# Tributary A tributary is a side-chain, created for a specific multisig instance, used as a verifiable broadcast layer. ## Transactions ### Key Gen Commitments `DkgCommitments` is created when a processor sends the coordinator `key_gen::ProcessorMessage::Commitments`. When all validators participating in a multisig publish `DkgCommitments`, the coordinator sends the processor `key_gen::CoordinatorMessage::Commitments`, excluding the processor's own commitments. ### Key Gen Shares `DkgShares` is created when a processor sends the coordinator `key_gen::ProcessorMessage::Shares`. When all validators participating in a multisig publish `DkgShares`, the coordinator sends the processor `key_gen::CoordinatorMessage::Shares`, excluding the processor's own shares. ### External Block When *TODO*, a `ExternalBlock` transaction is provided. This is used to have the group acknowledge and synchronize around the block, without the overhead of voting in its acknowledgment. When a `ExternalBlock` transaction is included, participants are allowed to publish transactions to produce a threshold signature for the block's `Batch`. ### Substrate Block `SubstrateBlock` is provided when the processor sends the coordinator `substrate::ProcessorMessage::SubstrateBlockAck`. When a `SubstrateBlock` transaction is included, participants are allowed to publish transactions for the signing protocols it causes. ### Batch Preprocess `BatchPreprocess` is created when a processor sends the coordinator `coordinator::ProcessorMessage::BatchPreprocess` and an `ExternalBlock` transaction allowing the batch to be signed has already been included on chain. When `t` validators have published `BatchPreprocess` transactions, if the coordinator represents one of the first `t` validators to do so, a `coordinator::ProcessorMessage::BatchPreprocesses` is sent to the processor, excluding the processor's own preprocess. ### Batch Share `BatchShare` is created when a processor sends the coordinator `coordinator::ProcessorMessage::BatchShare`. The relevant `ExternalBlock` transaction having already been included on chain follows from `coordinator::ProcessorMessage::BatchShare` being a response to a message which also has that precondition. When the `t` validators who first published `BatchPreprocess` transactions have published `BatchShare` transactions, if the coordinator represents one of the first `t` validators to do so, a `coordinator::ProcessorMessage::BatchShares` with the relevant shares (excluding the processor's own) is sent to the processor. ### Sign Preprocess `SignPreprocess` is created when a processor sends the coordinator `sign::ProcessorMessage::Preprocess` and a `SubstrateBlock` transaction allowing the transaction to be signed has already been included on chain. When `t` validators have published `SignPreprocess` transactions, if the coordinator represents one of the first `t` validators to do so, a `sign::ProcessorMessage::Preprocesses` is sent to the processor, excluding the processor's own preprocess. ### Sign Share `SignShare` is created when a processor sends the coordinator `sign::ProcessorMessage::Share`. The relevant `SubstrateBlock` transaction having already been included on chain follows from `sign::ProcessorMessage::Share` being a response to a message which also has that precondition. When the `t` validators who first published `SignPreprocess` transactions have published `SignShare` transactions, if the coordinator represents one of the first `t` validators to do so, a `sign::ProcessorMessage::Shares` with the relevant shares (excluding the processor's own) is sent to the processor. ### Sign Completed `SignCompleted` is created when a processor sends the coordinator `sign::ProcessorMessage::Completed`. As soon as 34% of validators send `Completed`, the signing protocol is no longer further attempted. ## Re-attempts Key generation protocols may fail if a validator is malicious. Signing protocols, whether batch or transaction, may fail if a validator goes offline or takes too long to respond. Accordingly, the tributary will schedule re-attempts. These are communicated with `key_gen::CoordinatorMessage::GenerateKey`, `coordinator::CoordinatorMessage::BatchReattempt`, and `sign::CoordinatorMessage::Reattempt`. TODO: Document the re-attempt scheduling logic.