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synced 2025-03-25 08:39:04 +00:00
Inline FROST processing functions into the machines' impls
This was done for the DKG and this similarly cleans up here.
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 245 additions and 262 deletions
@ -42,12 +42,19 @@ impl<T: Writable> Writable for Vec<T> {
/// Pairing of an Algorithm with a ThresholdKeys instance and this specific signing set.
#[derive(Clone, Zeroize)]
pub struct Params<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> {
algorithm: A,
keys: ThresholdKeys<C>,
view: ThresholdView<C>,
impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> Drop for Params<C, A> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> ZeroizeOnDrop for Params<C, A> {}
impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> Params<C, A> {
pub fn new(
@ -110,199 +117,6 @@ impl<C: Curve, A: Addendum> Writable for Preprocess<C, A> {
pub(crate) struct PreprocessData<C: Curve, A: Addendum> {
pub(crate) nonces: Vec<Nonce<C>>,
pub(crate) preprocess: Preprocess<C, A>,
impl<C: Curve, A: Addendum> Drop for PreprocessData<C, A> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl<C: Curve, A: Addendum> ZeroizeOnDrop for PreprocessData<C, A> {}
fn preprocess<R: RngCore + CryptoRng, C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>>(
rng: &mut R,
params: &mut Params<C, A>,
) -> (PreprocessData<C, A::Addendum>, Preprocess<C, A::Addendum>) {
let (nonces, commitments) = Commitments::new::<_, A::Transcript>(
&mut *rng,
let addendum = params.algorithm.preprocess_addendum(rng, ¶ms.view);
let preprocess = Preprocess { commitments, addendum };
(PreprocessData { nonces, preprocess: preprocess.clone() }, preprocess)
struct SignData<C: Curve> {
B: BindingFactor<C>,
Rs: Vec<Vec<C::G>>,
share: C::F,
/// Share of a signature produced via FROST.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct SignatureShare<C: Curve>(C::F);
impl<C: Curve> Writable for SignatureShare<C> {
fn write<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
// Has every signer perform the role of the signature aggregator
// Step 1 was already deprecated by performing nonce generation as needed
// Step 2 is simply the broadcast round from step 1
fn sign_with_share<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>>(
params: &mut Params<C, A>,
mut our_preprocess: PreprocessData<C, A::Addendum>,
mut preprocesses: HashMap<u16, Preprocess<C, A::Addendum>>,
msg: &[u8],
) -> Result<(SignData<C>, SignatureShare<C>), FrostError> {
let multisig_params = params.multisig_params();
validate_map(&preprocesses, ¶ms.view.included(), multisig_params.i())?;
// Domain separate FROST
let nonces = params.algorithm.nonces();
let mut B = BindingFactor(HashMap::<u16, _>::with_capacity(params.view.included().len()));
// Parse the preprocesses
for l in ¶ms.view.included() {
.append_message(b"participant", C::F::from(u64::from(*l)).to_repr().as_ref());
if *l == params.keys.params().i() {
let commitments = our_preprocess.preprocess.commitments.clone();
let addendum = our_preprocess.preprocess.addendum.clone();
let mut buf = vec![];
addendum.write(&mut buf).unwrap();
params.algorithm.transcript().append_message(b"addendum", &buf);
B.insert(*l, commitments);
params.algorithm.process_addendum(¶ms.view, *l, addendum)?;
} else {
let preprocess = preprocesses.remove(l).unwrap();
let mut buf = vec![];
preprocess.addendum.write(&mut buf).unwrap();
params.algorithm.transcript().append_message(b"addendum", &buf);
B.insert(*l, preprocess.commitments);
params.algorithm.process_addendum(¶ms.view, *l, preprocess.addendum)?;
// Re-format into the FROST-expected rho transcript
let mut rho_transcript = A::Transcript::new(b"FROST_rho");
rho_transcript.append_message(b"message", &C::hash_msg(msg));
// Include the offset, if one exists
// While this isn't part of the FROST-expected rho transcript, the offset being here coincides
// with another specification (despite the transcript format being distinct)
if let Some(offset) = params.keys.current_offset() {
// Transcript as a point
// Under a coordinated model, the coordinater can be the only party to know the discrete log
// of the offset. This removes the ability for any signer to provide the discrete log,
// proving a key is related to another, slightly increasing security
// While further code edits would still be required for such a model (having the offset
// communicated as a point along with only a single party applying the offset), this means it
// wouldn't require a transcript change as well
