Redo new_tributary from being over ActiveTributary to TributaryEvent

TributaryEvent also allows broadcasting a retiry event.
This commit is contained in:
Luke Parker 2023-10-14 14:56:02 -04:00
parent 5c5c097da9
commit f414735be5
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 209 additions and 150 deletions

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@ -61,16 +61,27 @@ pub struct ActiveTributary<D: Db, P: P2p> {
pub tributary: Arc<Tributary<D, Transaction, P>>,
pub enum TributaryEvent<D: Db, P: P2p> {
NewTributary(ActiveTributary<D, P>),
// Creates a new tributary and sends it to all listeners.
// TODO: retire_tributary
async fn add_tributary<D: Db, Pro: Processors, P: P2p>(
db: D,
key: Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
serai: &Serai,
processors: &Pro,
p2p: P,
tributaries: &broadcast::Sender<ActiveTributary<D, P>>,
tributaries: &broadcast::Sender<TributaryEvent<D, P>>,
spec: TributarySpec,
) {
if !is_active_set(serai, spec.set()).await {
log::info!("not adding tributary {:?} since it's been retired", spec.set());
log::info!("adding tributary {:?}", spec.set());
let tributary = Tributary::<_, Transaction, _>::new(
@ -107,7 +118,7 @@ async fn add_tributary<D: Db, Pro: Processors, P: P2p>(
.send(ActiveTributary { spec, tributary: Arc::new(tributary) })
.send(TributaryEvent::NewTributary(ActiveTributary { spec, tributary: Arc::new(tributary) }))
.map_err(|_| "all ActiveTributary recipients closed")
@ -643,22 +654,30 @@ async fn handle_processor_messages<D: Db, Pro: Processors, P: P2p>(
serai: Arc<Serai>,
mut processors: Pro,
network: NetworkId,
mut new_tributary: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<ActiveTributary<D, P>>,
mut tributary_event: mpsc::UnboundedReceiver<TributaryEvent<D, P>>,
) {
let mut tributaries = HashMap::new();
loop {
match new_tributary.try_recv() {
Ok(tributary) => {
let set = tributary.spec.set();
assert_eq!(, network);
tributaries.insert(set.session, tributary);
match tributary_event.try_recv() {
Ok(event) => {
match event {
TributaryEvent::NewTributary(tributary) => {
let set = tributary.spec.set();
assert_eq!(, network);
tributaries.insert(set.session, tributary);
TributaryEvent::TributaryRetired(_) => todo!(),
Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => {}
Err(mpsc::error::TryRecvError::Disconnected) => {
panic!("handle_processor_messages new_tributary sender closed")
panic!("handle_processor_messages tributary_event sender closed")
// TODO: Remove the Tributary if it's retired
// TODO: Check this ID is sane (last handled ID or expected next ID)
let msg = processors.recv(network).await;
if handle_processor_message(&mut db, &key, &serai, &tributaries, network, &msg).await {
@ -672,7 +691,7 @@ pub async fn handle_processors<D: Db, Pro: Processors, P: P2p>(
key: Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
serai: Arc<Serai>,
processors: Pro,
mut new_tributary: broadcast::Receiver<ActiveTributary<D, P>>,
mut tributary_event: broadcast::Receiver<TributaryEvent<D, P>>,
) {
let mut channels = HashMap::new();
for network in serai_client::primitives::NETWORKS {
@ -693,8 +712,13 @@ pub async fn handle_processors<D: Db, Pro: Processors, P: P2p>(
// Listen to new tributary events
loop {
let tributary = new_tributary.recv().await.unwrap();
match tributary_event.recv().await.unwrap() {
TributaryEvent::NewTributary(tributary) => channels[&tributary.spec.set().network]
TributaryEvent::TributaryRetired(_) => todo!(),
@ -726,16 +750,17 @@ pub async fn run<D: Db, Pro: Processors, P: P2p>(
// This should be large enough for an entire rotation of all tributaries
// If it's too small, the coordinator fail to boot, which is a decent sanity check
let (new_tributary, mut new_tributary_listener_1) = broadcast::channel(32);
let new_tributary_listener_2 = new_tributary.subscribe();
let new_tributary_listener_3 = new_tributary.subscribe();
let new_tributary_listener_4 = new_tributary.subscribe();
let new_tributary_listener_5 = new_tributary.subscribe();
let (tributary_event, mut tributary_event_listener_1) = broadcast::channel(32);
let tributary_event_listener_2 = tributary_event.subscribe();
let tributary_event_listener_3 = tributary_event.subscribe();
let tributary_event_listener_4 = tributary_event.subscribe();
let tributary_event_listener_5 = tributary_event.subscribe();
// Spawn a task to further add Tributaries as needed
let raw_db = raw_db.clone();
let key = key.clone();
let serai = serai.clone();
let processors = processors.clone();
let p2p = p2p.clone();
async move {
@ -745,11 +770,12 @@ pub async fn run<D: Db, Pro: Processors, P: P2p>(
let raw_db = raw_db.clone();
let key = key.clone();
let serai = serai.clone();
let processors = processors.clone();
let p2p = p2p.clone();
let new_tributary = new_tributary.clone();
let tributary_event = tributary_event.clone();
async move {
add_tributary(raw_db, key, &processors, p2p, &new_tributary, spec).await;
add_tributary(raw_db, key, &serai, &processors, p2p, &tributary_event, spec).await;
@ -766,14 +792,16 @@ pub async fn run<D: Db, Pro: Processors, P: P2p>(
let tributaries = tributaries.clone();
async move {
loop {
match new_tributary_listener_1.recv().await {
Ok(tributary) => {
match tributary_event_listener_1.recv().await {
Ok(TributaryEvent::NewTributary(tributary)) => {
tributaries.write().await.insert(tributary.spec.genesis(), tributary.tributary);
Ok(TributaryEvent::TributaryRetired(_)) => todo!(),
Err(broadcast::error::RecvError::Lagged(_)) => {
panic!("recognized_id lagged to handle new_tributary")
panic!("recognized_id lagged to handle tributary_event")
Err(broadcast::error::RecvError::Closed) => panic!("new_tributary sender closed"),
Err(broadcast::error::RecvError::Closed) => panic!("tributary_event sender closed"),
@ -848,23 +876,23 @@ pub async fn run<D: Db, Pro: Processors, P: P2p>(
// Spawn the heartbeat task, which will trigger syncing if there hasn't been a Tributary block
// in a while (presumably because we're behind)
tokio::spawn(p2p::heartbeat_tributaries_task(p2p.clone(), new_tributary_listener_3));
tokio::spawn(p2p::heartbeat_tributaries_task(p2p.clone(), tributary_event_listener_3));
// Handle P2P messages
Ristretto::generator() * key.deref(),
// Handle all messages from processors
handle_processors(raw_db, key, serai, processors, new_tributary_listener_5).await;
handle_processors(raw_db, key, serai, processors, tributary_event_listener_5).await;

