#![cfg_attr(not(feature = "std"), no_std)] #[allow(deprecated, clippy::let_unit_value)] // TODO #[frame_support::pallet] pub mod pallet { use scale_info::TypeInfo; use sp_core::sr25519::{Public, Signature}; use sp_std::{vec, vec::Vec}; use sp_application_crypto::RuntimePublic; use frame_system::pallet_prelude::*; use frame_support::{pallet_prelude::*, StoragePrefixedMap}; use serai_primitives::*; pub use validator_sets_primitives as primitives; use primitives::*; #[pallet::config] pub trait Config: frame_system::Config + pallet_session::Config + TypeInfo { type RuntimeEvent: IsType<::RuntimeEvent> + From>; } #[pallet::genesis_config] #[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Encode, Decode)] pub struct GenesisConfig { /// Stake requirement to join the initial validator sets. /// Networks to spawn Serai with, and the stake requirement per key share. /// /// Every participant at genesis will automatically be assumed to have this much stake. /// This stake cannot be withdrawn however as there's no actual stake behind it. pub networks: Vec<(NetworkId, Amount)>, /// List of participants to place in the initial validator sets. pub participants: Vec, } impl Default for GenesisConfig { fn default() -> Self { GenesisConfig { networks: Default::default(), participants: Default::default() } } } #[pallet::pallet] pub struct Pallet(PhantomData); /// The current session for a network. /// /// This does not store the current session for Serai. pallet_session handles that. // Uses Identity for the lookup to avoid a hash of a severely limited fixed key-space. #[pallet::storage] pub type CurrentSession = StorageMap<_, Identity, NetworkId, Session, OptionQuery>; impl Pallet { pub fn session(network: NetworkId) -> Session { if network == NetworkId::Serai { Session(pallet_session::Pallet::::current_index()) } else { CurrentSession::::get(network).unwrap() } } } /// The allocation required per key share. // Uses Identity for the lookup to avoid a hash of a severely limited fixed key-space. #[pallet::storage] #[pallet::getter(fn allocation_per_key_share)] pub type AllocationPerKeyShare = StorageMap<_, Identity, NetworkId, Amount, OptionQuery>; /// The validators selected to be in-set. #[pallet::storage] #[pallet::getter(fn participants)] pub type Participants = StorageMap< _, Identity, NetworkId, BoundedVec>, ValueQuery, >; /// The validators selected to be in-set, yet with the ability to perform a check for presence. // Uses Identity so we can call clear_prefix over network, manually inserting a Blake2 hash // before the spammable key. #[pallet::storage] pub type InSet = StorageMap<_, Identity, (NetworkId, [u8; 16], Public), (), OptionQuery>; /// The current amount allocated to a validator set by a validator. #[pallet::storage] #[pallet::getter(fn allocation)] pub type Allocations = StorageMap<_, Blake2_128Concat, (NetworkId, Public), Amount, OptionQuery>; /// A sorted view of the current allocations premised on the underlying DB itself being sorted. /* This uses Identity so we can take advantage of the DB's lexicographic ordering to iterate over the key space from highest-to-lowest allocated. This does remove the protection using a hash algorithm here offers against spam attacks (by flooding the DB with layers, increasing lookup time and merkle proof sizes, not that we use merkle proofs as Polkadot does). Since amounts are represented with just 8 bytes, only 16 nibbles are presents. This caps the potential depth caused by spam at 16 layers (as the underlying DB operates on nibbles). While there is an entire 32-byte public key after this, a Blake hash of the key is inserted after the amount to prevent the key from also being used to cause layer spam. There's also a minimum stake requirement, which further reduces the potential for spam. */ #[pallet::storage] type SortedAllocations = StorageMap<_, Identity, (NetworkId, [u8; 8], [u8; 16], Public), (), OptionQuery>; impl Pallet { /// A function which takes an amount and generates a byte array with a lexicographic order from /// high amount to low amount. #[inline] fn lexicographic_amount(amount: Amount) -> [u8; 8] { let mut bytes = amount.0.to_be_bytes(); for byte in &mut bytes { *byte = !*byte; } bytes } #[inline] fn sorted_allocation_key( network: NetworkId, key: Public, amount: Amount, ) -> (NetworkId, [u8; 8], [u8; 16], Public) { let amount = Self::lexicographic_amount(amount); let hash = sp_io::hashing::blake2_128(&(network, amount, key).encode()); (network, amount, hash, key) } fn recover_amount_from_sorted_allocation_key(key: &[u8]) -> Amount { let distance_from_end = 8 + 16 + 32; let start_pos = key.len() - distance_from_end; let mut raw: [u8; 8] = key[start_pos .. (start_pos + 8)].try_into().unwrap(); for byte in &mut raw { *byte = !