use std::{marker::Send, sync::Arc}; use async_trait::async_trait; use thiserror::Error; use rand_core::{RngCore, CryptoRng}; use frost::{Curve, MultisigKeys}; mod coins; mod wallet; #[cfg(test)] mod tests; pub trait Output: Sized + Clone { type Id; fn id(&self) -> Self::Id; fn amount(&self) -> u64; fn serialize(&self) -> Vec<u8>; fn deserialize<R: std::io::Read>(reader: &mut R) -> std::io::Result<Self>; } #[derive(Clone, Error, Debug)] pub enum CoinError { #[error("failed to connect to coin daemon")] ConnectionError } #[async_trait] pub trait Coin { type Curve: Curve; type Output: Output; type Block; type SignableTransaction; type Address: Send; const ID: &'static [u8]; const CONFIRMATIONS: usize; const MAX_INPUTS: usize; const MAX_OUTPUTS: usize; async fn get_height(&self) -> Result<usize, CoinError>; async fn get_block(&self, height: usize) -> Result<Self::Block, CoinError>; async fn get_outputs( &self, block: &Self::Block, key: <Self::Curve as Curve>::G ) -> Vec<Self::Output>; async fn prepare_send( &self, keys: Arc<MultisigKeys<Self::Curve>>, label: Vec<u8>, height: usize, inputs: Vec<Self::Output>, payments: &[(Self::Address, u64)] ) -> Result<Self::SignableTransaction, CoinError>; async fn attempt_send<R: RngCore + CryptoRng + Send>( &self, rng: &mut R, transaction: Self::SignableTransaction, included: &[u16] ) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, Vec<<Self::Output as Output>::Id>), CoinError>; } // Generate a static view key for a given chain in a globally consistent manner // Doesn't consider the current group key to increase the simplicity of verifying Serai's status // Takes an index, k, for more modern privacy protocols which use multiple view keys pub fn view_key<C: Coin>(k: u64) -> <C::Curve as Curve>::F { C::Curve::hash_to_F(b"Serai DEX View Key", &[C::ID, &k.to_le_bytes()].concat()) }