View file

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ use libp2p::{
pub(crate) use tributary::{ReadWrite, P2p as TributaryP2p};
use crate::{Transaction, Block, Tributary, ActiveTributary};
use crate::{Transaction, Block, Tributary, ActiveTributary, TributaryEvent};
// TODO: Use distinct topics
const LIBP2P_TOPIC: &str = "serai-coordinator";
@ -383,27 +383,30 @@ impl TributaryP2p for LibP2p {
pub async fn heartbeat_tributaries_task<D: Db, P: P2p>(
p2p: P,
mut new_tributary: broadcast::Receiver<ActiveTributary<D, P>>,
mut tributary_event: broadcast::Receiver<TributaryEvent<D, P>>,
) {
let ten_blocks_of_time =
Duration::from_secs((10 * Tributary::<D, Transaction, P>::block_time()).into());
let mut readers = vec![];
let mut readers = HashMap::new();
loop {
while let Ok(ActiveTributary { spec: _, tributary }) = {
match new_tributary.try_recv() {
Ok(tributary) => Ok(tributary),
Err(broadcast::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => Err(()),
Err(broadcast::error::TryRecvError::Lagged(_)) => {
panic!("heartbeat_tributaries lagged to handle new_tributary")
loop {
match tributary_event.try_recv() {
Ok(TributaryEvent::NewTributary(ActiveTributary { spec, tributary })) => {
readers.insert(spec.set(), tributary.reader());
Err(broadcast::error::TryRecvError::Closed) => panic!("new_tributary sender closed"),
Ok(TributaryEvent::TributaryRetired(set)) => {
Err(broadcast::error::TryRecvError::Empty) => break,
Err(broadcast::error::TryRecvError::Lagged(_)) => {
panic!("heartbeat_tributaries lagged to handle tributary_event")
Err(broadcast::error::TryRecvError::Closed) => panic!("tributary_event sender closed"),
} {
for tributary in &readers {
for tributary in readers.values() {
let tip = tributary.tip();
let block_time =
SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_secs(tributary.time_of_block(&tip).unwrap_or(0));
@ -433,7 +436,7 @@ pub async fn heartbeat_tributaries_task<D: Db, P: P2p>(
pub async fn handle_p2p_task<D: Db, P: P2p>(
our_key: <Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::G,
p2p: P,
mut new_tributary: broadcast::Receiver<ActiveTributary<D, P>>,
mut tributary_event: broadcast::Receiver<TributaryEvent<D, P>>,
) {
let channels = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new()));
@ -441,111 +444,122 @@ pub async fn handle_p2p_task<D: Db, P: P2p>(
let channels = channels.clone();
async move {
loop {
let tributary = new_tributary.recv().await.unwrap();
let genesis = tributary.spec.genesis();
match tributary_event.recv().await.unwrap() {
TributaryEvent::NewTributary(tributary) => {
let genesis = tributary.spec.genesis();
let (send, mut recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
channels.write().await.insert(genesis, send);
let (send, mut recv) = mpsc::unbounded_channel();
channels.write().await.insert(genesis, send);
let p2p = p2p.clone();
async move {
loop {
let mut msg: Message<P> = recv.recv().await.unwrap();
match msg.kind {
P2pMessageKind::KeepAlive => {}
let p2p = p2p.clone();
async move {
loop {
let mut msg: Message<P> = recv.recv().await.unwrap();
match msg.kind {
P2pMessageKind::KeepAlive => {}
P2pMessageKind::Tributary(msg_genesis) => {
assert_eq!(msg_genesis, genesis);
log::trace!("handling message for tributary {:?}", tributary.spec.set());
if tributary.tributary.handle_message(&msg.msg).await {
P2p::broadcast(&p2p, msg.kind, msg.msg).await;
// TODO2: Rate limit this per timestamp
// And/or slash on Heartbeat which justifies a response, since the node obviously
// was offline and we must now use our bandwidth to compensate for them?
P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(msg_genesis) => {
assert_eq!(msg_genesis, genesis);
if msg.msg.len() != 40 {
log::error!("validator sent invalid heartbeat");
let p2p = p2p.clone();
let spec = tributary.spec.clone();
let reader = tributary.tributary.reader();
// Spawn a dedicated task as this may require loading large amounts of data from
// disk and take a notable amount of time
tokio::spawn(async move {
// Have sqrt(n) nodes reply with the blocks
let mut responders = (tributary.spec.n() as f32).sqrt().floor() as u64;
// Try to have at least 3 responders
if responders < 3 {
responders = tributary.spec.n().min(3).into();
// Have up to three nodes respond
let responders = u64::from(spec.n().min(3));
// Decide which nodes will respond by using the latest block's hash as a