rho_transcript.append_message(b"offset", (C::generator() * offset).to_bytes().as_ref());
// Generate the per-signer binding factors
B.calculate_binding_factors(&mut rho_transcript);
// Merge the rho transcript back into the global one to ensure its advanced, while
// simultaneously committing to everything
.append_message(b"rho_transcript", rho_transcript.challenge(b"merge").as_ref());
let Rs = B.nonces(&nonces);
let our_binding_factors = B.binding_factors(multisig_params.i());
let mut nonces = our_preprocess
.map(|(n, nonces)| nonces.0[0] + (nonces.0[1] * our_binding_factors[n]))
let share = params.algorithm.sign_share(¶ms.view, &Rs, &nonces, msg);
Ok((SignData { B, Rs, share }, SignatureShare(share)))
fn complete<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>>(
sign_params: &Params<C, A>,
sign: SignData<C>,
mut shares: HashMap<u16, SignatureShare<C>>,
) -> Result<A::Signature, FrostError> {
let params = sign_params.multisig_params();
validate_map(&shares, &sign_params.view.included(), params.i())?;
let mut responses = HashMap::new();
responses.insert(params.i(), sign.share);
let mut sum = sign.share;
for (l, share) in shares.drain() {
responses.insert(l, share.0);
sum += share.0;
// Perform signature validation instead of individual share validation
// For the success route, which should be much more frequent, this should be faster
// It also acts as an integrity check of this library's signing function
if let Some(sig) = sign_params.algorithm.verify(sign_params.view.group_key(), &sign.Rs, sum) {
return Ok(sig);
// Find out who misbehaved. It may be beneficial to randomly sort this to have detection be
// within n / 2 on average, and not gameable to n, though that should be minor
for l in &sign_params.view.included() {
if !sign_params.algorithm.verify_share(
) {
// If everyone has a valid share and there were enough participants, this should've worked
Err(FrostError::InternalError("everyone had a valid share yet the signature was still invalid"))
/// Trait for the initial state machine of a two-round signing protocol.
pub trait PreprocessMachine {
/// Preprocess message for this machine.
@ -319,6 +133,63 @@ pub trait PreprocessMachine {
-> (Self::SignMachine, Self::Preprocess);
/// State machine which manages signing for an arbitrary signature algorithm.
pub struct AlgorithmMachine<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> {
params: Params<C, A>,
impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> AlgorithmMachine<C, A> {
/// Creates a new machine to generate a signature with the specified keys.
pub fn new(
algorithm: A,
keys: ThresholdKeys<C>,
included: &[u16],
) -> Result<AlgorithmMachine<C, A>, FrostError> {
Ok(AlgorithmMachine { params: Params::new(algorithm, keys, included)? })
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "tests"))]
pub(crate) fn unsafe_override_preprocess(
nonces: Vec<Nonce<C>>,
preprocess: Preprocess<C, A::Addendum>,
) -> AlgorithmSignMachine<C, A> {
AlgorithmSignMachine { params: self.params, nonces, preprocess }
impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> PreprocessMachine for AlgorithmMachine<C, A> {
type Preprocess = Preprocess<C, A::Addendum>;
type Signature = A::Signature;
type SignMachine = AlgorithmSignMachine<C, A>;
fn preprocess<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
rng: &mut R,
) -> (Self::SignMachine, Preprocess<C, A::Addendum>) {
let mut params = self.params;
let (nonces, commitments) = Commitments::new::<_, A::Transcript>(
&mut *rng,
let addendum = params.algorithm.preprocess_addendum(rng, ¶ms.view);
let preprocess = Preprocess { commitments, addendum };
(AlgorithmSignMachine { params, nonces, preprocess: preprocess.clone() }, preprocess)
/// Share of a signature produced via FROST.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct SignatureShare<C: Curve>(C::F);
impl<C: Curve> Writable for SignatureShare<C> {
fn write<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
/// Trait for the second machine of a two-round signing protocol.
pub trait SignMachine<S> {
/// Preprocess message for this machine.
@ -341,69 +212,23 @@ pub trait SignMachine<S> {
) -> Result<(Self::SignatureMachine, Self::SignatureShare), FrostError>;
/// Trait for the final machine of a two-round signing protocol.
pub trait SignatureMachine<S> {
/// SignatureShare message for this machine.
type SignatureShare: Clone + PartialEq + Writable;
/// Read a Signature Share message.
fn read_share<R: Read>(&self, reader: &mut R) -> io::Result<Self::SignatureShare>;
/// Complete signing.
