mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 01:59:00 +00:00
Break coordinator main into multiple functions
Also moves from std::sync::RwLock to tokio::sync::RwLock to prevent wasting cycles on spinning.
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 263 additions and 245 deletions
@ -42,206 +42,222 @@ lazy_static::lazy_static! {
static ref NEW_TRIBUTARIES: RwLock<VecDeque<TributarySpec>> = RwLock::new(VecDeque::new());
async fn run<D: Db, Pro: Processor, P: P2p>(
// Specifies a new tributary
async fn create_new_tributary<D: Db>(db: D, spec: TributarySpec) {
// Save it to the database
// Add it to the queue
// If we reboot before this is read from the queue, the fact it was saved to the database
// means it'll be handled on reboot
pub struct ActiveTributary<D: Db, P: P2p> {
spec: TributarySpec,
tributary: Arc<RwLock<Tributary<D, Transaction, P>>>,
// Adds a tributary into the specified HahMap
async fn add_tributary<D: Db, P: P2p>(
db: D,
key: Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
p2p: P,
tributaries: &mut HashMap<[u8; 32], ActiveTributary<D, P>>,
spec: TributarySpec,
) {
let tributary = Tributary::<_, Transaction, _>::new(
// TODO: Use a db on a distinct volume
ActiveTributary { spec, tributary: Arc::new(RwLock::new(tributary)) },
pub async fn scan_substrate<D: Db, Pro: Processor>(
db: D,
key: Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
mut processor: Pro,
serai: Serai,
) {
let mut db = substrate::SubstrateDb::new(db);
let mut last_substrate_block = db.last_block();
loop {
match substrate::handle_new_blocks(
&mut db,
&mut processor,
&mut last_substrate_block,
// TODO: Should this use a notification system for new blocks?
// Right now it's sleeping for half the block time.
Ok(()) => sleep(Duration::from_secs(3)).await,
Err(e) => {
log::error!("couldn't communicate with serai node: {e}");
pub async fn scan_tributaries<D: Db, Pro: Processor, P: P2p>(
raw_db: D,
key: Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
p2p: P,
mut processor: Pro,
serai: Serai,
tributaries: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<[u8; 32], ActiveTributary<D, P>>>>,
) {
let add_new_tributary = |db, spec: TributarySpec| async {
// Save it to the database
// Add it to the queue
// If we reboot before this is read from the queue, the fact it was saved to the database
// means it'll be handled on reboot
// Handle new Substrate blocks
let mut substrate_db = substrate::SubstrateDb::new(raw_db.clone());
let mut last_substrate_block = substrate_db.last_block();
let key = key.clone();
let mut processor = processor.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
match substrate::handle_new_blocks(
&mut substrate_db,
&mut processor,
&mut last_substrate_block,
// Handle new Tributary blocks
let mut tributary_db = tributary::TributaryDb::new(raw_db.clone());
loop {
// The following handle_new_blocks function may take an arbitrary amount of time
// Accordingly, it may take a long time to acquire a write lock on the tributaries table
// By definition of NEW_TRIBUTARIES, we allow tributaries to be added almost immediately,
// meaning the Substrate scanner won't become blocked on this
let mut new_tributaries = NEW_TRIBUTARIES.write().await;
while let Some(spec) = new_tributaries.pop_front() {
// This is a short-lived write acquisition, which is why it should be fine
&mut *tributaries.write().await,
// TODO: Should this use a notification system for new blocks?
// Right now it's sleeping for half the block time.
Ok(()) => sleep(Duration::from_secs(3)).await,
Err(e) => {
log::error!("couldn't communicate with serai node: {e}");
// Handle the Tributaries
struct ActiveTributary<D: Db, P: P2p> {
spec: TributarySpec,
tributary: Arc<RwLock<Tributary<D, Transaction, P>>>,
// Arc so this can be shared between the Tributary scanner task and the P2P task
// Write locks on this may take a while to acquire
let tributaries = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::<[u8; 32], ActiveTributary<D, P>>::new()));
async fn add_tributary<D: Db, P: P2p>(
db: D,
key: Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
p2p: P,
tributaries: &mut HashMap<[u8; 32], ActiveTributary<D, P>>,
spec: TributarySpec,
) {
let tributary = Tributary::<_, Transaction, _>::new(
// TODO: Use a db on a distinct volume
ActiveTributary { spec, tributary: Arc::new(RwLock::new(tributary)) },
// Reload active tributaries from the database
// TODO: Can MainDb take a borrow?
