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synced 2024-12-26 13:39:37 +00:00
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459 lines
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use std::{
task::{Poll, Context},
time::{Duration, SystemTime},
collections::{VecDeque, HashMap},
use zeroize::{Zeroize, Zeroizing};
use transcript::{Transcript, RecommendedTranscript};
use group::GroupEncoding;
use frost::curve::Ciphersuite;
use log::{info, warn, error};
use tokio::time::sleep;
use scale::Decode;
use serai_client::{
primitives::{Amount, WithAmount},
in_instructions::primitives::{Shorthand, RefundableInInstruction},
use messages::{SubstrateContext, sign, substrate, CoordinatorMessage, ProcessorMessage};
mod plan;
pub use plan::*;
mod db;
pub use db::*;
mod coordinator;
pub use coordinator::*;
mod coins;
use coins::{OutputType, Output, PostFeeBranch, Block, Coin};
#[cfg(feature = "bitcoin")]
use coins::Bitcoin;
#[cfg(feature = "monero")]
use coins::Monero;
mod key_gen;
use key_gen::{KeyGenEvent, KeyGen};
mod signer;
use signer::{SignerEvent, Signer, SignerHandle};
mod scanner;
use scanner::{ScannerEvent, Scanner, ScannerHandle};
mod scheduler;
use scheduler::Scheduler;
mod tests;
// Generate a static additional key for a given chain in a globally consistent manner
// Doesn't consider the current group key to increase the simplicity of verifying Serai's status
// Takes an index, k, to support protocols which use multiple secondary keys
// Presumably a view key
pub(crate) fn additional_key<C: Coin>(k: u64) -> <C::Curve as Ciphersuite>::F {
<C::Curve as Ciphersuite>::hash_to_F(
b"Serai DEX Additional Key",
&[C::ID.as_bytes(), &k.to_le_bytes()].concat(),
struct SignerMessageFuture<'a, C: Coin, D: Db>(&'a mut HashMap<Vec<u8>, SignerHandle<C, D>>);
impl<'a, C: Coin, D: Db> Future for SignerMessageFuture<'a, C, D> {
type Output = (Vec<u8>, SignerEvent<C>);
fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
for (key, signer) in self.0.iter_mut() {
match signer.events.poll_recv(ctx) {
Poll::Ready(event) => return Poll::Ready((key.clone(), event.unwrap())),
Poll::Pending => {}
async fn get_fee<C: Coin>(coin: &C, block_number: usize) -> C::Fee {
loop {
// TODO2: Use an fee representative of several blocks
match coin.get_block(block_number).await {
Ok(block) => {
return block.median_fee();
Err(e) => {
error!("couldn't get block {}: {e}", block_number);
// Since this block is considered finalized, we shouldn't be unable to get it unless the
// node is offline, hence the long sleep
async fn prepare_send<C: Coin, D: Db>(
coin: &C,
signer: &SignerHandle<C, D>,
block_number: usize,
fee: C::Fee,
plan: Plan<C>,
) -> (Option<(C::SignableTransaction, C::Eventuality)>, Vec<PostFeeBranch>) {
let keys = signer.keys().await;
loop {
match coin.prepare_send(keys.clone(), block_number, plan.clone(), fee).await {
Ok(prepared) => {
return prepared;
Err(e) => {
error!("couldn't prepare a send for plan {}: {e}", hex::encode(plan.id()));
// The processor is either trying to create an invalid TX (fatal) or the node went
// offline
// The former requires a patch, the latter is a connection issue
// If the latter, this is an appropriate sleep. If the former, we should panic, yet
// this won't flood the console ad infinitum
async fn sign_plans<C: Coin, D: Db>(
db: &mut MainDb<C, D>,
coin: &C,
schedulers: &mut HashMap<Vec<u8>, Scheduler<C>>,
signers: &HashMap<Vec<u8>, SignerHandle<C, D>>,
context: SubstrateContext,
plans: Vec<Plan<C>>,
) {
let mut plans = VecDeque::from(plans);
let start = SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH.checked_add(Duration::from_secs(context.time)).unwrap();
let block_number = context.coin_latest_block_number.try_into().unwrap();
let fee = get_fee(coin, block_number).await;
while let Some(plan) = plans.pop_front() {
let id = plan.id();
info!("preparing plan {}: {:?}", hex::encode(id), plan);
let key = plan.key.to_bytes();
db.save_signing(key.as_ref(), context.coin_latest_block_number, context.time, &plan);
let (tx, branches) = prepare_send(coin, &signers[key.as_ref()], block_number, fee, plan).await;
// TODO: If we reboot mid-sign_plans, for a DB-backed scheduler, these may be partially
// executed
// Global TXN object for the entire coordinator message?
// Re-ser the scheduler after every sign_plans call?
// To clarify, the scheduler is distinct as it mutates itself on new data.
