Successfully compiling

This commit is contained in:
Luke Parker 2022-10-16 07:30:11 -04:00
parent f79321233d
commit 77ba1c00e2
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: F9F1386DB1E119B6
6 changed files with 311 additions and 172 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View file

@ -256,6 +256,17 @@ dependencies = [
name = "async-recursion"
version = "1.0.0"
source = "registry+"
checksum = "2cda8f4bcc10624c4e85bc66b3f452cca98cfa5ca002dc83a16aad2367641bea"
dependencies = [
name = "async-std"
version = "1.12.0"
@ -8857,6 +8868,8 @@ dependencies = [
name = "tendermint-machine"
version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [

View file

@ -8,4 +8,6 @@ authors = ["Luke Parker <>"]
edition = "2021"
tokio = "1"
async-recursion = "1.0"
async-trait = "0.1"
tokio = { version = "1", features = ["macros", "rt", "sync"] }

View file

@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
use core::{hash::Hash, fmt::Debug};
use std::sync::Arc;
pub trait ValidatorId: Clone + Copy + PartialEq + Eq + Hash + Debug {}
impl<V: Clone + Copy + PartialEq + Eq + Hash + Debug> ValidatorId for V {}
use crate::Message;
pub trait ValidatorId: Send + Sync + Clone + Copy + PartialEq + Eq + Hash + Debug {}
impl<V: Send + Sync + Clone + Copy + PartialEq + Eq + Hash + Debug> ValidatorId for V {}
// Type aliases which are distinct according to the type system
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
@ -17,23 +20,42 @@ pub enum BlockError {
pub trait Block: Clone + PartialEq {
type Id: Copy + Clone + PartialEq;
pub trait Block: Send + Sync + Clone + PartialEq + Debug {
type Id: Send + Sync + Copy + Clone + PartialEq + Debug;
fn id(&self) -> Self::Id;
pub trait Network {
pub trait Weights: Send + Sync {
type ValidatorId: ValidatorId;
type Block: Block;
fn total_weight(&self) -> u64;
fn weight(&self, validator: Self::ValidatorId) -> u64;
fn threshold(&self) -> u64 {
((self.total_weight() * 2) / 3) + 1
fn fault_thresold(&self) -> u64 {
(self.total_weight() - self.threshold()) + 1
/// Weighted round robin function.
fn proposer(&self, number: BlockNumber, round: Round) -> Self::ValidatorId;
fn validate(&mut self, block: Self::Block) -> Result<(), BlockError>;
pub trait Network: Send + Sync {
type ValidatorId: ValidatorId;
type Weights: Weights<ValidatorId = Self::ValidatorId>;
type Block: Block;
fn weights(&self) -> Arc<Self::Weights>;
async fn broadcast(&mut self, msg: Message<Self::ValidatorId, Self::Block>);
// TODO: Should this take a verifiable reason?
async fn slash(&mut self, validator: Self::ValidatorId);
fn validate(&mut self, block: &Self::Block) -> Result<(), BlockError>;
// Add a block and return the proposal for the next one
fn add_block(&mut self, block: Self::Block) -> Self::Block;