for spec in MainDb(raw_db.clone()).active_tributaries().1 {
&mut *tributaries.write().await,
// TODO: Instead of holding this lock long term, should this take in Arc RwLock and
// re-acquire read locks?
for ActiveTributary { spec, tributary } in tributaries.read().await.values() {
tributary::scanner::handle_new_blocks::<_, _, P>(
&mut tributary_db,
&mut processor,
// Handle new Tributary blocks
let mut tributary_db = tributary::TributaryDb::new(raw_db.clone());
let tributaries = tributaries.clone();
let p2p = p2p.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
// The following handle_new_blocks function may take an arbitrary amount of time
// Accordingly, it may take a long time to acquire a write lock on the tributaries table
// By definition of NEW_TRIBUTARIES, we allow tributaries to be added almost immediately,
// meaning the Substrate scanner won't become blocked on this
let mut new_tributaries = NEW_TRIBUTARIES.write().await;
while let Some(spec) = new_tributaries.pop_front() {
// This is a short-lived write acquisition, which is why it should be fine
&mut *tributaries.write().await,
// Sleep for half the block time
// TODO: Should we define a notification system for when a new block occurs?
sleep(Duration::from_secs((Tributary::<D, Transaction, P>::block_time() / 2).into())).await;
// TODO: Instead of holding this lock long term, should this take in Arc RwLock and
// re-acquire read locks?
for ActiveTributary { spec, tributary } in tributaries.read().await.values() {
tributary::scanner::handle_new_blocks::<_, _, P>(
&mut tributary_db,
&mut processor,
pub async fn heartbeat_tributaries<D: Db, P: P2p>(
p2p: P,
tributaries: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<[u8; 32], ActiveTributary<D, P>>>>,
) {
let ten_blocks_of_time =
Duration::from_secs((Tributary::<D, Transaction, P>::block_time() * 10).into());
// Sleep for half the block time
// TODO: Should we define a notification system for when a new block occurs?
sleep(Duration::from_secs((Tributary::<D, Transaction, P>::block_time() / 2).into()))
loop {
for ActiveTributary { spec: _, tributary } in tributaries.read().await.values() {
let tributary = tributary.read().await;
let tip = tributary.tip().await;
let block_time = SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH +
// Only trigger syncing if the block is more than a minute behind
if SystemTime::now() > (block_time + Duration::from_secs(60)) {
log::warn!("last known tributary block was over a minute ago");
P2p::broadcast(&p2p, P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(tributary.genesis()), tip.to_vec()).await;
// If a Tributary has fallen behind, trigger syncing
let p2p = p2p.clone();
let tributaries = tributaries.clone();
tokio::spawn(async move {
let ten_blocks_of_time =
Duration::from_secs((Tributary::<D, Transaction, P>::block_time() * 10).into());
// Only check once every 10 blocks of time
loop {
for ActiveTributary { spec: _, tributary } in tributaries.read().await.values() {
let tributary = tributary.read().await;
let tip = tributary.tip();
let block_time = SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH +
pub async fn handle_p2p<D: Db, P: P2p>(
p2p: P,
tributaries: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<[u8; 32], ActiveTributary<D, P>>>>,
) {
loop {
let msg = p2p.receive().await;
match msg.kind {
P2pMessageKind::Tributary(genesis) => {
let tributaries_read = tributaries.read().await;
let Some(tributary) = tributaries_read.get(&genesis) else {
log::debug!("received p2p message for unknown network");
// Only trigger syncing if the block is more than a minute behind
if SystemTime::now() > (block_time + Duration::from_secs(60)) {
log::warn!("last known tributary block was over a minute ago");
P2p::broadcast(&p2p, P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(tributary.genesis()), tip.to_vec())
// Only check once every 10 blocks of time
// This is misleading being read, as it will mutate the Tributary, yet there's
// greater efficiency when it is read
// The safety of it is also justified by Tributary::handle_message's documentation
if tributary.tributary.read().await.handle_message(&msg.msg).await {
