/* * This file is part of the Monero P2Pool * Copyright (c) 2021 SChernykh * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include static thread_local bool server_event_loop_thread = false; namespace p2pool { template TCPServer::TCPServer(allocate_client_callback allocate_new_client) : m_allocateNewClient(allocate_new_client) , m_loopThread{} , m_finished(0) , m_listenPort(-1) , m_loopStopped(false) , m_numConnections(0) , m_numIncomingConnections(0) { int err = uv_loop_init(&m_loop); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to create event loop, error " << uv_err_name(err)); panic(); } uv_async_init(&m_loop, &m_dropConnectionsAsync, on_drop_connections); m_dropConnectionsAsync.data = this; uv_async_init(&m_loop, &m_shutdownAsync, on_shutdown); m_shutdownAsync.data = this; uv_mutex_init_checked(&m_clientsListLock); uv_mutex_init_checked(&m_bansLock); uv_mutex_init_checked(&m_pendingConnectionsLock); uv_mutex_init_checked(&m_writeBuffersLock); m_writeBuffers.resize(DEFAULT_BACKLOG); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_writeBuffers.size(); ++i) { m_writeBuffers[i] = new WriteBuf(); } m_preallocatedClients.reserve(DEFAULT_BACKLOG); for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_BACKLOG; ++i) { m_preallocatedClients.emplace_back(m_allocateNewClient()); } m_connectedClientsList = m_allocateNewClient(); m_connectedClientsList->m_next = m_connectedClientsList; m_connectedClientsList->m_prev = m_connectedClientsList; } template TCPServer::~TCPServer() { if (m_finished.load() == 0) { LOGERR(1, "TCP wasn't shutdown properly"); shutdown_tcp(); } delete m_connectedClientsList; } template template void TCPServer::parse_address_list(const std::string& address_list, T callback) { if (address_list.empty()) { return; } std::string address, ip; address.reserve(64); ip.reserve(64); for (size_t k1 = 0;; ++k1) { const size_t next_k1 = address_list.find_first_of(',', k1); address = address_list.substr(k1, next_k1 - k1); k1 = next_k1; const size_t k2 = address.find_last_of(':'); if (k2 != std::string::npos) { ip = address.substr(0, k2); const bool is_v6 = (ip.find(':') != std::string::npos); if (is_v6) { if (!ip.empty() && ip.front() == '[') { ip.erase(ip.begin()); } if (!ip.empty() && ip.back() == ']') { ip.pop_back(); } } const int port = atoi(address.substr(k2 + 1).c_str()); if ((port > 0) && (port < 65536)) { callback(is_v6, address, ip, port); } else { LOGWARN(1, "invalid IP:port " << address); } } if (k1 == std::string::npos) { return; } } } template void TCPServer::start_listening(const std::string& listen_addresses) { if (listen_addresses.empty()) { LOGERR(1, "listen address not set"); panic(); } parse_address_list(listen_addresses, [this](bool is_v6, const std::string& address, const std::string& ip, int port) { if (m_listenPort < 0) { m_listenPort = port; } else if (m_listenPort != port) { LOGERR(1, "all sockets must be listening on the same port number, fix the command line"); panic(); } uv_tcp_t* socket = new uv_tcp_t(); if (is_v6) { m_listenSockets6.push_back(socket); } else { m_listenSockets.push_back(socket); } int err = uv_tcp_init(&m_loop, socket); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to create tcp server handle, error " << uv_err_name(err)); panic(); } socket->data = this; err = uv_tcp_nodelay(socket, 1); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to set tcp_nodelay on tcp server handle, error " << uv_err_name(err)); panic(); } if (is_v6) { sockaddr_in6 addr6; err = uv_ip6_addr(ip.c_str(), port, &addr6); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to parse IPv6 address " << ip << ", error " << uv_err_name(err)); panic(); } err = uv_tcp_bind(socket, reinterpret_cast(&addr6), UV_TCP_IPV6ONLY); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to bind tcp server IPv6 socket, error " << uv_err_name(err)); panic(); } } else { sockaddr_in addr; err = uv_ip4_addr(ip.c_str(), port, &addr); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to parse IPv4 address " << ip << ", error " << uv_err_name(err)); panic(); } err = uv_tcp_bind(socket, reinterpret_cast(&addr), 0); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to bind tcp server IPv4 socket, error " << uv_err_name(err)); panic(); } } err = uv_listen(reinterpret_cast(socket), DEFAULT_BACKLOG, on_new_connection); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to listen on tcp server socket, error " << uv_err_name(err)); panic(); } LOGINFO(1, "listening on " << log::Gray() << address); }); const int err = uv_thread_create(&m_loopThread, loop, this); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to start event loop thread, error " << uv_err_name(err)); panic(); } } template bool TCPServer::connect_to_peer(bool is_v6, const char* ip, int port) { if (!ip || (strlen(ip) > sizeof(Client::m_addrString) - 16)) { LOGERR(1, "failed to parse IP address, too long"); return false; } MutexLock lock(m_clientsListLock); if (m_finished.load()) { return false; } Client* client; if (!m_preallocatedClients.empty()) { client = m_preallocatedClients.back(); m_preallocatedClients.pop_back(); client->reset(); } else { client = m_allocateNewClient(); } client->m_owner = this; client->m_port = port; log::Stream s(client->m_addrString); sockaddr_storage addr; if (is_v6) { sockaddr_in6* addr6 = reinterpret_cast(&addr); const int err = uv_ip6_addr(ip, port, addr6); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to parse IPv6 address " << ip << ", error " << uv_err_name(err)); m_preallocatedClients.push_back(client); return false; } memcpy(client->m_addr.data, &addr6->sin6_addr, sizeof(in6_addr)); s << '[' << ip << "]:" << port << '\0'; } else { sockaddr_in* addr4 = reinterpret_cast(&addr); const int err = uv_ip4_addr(ip, port, addr4); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to parse IPv4 address " << ip << ", error " << uv_err_name(err)); m_preallocatedClients.push_back(client); return false; } client->m_addr = {}; client->m_addr.data[10] = 0xFF; client->m_addr.data[11] = 0xFF; memcpy(client->m_addr.data + 12, &addr4->sin_addr, sizeof(in_addr)); s << ip << ':' << port << '\0'; } return connect_to_peer_nolock(client, is_v6, reinterpret_cast(&addr)); } template bool TCPServer::connect_to_peer(bool is_v6, const raw_ip& ip, int port) { MutexLock lock(m_clientsListLock); if (m_finished.load()) { return false; } Client* client; if (!m_preallocatedClients.empty()) { client = m_preallocatedClients.back(); m_preallocatedClients.pop_back(); client->reset(); } else { client = m_allocateNewClient(); } client->m_owner = this; client->m_addr = ip; client->m_port = port; sockaddr_storage addr{}; if (is_v6) { sockaddr_in6* addr6 = reinterpret_cast(&addr); addr6->sin6_family = AF_INET6; memcpy(&addr6->sin6_addr, ip.data, sizeof(in6_addr)); addr6->sin6_port = htons(static_cast(port)); } else { sockaddr_in* addr4 = reinterpret_cast(&addr); addr4->sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&addr4->sin_addr, ip.data + 12, sizeof(in_addr)); addr4->sin_port = htons(static_cast(port)); } client->init_addr_string(is_v6, &addr); return connect_to_peer_nolock(client, is_v6, reinterpret_cast(&addr)); } template void TCPServer::on_connect_failed(bool, const raw_ip&, int) { } template bool TCPServer::is_banned(const raw_ip& ip) { MutexLock lock(m_bansLock); auto it = m_bans.find(ip); if (it != m_bans.end()) { const bool banned = (time(nullptr) < it->second); if (!banned) { m_bans.erase(it); } return banned; } return false; } template bool TCPServer::connect_to_peer_nolock(Client* client, bool is_v6, const sockaddr* addr) { if (is_banned(client->m_addr)) { LOGINFO(5, "peer " << log::Gray() << static_cast(client->m_addrString) << log::NoColor() << " is banned, not connecting to it"); m_preallocatedClients.push_back(client); return false; } client->m_isV6 = is_v6; int err = uv_tcp_init(&m_loop, &client->m_socket); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to create tcp client handle, error " << uv_err_name(err)); m_preallocatedClients.push_back(client); return false; } client->m_socket.data = client; err = uv_tcp_nodelay(&client->m_socket, 1); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to set tcp_nodelay on tcp client handle, error " << uv_err_name(err)); m_preallocatedClients.push_back(client); return false; } MutexLock lock(m_pendingConnectionsLock); if (!m_pendingConnections.insert(client->m_addr).second) { LOGINFO(6, "there is already a pending connection