View file

@ -1,7 +1,18 @@
use std::{sync::Arc, time::Instant, collections::HashMap};
use tokio::{
task::{JoinHandle, yield_now},
mpsc::{self, error::TryRecvError},
pub mod ext;
use ext::*;
mod message_log;
use message_log::MessageLog;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug)]
enum Step {
@ -10,9 +21,9 @@ enum Step {
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum Data<B: Block> {
Proposal(Option<u32>, B),
Proposal(Option<Round>, B),
@ -27,8 +38,8 @@ impl<B: Block> Data<B> {
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
struct Message<V: ValidatorId, B: Block> {
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
pub struct Message<V: ValidatorId, B: Block> {
sender: V,
number: BlockNumber,
@ -38,158 +49,155 @@ struct Message<V: ValidatorId, B: Block> {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
enum TendermintError<V: ValidatorId> {
pub enum TendermintError<V: ValidatorId> {
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub struct TendermintMachine<N: Network> {
network: Arc<RwLock<N>>,
weights: Arc<N::Weights>,
proposer: N::ValidatorId,
use tokio::{
task::{JoinHandle, spawn},
number: BlockNumber,
personal_proposal: N::Block,
struct TendermintMachine {
proposer: ValidatorId,
personal_proposal: Option<Block>,
number: u32,
log_map: HashMap<u32, HashMap<ValidatorId, HashMap<Step, Data>>>,
precommitted: HashMap<ValidatorId, Hash>,
round: u32,
log: MessageLog<N>,
round: Round,
step: Step,
locked: Option<(u32, Block)>,
valid: Option<(u32, Block)>,
timeouts: Arc<RwLock<HashMap<Step, Instant>>>, // TODO: Remove Arc RwLock
locked: Option<(Round, N::Block)>,
valid: Option<(Round, N::Block)>,
timeouts: HashMap<Step, Instant>,
struct TendermintHandle {
block: Arc<RwLock<Option<Block>>>,
messages: mpsc::Sender<Message>,
broadcast: mpsc::Receiver<Message>,
handle: JoinHandle<()>,
pub struct TendermintHandle<N: Network> {
// Messages received
pub messages: mpsc::Sender<Message<N::ValidatorId, N::Block>>,
// Async task executing the machine
pub handle: JoinHandle<()>,
impl TendermintMachine {
fn broadcast(&self, data: Data) -> Option<Block> {
impl<N: Network + 'static> TendermintMachine<N> {
fn timeout(&self, step: Step) -> Instant {
async fn broadcast(&mut self, data: Data<N::Block>) -> Option<N::Block> {
let msg = Message { sender: self.proposer, number: self.number, round: self.round, data };
let res = self.message(msg).unwrap();
let res = self.message(msg.clone()).await.unwrap();;
// 14-21
fn round_propose(&mut self) {
// This will happen if it's a new block and propose hasn't been called yet
if self.personal_proposal.is_none() {
// Ensure it's actually a new block. Else, the caller failed to provide necessary data yet
// is still executing the machine
debug_assert_eq!(self.round, 0);
if proposer(self.number, self.round) == self.proposer {
let (round, block) = if let Some((round, block)) = self.valid {
(Some(round), block)
async fn round_propose(&mut self) {
if self.weights.proposer(self.number, self.round) == self.proposer {
let (round, block) = if let Some((round, block)) = &self.valid {
(Some(*round), block.clone())
} else {
(None, self.personal_proposal.unwrap())
(None, self.personal_proposal.clone())
debug_assert!(self.broadcast(Data::Proposal(round, block)).is_none());
debug_assert!(self.broadcast(Data::Proposal(round, block)).await.is_none());
} else {
self.timeouts.write().unwrap().insert(Step::Propose, self.timeout(Step::Propose));
self.timeouts.insert(Step::Propose, self.timeout(Step::Propose));
// 11-13
fn round(&mut self, round: u32) {
async fn round(&mut self, round: Round) {
self.round = round;
self.step = Step::Propose;