// mutually agreed upon entropy source
// This isn't a secure source of entropy, yet it's fine for this
let entropy = u64::from_le_bytes(reader.tip()[.. 8].try_into().unwrap());
// If n = 10, responders = 3, we want `start` to be 0 ..= 7
// (so the highest is 7, 8, 9)
// entropy % (10 + 1) - 3 = entropy % 8 = 0 ..= 7
let start =
usize::try_from(entropy % (u64::from(spec.n() + 1) - responders)).unwrap();
let mut selected = false;
for validator in
&spec.validators()[start .. (start + usize::try_from(responders).unwrap())]
if our_key == validator.0 {
selected = true;
P2pMessageKind::Tributary(msg_genesis) => {
assert_eq!(msg_genesis, genesis);
log::trace!("handling message for tributary {:?}", tributary.spec.set());
if tributary.tributary.handle_message(&msg.msg).await {
P2p::broadcast(&p2p, msg.kind, msg.msg).await;
if !selected {
log::debug!("received heartbeat and not selected to respond");
// TODO2: Rate limit this per timestamp
// And/or slash on Heartbeat which justifies a response, since the node
// obviously was offline and we must now use our bandwidth to compensate for
// them?
P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(msg_genesis) => {
assert_eq!(msg_genesis, genesis);
if msg.msg.len() != 40 {
log::error!("validator sent invalid heartbeat");
let p2p = p2p.clone();
let spec = tributary.spec.clone();
let reader = tributary.tributary.reader();
// Spawn a dedicated task as this may require loading large amounts of data
// from disk and take a notable amount of time
tokio::spawn(async move {
// Have sqrt(n) nodes reply with the blocks
let mut responders = (tributary.spec.n() as f32).sqrt().floor() as u64;
// Try to have at least 3 responders
if responders < 3 {
responders = tributary.spec.n().min(3).into();
// Have up to three nodes respond
let responders = u64::from(spec.n().min(3));
// Decide which nodes will respond by using the latest block's hash as a
// mutually agreed upon entropy source
// This isn't a secure source of entropy, yet it's fine for this
let entropy = u64::from_le_bytes(reader.tip()[.. 8].try_into().unwrap());
// If n = 10, responders = 3, we want `start` to be 0 ..= 7
// (so the highest is 7, 8, 9)
// entropy % (10 + 1) - 3 = entropy % 8 = 0 ..= 7
let start =
usize::try_from(entropy % (u64::from(spec.n() + 1) - responders))
let mut selected = false;
for validator in &spec.validators()
[start .. (start + usize::try_from(responders).unwrap())]
if our_key == validator.0 {
selected = true;
if !selected {
log::debug!("received heartbeat and not selected to respond");
log::debug!("received heartbeat and selected to respond");
let mut latest = msg.msg[.. 32].try_into().unwrap();
while let Some(next) = reader.block_after(&latest) {
let mut res = reader.block(&next).unwrap().serialize();
// Also include the timestamp used within the Heartbeat
res.extend(&msg.msg[32 .. 40]);
p2p.send(msg.sender, P2pMessageKind::Block(spec.genesis()), res).await;
latest = next;
log::debug!("received heartbeat and selected to respond");
P2pMessageKind::Block(msg_genesis) => {
assert_eq!(msg_genesis, genesis);
let mut msg_ref: &[u8] = msg.msg.as_ref();
let Ok(block) = Block::<Transaction>::read(&mut msg_ref) else {
log::error!("received block message with an invalidly serialized block");
// Get just the commit
msg.msg.drain(.. (msg.msg.len() - msg_ref.len()));
msg.msg.drain((msg.msg.len() - 8) ..);
let mut latest = msg.msg[.. 32].try_into().unwrap();
while let Some(next) = reader.block_after(&latest) {
let mut res = reader.block(&next).unwrap().serialize();
// Also include the timestamp used within the Heartbeat
res.extend(&msg.msg[32 .. 40]);
p2p.send(msg.sender, P2pMessageKind::Block(spec.genesis()), res).await;
latest = next;
let res = tributary.tributary.sync_block(block, msg.msg).await;
"received block from {:?}, sync_block returned {}",
P2pMessageKind::Block(msg_genesis) => {
assert_eq!(msg_genesis, genesis);
let mut msg_ref: &[u8] = msg.msg.as_ref();
let Ok(block) = Block::<Transaction>::read(&mut msg_ref) else {
log::error!("received block message with an invalidly serialized block");
// Get just the commit
msg.msg.drain(.. (msg.msg.len() - msg_ref.len()));
msg.msg.drain((msg.msg.len() - 8) ..);
let res = tributary.tributary.sync_block(block, msg.msg).await;
log::debug!("received block from {:?}, sync_block returned {}", msg.sender, res);
TributaryEvent::TributaryRetired(_) => todo!(),

