2022-10-29 08:54:42 +00:00
use std::{
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2022-10-29 08:54:42 +00:00
io::{self, Read, Write},
use rand_core::{RngCore, CryptoRng};
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use zeroize::{Zeroize, ZeroizeOnDrop, Zeroizing};
2022-10-29 08:54:42 +00:00
use digest::Digest;
use hkdf::{Hkdf, hmac::SimpleHmac};
use chacha20::{
cipher::{crypto_common::KeyIvInit, StreamCipher},
Key as Cc20Key, Nonce as Cc20Iv, ChaCha20,
use group::{
ff::{Field, PrimeField},
use ciphersuite::Ciphersuite;
use multiexp::{multiexp_vartime, BatchVerifier};
use schnorr::SchnorrSignature;
use crate::{DkgError, ThresholdParams, ThresholdCore, validate_map};
fn challenge<C: Ciphersuite>(context: &str, l: u16, R: &[u8], Am: &[u8]) -> C::F {
const DST: &[u8] = b"FROST Schnorr Proof of Knowledge";
// Hashes the context to get a fixed size value out of it
let mut transcript = C::H::digest(context.as_bytes()).as_ref().to_vec();
C::hash_to_F(DST, &transcript)
/// Commitments message to be broadcast to all other parties.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Zeroize)]
pub struct Commitments<C: Ciphersuite> {
commitments: Vec<C::G>,
enc_key: C::G,
cached_msg: Vec<u8>,
sig: SchnorrSignature<C>,
impl<C: Ciphersuite> Commitments<C> {
pub fn read<R: Read>(reader: &mut R, params: ThresholdParams) -> io::Result<Self> {
let mut commitments = Vec::with_capacity(params.t().into());
let mut cached_msg = vec![];
let mut read_G = || -> io::Result<C::G> {
let mut buf = <C::G as GroupEncoding>::Repr::default();
let point = C::read_G(&mut buf.as_ref())?;
for _ in 0 .. params.t() {
let enc_key = read_G()?;
Ok(Commitments { commitments, enc_key, cached_msg, sig: SchnorrSignature::read(reader)? })
pub fn write<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
pub fn serialize(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut buf = vec![];
self.write(&mut buf).unwrap();
/// State machine to begin the key generation protocol.
pub struct KeyGenMachine<C: Ciphersuite> {
params: ThresholdParams,
context: String,
_curve: PhantomData<C>,
impl<C: Ciphersuite> KeyGenMachine<C> {
/// Creates a new machine to generate a key for the specified curve in the specified multisig.
// The context string should be unique among multisigs.
pub fn new(params: ThresholdParams, context: String) -> KeyGenMachine<C> {
KeyGenMachine { params, context, _curve: PhantomData }
/// Start generating a key according to the FROST DKG spec.
/// Returns a commitments message to be sent to all parties over an authenticated channel. If any
/// party submits multiple sets of commitments, they MUST be treated as malicious.
pub fn generate_coefficients<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
rng: &mut R,
) -> (SecretShareMachine<C>, Commitments<C>) {
let t = usize::from(self.params.t);
let mut coefficients = Vec::with_capacity(t);
let mut commitments = Vec::with_capacity(t);
let mut cached_msg = vec![];
for i in 0 .. t {
// Step 1: Generate t random values to form a polynomial with
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coefficients.push(Zeroizing::new(C::random_nonzero_F(&mut *rng)));
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// Step 3: Generate public commitments
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commitments.push(C::generator() * coefficients[i].deref());
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// Generate an encryption key for transmitting the secret shares
// It would probably be perfectly fine to use one of our polynomial elements, yet doing so
// puts the integrity of FROST at risk. While there's almost no way it could, as it's used in
// an ECDH with validated group elemnents, better to avoid any questions on it
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let enc_key = Zeroizing::new(C::random_nonzero_F(&mut *rng));
let pub_enc_key = C::generator() * enc_key.deref();
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// Step 2: Provide a proof of knowledge
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let r = Zeroizing::new(C::random_nonzero_F(rng));
let nonce = C::generator() * r.deref();
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let sig = SchnorrSignature::<C>::sign(
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2022-10-29 08:54:42 +00:00
// This could be deterministic as the PoK is a singleton never opened up to cooperative
// discussion
// There's no reason to spend the time and effort to make this deterministic besides a
// general obsession with canonicity and determinism though
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challenge::<C>(&self.context, self.params.i(), nonce.to_bytes().as_ref(), &cached_msg),
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// Step 4: Broadcast
SecretShareMachine {
params: self.params,
context: self.context,
our_commitments: commitments.clone(),
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Commitments { commitments, enc_key: pub_enc_key, cached_msg, sig },
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fn polynomial<F: PrimeField + Zeroize>(coefficients: &[Zeroizing<F>], l: u16) -> Zeroizing<F> {
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let l = F::from(u64::from(l));
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let mut share = Zeroizing::new(F::zero());
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for (idx, coefficient) in coefficients.iter().rev().enumerate() {
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*share += coefficient.deref();
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if idx != (coefficients.len() - 1) {
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*share *= l;
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/// Secret share to be sent to the party it's intended for over an authenticated channel.
