mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 09:26:51 +00:00
Provide a dedicated signature in Precommit of just the block hash
Greatly simplifies verifying when syncing.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 93 additions and 35 deletions
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@ impl<V: Send + Sync + Clone + Copy + PartialEq + Eq + Hash + Debug + Encode + De
pub trait Signature: Send + Sync + Clone + PartialEq + Debug + Encode + Decode {}
impl<S: Send + Sync + Clone + PartialEq + Debug + Encode + Decode> Signature for S {}
// Type aliases which are distinct according to the type system
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, Encode, Decode)]
pub struct BlockNumber(pub u32);
@ -22,14 +25,12 @@ pub struct Round(pub u16);
pub trait SignatureScheme: Send + Sync {
type ValidatorId: ValidatorId;
type Signature: Send + Sync + Clone + Copy + PartialEq + Debug + Encode + Decode;
type AggregateSignature: Send + Sync + Clone + PartialEq + Debug + Encode + Decode;
type Signature: Signature;
type AggregateSignature: Signature;
fn sign(&self, msg: &[u8]) -> Self::Signature;
fn verify(&self, validator: Self::ValidatorId, msg: &[u8], sig: Self::Signature) -> bool;
// Intended to be a BLS signature, a Schnorr signature half-aggregation, or a Vec<Signature>.
fn aggregate(signatures: &[Self::Signature]) -> Self::AggregateSignature;
pub trait Weights: Send + Sync {
@ -89,5 +90,9 @@ pub trait Network: Send + Sync {
fn validate(&mut self, block: &Self::Block) -> Result<(), BlockError>;
// Add a block and return the proposal for the next one
fn add_block(&mut self, block: Self::Block) -> Self::Block;
fn add_block(
&mut self,
block: Self::Block,
sigs: Vec<(Self::ValidatorId, <Self::SignatureScheme as SignatureScheme>::Signature)>,
) -> Self::Block;
@ -29,14 +29,26 @@ enum Step {
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Encode, Decode)]
enum Data<B: Block> {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Encode, Decode)]
enum Data<B: Block, S: Signature> {
Proposal(Option<Round>, B),
Precommit(Option<(B::Id, S)>),
impl<B: Block> Data<B> {
impl<B: Block, S: Signature> PartialEq for Data<B, S> {
fn eq(&self, other: &Data<B, S>) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(Data::Proposal(r, b), Data::Proposal(r2, b2)) => (r == r2) && (b == b2),
(Data::Prevote(i), Data::Prevote(i2)) => i == i2,
(Data::Precommit(None), Data::Precommit(None)) => true,
(Data::Precommit(Some((i, _))), Data::Precommit(Some((i2, _)))) => i == i2,
_ => false,
impl<B: Block, S: Signature> Data<B, S> {
fn step(&self) -> Step {
match self {
Data::Proposal(..) => Step::Propose,
@ -47,18 +59,18 @@ impl<B: Block> Data<B> {
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Encode, Decode)]
pub struct Message<V: ValidatorId, B: Block> {
pub struct Message<V: ValidatorId, B: Block, S: Signature> {
sender: V,
number: BlockNumber,
round: Round,
data: Data<B>,
data: Data<B, S>,
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug, Encode, Decode)]
pub struct SignedMessage<V: ValidatorId, B: Block, S: Clone + PartialEq + Debug + Encode + Decode> {
msg: Message<V, B>,
pub struct SignedMessage<V: ValidatorId, B: Block, S: Signature> {
msg: Message<V, B, S>,
sig: S,
@ -112,7 +124,10 @@ impl<N: Network + 'static> TendermintMachine<N> {
async fn broadcast(&mut self, data: Data<N::Block>) -> Option<N::Block> {
async fn broadcast(
&mut self,
data: Data<N::Block, <N::SignatureScheme as SignatureScheme>::Signature>,
) -> Option<N::Block> {
let step = data.step();
let msg = Message { sender: self.proposer, number: self.number, round: self.round, data };
let res = self.message(msg.clone()).await.unwrap();
@ -238,7 +253,15 @@ impl<N: Network + 'static> TendermintMachine<N> {
match machine.message(msg.msg).await {
Ok(None) => (),
Ok(Some(block)) => {
let proposal = machine.network.write().await.add_block(block);
let sigs = machine
.filter_map(|(k, (id, sig))| {
Some((*k, sig.clone())).filter(|_| id == &block.id())
let proposal = machine.network.write().await.add_block(block, sigs);
Err(TendermintError::Malicious(validator)) => {
@ -265,8 +288,9 @@ impl<N: Network + 'static> TendermintMachine<N> {
debug_assert!(matches!(proposal, Data::Proposal(..)));
if let Data::Proposal(_, block) = proposal {
// Check if it has gotten a sufficient amount of precommits
let (participants, weight) =
self.log.message_instances(round, Data::Precommit(Some(block.id())));
let (participants, weight) = self