View file

@ -423,6 +423,17 @@ pub async fn scan_task<D: Db, Pro: Processors>(
|db: &mut D, spec: TributarySpec| {
log::info!("creating new tributary for {:?}", spec.set());
// Check it isn't already present in the DB due to rescanning this block upon reboot
for existing_spec in crate::MainDb::<D>::active_tributaries(db).1 {
if spec.set() == existing_spec.set() {
"already created tributary {:?}, this should only happen on reboot",
// Save it to the database
let mut txn = db.txn();
crate::MainDb::<D>::add_active_tributary(&mut txn, &spec);
@ -453,9 +464,7 @@ pub async fn is_active_set(serai: &Serai, set: ValidatorSet) -> bool {
// call, instead of a series of network requests
let serai = loop {
let Ok(serai) = serai.with_current_latest_block().await else {
"couldn't get the latest block hash from serai when checking tributary relevancy"
log::error!("couldn't get the latest block hash from serai when checking if set is active");
@ -464,7 +473,7 @@ pub async fn is_active_set(serai: &Serai, set: ValidatorSet) -> bool {
let latest_session = loop {
let Ok(res) = serai.session( else {
log::error!("couldn't get the latest session from serai when checking tributary relevancy");
log::error!("couldn't get the latest session from serai when checking if set is active");
@ -484,7 +493,7 @@ pub async fn is_active_set(serai: &Serai, set: ValidatorSet) -> bool {
let keys = loop {
let Ok(res) = serai.keys(set).await else {
"couldn't get the keys for a session from serai when checking tributary relevancy"
"couldn't get the keys for a session from serai when checking if set is active"