*byte; } Amount(u64::from_be_bytes(raw)) } fn recover_key_from_sorted_allocation_key(key: &[u8]) -> Public { Public(key[(key.len() - 32) ..].try_into().unwrap()) } fn set_allocation(network: NetworkId, key: Public, amount: Amount) { let prior = Allocations::::take((network, key)); if let Some(amount) = prior { SortedAllocations::::remove(Self::sorted_allocation_key(network, key, amount)); } if amount.0 != 0 { Allocations::::set((network, key), Some(amount)); SortedAllocations::::set(Self::sorted_allocation_key(network, key, amount), Some(())); } } } struct SortedAllocationsIter { _t: PhantomData, prefix: Vec, last: Vec, } impl SortedAllocationsIter { fn new(network: NetworkId) -> Self { let mut prefix = SortedAllocations::::final_prefix().to_vec(); prefix.extend(&network.encode()); Self { _t: PhantomData, prefix: prefix.clone(), last: prefix } } } impl Iterator for SortedAllocationsIter { type Item = (Public, Amount); fn next(&mut self) -> Option { let next = sp_io::storage::next_key(&self.last)?; if !next.starts_with(&self.prefix) { return None; } let key = Pallet::::recover_key_from_sorted_allocation_key(&next); let amount = Pallet::::recover_amount_from_sorted_allocation_key(&next); self.last = next; Some((key, amount)) } } impl Pallet { fn is_bft(network: NetworkId) -> bool { let allocation_per_key_share = AllocationPerKeyShare::::get(network).unwrap().0; let mut top = None; let mut key_shares = 0; for (_, amount) in SortedAllocationsIter::::new(network) { key_shares += amount.0 / allocation_per_key_share; if top.is_none() { top = Some(key_shares); } if key_shares > u64::from(MAX_KEY_SHARES_PER_SET) { break; } } let Some(top) = top else { return false }; // key_shares may be over MAX_KEY_SHARES_PER_SET, which will cause an off-chain reduction of // each validator's key shares until their sum is MAX_KEY_SHARES_PER_SET // That isn't modeled here, allowing an inaccuracy in an extreme edge case // This may cause mis-reporting as BFT when not BFT (TODO: Investigate impact of this) (top * 3) < key_shares } } /// Pending deallocations, keyed by the Session they become unlocked on. #[pallet::storage] type PendingDeallocations = StorageMap<_, Blake2_128Concat, (NetworkId, Session, Public), Amount, OptionQuery>; /// The MuSig key for a validator set. #[pallet::storage] #[pallet::getter(fn musig_key)] pub type MuSigKeys = StorageMap<_, Twox64Concat, ValidatorSet, Public, OptionQuery>; /// The generated key pair for a given validator set instance. #[pallet::storage] #[pallet::getter(fn keys)] pub type Keys = StorageMap<_, Twox64Concat, ValidatorSet, KeyPair, OptionQuery>; // TODO: Expand #[pallet::event] #[pallet::generate_deposit(pub(super) fn deposit_event)] pub enum Event { NewSet { set: ValidatorSet }, KeyGen { set: ValidatorSet, key_pair: KeyPair }, } impl Pallet { fn in_set_key( network: NetworkId, account: T::AccountId, ) -> (NetworkId, [u8; 16], T::AccountId) { (network, sp_io::hashing::blake2_128(&(network, account).encode()), account) } fn new_set(network: NetworkId) { // Update CurrentSession let session = if network != NetworkId::Serai { let new_session = CurrentSession::::get(network) .map(|session| Session(session.0 + 1)) .unwrap_or(Session(0)); CurrentSession::::set(network, Some(new_session)); new_session } else { Self::session(network) }; // Clear the current InSet { let mut in_set_key = InSet::::final_prefix().to_vec(); in_set_key.extend(network.encode()); assert!(matches!( sp_io::storage::clear_prefix(&in_set_key, Some(MAX_KEY_SHARES_PER_SET)), sp_io::KillStorageResult::AllRemoved(_) )); } let allocation_per_key_share = Self::allocation_per_key_share(network).unwrap().0; let mut iter = SortedAllocationsIter::::new(network); let mut participants = vec![]; let mut key_shares = 0; while key_shares < u64::from(MAX_KEY_SHARES_PER_SET) { let Some((key, amount)) = iter.next() else { break }; InSet::::set(Self::in_set_key(network, key), Some(())); participants.push(key); // This can technically set key_shares to a value exceeding MAX_KEY_SHARES_PER_SET // Off-chain, the key shares per validator will be accordingly adjusted key_shares += amount.0 / allocation_per_key_share; } let set = ValidatorSet { network, session }; Pallet::::deposit_event(Event::NewSet { set }); if network != NetworkId::Serai { MuSigKeys::::set(set, Some(musig_key(set, &participants))); } Participants::::set(network, participants.try_into().unwrap()); } } #[pallet::error] pub enum Error { /// Validator Set doesn't exist. NonExistentValidatorSet, /// Not enough allocation to obtain a key share in the set. InsufficientAllocation, /// Trying to deallocate more than allocated. NotEnoughAllocated, /// Allocation