P2p::broadcast(&p2p, msg.kind, msg.msg).await;
// Handle P2P messages
tokio::spawn(async move {
loop {
let msg = p2p.receive().await;
match msg.kind {
P2pMessageKind::Tributary(genesis) => {
let tributaries_read = tributaries.read().await;
let Some(tributary) = tributaries_read.get(&genesis) else {
log::debug!("received p2p message for unknown network");
// This is misleading being read, as it will mutate the Tributary, yet there's
// greater efficiency when it is read
// The safety of it is also justified by Tributary::handle_message's documentation
if tributary.tributary.read().await.handle_message(&msg.msg).await {
P2p::broadcast(&p2p, msg.kind, msg.msg).await;
// TODO: Respond with the missing block, if there are any
P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(genesis) => todo!(),
// TODO: Respond with the missing block, if there are any
P2pMessageKind::Heartbeat(genesis) => todo!(),
pub async fn run<D: Db, Pro: Processor, P: P2p>(
raw_db: D,
key: Zeroizing<<Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::F>,
p2p: P,
processor: Pro,
serai: Serai,
) {
// Handle new Substrate blocks
tokio::spawn(scan_substrate(raw_db.clone(), key.clone(), processor.clone(), serai.clone()));
// Handle the Tributaries
// Arc so this can be shared between the Tributary scanner task and the P2P task
// Write locks on this may take a while to acquire
let tributaries = Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::<[u8; 32], ActiveTributary<D, P>>::new()));
// Reload active tributaries from the database
// TODO: Can MainDb take a borrow?
for spec in MainDb(raw_db.clone()).active_tributaries().1 {
add_tributary(raw_db.clone(), key.clone(), p2p.clone(), &mut *tributaries.write().await, spec)
// Handle new blocks for each Tributary
// Spawn the heartbeat task, which will trigger syncing if there hasn't been a Tributary block
// in a while (presumably because we're behind)
tokio::spawn(heartbeat_tributaries(p2p.clone(), tributaries.clone()));
// Handle P2P messages
// TODO: We also have to broadcast blocks once they're added
tokio::spawn(handle_p2p(p2p, tributaries));
loop {
// Handle all messages from processors
@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
use core::fmt::Debug;
use std::{
sync::{Arc, RwLock},
use std::{sync::Arc, io::Read, collections::VecDeque};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use tokio::sync::RwLock;
pub use tributary::P2p as TributaryP2p;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
@ -94,6 +92,7 @@ pub trait P2p: Send + Sync + Clone + Debug + TributaryP2p {
// TODO: Move this to tests
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct LocalP2p(usize, Arc<RwLock<Vec<VecDeque<(usize, Vec<u8>)>>>>);
@ -114,11 +113,11 @@ impl P2p for LocalP2p {
type Id = usize;
async fn send_raw(&self, to: Self::Id, msg: Vec<u8>) {
self.1.write().unwrap()[to].push_back((self.0, msg));
self.1.write().await[to].push_back((self.0, msg));
async fn broadcast_raw(&self, msg: Vec<u8>) {
for (i, msg_queue) in self.1.write().unwrap().iter_mut().enumerate() {
for (i, msg_queue) in self.1.write().await.iter_mut().enumerate() {
if i == self.0 {
@ -129,7 +128,7 @@ impl P2p for LocalP2p {
async fn receive_raw(&self) -> (Self::Id, Vec<u8>) {
// This is a cursed way to implement an async read from a Vec
loop {
if let Some(res) = self.1.write().unwrap()[self.0].pop_front() {
if let Some(res) = self.1.write().await[self.0].pop_front() {
return res;
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
use std::{
sync::{Arc, RwLock},
use std::{sync::Arc, collections::VecDeque};
use tokio::sync::RwLock;
use processor_messages::{ProcessorMessage, CoordinatorMessage};
@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ impl MemProcessor {
impl Processor for MemProcessor {
async fn send(&mut self, msg: CoordinatorMessage) {
async fn recv(&mut self) -> Message {
@ -118,20 +118,20 @@ pub async fn wait_for_tx_inclusion(
hash: [u8; 32],
) -> [u8; 32] {
loop {
let tip = tributary.tip();
let tip = tributary.tip().await;
if tip == last_checked {
let mut queue = vec![tributary.block(&tip).unwrap()];
let mut queue = vec![tributary.block(&tip).await.unwrap()];
let mut block = None;
while {
