diff --git a/coordinator/src/tests/tributary/dkg.rs b/coordinator/src/tests/tributary/dkg.rs
index a618d1de..66d1e8d1 100644
--- a/coordinator/src/tests/tributary/dkg.rs
+++ b/coordinator/src/tests/tributary/dkg.rs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 use core::time::Duration;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
 use zeroize::Zeroizing;
 use rand_core::{RngCore, OsRng};
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ use crate::{
-async fn dkg_commitments_test() {
+async fn dkg_test() {
   let keys = new_keys(&mut OsRng);
   let spec = new_spec(&mut OsRng, &keys);
@@ -41,8 +42,7 @@ async fn dkg_commitments_test() {
     let mut commitments = vec![0; 256];
     OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut commitments);
-    let mut tx =
-      Transaction::DkgCommitments(attempt, commitments.clone(), Transaction::empty_signed());
+    let mut tx = Transaction::DkgCommitments(attempt, commitments, Transaction::empty_signed());
     tx.sign(&mut OsRng, spec.genesis(), key, 0);
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ async fn dkg_commitments_test() {
     wait_for_tx_inclusion(&tributaries[0].1, block_before_tx, tx.hash()).await;
-  let expected_msg = CoordinatorMessage::KeyGen(key_gen::CoordinatorMessage::Commitments {
+  let expected_commitments = CoordinatorMessage::KeyGen(key_gen::CoordinatorMessage::Commitments {
     id: KeyGenId { set: spec.set(), attempt: 0 },
     commitments: txs
@@ -87,32 +87,29 @@ async fn dkg_commitments_test() {
     (scanner_db, processor, last_block)
+  // Instantiate a scanner and verify it has nothing to report
+  let (mut scanner_db, mut processor, mut last_block) =
+    new_processor(&keys[0], &spec, &tributaries[0].1).await;
+  assert!(processor.0.read().unwrap().is_empty());
+  // Publish the last commitment
+  assert!(tributaries[0].1.add_transaction(txs[0].clone()).await);
+  wait_for_tx_inclusion(&tributaries[0].1, last_block, txs[0].hash()).await;
+  sleep(Duration::from_secs(Tributary::<MemDb, Transaction, LocalP2p>::block_time().into())).await;
+  // Verify the scanner emits a KeyGen::Commitments message
+  handle_new_blocks(
+    &mut scanner_db,
+    &keys[0],
+    &mut processor,
+    &spec,
+    &tributaries[0].1,
+    &mut last_block,
+  )
+  .await;
-    // Instantiate a scanner and verify it has nothing to report
-    let (mut scanner_db, mut processor, mut last_block) =
-      new_processor(&keys[0], &spec, &tributaries[0].1).await;
-    assert!(processor.0.read().unwrap().is_empty());
-    // Publish the last commitment
-    assert!(tributaries[0].1.add_transaction(txs[0].clone()).await);
-    wait_for_tx_inclusion(&tributaries[0].1, last_block, txs[0].hash()).await;
-    sleep(Duration::from_secs(
-      (2 * Tributary::<MemDb, Transaction, LocalP2p>::block_time()).into(),
-    ))
-    .await;
-    // Verify the scanner emits a KeyGen::Commitments message
-    handle_new_blocks(
-      &mut scanner_db,
-      &keys[0],
-      &mut processor,
-      &spec,
-      &tributaries[0].1,
-      &mut last_block,
-    )
-    .await;
     let mut msgs = processor.0.write().unwrap();
-    assert_eq!(msgs.pop_front().unwrap(), expected_msg);
+    assert_eq!(msgs.pop_front().unwrap(), expected_commitments);
@@ -120,7 +117,95 @@ async fn dkg_commitments_test() {
   for (i, key) in keys.iter().enumerate() {
     let (_, processor, _) = new_processor(key, &spec, &tributaries[i].1).await;
     let mut msgs = processor.0.write().unwrap();
-    assert_eq!(msgs.pop_front().unwrap(), expected_msg);
+    assert_eq!(msgs.pop_front().unwrap(), expected_commitments);
+    assert!(msgs.is_empty());
+  }
+  // Now do shares
+  let mut txs = vec![];
+  for key in &keys {
+    let attempt = 0;
+    let mut shares = HashMap::new();
+    for i in 0 .. keys.len() {
+      let mut share = vec![0; 256];
+      OsRng.fill_bytes(&mut share);
+      shares.insert(Participant::new((i + 1).try_into().unwrap()).unwrap(), share);
+    }
+    let mut tx = Transaction::DkgShares(attempt, shares, Transaction::empty_signed());
+    tx.sign(&mut OsRng, spec.genesis(), key, 1);
+    txs.push(tx);
+  }
+  let block_before_tx = tributaries[0].1.tip();
+  for (i, tx) in txs.iter().enumerate().skip(1) {
+    assert!(tributaries[i].1.add_transaction(tx.clone()).await);
+  }
+  for tx in txs.iter().skip(1) {
+    wait_for_tx_inclusion(&tributaries[0].1, block_before_tx, tx.hash()).await;
+  }
+  // With just 4 sets of shares, nothing should happen yet
+  handle_new_blocks(
+    &mut scanner_db,
+    &keys[0],
+    &mut processor,
+    &spec,
+    &tributaries[0].1,
+    &mut last_block,
+  )
+  .await;
+  assert!(processor.0.write().unwrap().is_empty());
+  // Publish the final set of shares
+  assert!(tributaries[0].1.add_transaction(txs[0].clone()).await);
+  wait_for_tx_inclusion(&tributaries[0].1, last_block, txs[0].hash()).await;
+  sleep(Duration::from_secs(Tributary::<MemDb, Transaction, LocalP2p>::block_time().into())).await;
+  // Each scanner should emit a distinct shares message
+  let shares_for = |i: usize| {
+    CoordinatorMessage::KeyGen(key_gen::CoordinatorMessage::Shares {
+      id: KeyGenId { set: spec.set(), attempt: 0 },
+      shares: txs
+        .iter()
+        .enumerate()
+        .map(|(l, tx)| {
+          if let Transaction::DkgShares(_, shares, _) = tx {
+            (
+              Participant::new((l + 1).try_into().unwrap()).unwrap(),
+              shares[&Participant::new((i + 1).try_into().unwrap()).unwrap()].clone(),
+            )
+          } else {
+            panic!("txs had non-shares");
+          }
+        })
+        .collect::<HashMap<_, _>>(),
+    })
+  };
+  // Any scanner which has handled the prior blocks should only emit the new event
+  handle_new_blocks(
+    &mut scanner_db,
+    &keys[0],
+    &mut processor,
+    &spec,
+    &tributaries[0].1,
+    &mut last_block,
+  )
+  .await;
+  {
+    let mut msgs = processor.0.write().unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(msgs.pop_front().unwrap(), shares_for(0));
+    assert!(msgs.is_empty());
+  }
+  // Yet new scanners should emit all events
+  for (i, key) in keys.iter().enumerate() {
+    let (_, processor, _) = new_processor(key, &spec, &tributaries[i].1).await;
+    let mut msgs = processor.0.write().unwrap();
+    assert_eq!(msgs.pop_front().unwrap(), expected_commitments);
+    assert_eq!(msgs.pop_front().unwrap(), shares_for(i));