would cause the validator set to no longer achieve fault tolerance. AllocationWouldRemoveFaultTolerance, /// Deallocation would remove the participant from the set, despite the validator not /// specifying so. DeallocationWouldRemoveParticipant, /// Deallocation would cause the validator set to no longer achieve fault tolerance. DeallocationWouldRemoveFaultTolerance, /// Validator Set already generated keys. AlreadyGeneratedKeys, /// An invalid MuSig signature was provided. BadSignature, /// Validator wasn't registered or active. NonExistentValidator, } #[pallet::genesis_build] impl BuildGenesisConfig for GenesisConfig { fn build(&self) { { let hash_set = self.participants.iter().map(|key| key.0).collect::>(); if hash_set.len() != self.participants.len() { panic!("participants contained duplicates"); } } for (id, stake) in self.networks.clone() { AllocationPerKeyShare::::set(id, Some(stake)); for participant in self.participants.clone() { Pallet::::set_allocation(id, participant, stake); } Pallet::::new_set(id); } } } impl Pallet { fn verify_signature( set: ValidatorSet, key_pair: &KeyPair, signature: &Signature, ) -> Result<(), Error> { // Confirm a key hasn't been set for this set instance if Keys::::get(set).is_some() { Err(Error::AlreadyGeneratedKeys)? } let Some(musig_key) = MuSigKeys::::get(set) else { Err(Error::NonExistentValidatorSet)? }; if !musig_key.verify(&set_keys_message(&set, key_pair), signature) { Err(Error::BadSignature)?; } Ok(()) } } #[pallet::call] impl Pallet { #[pallet::call_index(0)] #[pallet::weight(0)] // TODO pub fn set_keys( origin: OriginFor, network: NetworkId, key_pair: KeyPair, signature: Signature, ) -> DispatchResult { ensure_none(origin)?; // signature isn't checked as this is an unsigned transaction, and validate_unsigned // (called by pre_dispatch) checks it let _ = signature; let session = Session(pallet_session::Pallet::::current_index()); let set = ValidatorSet { session, network }; Keys::::set(set, Some(key_pair.clone())); Self::deposit_event(Event::KeyGen { set, key_pair }); Ok(()) } } #[pallet::validate_unsigned] impl ValidateUnsigned for Pallet { type Call = Call; fn validate_unsigned(_: TransactionSource, call: &Self::Call) -> TransactionValidity { // Match to be exhaustive let (network, key_pair, signature) = match call { Call::set_keys { network, ref key_pair, ref signature } => (network, key_pair, signature), Call::__Ignore(_, _) => unreachable!(), }; let session = Session(pallet_session::Pallet::::current_index()); let set = ValidatorSet { session, network: *network }; match Self::verify_signature(set, key_pair, signature) { Err(Error::AlreadyGeneratedKeys) => Err(InvalidTransaction::Stale)?, Err(Error::NonExistentValidatorSet) | Err(Error::InsufficientAllocation) | Err(Error::NotEnoughAllocated) | Err(Error::AllocationWouldRemoveFaultTolerance) | Err(Error::DeallocationWouldRemoveParticipant) | Err(Error::DeallocationWouldRemoveFaultTolerance) | Err(Error::NonExistentValidator) | Err(Error::BadSignature) => Err(InvalidTransaction::BadProof)?, Err(Error::__Ignore(_, _)) => unreachable!(), Ok(()) => (), } ValidTransaction::with_tag_prefix("validator-sets") .and_provides(set) // Set a 10 block longevity, though this should be included in the next block .longevity(10) .propagate(true) .build() } // Explicitly provide a pre-dispatch which calls validate_unsigned fn pre_dispatch(call: &Self::Call) -> Result<(), TransactionValidityError> { Self::validate_unsigned(TransactionSource::InBlock, call).map(|_| ()).map_err(Into::into) } } impl Pallet { #[frame_support::transactional] pub fn increase_allocation( network: NetworkId, account: T::AccountId, amount: Amount, ) -> DispatchResult { let old_allocation = Self::allocation((network, account)).unwrap_or(Amount(0)).0; let new_allocation = old_allocation + amount.0; let allocation_per_key_share = Self::allocation_per_key_share(network).unwrap().0; if new_allocation < allocation_per_key_share { Err(Error::::InsufficientAllocation)?; } let increased_key_shares = (old_allocation / allocation_per_key_share) < (new_allocation / allocation_per_key_share); let mut was_bft = None; if increased_key_shares { was_bft = Some(Self::is_bft(network)); } // Increase the allocation now Self::set_allocation(network, account, Amount(new_allocation)); if let Some(was_bft) = was_bft { if was_bft && (!Self::is_bft(network)) { Err(Error::::AllocationWouldRemoveFaultTolerance)?; } } Ok(()) } /// Decreases a validator's allocation to a set. /// /// Errors if the capacity provided by this allocation is in use. /// /// Errors if a partial decrease of allocation which puts the remaining allocation below the /// minimum requirement. /// /// The capacity prior provided