let parent = queue.last().unwrap().parent();
if parent == tributary.genesis() {
} else {
block = Some(tributary.block(&parent).unwrap());
block = Some(tributary.block(&parent).await.unwrap());
block.as_ref().unwrap().hash() != last_checked
} {
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ async fn tributary_test() {
let tip = tributaries[0].1.tip();
let tip = tributaries[0].1.tip().await;
if tip != last_block {
last_block = tip;
blocks += 1;
@ -202,11 +202,18 @@ async fn tributary_test() {
// handle_message informed the Tendermint machine, yet it still has to process it
// Sleep for a second accordingly
// TODO: Is there a better way to handle this?
// All tributaries should agree on the tip
let mut final_block = None;
for (_, tributary) in tributaries {
final_block = final_block.or_else(|| Some(tributary.tip()));
if tributary.tip() != final_block.unwrap() {
if final_block.is_none() {
final_block = Some(tributary.tip().await);
if tributary.tip().await != final_block.unwrap() {
panic!("tributary had different tip");
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ async fn dkg_test() {
let block_before_tx = tributaries[0].1.tip();
let block_before_tx = tributaries[0].1.tip().await;
// Publish all commitments but one
for (i, tx) in txs.iter().enumerate().skip(1) {
@ -87,10 +87,10 @@ async fn dkg_test() {
// Instantiate a scanner and verify it has nothing to report
let (mut scanner_db, mut processor) = new_processor(&keys[0], &spec, &tributaries[0].1).await;
// Publish the last commitment
let block_before_tx = tributaries[0].1.tip();
let block_before_tx = tributaries[0].1.tip().await;
wait_for_tx_inclusion(&tributaries[0].1, block_before_tx, txs[0].hash()).await;
sleep(Duration::from_secs(Tributary::<MemDb, Transaction, LocalP2p>::block_time().into())).await;
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ async fn dkg_test() {
// Verify the scanner emits a KeyGen::Commitments message
handle_new_blocks(&mut scanner_db, &keys[0], &mut processor, &spec, &tributaries[0].1).await;
let mut msgs = processor.0.write().unwrap();
let mut msgs = processor.0.write().await;
assert_eq!(msgs.pop_front().unwrap(), expected_commitments);
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ async fn dkg_test() {
// Verify all keys exhibit this scanner behavior
for (i, key) in keys.iter().enumerate() {
let (_, processor) = new_processor(key, &spec, &tributaries[i].1).await;
let mut msgs = processor.0.write().unwrap();
let mut msgs = processor.0.write().await;
assert_eq!(msgs.pop_front().unwrap(), expected_commitments);
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ async fn dkg_test() {
let block_before_tx = tributaries[0].1.tip();
let block_before_tx = tributaries[0].1.tip().await;
for (i, tx) in txs.iter().enumerate().skip(1) {
@ -138,10 +138,10 @@ async fn dkg_test() {
// With just 4 sets of shares, nothing should happen yet
handle_new_blocks(&mut scanner_db, &keys[0], &mut processor, &spec, &tributaries[0].1).await;
// Publish the final set of shares
let block_before_tx = tributaries[0].1.tip();
let block_before_tx = tributaries[0].1.tip().await;
wait_for_tx_inclusion(&tributaries[0].1, block_before_tx, txs[0].hash()).await;
sleep(Duration::from_secs(Tributary::<MemDb, Transaction, LocalP2p>::block_time().into())).await;
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ async fn dkg_test() {
// Any scanner which has handled the prior blocks should only emit the new event
handle_new_blocks(&mut scanner_db, &keys[0], &mut processor, &spec, &tributaries[0].1).await;
let mut msgs = processor.0.write().unwrap();
let mut msgs = processor.0.write().await;
assert_eq!(msgs.pop_front().unwrap(), shares_for(0));
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ async fn dkg_test() {
// Yet new scanners should emit all events
for (i, key) in keys.iter().enumerate() {
let (_, processor) = new_processor(key, &spec, &tributaries[i].1).await;
let mut msgs = processor.0.write().unwrap();
let mut msgs = processor.0.write().await;
assert_eq!(msgs.pop_front().unwrap(), expected_commitments);
assert_eq!(msgs.pop_front().unwrap(), shares_for(i));
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ async fn tx_test() {
OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut commitments);
// Create the TX with a null signature so we can get its sig hash
let block_before_tx = tributaries[sender].1.tip();
let block_before_tx = tributaries[sender].1.tip().await;
let mut tx =
Transaction::DkgCommitments(attempt, commitments.clone(), Transaction::empty_signed());
tx.sign(&mut OsRng, spec.genesis(), &key, 0);
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ async fn tx_test() {
// All tributaries should have acknowledged this transaction in a block
for (_, tributary) in tributaries {
let block = tributary.block(&included_in).unwrap();
let block = tributary.block(&included_in).await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(block.transactions, vec![tx.clone()]);
@ -300,14 +300,14 @@ pub async fn handle_new_blocks<D: Db, Pro: Processor, P: P2p>(
let last_block = db.last_block(tributary.genesis());
// Check if there's been a new Tributary block
let latest = tributary.tip();
let latest = tributary.tip().await;
if latest == last_block {
let mut blocks = VecDeque::new();
// This is a new block, as per the prior if check
let mut block = None;
while {
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ pub async fn handle_new_blocks<D: Db, Pro: Processor, P: P2p>(
} else {
// Get this block
block = Some(tributary.block(&parent).unwrap());
block = Some(tributary.block(&parent).await.unwrap());
// If it's the last block we've scanned, it's the end. Else, push it
block.as_ref().unwrap().hash() != last_block
@ -34,8 +34,5 @@ tendermint = { package = "tendermint-machine", path = "./tendermint" }
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["macros", "sync", "time", "rt"] }
zeroize = "^1.5"
tests = []
@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
use core::fmt::Debug;
use std::{
sync::{Arc, RwLock},
use std::{sync::Arc, io};
use async_trait::async_trait;
@ -20,7 +17,7 @@ use ::tendermint::{
use serai_db::Db;
use tokio::sync::RwLock as AsyncRwLock;
use tokio::sync::RwLock;
mod merkle;
pub(crate) use merkle::*;
@ -90,7 +87,7 @@ pub struct Tributary<D: Db, T: Transaction, P: P2p> {
network: TendermintNetwork<D, T, P>,
synced_block: SyncedBlockSender<TendermintNetwork<D, T, P>>,
messages: Arc<AsyncRwLock<MessageSender<TendermintNetwork<D, T, P>>>>,
messages: Arc<RwLock<MessageSender<TendermintNetwork<D, T, P>>>>,
impl<D: Db, T: Transaction, P: P2p> Tributary<D, T, P> {
@ -124,7 +121,7 @@ impl<D: Db, T: Transaction, P: P2p> Tributary<D, T, P> {
TendermintMachine::new(network.clone(), block_number, start_time, proposal).await;
Some(Self { genesis, network, synced_block, messages: Arc::new(AsyncRwLock::new(messages)) })
Some(Self { genesis, network, synced_block, messages: Arc::new(RwLock::new(messages)) })
pub fn block_time() -> u32 {
@ -134,34 +131,37 @@ impl<D: Db, T: Transaction, P: P2p> Tributary<D, T, P> {
pub fn genesis(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
pub fn block_number(&self) -> u32 {
// TODO: block, time_of_block, and commit shouldn't require acquiring the read lock
// These values can be safely read directly from the database since they're static
pub async fn block_number(&self) -> u32 {
pub fn tip(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
pub async fn tip(&self) -> [u8; 32] {
pub fn block(&self, hash: &[u8; 32]) -> Option<Block<T>> {
pub async fn block(&self, hash: &[u8; 32]) -> Option<Block<T>> {
pub fn time_of_block(&self, hash: &[u8; 32]) -> Option<u64> {
pub async fn time_of_block(&self, hash: &[u8; 32]) -> Option<u64> {
.map(|commit| Commit::<Validators>::decode(&mut commit.as_ref()).unwrap().end_time)
pub fn commit(&self, hash: &[u8; 32]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
pub async fn commit(&self, hash: &[u8; 32]) -> Option<Vec<u8>> {
pub fn provide_transaction(&self, tx: T) -> Result<(), ProvidedError> {
pub async fn provide_transaction(&self, tx: T) -> Result<(), ProvidedError> {
pub fn next_nonce(&self, signer: <Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::G) -> Option<u32> {
pub async fn next_nonce(&self, signer: <Ristretto as Ciphersuite>::G) -> Option<u32> {
// Returns if the transaction was valid.