/// Takes in everyone elses' shares. Returns the signature.
fn complete(self, shares: HashMap<u16, Self::SignatureShare>) -> Result<S, FrostError>;
/// State machine which manages signing for an arbitrary signature algorithm.
pub struct AlgorithmMachine<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> {
params: Params<C, A>,
/// Next step of the state machine for the signing process.
pub struct AlgorithmSignMachine<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> {
params: Params<C, A>,
preprocess: PreprocessData<C, A::Addendum>,
pub(crate) nonces: Vec<Nonce<C>>,
pub(crate) preprocess: Preprocess<C, A::Addendum>,
/// Final step of the state machine for the signing process.
pub struct AlgorithmSignatureMachine<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> {
params: Params<C, A>,
sign: SignData<C>,
impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> AlgorithmMachine<C, A> {
/// Creates a new machine to generate a signature with the specified keys.
pub fn new(
algorithm: A,
keys: ThresholdKeys<C>,
included: &[u16],
) -> Result<AlgorithmMachine<C, A>, FrostError> {
Ok(AlgorithmMachine { params: Params::new(algorithm, keys, included)? })
#[cfg(any(test, feature = "tests"))]
pub(crate) fn unsafe_override_preprocess(
preprocess: PreprocessData<C, A::Addendum>,
) -> AlgorithmSignMachine<C, A> {
AlgorithmSignMachine { params: self.params, preprocess }
impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> Zeroize for AlgorithmSignMachine<C, A> {
fn zeroize(&mut self) {
impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> PreprocessMachine for AlgorithmMachine<C, A> {
type Preprocess = Preprocess<C, A::Addendum>;
type Signature = A::Signature;
type SignMachine = AlgorithmSignMachine<C, A>;
fn preprocess<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
rng: &mut R,
) -> (Self::SignMachine, Preprocess<C, A::Addendum>) {
let mut params = self.params;
let (preprocess, public) = preprocess::<R, C, A>(rng, &mut params);
(AlgorithmSignMachine { params, preprocess }, public)
impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> Drop for AlgorithmSignMachine<C, A> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> ZeroizeOnDrop for AlgorithmSignMachine<C, A> {}
impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> SignMachine<A::Signature> for AlgorithmSignMachine<C, A> {
type Preprocess = Preprocess<C, A::Addendum>;
@ -418,16 +243,139 @@ impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> SignMachine<A::Signature> for AlgorithmSignMachi
fn sign(
commitments: HashMap<u16, Preprocess<C, A::Addendum>>,
mut self,
mut preprocesses: HashMap<u16, Preprocess<C, A::Addendum>>,
msg: &[u8],
) -> Result<(Self::SignatureMachine, SignatureShare<C>), FrostError> {
let mut params = self.params;
let (sign, public) = sign_with_share(&mut params, self.preprocess, commitments, msg)?;
Ok((AlgorithmSignatureMachine { params, sign }, public))
let multisig_params = self.params.multisig_params();
validate_map(&preprocesses, &self.params.view.included(), multisig_params.i())?;
// Domain separate FROST
let nonces = self.params.algorithm.nonces();
let mut B = BindingFactor(HashMap::<u16, _>::with_capacity(self.params.view.included().len()));
// Parse the preprocesses
for l in &self.params.view.included() {
.append_message(b"participant", C::F::from(u64::from(*l)).to_repr().as_ref());
if *l == self.params.keys.params().i() {
let commitments = self.preprocess.commitments.clone();
let addendum = self.preprocess.addendum.clone();
let mut buf = vec![];
addendum.write(&mut buf).unwrap();
self.params.algorithm.transcript().append_message(b"addendum", &buf);
B.insert(*l, commitments);
self.params.algorithm.process_addendum(&self.params.view, *l, addendum)?;
} else {
let preprocess = preprocesses.remove(l).unwrap();
let mut buf = vec![];
preprocess.addendum.write(&mut buf).unwrap();
self.params.algorithm.transcript().append_message(b"addendum", &buf);
B.insert(*l, preprocess.commitments);
self.params.algorithm.process_addendum(&self.params.view, *l, preprocess.addendum)?;
// Re-format into the FROST-expected rho transcript
let mut rho_transcript = A::Transcript::new(b"FROST_rho");
rho_transcript.append_message(b"message", &C::hash_msg(msg));
// Include the offset, if one exists
// While this isn't part of the FROST-expected rho transcript, the offset being here
// coincides with another specification (despite the transcript format still being distinct)
if let Some(offset) = self.params.keys.current_offset() {
// Transcript as a point
// Under a coordinated model, the coordinater can be the only party to know the discrete
// log of the offset. This removes the ability for any signer to provide the discrete log,
// proving a key is related to another, slightly increasing security
// While further code edits would still be required for such a model (having the offset
// communicated as a point along with only a single party applying the offset), this means
// it wouldn't require a transcript change as well
rho_transcript.append_message(b"offset", (C::generator() * offset).to_bytes().as_ref());
// Generate the per-signer binding factors
B.calculate_binding_factors(&mut rho_transcript);
// Merge the rho transcript back into the global one to ensure its advanced, while
// simultaneously committing to everything
.append_message(b"rho_transcript", rho_transcript.challenge(b"merge").as_ref());
let Rs = B.nonces(&nonces);
let our_binding_factors = B.binding_factors(multisig_params.i());
let mut nonces = self
.map(|(n, nonces)| nonces.0[0] + (nonces.0[1] * our_binding_factors[n]))
let share = self.params.algorithm.sign_share(&self.params.view, &Rs, &nonces, msg);
AlgorithmSignatureMachine { params: self.params.clone(), B, Rs, share },
/// Trait for the final machine of a two-round signing protocol.
