpc_call::>( "generatetoaddress", serde_json::json!([100, Address::p2sh(&Script::new(), Network::Regtest).unwrap()]), ) .await .unwrap(); res } async fn send_and_get_output(rpc: &Rpc, scanner: &Scanner, key: ProjectivePoint) -> ReceivedOutput { let block_number = send(rpc, address(Network::Regtest, key).unwrap()).await; let block = rpc.get_block(&rpc.get_block_hash(block_number).await.unwrap()).await.unwrap(); let mut outputs = scanner.scan_block(&block); assert_eq!(outputs, scanner.scan_transaction(&block.txdata[0])); assert_eq!(outputs.len(), 1); assert_eq!(outputs[0].outpoint(), &OutPoint::new(block.txdata[0].txid(), 0)); assert_eq!(outputs[0].value(), block.txdata[0].output[0].value); assert_eq!( ReceivedOutput::read::<&[u8]>(&mut outputs[0].serialize().as_ref()).unwrap(), outputs[0] ); outputs.swap_remove(0) } #[test] fn test_tweak_keys() { let mut even = false; let mut odd = false; // Generate keys until we get an even set and an odd set while !(even && odd) { let mut keys = key_gen(&mut OsRng).drain().next().unwrap().1; if is_even(keys.group_key()) { // Tweaking should do nothing assert_eq!(tweak_keys(&keys).group_key(), keys.group_key()); even = true; } else { let tweaked = tweak_keys(&keys).group_key(); assert_ne!(tweaked, keys.group_key()); // Tweaking should produce an even key assert!(is_even(tweaked)); // Verify it uses the smallest possible offset while keys.group_key().to_encoded_point(true).tag() == Tag::CompressedOddY { keys = keys.offset(Scalar::ONE); } assert_eq!(tweaked, keys.group_key()); odd = true; } } } async_sequential! { async fn test_scanner() { // Test Scanners are creatable for even keys. for _ in 0 .. 128 { let key = ProjectivePoint::random(&mut OsRng); assert_eq!(Scanner::new(key).is_some(), is_even(key)); } let mut key = ProjectivePoint::random(&mut OsRng); while !is_even(key) { key += ProjectivePoint::GENERATOR; } { let mut scanner = Scanner::new(key).unwrap(); for _ in 0 .. 128 { let mut offset = Scalar::random(&mut OsRng); let registered = scanner.register_offset(offset).unwrap(); // Registering this again should return None assert!(scanner.register_offset(offset).is_none()); // We can only register offsets resulting in even keys // Make this even while !is_even(key + (ProjectivePoint::GENERATOR * offset)) { offset += Scalar::ONE; } // Ensure it matches the registered offset assert_eq!(registered, offset); // Assert registering this again fails assert!(scanner.register_offset(offset).is_none()); } } let rpc = rpc().await; let mut scanner = Scanner::new(key).unwrap(); assert_eq!(send_and_get_output(&rpc, &scanner, key).await.offset(), Scalar::ZERO); // Register an offset and test receiving to it let offset = scanner.register_offset(Scalar::random(&mut OsRng)).unwrap(); assert_eq!( send_and_get_output(&rpc, &scanner, key + (ProjectivePoint::GENERATOR * offset)) .await .offset(), offset ); } async fn test_send() { let mut keys = key_gen(&mut OsRng); for (_, keys) in keys.iter_mut() { *keys = tweak_keys(keys); } let key = keys.values().next().unwrap().group_key(); let rpc = rpc().await; let mut scanner = Scanner::new(key).unwrap(); // Get inputs, one not offset and one offset let output = send_and_get_output(&rpc, &scanner, key).await; assert_eq!(output.offset(), Scalar::ZERO); let offset = scanner.register_offset(Scalar::random(&mut OsRng)).unwrap(); let offset_key = key + (ProjectivePoint::GENERATOR * offset); let offset_output = send_and_get_output(&rpc, &scanner, offset_key).await; assert_eq!(offset_output.offset(), offset); // Declare payments, change, fee let payments = [ (address(Network::Regtest, key).unwrap(), 1005), (address(Network::Regtest, offset_key).unwrap(), 1007) ]; let change_offset = scanner.register_offset(Scalar::random(&mut OsRng)).unwrap(); let change_key = key + (ProjectivePoint::GENERATOR * change_offset); let change_addr = address(Network::Regtest, change_key).unwrap(); const FEE: u64 = 20; // Create and sign the TX let tx = SignableTransaction::new( vec![output.clone(), offset_output.clone()], &payments, Some(change_addr.clone()), None, // TODO: Test with data FEE ).unwrap(); let needed_fee = tx.needed_fee(); let mut machines = HashMap::new(); for i in (1 ..= THRESHOLD).map(|i| Participant::new(i).unwrap()) { machines.insert( i, tx .clone() .multisig(keys[&i].clone(), RecommendedTranscript::new(b"bitcoin-serai Test Transaction")) .unwrap() ); } let tx = sign_without_caching(&mut OsRng, machines, &[]); assert_eq!(tx.output.len(), 3); // Ensure we can scan it let outputs = scanner.scan_transaction(&tx); for (o, output) in outputs.iter().enumerate() { assert_eq!(output.outpoint(), &OutPoint::new(tx.txid(), u32::try_from(o).unwrap())); assert_eq!(&ReceivedOutput::read::<&[u8]>(&mut output.serialize().as_ref()).unwrap(), output); } assert_eq!(outputs[0].offset(), Scalar::ZERO); assert_eq!(outputs[1].offset(), offset); assert_eq!(outputs[2].offset(), change_offset); // Make sure the payments were properly created for ((output, scanned), payment) in tx.output.iter().zip(outputs.iter()).zip(payments.iter()) { assert_eq!(output, &TxOut { script_pubkey: payment.0.script_pubkey(), value: payment.1 }); assert_eq!(scanned.value(), payment.1 ); } // Make sure the change is correct assert_eq!(needed_fee, u64::try_from(tx.weight()).unwrap() * FEE); let input_value = output.value() + offset_output.value(); let output_value = tx.output.iter().map(|output| output.value).sum::(); assert_eq!(input_value - output_value, needed_fee); let change_amount = input_value - payments.iter().map(|payment| payment.1).sum::() - needed_fee; assert_eq!( tx.output[2], TxOut { script_pubkey: change_addr.script_pubkey(), value: change_amount }, ); // This also tests send_raw_transaction and get_transaction, which the RPC test can't // effectively test rpc.send_raw_transaction(&tx).await.unwrap(); let mut hash = tx.txid().as_hash().into_inner(); hash.reverse(); assert_eq!(tx, rpc.get_transaction(&hash).await.unwrap()); } } // TODO: Test SignableTransaction error cases // TODO: Test x, x_only, make_even?