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ impl<D: Db, T: Transaction, P: P2p> Tributary<D, T, P> {
pub async fn add_transaction(&self, tx: T) -> bool {
let mut to_broadcast = vec![TRANSACTION_MESSAGE];
tx.write(&mut to_broadcast).unwrap();
let res = self.network.blockchain.write().unwrap().add_transaction(true, tx);
let res = self.network.blockchain.write().await.add_transaction(true, tx);
if res {
self.network.p2p.broadcast(self.genesis, to_broadcast).await;
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ impl<D: Db, T: Transaction, P: P2p> Tributary<D, T, P> {
// TODO: Since we have a static validator set, we should only need the tail commit?
pub async fn sync_block(&mut self, block: Block<T>, commit: Vec<u8>) -> bool {
let (tip, block_number) = {
let blockchain = self.network.blockchain.read().unwrap();
let blockchain = self.network.blockchain.read().await;
(blockchain.tip(), blockchain.block_number())
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ impl<D: Db, T: Transaction, P: P2p> Tributary<D, T, P> {
// TODO: Sync mempools with fellow peers
// Can we just rebroadcast transactions not included for at least two blocks?
let res = self.network.blockchain.write().unwrap().add_transaction(false, tx);
let res = self.network.blockchain.write().await.add_transaction(false, tx);
log::debug!("received transaction message. valid new transaction: {res}");
@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
use core::ops::Deref;
use std::{
sync::{Arc, RwLock},
use std::{sync::Arc, collections::HashMap};
use async_trait::async_trait;
@ -34,7 +31,10 @@ use tendermint::{
use tokio::time::{Duration, sleep};
use tokio::{
time::{Duration, sleep},
use crate::{
TENDERMINT_MESSAGE, ReadWrite, Transaction, BlockHeader, Block, BlockError, Blockchain, P2p,
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ impl<D: Db, T: Transaction, P: P2p> Network for TendermintNetwork<D, T, P> {
async fn validate(&mut self, block: &Self::Block) -> Result<(), TendermintBlockError> {
let block =
Block::read::<&[u8]>(&mut block.0.as_ref()).map_err(|_| TendermintBlockError::Fatal)?;
self.blockchain.read().unwrap().verify_block(&block).map_err(|e| match e {
self.blockchain.read().await.verify_block(&block).map_err(|e| match e {
BlockError::NonLocalProvided(_) => TendermintBlockError::Temporal,
_ => TendermintBlockError::Fatal,
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ impl<D: Db, T: Transaction, P: P2p> Network for TendermintNetwork<D, T, P> {
loop {
let block_res = self.blockchain.write().unwrap().add_block(&block, commit.encode());
let block_res = self.blockchain.write().await.add_block(&block, commit.encode());
match block_res {
Ok(()) => break,
Err(BlockError::NonLocalProvided(hash)) => {
@ -316,6 +316,6 @@ impl<D: Db, T: Transaction, P: P2p> Network for TendermintNetwork<D, T, P> {
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