by the allocation is immediately removed, in order to ensure it /// doesn't become used (preventing deallocation). /// /// Returns if the amount is immediately eligible for deallocation. #[frame_support::transactional] pub fn decrease_allocation( network: NetworkId, account: T::AccountId, amount: Amount, ) -> Result { // TODO: Check it's safe to decrease this set's stake by this amount let old_allocation = Self::allocation((network, account)).ok_or(Error::::NonExistentValidator)?.0; let new_allocation = old_allocation.checked_sub(amount.0).ok_or(Error::::NotEnoughAllocated)?; // If we're not removing the entire allocation, yet the allocation is no longer at or above // the threshold for a key share, error let allocation_per_key_share = Self::allocation_per_key_share(network).unwrap().0; if (new_allocation != 0) && (new_allocation < allocation_per_key_share) { Err(Error::::DeallocationWouldRemoveParticipant)?; } let decreased_key_shares = (old_allocation / allocation_per_key_share) > (new_allocation / allocation_per_key_share); // If this decreases the validator's key shares, error if the new set is unable to handle // byzantine faults let mut was_bft = None; if decreased_key_shares { was_bft = Some(Self::is_bft(network)); } // Decrease the allocation now Self::set_allocation(network, account, Amount(new_allocation)); if let Some(was_bft) = was_bft { if was_bft && (!Self::is_bft(network)) { Err(Error::::DeallocationWouldRemoveFaultTolerance)?; } } // If we're not in-set, allow immediate deallocation let mut active = InSet::::contains_key(Self::in_set_key(network, account)); // If the network is Serai, also check pallet_session's list of active validators, as our // InSet is actually the queued for next session's validators // Only runs if active isn't already true in order to short-circuit if (!active) && (network == NetworkId::Serai) { // TODO: This is bounded O(n). Can we get O(1) via a storage lookup, like we do with // InSet? for validator in pallet_session::Pallet::::validators() { if validator == account { active = true; break; } } } // Also allow immediate deallocation of the key shares remain the same if (!active) || (!decreased_key_shares) { return Ok(true); } // Set it to PendingDeallocations, letting the staking pallet release it on a future session let mut to_unlock_on = Self::session(network); if network == NetworkId::Serai { // Since the next Serai set will already have been decided, we can only deallocate once the // next set ends to_unlock_on.0 += 2; } else { to_unlock_on.0 += 1; } // Increase the session by one, creating a cooldown period to_unlock_on.0 += 1; let existing = PendingDeallocations::::get((network, to_unlock_on, account)).unwrap_or(Amount(0)); PendingDeallocations::::set( (network, to_unlock_on, account), Some(Amount(existing.0 + amount.0)), ); Ok(false) } // Checks if this session has completed the handover from the prior session. fn handover_completed(network: NetworkId, session: Session) -> bool { let current_session = Self::session(network); // No handover occurs on genesis if current_session.0 == 0 { return true; } // If the session we've been queried about has yet to start, it can't have completed its // handover if current_session.0 < session.0 { return false; } if current_session.0 == session.0 { // Handover is automatically complete for Serai as it doesn't have a handover protocol // If not Serai, check the prior session had its keys cleared, which happens once its // retired return (network == NetworkId::Serai) || (!Keys::::contains_key(ValidatorSet { network, session: Session(current_session.0 - 1), })); } // We're currently in a future session, meaning this session definitely performed itself // handover true } pub fn new_session() { for network in serai_primitives::NETWORKS { let current_session = Self::session(network); // Only spawn a NewSet if the current set was actually established with a completed // handover protocol if Self::handover_completed(network, current_session) { Pallet::::new_set(network); } } } pub fn select_validators(network: NetworkId) -> Vec { Self::participants(network).into() } pub fn retire_session(network: NetworkId, session: Session) { let set = ValidatorSet { network, session }; MuSigKeys::::remove(set); Keys::::remove(set); } /// Take the amount deallocatable. /// /// `session` refers to the Session the stake becomes deallocatable on. pub fn take_deallocatable_amount( network: NetworkId, session: Session, key: Public, ) -> Option { // Check this Session has properly started, completing the handover from the prior session. if !Self::handover_completed(network, session) { return None; } PendingDeallocations::::take((network, session, key)) } } } pub use pallet::*;