// The key_gen/scanner/signer are designed to be deterministic to new data, irrelevant to prior
// states.
for branch in branches {
.expect("didn't have a scheduler for a key we have a plan for")
.created_output(branch.expected, branch.actual);
if let Some((tx, eventuality)) = tx {
// TODO: Handle detection of already signed TXs (either on-chain or notified by a peer)
signers[key.as_ref()].sign_transaction(id, start, tx, eventuality).await;
async fn run<C: Coin, D: Db, Co: Coordinator>(raw_db: D, coin: C, mut coordinator: Co) {
let mut entropy_transcript = {
let entropy =
Zeroizing::new(env::var("ENTROPY").expect("entropy wasn't provided as an env var"));
if entropy.len() != 64 {
panic!("entropy isn't the right length");
let bytes = Zeroizing::new(hex::decode(entropy).expect("entropy wasn't hex-formatted"));
let mut entropy = Zeroizing::new([0; 32]);
let mut transcript = RecommendedTranscript::new(b"Serai Processor Entropy");
transcript.append_message(b"entropy", entropy.as_ref());
let mut entropy = |label| {
let mut challenge = entropy_transcript.challenge(label);
let mut res = Zeroizing::new([0; 32]);
res.as_mut().copy_from_slice(&challenge[.. 32]);
// We don't need to re-issue GenerateKey orders because the coordinator is expected to
// schedule/notify us of new attempts
let mut key_gen = KeyGen::<C, _>::new(raw_db.clone(), entropy(b"key-gen_entropy"));
// The scanner has no long-standing orders to re-issue
let (mut scanner, active_keys) = Scanner::new(coin.clone(), raw_db.clone());
let mut schedulers = HashMap::<Vec<u8>, Scheduler<C>>::new();
let mut signers = HashMap::new();
let mut main_db = MainDb::new(raw_db.clone());
for key in &active_keys {
// TODO: Load existing schedulers
let signer = Signer::new(raw_db.clone(), coin.clone(), key_gen.keys(key));
// Load any TXs being actively signed
let key = key.to_bytes();
for (block_number, start, plan) in main_db.signing(key.as_ref()) {
let block_number = block_number.try_into().unwrap();
let start = SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH.checked_add(Duration::from_secs(start)).unwrap();
let fee = get_fee(&coin, block_number).await;
let id = plan.id();
info!("reloading plan {}: {:?}", hex::encode(id), plan);
let (Some((tx, eventuality)), _) =
prepare_send(&coin, &signer, block_number, fee, plan).await else {
panic!("previously created transaction is no longer being created")
signer.sign_transaction(id, start, tx, eventuality).await;
signers.insert(key.as_ref().to_vec(), signer);
// We can't load this from the DB as we can't guarantee atomic increments with the ack function
let mut last_coordinator_msg = None;
loop {
tokio::select! {
// This blocks the entire processor until it finishes handling this message
// KeyGen specifically may take a notable amount of processing time
// While that shouldn't be an issue in practice, as after processing an attempt it'll handle
// the other messages in the queue, it may be beneficial to parallelize these
// They could likely be parallelized by type (KeyGen, Sign, Substrate) without issue
msg = coordinator.recv() => {
assert_eq!(msg.id, (last_coordinator_msg.unwrap_or(msg.id - 1) + 1));
last_coordinator_msg = Some(msg.id);
// If this message expects a higher block number than we have, halt until synced
async fn wait<C: Coin, D: Db>(
coin: &C,
scanner: &ScannerHandle<C, D>,
context: &SubstrateContext
) {
let needed = usize::try_from(context.coin_latest_block_number).unwrap();
loop {
let Ok(actual) = coin.get_latest_block_number().await else {
error!("couldn't get the latest block number");
// Sleep for a minute as node errors should be incredibly uncommon yet take multiple
// seconds to resolve
// Check our daemon has this block
// CONFIRMATIONS - 1 since any block's TXs have one confirmation (the block itself)
let confirmed = actual.saturating_sub(C::CONFIRMATIONS - 1);
if needed > confirmed {
// This may occur within some natural latency window
"node is desynced. need block {}, have {}",
// Print the block needed for the needed block to be confirmed
needed + (C::CONFIRMATIONS - 1),
// Sleep for one second per needed block
// If the node is disconnected from the network, this will be faster than it should
// be, yet presumably it just neeeds a moment to sync up
sleep(Duration::from_secs((needed - confirmed).try_into().unwrap())).await;
// Check our scanner has scanned it
// This check does void the need for the last one, yet it provides a bit better
// debugging
let ram_scanned = scanner.ram_scanned().await;
if ram_scanned < needed {
warn!("scanner is behind. need block {}, scanned up to {}", needed, ram_scanned);
sleep(Duration::from_secs((needed - ram_scanned).try_into().unwrap())).await;
// TODO: Sanity check we got an AckBlock (or this is the AckBlock) for the block in
// question
let synced = |context: &SubstrateContext, key| -> Result<(), ()> {
// Check that we've synced this block and can actually operate on it ourselves
let latest = scanner.latest_scanned(key);
if usize::try_from(context.coin_latest_block_number).unwrap() < latest {
"coin node disconnected/desynced from rest of the network. \
our block: {latest:?}, network's acknowledged: {}",
match &msg.msg {
CoordinatorMessage::KeyGen(_) => {},
CoordinatorMessage::Sign(_) => {},
CoordinatorMessage::Substrate(msg) => {
match msg {
substrate::CoordinatorMessage::BlockAcknowledged { context, .. } => {
wait(&coin, &scanner, context).await;
substrate::CoordinatorMessage::Burns { context, .. } => {
wait(&coin, &scanner, context).await;
match msg.msg.clone() {
CoordinatorMessage::KeyGen(msg) => {
match key_gen.handle(msg).await {
KeyGenEvent::KeyConfirmed { activation_number, keys } => {
let key = keys.group_key();
scanner.rotate_key(activation_number, key).await;
schedulers.insert(key.to_bytes().as_ref().to_vec(), Scheduler::<C>::new(key));
Signer::new(raw_db.clone(), coin.clone(), keys)
// TODO: This may be fired multiple times. What's our plan for that?
