#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
from datetime import datetime
from prefixed import Float
import humanfriendly
from flask import Flask, render_template

app = Flask(__name__)

# Add some custom jinja filters
def timeago(value):
    """Format a date time to human friendly time ago"""
    if value is None:
        return ""
    if type(value) is int:
        dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(value).replace(microsecond=0)
    now = datetime.now().replace(microsecond=0)
    return humanfriendly.format_timespan(now - dt)

app.jinja_env.filters["timeago"] = timeago

def human_numbers(value):
    """Format a number in human readable format"""
    if value is None:
        return ""
    return "{:!.3h}".format(Float(value))

app.jinja_env.filters["humanize"] = human_numbers

# Get Pool Instance Birth Date
def birthdate():
        with open("/data/p2pool.blocks") as reader:
            first_block = reader.readline().rstrip()
        bday_ts = int(first_block.split(" ")[0])
        bday = timeago(bday_ts)
        return bday
    except Exception as e:
        return "unknown time"

# The App Routes
def render():
        my_bday = birthdate()
        with open("/data/stats_mod", "r") as reader:
            stats_mod = json.loads(reader.read())
        with open("/data/pool/stats", "r") as reader:
            pool_stats = json.loads(reader.read())
        with open("/data/network/stats", "r") as reader:
            network_stats = json.loads(reader.read())
        with open("/data/local/stats", "r") as reader:
            local_stats = json.loads(reader.read())
        return render_template(
    except Exception as e:
        return render_template("oops.html", error=str(e))

# main()
if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.run(debug=False, host="", port=80)