use serai_db::{DbTxn, Db}; use crate::messages::*; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(crate) struct Queue<D: Db>(pub(crate) D, pub(crate) Service); impl<D: Db> Queue<D> { fn key(domain: &'static [u8], key: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Vec<u8> { [&[u8::try_from(domain.len()).unwrap()], domain, key.as_ref()].concat() } fn message_count_key(&self) -> Vec<u8> { Self::key(b"message_count", serde_json::to_vec(&self.1).unwrap()) } pub(crate) fn message_count(&self) -> u64 { self .0 .get(self.message_count_key()) .map(|bytes| u64::from_le_bytes(bytes.try_into().unwrap())) .unwrap_or(0) } fn last_acknowledged_key(&self) -> Vec<u8> { Self::key(b"last_acknowledged", serde_json::to_vec(&self.1).unwrap()) } pub(crate) fn last_acknowledged(&self) -> Option<u64> { self .0 .get(self.last_acknowledged_key()) .map(|bytes| u64::from_le_bytes(bytes.try_into().unwrap())) } fn message_key(&self, id: u64) -> Vec<u8> { Self::key(b"message", serde_json::to_vec(&(self.1, id)).unwrap()) } // TODO: This is fine as-used, yet gets from the DB while having a txn. It should get from the // txn pub(crate) fn queue_message( &mut self, txn: &mut D::Transaction<'_>, mut msg: QueuedMessage, ) -> u64 { let id = self.message_count(); = id; let msg_key = self.message_key(id); let msg_count_key = self.message_count_key(); txn.put(msg_key, serde_json::to_vec(&msg).unwrap()); txn.put(msg_count_key, (id + 1).to_le_bytes()); id } pub(crate) fn get_message(&self, id: u64) -> Option<QueuedMessage> { let msg: Option<QueuedMessage> = self.0.get(self.message_key(id)).map(|bytes| serde_json::from_slice(&bytes).unwrap()); if let Some(msg) = msg.as_ref() { assert_eq!(, id, "message stored at {id} has ID {}",; } msg } pub(crate) fn ack_message(&mut self, id: u64) { let ack_key = self.last_acknowledged_key(); let mut txn = self.0.txn(); txn.put(ack_key, id.to_le_bytes()); txn.commit(); } }