pub trait SignatureMachine<S> {
/// SignatureShare message for this machine.
type SignatureShare: Clone + PartialEq + Writable;
/// Read a Signature Share message.
fn read_share<R: Read>(&self, reader: &mut R) -> io::Result<Self::SignatureShare>;
/// Complete signing.
/// Takes in everyone elses' shares. Returns the signature.
fn complete(self, shares: HashMap<u16, Self::SignatureShare>) -> Result<S, FrostError>;
/// Final step of the state machine for the signing process.
pub struct AlgorithmSignatureMachine<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> {
params: Params<C, A>,
B: BindingFactor<C>,
Rs: Vec<Vec<C::G>>,
share: C::F,
impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> SignatureMachine<A::Signature> for AlgorithmSignatureMachine<C, A> {
type SignatureShare = SignatureShare<C>;
@ -435,7 +383,42 @@ impl<C: Curve, A: Algorithm<C>> SignatureMachine<A::Signature> for AlgorithmSign
fn complete(self, shares: HashMap<u16, SignatureShare<C>>) -> Result<A::Signature, FrostError> {
complete(&self.params, self.sign, shares)
fn complete(
mut shares: HashMap<u16, SignatureShare<C>>,
) -> Result<A::Signature, FrostError> {
let params = self.params.multisig_params();
validate_map(&shares, &self.params.view.included(), params.i())?;
let mut responses = HashMap::new();
responses.insert(params.i(), self.share);
let mut sum = self.share;
for (l, share) in shares.drain() {
responses.insert(l, share.0);
sum += share.0;
// Perform signature validation instead of individual share validation
// For the success route, which should be much more frequent, this should be faster
// It also acts as an integrity check of this library's signing function
if let Some(sig) = self.params.algorithm.verify(self.params.view.group_key(), &self.Rs, sum) {
return Ok(sig);
// Find out who misbehaved. It may be beneficial to randomly sort this to have detection be
// within n / 2 on average, and not gameable to n, though that should be minor
for l in &self.params.view.included() {
if !self.params.algorithm.verify_share(
) {
// If everyone has a valid share and there were enough participants, this should've worked
Err(FrostError::InternalError("everyone had a valid share yet the signature was still invalid"))
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ use crate::{
ThresholdCore, ThresholdKeys,
algorithm::{Schnorr, Hram},
Nonce, GeneratorCommitments, NonceCommitments, Commitments, Writable, Preprocess,
PreprocessData, SignMachine, SignatureMachine, AlgorithmMachine,
Nonce, GeneratorCommitments, NonceCommitments, Commitments, Writable, Preprocess, SignMachine,
SignatureMachine, AlgorithmMachine,
tests::{clone_without, recover_key, curve::test_curve},
@ -154,9 +154,9 @@ pub fn test_with_vectors<R: RngCore + CryptoRng, C: Curve, H: Hram<C>>(
c += 1;
let these_commitments = [C::generator() * nonces[0], C::generator() * nonces[1]];
let machine = machine.unsafe_override_preprocess(PreprocessData {
nonces: vec![Nonce(nonces)],
preprocess: Preprocess {
let machine = machine.unsafe_override_preprocess(
Preprocess {
commitments: Commitments {
nonces: vec![NonceCommitments {
generators: vec![GeneratorCommitments(these_commitments)],
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ pub fn test_with_vectors<R: RngCore + CryptoRng, C: Curve, H: Hram<C>>(
addendum: (),
Reference in a new issue