.message_instances(round, Data::Precommit(Some((block.id(), self.signer.sign(&[])))));
let threshold = self.weights.threshold();
if weight >= threshold {
@ -286,8 +310,14 @@ impl<N: Network + 'static> TendermintMachine<N> {
async fn message(
&mut self,
msg: Message<N::ValidatorId, N::Block>,
msg: Message<N::ValidatorId, N::Block, <N::SignatureScheme as SignatureScheme>::Signature>,
) -> Result<Option<N::Block>, TendermintError<N::ValidatorId>> {
if let Data::Precommit(Some((id, sig))) = &msg.data {
if !self.signer.verify(msg.sender, &id.encode(), sig.clone()) {
if msg.number != self.number {
@ -390,7 +420,14 @@ impl<N: Network + 'static> TendermintMachine<N> {
self.valid = Some((self.round, block.clone()));
if self.step == Step::Prevote {
self.locked = self.valid.clone();
return Ok(self.broadcast(Data::Precommit(Some(block.id()))).await);
return Ok(
@ -4,8 +4,17 @@ use crate::{ext::*, Round, Step, Data, Message, TendermintError};
pub(crate) struct MessageLog<N: Network> {
weights: Arc<N::Weights>,
precommitted: HashMap<N::ValidatorId, <N::Block as Block>::Id>,
log: HashMap<Round, HashMap<N::ValidatorId, HashMap<Step, Data<N::Block>>>>,
pub(crate) precommitted: HashMap<
(<N::Block as Block>::Id, <N::SignatureScheme as SignatureScheme>::Signature),
log: HashMap<
HashMap<Step, Data<N::Block, <N::SignatureScheme as SignatureScheme>::Signature>>,
impl<N: Network> MessageLog<N> {
@ -16,7 +25,7 @@ impl<N: Network> MessageLog<N> {
// Returns true if it's a new message
pub(crate) fn log(
&mut self,
msg: Message<N::ValidatorId, N::Block>,
msg: Message<N::ValidatorId, N::Block, <N::SignatureScheme as SignatureScheme>::Signature>,
) -> Result<bool, TendermintError<N::ValidatorId>> {
let round = self.log.entry(msg.round).or_insert_with(HashMap::new);
let msgs = round.entry(msg.sender).or_insert_with(HashMap::new);
@ -31,13 +40,13 @@ impl<N: Network> MessageLog<N> {
// If they already precommitted to a distinct hash, error
if let Data::Precommit(Some(hash)) = msg.data {
if let Some(prev) = self.precommitted.get(&msg.sender) {
if hash != *prev {
if let Data::Precommit(Some((hash, sig))) = &msg.data {
if let Some((prev, _)) = self.precommitted.get(&msg.sender) {
if hash != prev {
self.precommitted.insert(msg.sender, hash);
self.precommitted.insert(msg.sender, (*hash, sig.clone()));
msgs.insert(step, msg.data);
@ -46,7 +55,11 @@ impl<N: Network> MessageLog<N> {
// For a given round, return the participating weight for this step, and the weight agreeing with
// the data.
pub(crate) fn message_instances(&self, round: Round, data: Data<N::Block>) -> (u64, u64) {
pub(crate) fn message_instances(
round: Round,
data: Data<N::Block, <N::SignatureScheme as SignatureScheme>::Signature>,
) -> (u64, u64) {
let mut participating = 0;
let mut weight = 0;
for (participant, msgs) in &self.log[&round] {
@ -73,7 +86,11 @@ impl<N: Network> MessageLog<N> {
// Check if consensus has been reached on a specific piece of data
pub(crate) fn has_consensus(&self, round: Round, data: Data<N::Block>) -> bool {
pub(crate) fn has_consensus(
round: Round,
data: Data<N::Block, <N::SignatureScheme as SignatureScheme>::Signature>,
) -> bool {
let (_, weight) = self.message_instances(round, data);
weight >= self.weights.threshold()
@ -83,7 +100,7 @@ impl<N: Network> MessageLog<N> {
round: Round,
sender: N::ValidatorId,
step: Step,
) -> Option<&Data<N::Block>> {
) -> Option<&Data<N::Block, <N::SignatureScheme as SignatureScheme>::Signature>> {
self.log.get(&round).and_then(|round| round.get(&sender).and_then(|msgs| msgs.get(&step)))
@ -18,17 +18,13 @@ impl SignatureScheme for TestSignatureScheme {
fn sign(&self, msg: &[u8]) -> [u8; 32] {
let mut sig = [0; 32];
sig[.. 2].copy_from_slice(&self.0.to_le_bytes());
sig[2 .. (2 + 30.min(msg.len()))].copy_from_slice(msg);
sig[2 .. (2 + 30.min(msg.len()))].copy_from_slice(&msg[.. 30.min(msg.len())]);
fn verify(&self, validator: u16, msg: &[u8], sig: [u8; 32]) -> bool {
(sig[.. 2] == validator.to_le_bytes()) && (&sig[2 ..] == &[msg, &[0; 30]].concat()[.. 30])
fn aggregate(sigs: &[[u8; 32]]) -> Vec<[u8; 32]> {
struct TestWeights;
@ -95,9 +91,12 @@ impl Network for TestNetwork {
fn add_block(&mut self, block: TestBlock) -> TestBlock {
fn add_block(&mut self, block: TestBlock, sigs: Vec<(u16, [u8; 32])>) -> TestBlock {
dbg!("Adding ", &block);
for sig in sigs {
assert!(TestSignatureScheme(u16::MAX).verify(sig.0, &block.id().encode(), sig.1));
TestBlock { id: block.id + 1, valid: Ok(()) }
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