use k256::{ elliptic_curve::sec1::{Tag, ToEncodedPoint}, ProjectivePoint, }; use bitcoin::XOnlyPublicKey; /// Get the x coordinate of a non-infinity, even point. Panics on invalid input. pub fn x(key: &ProjectivePoint) -> [u8; 32] { let encoded = key.to_encoded_point(true); assert_eq!(encoded.tag(), Tag::CompressedEvenY, "x coordinate of odd key"); (*encoded.x().expect("point at infinity")).into() } /// Convert a non-infinite even point to a XOnlyPublicKey. Panics on invalid input. pub fn x_only(key: &ProjectivePoint) -> XOnlyPublicKey { XOnlyPublicKey::from_slice(&x(key)).unwrap() } /// Make a point even by adding the generator until it is even. Returns the even point and the /// amount of additions required. pub fn make_even(mut key: ProjectivePoint) -> (ProjectivePoint, u64) { let mut c = 0; while key.to_encoded_point(true).tag() == Tag::CompressedOddY { key += ProjectivePoint::GENERATOR; c += 1; } (key, c) }