use core::cmp::Ordering; use curve25519_dalek::edwards::EdwardsPoint; use crate::{hash, serialize::*, ringct::{RctPrunable, RctSignatures}}; pub const RING_LEN: usize = 11; #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum Input { Gen(u64), ToKey { amount: u64, key_offsets: Vec, key_image: EdwardsPoint } } impl Input { // Worst-case predictive len pub(crate) fn fee_weight() -> usize { // Uses 1 byte for the VarInt amount due to amount being 0 // Uses 1 byte for the VarInt encoding of the length of the ring as well 1 + 1 + 1 + (8 * RING_LEN) + 32 } pub fn serialize(&self, w: &mut W) -> std::io::Result<()> { match self { Input::Gen(height) => { w.write_all(&[255])?; write_varint(height, w) }, Input::ToKey { amount, key_offsets, key_image } => { w.write_all(&[2])?; write_varint(amount, w)?; write_vec(write_varint, key_offsets, w)?; write_point(key_image, w) } } } pub fn deserialize(r: &mut R) -> std::io::Result { let mut variant = [0]; r.read_exact(&mut variant)?; Ok( match variant[0] { 255 => Input::Gen(read_varint(r)?), 2 => Input::ToKey { amount: read_varint(r)?, key_offsets: read_vec(read_varint, r)?, key_image: read_point(r)? }, _ => Err(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, "Tried to deserialize unknown/unused input type"))? } ) } } // Doesn't bother moving to an enum for the unused Script classes #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Output { pub amount: u64, pub key: EdwardsPoint, pub tag: Option } impl Output { pub(crate) fn fee_weight() -> usize { 1 + 1 + 32 + 1 } pub fn serialize(&self, w: &mut W) -> std::io::Result<()> { write_varint(&self.amount, w)?; w.write_all(&[2 + (if self.tag.is_some() { 1 } else { 0 })])?; write_point(&self.key, w)?; if let Some(tag) = self.tag { w.write_all(&[tag])?; } Ok(()) } pub fn deserialize(r: &mut R) -> std::io::Result { let amount = read_varint(r)?; let mut tag = [0]; r.read_exact(&mut tag)?; if (tag[0] != 2) && (tag[0] != 3) { Err(std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, "Tried to deserialize unknown/unused output type"))?; } Ok( Output { amount, key: read_point(r)?, tag: if tag[0] == 3 { r.read_exact(&mut tag)?; Some(tag[0]) } else { None } } ) } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Debug)] pub enum Timelock { None, Block(usize), Time(u64) } impl Timelock { fn from_raw(raw: u64) -> Timelock { if raw == 0 { Timelock::None } else if raw < 500_000_000 { Timelock::Block(usize::try_from(raw).unwrap()) } else { Timelock::Time(raw) } } pub(crate) fn fee_weight() -> usize { 8 } fn serialize(&self, w: &mut W) -> std::io::Result<()> { write_varint( &match self { Timelock::None => 0, Timelock::Block(block) => (*block).try_into().unwrap(), Timelock::Time(time) => *time }, w ) } } impl PartialOrd for Timelock { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { match (self, other) { (Timelock::None, _) => Some(Ordering::Less), (Timelock::Block(a), Timelock::Block(b)) => a.partial_cmp(b), (Timelock::Time(a), Timelock::Time(b)) => a.partial_cmp(b), _ => None } } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct TransactionPrefix { pub version: u64, pub timelock: Timelock, pub inputs: Vec, pub outputs: Vec, pub extra: Vec } impl TransactionPrefix { pub(crate) fn fee_weight(inputs: usize, outputs: usize, extra: usize) -> usize { // Assumes Timelock::None since this library won't let you create a TX with a timelock 1 + 1 + varint_len(inputs) + (inputs * Input::fee_weight()) + // Only 16 outputs are possible under transactions by this lib 1 + (outputs * Output::fee_weight()) + varint_len(extra) + extra } pub fn serialize(&self, w: &mut W) -> std::io::Result<()> { write_varint(&self.version, w)?; self.timelock.serialize(w)?; write_vec(Input::serialize, &self.inputs, w)?; write_vec(Output::serialize, &self.outputs, w)?; write_varint(&self.extra.len().try_into().unwrap(), w)?; w.write_all(&self.extra) } pub fn deserialize(r: &mut R) -> std::io::Result { let mut prefix = TransactionPrefix { version: read_varint(r)?, timelock: Timelock::from_raw(read_varint(r)?), inputs: read_vec(Input::deserialize, r)?, outputs: read_vec(Output::deserialize, r)?, extra: vec![] }; let len = read_varint(r)?; prefix.extra.resize(len.try_into().unwrap(), 0); r.read_exact(&mut prefix.extra)?; Ok(prefix) } } #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)] pub struct Transaction { pub prefix: TransactionPrefix, pub rct_signatures: RctSignatures } impl Transaction { pub(crate) fn fee_weight(inputs: usize, outputs: usize, extra: usize) -> usize { TransactionPrefix::fee_weight(inputs, outputs, extra) + RctSignatures::fee_weight(inputs, outputs) } pub fn serialize(&self, w: &mut W) -> std::io::Result<()> { self.prefix.serialize(w)?; self.rct_signatures.serialize(w) } pub fn deserialize(r: &mut R) -> std::io::Result { let prefix = TransactionPrefix::deserialize(r)?; Ok( Transaction { rct_signatures: RctSignatures::deserialize( prefix.inputs.iter().map(|input| match input { Input::Gen(_) => 0, Input::ToKey { key_offsets, .. } => key_offsets.len() }).collect(), prefix.outputs.len(), r )?, prefix } ) } pub fn hash(&self) -> [u8; 32] { let mut serialized = Vec::with_capacity(2048); if self.prefix.version == 1 { self.serialize(&mut serialized).unwrap(); hash(&serialized) } else { let mut sig_hash = Vec::with_capacity(96); self.prefix.serialize(&mut serialized).unwrap(); sig_hash.extend(hash(&serialized)); serialized.clear(); self.rct_signatures.base.serialize( &mut serialized, self.rct_signatures.prunable.rct_type() ).unwrap(); sig_hash.extend(hash(&serialized)); serialized.clear(); match self.rct_signatures.prunable { RctPrunable::Null => serialized.resize(32, 0), _ => { self.rct_signatures.prunable.serialize(&mut serialized).unwrap(); serialized = hash(&serialized).to_vec(); } } sig_hash.extend(&serialized); hash(&sig_hash) } } pub fn signature_hash(&self) -> [u8; 32] { let mut serialized = Vec::with_capacity(2048); let mut sig_hash = Vec::with_capacity(96); self.prefix.serialize(&mut serialized).unwrap(); sig_hash.extend(hash(&serialized)); serialized.clear(); self.rct_signatures.base.serialize(&mut serialized, self.rct_signatures.prunable.rct_type()).unwrap(); sig_hash.extend(hash(&serialized)); serialized.clear(); self.rct_signatures.prunable.signature_serialize(&mut serialized).unwrap(); sig_hash.extend(&hash(&serialized)); hash(&sig_hash) } }