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use tributary::Tributary;
use crate::{
ActiveTributary, TributaryEvent,
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ async fn handle_p2p_test() {
let (new_tributary_send, new_tributary_recv) = broadcast::channel(5);
tokio::spawn(handle_p2p_task(Ristretto::generator() * *keys[i], p2p, new_tributary_recv));
.send(ActiveTributary { spec: spec.clone(), tributary })
.send(TributaryEvent::NewTributary(ActiveTributary { spec: spec.clone(), tributary }))
.map_err(|_| "failed to send ActiveTributary")

View file

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use tributary::Tributary;
use crate::{
ActiveTributary, TributaryEvent,
p2p::{heartbeat_tributaries_task, handle_p2p_task},
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ async fn sync_test() {
let thread =
tokio::spawn(handle_p2p_task(Ristretto::generator() * *keys[i], p2p, new_tributary_recv));
.send(ActiveTributary { spec: spec.clone(), tributary })
.send(TributaryEvent::NewTributary(ActiveTributary { spec: spec.clone(), tributary }))
.map_err(|_| "failed to send ActiveTributary")
@ -80,7 +80,10 @@ async fn sync_test() {
let (syncer_tributary_send, syncer_tributary_recv) = broadcast::channel(5);
tokio::spawn(handle_p2p_task(syncer_key, syncer_p2p.clone(), syncer_tributary_recv));
.send(ActiveTributary { spec: spec.clone(), tributary: syncer_tributary.clone() })
.send(TributaryEvent::NewTributary(ActiveTributary {
spec: spec.clone(),
tributary: syncer_tributary.clone(),
.map_err(|_| "failed to send ActiveTributary to syncer")
@ -98,7 +101,10 @@ async fn sync_test() {
let (syncer_heartbeat_tributary_send, syncer_heartbeat_tributary_recv) = broadcast::channel(5);
tokio::spawn(heartbeat_tributaries_task(syncer_p2p, syncer_heartbeat_tributary_recv));
.send(ActiveTributary { spec: spec.clone(), tributary: syncer_tributary.clone() })
.send(TributaryEvent::NewTributary(ActiveTributary {
spec: spec.clone(),
tributary: syncer_tributary.clone(),
.map_err(|_| "failed to send ActiveTributary to heartbeat")

View file

@ -175,13 +175,13 @@ pub(crate) async fn scan_tributaries_task<
recognized_id: RID,
processors: Pro,
serai: Arc<Serai>,
mut new_tributary: broadcast::Receiver<crate::ActiveTributary<D, P>>,
mut tributary_event: broadcast::Receiver<crate::TributaryEvent<D, P>>,
) {
log::info!("scanning tributaries");
loop {
match new_tributary.recv().await {
Ok(crate::ActiveTributary { spec, tributary }) => {
match tributary_event.recv().await {
Ok(crate::TributaryEvent::NewTributary(crate::ActiveTributary { spec, tributary })) => {
// For each Tributary, spawn a dedicated scanner task
let raw_db = raw_db.clone();
@ -266,10 +266,12 @@ pub(crate) async fn scan_tributaries_task<
Ok(crate::TributaryEvent::TributaryRetired(_)) => todo!(),
Err(broadcast::error::RecvError::Lagged(_)) => {
panic!("scan_tributaries lagged to handle new_tributary")
panic!("scan_tributaries lagged to handle tributary_event")
Err(broadcast::error::RecvError::Closed) => panic!("new_tributary sender closed"),
Err(broadcast::error::RecvError::Closed) => panic!("tributary_event sender closed"),