use std::{env, fs}; use alloy_sol_macro_input::SolInputKind; fn write(sol: syn_solidity::File, file: &str) { let sol = alloy_sol_macro_expander::expand::expand(sol).unwrap(); fs::write(file, sol.to_string()).unwrap(); } fn sol(sol_files: &[&str], file: &str) { let mut sol = String::new(); for sol_file in sol_files { sol += &fs::read_to_string(sol_file).unwrap(); } let SolInputKind::Sol(sol) = syn::parse_str(&sol).unwrap() else { panic!("parsed .sols file wasn't SolInputKind::Sol"); }; write(sol, file); } fn main() { let artifacts_path = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap().to_string() + "/serai-processor-ethereum-router"; if !fs::exists(&artifacts_path).unwrap() { fs::create_dir(&artifacts_path).unwrap(); } // This cannot be handled with the sol! macro. The Router requires an import // sol( &[ "../../../networks/ethereum/schnorr/contracts/Schnorr.sol", "contracts/IRouter.sol", "contracts/Router.sol", ], &(artifacts_path + "/"), ); }