/// Called whenever a new block occurs
fn propose(&mut self, block: Block) {
self.personal_proposal = Some(block);
// 1-9
fn reset(&mut self) {
self.personal_proposal = None;
async fn reset(&mut self, proposal: N::Block) {
self.number.0 += 1;
self.personal_proposal = proposal;
self.number += 1;
self.log_map = HashMap::new();
self.precommitted = HashMap::new();
self.log = MessageLog::new(;
self.locked = None;
self.valid = None;
self.timeouts = HashMap::new();
// 10
pub fn new(proposer: ValidatorId, number: u32) -> TendermintHandle {
let block = Arc::new(RwLock::new(None));
pub fn new(
network: N,
proposer: N::ValidatorId,
number: BlockNumber,
proposal: N::Block,
) -> TendermintHandle<N> {
let (msg_send, mut msg_recv) = mpsc::channel(100); // Backlog to accept. Currently arbitrary
let (broadcast_send, broadcast_recv) = mpsc::channel(5);
TendermintHandle {
block: block.clone(),
messages: msg_send,
broadcast: broadcast_recv,
handle: tokio::spawn(async {
let machine = TendermintMachine {
handle: tokio::spawn(async move {
let weights = network.weights();
let network = Arc::new(RwLock::new(network));
let mut machine = TendermintMachine {
weights: weights.clone(),
personal_proposal: None,
personal_proposal: proposal,
log_map: HashMap::new(),
precommitted: HashMap::new(),
log: MessageLog::new(weights),
round: Round(0),
step: Step::Propose,
locked: None,
valid: None,
round: 0,
step: Step::Propose,
timeouts: HashMap::new(),
loop {
if self.personal_proposal.is_none() {
let block = block.lock().unwrap();
if block.is_some() {
self.personal_proposal = Some(block.take());
} else {
// Check if any timeouts have been triggered
let now = Instant::now();
let (t1, t2, t3) = {
let timeouts =;
let ready = |step| timeouts.get(step).unwrap_or(now) < now;
let ready = |step| machine.timeouts.get(&step).unwrap_or(&now) < &now;
(ready(Step::Propose), ready(Step::Prevote), ready(Step::Precommit))
if t1 { // Propose timeout
if t2 { // Prevote timeout
if t3 { // Precommit timeout
// Propose timeout
if t1 {
match recv.try_recv() {
Ok(msg) => machine.message(msg),
Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => tokio::yield_now().await,
// Prevote timeout
if t2 {
// Precommit timeout
if t3 {
// If there's a message, handle it
match msg_recv.try_recv() {
Ok(msg) => match machine.message(msg).await {
Ok(None) => (),
Ok(Some(block)) => {
let proposal =;
Err(TendermintError::Malicious(validator)) => {
Err(TendermintError::Temporal) => (),
Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => yield_now().await,
Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => break,
@ -198,32 +206,27 @@ impl TendermintMachine {
// 49-54
fn check_committed(&mut self, round_num: u32) -> Option<Block> {
let proposer = proposer(self.number, round_num);
// Safe as we only check for rounds which we received a message for
let round = self.log_map[&round_num];
fn check_committed(&mut self, round: Round) -> Option<N::Block> {
let proposer = self.weights.proposer(self.number, round);
// Get the proposal
if let Some(proposal) = round.get(&proposer).map(|p| p.get(&Step::Propose)).flatten() {
if let Some(proposal) = self.log.get(round, proposer, Step::Propose) {
// Destructure
debug_assert!(matches!(proposal, Data::Proposal(..)));
if let Data::Proposal(_, block) = proposal {
// Check if it has gotten a sufficient amount of precommits
let (participants, weight) =
self.message_instances(round_num, Data::Precommit(Some(block.hash)));
self.log.message_instances(round, Data::Precommit(Some(;
let threshold = ((VALIDATORS / 3) * 2) + 1;
if weight >= threshold.into() {
return Some(*block);
let threshold = self.weights.threshold();
if weight >= threshold {