KeyGenEvent::ProcessorMessage(msg) => {
CoordinatorMessage::Sign(msg) => {
CoordinatorMessage::Substrate(msg) => {
match msg {
substrate::CoordinatorMessage::BlockAcknowledged { context, key: key_vec, block } => {
let key =
<C::Curve as Ciphersuite>::read_G::<&[u8]>(&mut key_vec.as_ref()).unwrap();
let mut block_id = <C::Block as Block<C>>::Id::default();
let plans = schedulers
.expect("key we don't have a scheduler for acknowledged a block")
.add_outputs(scanner.ack_block(key, block_id).await);
sign_plans(&mut main_db, &coin, &mut schedulers, &signers, context, plans).await;
substrate::CoordinatorMessage::Burns { context, burns } => {
// TODO2: Rewrite rotation documentation
let schedule_key = active_keys.last().expect("burn event despite no keys");
let scheduler = schedulers.get_mut(schedule_key.to_bytes().as_ref()).unwrap();
let mut payments = vec![];
for out in burns.clone() {
let WithAmount { data: OutInstruction { address, data }, amount } = out;
if let Ok(address) = C::Address::try_from(address.consume()) {
payments.push(Payment {
data: data.map(|data| data.consume()),
amount: amount.0,
let plans = scheduler.schedule(payments);
sign_plans(&mut main_db, &coin, &mut schedulers, &signers, context, plans).await;
msg = scanner.events.recv() => {
// These need to be sent to the coordinator which needs to check they aren't replayed
match msg.unwrap() {
ScannerEvent::Outputs(key, block, outputs) => {
coordinator.send(ProcessorMessage::Substrate(substrate::ProcessorMessage::Update {
key: key.to_bytes().as_ref().to_vec(),
block: block.as_ref().to_vec(),
instructions: outputs.iter().filter_map(|output| {
// If these aren't externally received funds, don't handle it as an instruction
if output.kind() != OutputType::External {
return None;
let shorthand = Shorthand::decode(&mut output.data()).ok()?;
let instruction = RefundableInInstruction::try_from(shorthand).ok()?;
// TODO2: Set instruction.origin if not set (and handle refunds in general)
Some(WithAmount { data: instruction.instruction, amount: Amount(output.amount()) })
(key, msg) = SignerMessageFuture(&mut signers) => {
match msg {
SignerEvent::SignedTransaction { id, tx } => {
main_db.finish_signing(&key, id);
.send(ProcessorMessage::Sign(sign::ProcessorMessage::Completed {
tx: tx.as_ref().to_vec()
// 1) We need to stop signing whenever a peer informs us or the chain has an
// eventuality
// 2) If a peer informed us of an eventuality without an outbound payment, stop
// scanning the chain for it (or at least ack it's solely for sanity purposes?)
// 3) When the chain has an eventuality, if it had an outbound payment, report it up to
// Substrate for logging purposes
SignerEvent::ProcessorMessage(msg) => {
async fn main() {
let db = MemDb::new(); // TODO
let coordinator = MemCoordinator::new(); // TODO
let url = env::var("COIN_RPC").expect("coin rpc wasn't specified as an env var");
match env::var("COIN").expect("coin wasn't specified as an env var").as_str() {
#[cfg(feature = "bitcoin")]
"bitcoin" => run(db, Bitcoin::new(url), coordinator).await,
#[cfg(feature = "monero")]
"monero" => run(db, Monero::new(url), coordinator).await,
_ => panic!("unrecognized coin"),