#[derive(Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
pub struct SecretShare<F: PrimeField>(F::Repr);
impl<F: PrimeField> Zeroize for SecretShare<F> {
fn zeroize(&mut self) {
impl<F: PrimeField> Drop for SecretShare<F> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl<F: PrimeField> ZeroizeOnDrop for SecretShare<F> {}
impl<F: PrimeField> SecretShare<F> {
pub fn read<R: Read>(reader: &mut R) -> io::Result<Self> {
let mut repr = F::Repr::default();
pub fn write<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> io::Result<()> {
pub fn serialize(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut buf = vec![];
self.write(&mut buf).unwrap();
fn create_ciphers<C: Ciphersuite>(
mut sender: <C::G as GroupEncoding>::Repr,
receiver: &mut <C::G as GroupEncoding>::Repr,
ecdh: &mut <C::G as GroupEncoding>::Repr,
) -> (ChaCha20, ChaCha20) {
let directional = |sender: &mut <C::G as GroupEncoding>::Repr| {
let mut key = Cc20Key::default();
&Hkdf::<C::H, SimpleHmac<C::H>>::extract(
&[sender.as_ref(), ecdh.as_ref()].concat(),
.as_ref()[.. 32],
let mut iv = Cc20Iv::default();
&Hkdf::<C::H, SimpleHmac<C::H>>::extract(
&[sender.as_ref(), ecdh.as_ref()].concat(),
.as_ref()[.. 12],
let res = ChaCha20::new(&key, &iv);
<Cc20Key as AsMut<[u8]>>::as_mut(&mut key).zeroize();
<Cc20Iv as AsMut<[u8]>>::as_mut(&mut iv).zeroize();
let res = (directional(&mut sender), directional(receiver));
/// Advancement of the key generation state machine.
pub struct SecretShareMachine<C: Ciphersuite> {
params: ThresholdParams,
context: String,
2022-11-11 03:35:09 +00:00
coefficients: Vec<Zeroizing<C::F>>,
2022-10-29 08:54:42 +00:00
our_commitments: Vec<C::G>,
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enc_key: Zeroizing<C::F>,
pub_enc_key: C::G,
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impl<C: Ciphersuite> SecretShareMachine<C> {
/// Verify the data from the previous round (canonicity, PoKs, message authenticity)
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fn verify_r1<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
&mut self,
rng: &mut R,
mut commitments: HashMap<u16, Commitments<C>>,
) -> Result<(HashMap<u16, Vec<C::G>>, HashMap<u16, C::G>), DkgError> {
validate_map(&commitments, &(1 ..= self.params.n()).collect::<Vec<_>>(), self.params.i())?;
let mut enc_keys = HashMap::new();
let mut batch = BatchVerifier::<u16, C::G>::new(commitments.len());
let mut commitments = commitments
.map(|(l, mut msg)| {
enc_keys.insert(l, msg.enc_key);
// Step 5: Validate each proof of knowledge
// This is solely the prep step for the latter batch verification
&mut batch,
challenge::<C>(&self.context, l, msg.sig.R.to_bytes().as_ref(), &msg.cached_msg),
(l, msg.commitments.drain(..).collect::<Vec<_>>())
.collect::<HashMap<_, _>>();
commitments.insert(self.params.i, self.our_commitments.drain(..).collect());
Ok((commitments, enc_keys))
/// Continue generating a key.
/// Takes in everyone else's commitments. Returns a HashMap of secret shares to be sent over
/// authenticated channels to their relevant counterparties.