return Some(block.clone());
// 47-48
if participants >= threshold.into() {
let map = self.timeouts.write().unwrap();
if !map.contains_key(Step::Precommit) {
map.insert(Step::Precommit, self.timeout(Step::Precommit));
if participants >= threshold {
let timeout = self.timeout(Step::Precommit);
@ -231,16 +234,21 @@ impl TendermintMachine {
fn message(&mut self, msg: Message) -> Result<Option<Block>, TendermintError> {
async fn message(
&mut self,
msg: Message<N::ValidatorId, N::Block>,
) -> Result<Option<N::Block>, TendermintError<N::ValidatorId>> {
if msg.number != self.number {
if matches!(, Data::Proposal(..)) && (msg.sender != proposer(msg.height, msg.round)) {
if matches!(, Data::Proposal(..)) &&
(msg.sender != self.weights.proposer(msg.number, msg.round))
if !self.log(msg)? {
if !self.log.log(msg.clone())? {
return Ok(None);
@ -254,36 +262,38 @@ impl TendermintMachine {
// Else, check if we need to jump ahead
let round = self.log_map[&self.round];
if msg.round < self.round {
if msg.round.0 < self.round.0 {
return Ok(None);
} else if msg.round > self.round {
} else if msg.round.0 > self.round.0 {
// 55-56
// TODO: Move to weight
if round.len() > ((VALIDATORS / 3) + 1).into() {
if self.log.round_participation(self.round) > self.weights.fault_thresold() {
} else {
return Ok(None);
let proposal = self
.get(self.round, self.weights.proposer(self.number, self.round), Step::Propose)
if self.step == Step::Propose {
if let Some(proposal) =
round.get(&proposer(self.number, self.round)).map(|p| p.get(&Step::Propose)).flatten()
if let Some(proposal) = &proposal {
debug_assert!(matches!(proposal, Data::Proposal(..)));
if let Data::Proposal(vr, block) = proposal {
if let Some(vr) = vr {
// 28-33
let vr = *vr;
if (vr < self.round) && self.has_consensus(vr, Data::Prevote(Some(block.hash))) {
if (vr.0 < self.round.0) && self.log.has_consensus(*vr, Data::Prevote(Some(
.broadcast(Data::Prevote(Some(block.hash).filter(|_| {
.broadcast(Data::Prevote(Some(|_| {
.map(|(round, value)| (round <= vr) || (block == &value))
.map(|(round, value)| (round.0 <= vr.0) || ( ==
self.step = Step::Prevote;
} else {
@ -291,11 +301,16 @@ impl TendermintMachine {
} else {
// 22-27
valid(&block).map_err(|_| TendermintError::Malicious(msg.sender))?;
.map_err(|_| TendermintError::Malicious(msg.sender))?;
|_| self.locked.is_none() |||locked| &locked.1) == Some(block)
.broadcast(Data::Prevote(Some(|_| self.locked.is_none() ||
self.locked.as_ref().map(|locked| == Some(
self.step = Step::Prevote;
@ -304,23 +319,36 @@ impl TendermintMachine {
if self.step == Step::Prevote {
let (participation, weight) = self.message_instances(self.round, Data::Prevote(None));
let (participation, weight) = self.log.message_instances(self.round, Data::Prevote(None));
// 34-35
if participation > (((VALIDATORS / 3) * 2) + 1).into() {
let map = self.timeouts.write().unwrap();
if !map.contains_key(Step::Prevote) {
map.insert(Step::Prevote, self.timeout(Step::Prevote))
if participation > self.weights.threshold() {
let timeout = self.timeout(Step::Prevote);
// 44-46
if (weight > (((VALIDATORS / 3) * 2) + 1).into()) && first {
if weight > self.weights.threshold() {
self.step = Step::Precommit;
if (self.valid.is_none()) && ((self.step == Step::Prevote) || (self.step == Step::Precommit)) {
if let Some(proposal) = proposal {
debug_assert!(matches!(proposal, Data::Proposal(..)));
if let Data::Proposal(_, block) = proposal {
if self.log.has_consensus(self.round, Data::Prevote(Some( {
self.valid = Some((self.round, block.clone()));
if self.step == Step::Prevote {
self.locked = self.valid.clone();
self.step = Step::Precommit;
return Ok(self.broadcast(Data::Precommit(Some(;