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pub fn generate_secret_shares<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut self,
rng: &mut R,
commitments: HashMap<u16, Commitments<C>>,
) -> Result<(KeyMachine<C>, HashMap<u16, SecretShare<C::F>>), DkgError> {
let (commitments, mut enc_keys) = self.verify_r1(&mut *rng, commitments)?;
// Step 1: Generate secret shares for all other parties
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let sender = self.pub_enc_key.to_bytes();
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let mut ciphers = HashMap::new();
let mut res = HashMap::new();
for l in 1 ..= self.params.n() {
// Don't insert our own shares to the byte buffer which is meant to be sent around
// An app developer could accidentally send it. Best to keep this black boxed
if l == self.params.i() {
let (mut cipher_send, cipher_recv) = {
let receiver = enc_keys.get_mut(&l).unwrap();
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let mut ecdh = (*receiver * self.enc_key.deref()).to_bytes();
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create_ciphers::<C>(sender, &mut receiver.to_bytes(), &mut ecdh)
let mut share = polynomial(&self.coefficients, l);
let mut share_bytes = share.to_repr();
ciphers.insert(l, cipher_recv);
res.insert(l, SecretShare::<C::F>(share_bytes));
// Calculate our own share
let share = polynomial(&self.coefficients, self.params.i());
Ok((KeyMachine { params: self.params, secret: share, commitments, ciphers }, res))
/// Final step of the key generation protocol.
pub struct KeyMachine<C: Ciphersuite> {
params: ThresholdParams,
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secret: Zeroizing<C::F>,
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ciphers: HashMap<u16, ChaCha20>,
commitments: HashMap<u16, Vec<C::G>>,
impl<C: Ciphersuite> Zeroize for KeyMachine<C> {
fn zeroize(&mut self) {
// cipher implements ZeroizeOnDrop and zeroizes on drop, yet doesn't implement Zeroize
// The following is redundant, as Rust should automatically handle dropping it, yet it shows
// awareness of this quirk and at least attempts to be comprehensive
for (_, cipher) in self.ciphers.drain() {
for (_, commitments) in self.commitments.iter_mut() {
impl<C: Ciphersuite> Drop for KeyMachine<C> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
impl<C: Ciphersuite> ZeroizeOnDrop for KeyMachine<C> {}
impl<C: Ciphersuite> KeyMachine<C> {
/// Complete key generation.
/// Takes in everyone elses' shares submitted to us. Returns a ThresholdCore object representing
/// the generated keys. Successful protocol completion MUST be confirmed by all parties before
/// these keys may be safely used.
pub fn complete<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(
mut self,
rng: &mut R,
mut shares: HashMap<u16, SecretShare<C::F>>,
) -> Result<ThresholdCore<C>, DkgError> {
validate_map(&shares, &(1 ..= self.params.n()).collect::<Vec<_>>(), self.params.i())?;
// Calculate the exponent for a given participant and apply it to a series of commitments
// Initially used with the actual commitments to verify the secret share, later used with
// stripes to generate the verification shares
let exponential = |i: u16, values: &[_]| {
let i = C::F::from(i.into());
let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(self.params.t().into());
(0 .. usize::from(self.params.t())).into_iter().fold(C::F::one(), |exp, l| {
res.push((exp, values[l]));
exp * i
let mut batch = BatchVerifier::new(shares.len());
for (l, mut share_bytes) in shares.drain() {
let mut cipher = self.ciphers.remove(&l).unwrap();
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let mut share = Zeroizing::new(
2022-10-29 08:54:42 +00:00
2022-11-11 03:35:09 +00:00
*self.secret += share.deref();
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// This can be insecurely linearized from n * t to just n using the below sums for a given
// stripe. Doing so uses naive addition which is subject to malleability. The only way to
// ensure that malleability isn't present is to use this n * t algorithm, which runs
// per sender and not as an aggregate of all senders, which also enables blame
let mut values = exponential(self.params.i, &self.commitments[&l]);
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// multiexp will Zeroize this when it's done with it
values.push((-*share.deref(), C::generator()));
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batch.queue(rng, l, values);
// Stripe commitments per t and sum them in advance. Calculating verification shares relies on
// these sums so preprocessing them is a massive speedup
// If these weren't just sums, yet the tables used in multiexp, this would be further optimized
// As of right now, each multiexp will regenerate them
let mut stripes = Vec::with_capacity(usize::from(self.params.t()));
for t in 0 .. usize::from(self.params.t()) {
stripes.push(self.commitments.values().map(|commitments| commitments[t]).sum());
// Calculate each user's verification share
let mut verification_shares = HashMap::new();
for i in 1 ..= self.params.n() {
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if i == self.params.i() {
C::generator() * self.secret.deref()
} else {
multiexp_vartime(&exponential(i, &stripes))
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Ok(ThresholdCore {
params: self.params,
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secret_share: self.secret.clone(),
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group_key: stripes[0],