View file

@ -3,14 +3,14 @@ use std::{sync::Arc, collections::HashMap};
use crate::{ext::*, Round, Step, Data, Message, TendermintError};
pub(crate) struct MessageLog<N: Network> {
network: Arc<N>,
weights: Arc<N::Weights>,
precommitted: HashMap<N::ValidatorId, <N::Block as Block>::Id>,
log: HashMap<Round, HashMap<N::ValidatorId, HashMap<Step, Data<N::Block>>>>,
impl<N: Network> MessageLog<N> {
pub(crate) fn new(network: Arc<N>) -> MessageLog<N> {
MessageLog { network, precommitted: HashMap::new(), log: HashMap::new() }
pub(crate) fn new(weights: Arc<N::Weights>) -> MessageLog<N> {
MessageLog { weights, precommitted: HashMap::new(), log: HashMap::new() }
// Returns true if it's a new message
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ impl<N: Network> MessageLog<N> {
let mut weight = 0;
for (participant, msgs) in &self.log[&round] {
if let Some(msg) = msgs.get(&data.step()) {
let validator_weight =*participant);
let validator_weight = self.weights.weight(*participant);
participating += validator_weight;
if &data == msg {
weight += validator_weight;
@ -61,6 +61,17 @@ impl<N: Network> MessageLog<N> {
(participating, weight)
// Get the participation in a given round
pub(crate) fn round_participation(&self, round: Round) -> u64 {
let mut weight = 0;
if let Some(round) = self.log.get(&round) {
for participant in round.keys() {
weight += self.weights.weight(*participant);
// Get the participation in a given round for a given step.
pub(crate) fn participation(&self, round: Round, step: Step) -> u64 {
let (participating, _) = self.message_instances(
@ -76,13 +87,13 @@ impl<N: Network> MessageLog<N> {
// Check if there's been a BFT level of participation
pub(crate) fn has_participation(&self, round: Round, step: Step) -> bool {
self.participation(round, step) >=
self.participation(round, step) >= self.weights.threshold()
// Check if consensus has been reached on a specific piece of data
pub(crate) fn has_consensus(&self, round: Round, data: Data<N::Block>) -> bool {
let (_, weight) = self.message_instances(round, data);
weight >=
weight >= self.weights.threshold()
pub(crate) fn get(

View file

@ -1,36 +1,99 @@
use tendermint_machine::ext::*;
use std::sync::Arc;
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq)]
use tokio::sync::{RwLock, mpsc};
use tendermint_machine::{ext::*, Message, TendermintMachine, TendermintHandle};
type TestValidatorId = u16;
type TestBlockId = u32;
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct TestBlock {
id: u32,
id: TestBlockId,
valid: Result<(), BlockError>,
impl Block for TestBlock {
type Id = u32;
type Id = TestBlockId;
fn id(&self) -> u32 {
fn id(&self) -> TestBlockId {
struct TestNetwork;
impl Network for TestNetwork {
type ValidatorId = u16;
type Block = TestBlock;
struct TestWeights;
impl Weights for TestWeights {
type ValidatorId = TestValidatorId;
fn total_weight(&self) -> u64 {
fn weight(&self, id: u16) -> u64 {
fn weight(&self, id: TestValidatorId) -> u64 {
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1][usize::try_from(id).unwrap()]
fn proposer(&self, number: BlockNumber, round: Round) -> u16 {
u16::try_from((number.0 + u32::from(round.0)) % 5).unwrap()
fn validate(&mut self, block: TestBlock) -> Result<(), BlockError> {
fn proposer(&self, number: BlockNumber, round: Round) -> TestValidatorId {
TestValidatorId::try_from((number.0 + u32::from(round.0)) % 5).unwrap()
struct TestNetwork(Arc<RwLock<Vec<TendermintHandle<Self>>>>);
impl Network for TestNetwork {
type ValidatorId = TestValidatorId;
type Weights = TestWeights;
type Block = TestBlock;
fn weights(&self) -> Arc<TestWeights> {
async fn broadcast(&mut self, msg: Message<TestValidatorId, Self::Block>) {
for handle in self.0.write().await.iter_mut() {
async fn slash(&mut self, validator: TestValidatorId) {
fn validate(&mut self, block: &TestBlock) -> Result<(), BlockError> {
fn add_block(&mut self, block: TestBlock) -> TestBlock {
dbg!("Adding ", &block);
TestBlock { id: + 1, valid: Ok(()) }
impl TestNetwork {
async fn new(validators: usize) -> Arc<RwLock<Vec<TendermintHandle<Self>>>> {
let arc = Arc::new(RwLock::new(vec![]));
let mut write = arc.write().await;
for i in 0 .. validators {
TestBlock { id: 1, valid: Ok(()) },
dbg!("Created all machines");
async fn test() {
loop {