to this IP, not connecting to " << log::Gray() << static_cast(client->m_addrString)); m_preallocatedClients.push_back(client); return false; } client->m_connectRequest.data = client; err = uv_tcp_connect(&client->m_connectRequest, &client->m_socket, addr, on_connect); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to initiate tcp connection, error " << uv_err_name(err)); m_pendingConnections.erase(client->m_addr); m_preallocatedClients.push_back(client); return false; } else { LOGINFO(5, "connecting to " << log::Gray() << static_cast(client->m_addrString)); } return true; } template void TCPServer::close_sockets(bool listen_sockets) { if (!server_event_loop_thread) { LOGERR(1, "closing sockets from another thread, this is not thread safe"); } if (listen_sockets) { for (uv_tcp_t* s : m_listenSockets6) { uv_handle_t* h = reinterpret_cast(s); if (!uv_is_closing(h)) { uv_close(h, [](uv_handle_t* h) { delete reinterpret_cast(h); }); } } for (uv_tcp_t* s : m_listenSockets) { uv_handle_t* h = reinterpret_cast(s); if (!uv_is_closing(h)) { uv_close(h, [](uv_handle_t* h) { delete reinterpret_cast(h); }); } } } MutexLock lock(m_clientsListLock); size_t numClosed = 0; for (Client* c = m_connectedClientsList->m_next; c != m_connectedClientsList; c = c->m_next) { uv_handle_t* h = reinterpret_cast(&c->m_socket); if (!uv_is_closing(h)) { uv_close(h, on_connection_close); ++numClosed; } } if (numClosed > 0) { LOGWARN(1, "closed " << numClosed << " active client connections"); } } template void TCPServer::shutdown_tcp() { if (m_finished.exchange(1)) { return; } uv_async_send(&m_shutdownAsync); using namespace std::chrono; const system_clock::time_point start_time = system_clock::now(); int64_t counter = 0; uv_async_t asy; constexpr uint32_t timeout_seconds = 30; while (!m_loopStopped) { const int64_t elapsed_time = duration_cast(system_clock::now() - start_time).count(); if (elapsed_time >= (counter + 1) * 1000) { ++counter; if (counter < timeout_seconds) { LOGINFO(1, "waiting for event loop to stop for " << (timeout_seconds - counter) << " more seconds..."); } else { LOGWARN(1, "timed out while waiting for event loop to stop"); uv_async_init(&m_loop, &asy, nullptr); uv_stop(&m_loop); uv_async_send(&asy); break; } } std::this_thread::sleep_for(milliseconds(1)); } uv_thread_join(&m_loopThread); for (Client* c : m_preallocatedClients) { delete c; } uv_mutex_destroy(&m_clientsListLock); uv_mutex_destroy(&m_bansLock); uv_mutex_destroy(&m_pendingConnectionsLock); { MutexLock lock(m_writeBuffersLock); for (WriteBuf* buf : m_writeBuffers) { delete buf; } } uv_mutex_destroy(&m_writeBuffersLock); LOGINFO(1, "stopped"); } template void TCPServer::print_status() { LOGINFO(0, "status" << "\nConnections = " << m_numConnections << " (" << m_numIncomingConnections << " incoming)" ); } template void TCPServer::ban(const raw_ip& ip, uint64_t seconds) { MutexLock lock(m_bansLock); m_bans[ip] = time(nullptr) + seconds; } template bool TCPServer::send_internal(Client* client, SendCallbackBase&& callback) { if (!server_event_loop_thread) { LOGERR(1, "sending data from another thread, this is not thread safe"); } MutexLock lock0(client->m_sendLock); WriteBuf* buf = nullptr; { MutexLock lock(m_writeBuffersLock); if (!m_writeBuffers.empty()) { buf = m_writeBuffers.back(); m_writeBuffers.pop_back(); } } if (!buf) { buf = new WriteBuf(); } const size_t bytes_written = callback(buf->m_data); if (bytes_written > sizeof(buf->m_data)) { LOGERR(0, "send callback wrote " << bytes_written << " bytes, expected no more than " << sizeof(buf->m_data) << " bytes"); panic(); } if (bytes_written == 0) { LOGWARN(1, "send callback wrote 0 bytes, nothing to do"); { MutexLock lock(m_writeBuffersLock); m_writeBuffers.push_back(buf); } return true; } buf->m_client = client; buf->m_write.data = buf; uv_buf_t bufs[1]; bufs[0].base = buf->m_data; bufs[0].len = static_cast(bytes_written); const int err = uv_write(&buf->m_write, reinterpret_cast(&client->m_socket), bufs, 1, Client::on_write); if (err) { { MutexLock lock(m_writeBuffersLock); m_writeBuffers.push_back(buf); } LOGWARN(1, "failed to start writing data to client connection " << static_cast(client->m_addrString) << ", error " << uv_err_name(err)); return false; } return true; } template void TCPServer::loop(void* data) { LOGINFO(1, "event loop started"); server_event_loop_thread = true; TCPServer* server = static_cast(data); uv_run(&server->m_loop, UV_RUN_DEFAULT); uv_loop_close(&server->m_loop); server->m_loopStopped = true; } template void TCPServer::on_new_connection(uv_stream_t* server, int status) { TCPServer* pThis = static_cast(server->data); if (pThis->m_finished.load()) { return; } if (status < 0) { LOGWARN(1, "new connection error " << uv_strerror(status)); return; } pThis->on_new_client(server); } template void TCPServer::on_connection_close(uv_handle_t* handle) { Client* client = static_cast(handle->data); MutexLock lock0(client->m_sendLock); TCPServer* owner = client->m_owner; LOGINFO(5, "peer " << log::Gray() << static_cast(client->m_addrString) << log::NoColor() << " disconnected"); if (owner) { MutexLock lock(owner->m_clientsListLock); Client* prev_in_list = client->m_prev; Client* next_in_list = client->m_next; const bool is_incoming = client->m_isIncoming; client->reset(); prev_in_list->m_next = next_in_list; next_in_list->m_prev = prev_in_list; owner->m_preallocatedClients.push_back(client); --owner->m_numConnections; if (is_incoming) { --owner->m_numIncomingConnections; } } else { LOGERR(5, "internal error: can't find TCPServer instance for peer " << log::Gray() << static_cast(client->m_addrString) << ", this will leak memory"); } } template void TCPServer::on_connect(uv_connect_t* req, int status) { Client* client = reinterpret_cast(req->data); TCPServer* server = client->m_owner; if (!server) { return; } { MutexLock lock(server->m_pendingConnectionsLock); server->m_pendingConnections.erase(client->m_addr); } MutexLock lock(server->m_clientsListLock); if (status) { if (status == UV_ETIMEDOUT) { LOGINFO(5, "connection to " << static_cast(client->m_addrString) << " timed out"); } else { LOGWARN(5, "failed to connect to " << static_cast(client->m_addrString) << ", error " << uv_err_name(status)); } server->on_connect_failed(client->m_isV6, client->m_addr, client->m_port); uv_handle_t* h = reinterpret_cast(&client->m_socket); if (!uv_is_closing(h)) { uv_close(h, nullptr); } server->m_preallocatedClients.push_back(client); return; } server->on_new_client_nolock(nullptr, client); } template void TCPServer::on_new_client(uv_stream_t* server) { MutexLock lock(m_clientsListLock); if (m_finished.load()) { return; } Client* client; if (!m_preallocatedClients.empty()) { client = m_preallocatedClients.back(); m_preallocatedClients.pop_back(); client->reset(); } else { client = m_allocateNewClient(); } int err = uv_tcp_init(&m_loop, &client->m_socket); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to create tcp client handle, error " << uv_err_name(err)); m_preallocatedClients.push_back(client); return; } client->m_socket.data = client; client->m_owner = this; err = uv_tcp_nodelay(&client->m_socket, 1); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to set tcp_nodelay on tcp client handle, error " << uv_err_name(err)); m_preallocatedClients.push_back(client); return; } err = uv_accept(server, reinterpret_cast(&client->m_socket)); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to accept client connection, error " << uv_err_name(err)); m_preallocatedClients.push_back(client); return; } on_new_client_nolock(server, client); } template void TCPServer::on_new_client_nolock(uv_stream_t* server, Client* client) { client->m_prev = m_connectedClientsList; client->m_next = m_connectedClientsList->m_next; m_connectedClientsList->m_next->m_prev = client; m_connectedClientsList->m_next = client; ++m_numConnections; client->m_isIncoming = false; sockaddr_storage peer_addr; int peer_addr_len = static_cast(sizeof(peer_addr)); int err = uv_tcp_getpeername(&client->m_socket, reinterpret_cast(&peer_addr), &peer_addr_len); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to get IP address of the client connection, error " << uv_err_name(err)); client->close(); return; } bool is_v6; if (server) { is_v6 = (std::find(m_listenSockets6.begin(), m_listenSockets6.end(), reinterpret_cast(server)) != m_listenSockets6.end()); client->m_isV6 = is_v6; } else { is_v6 = client->m_isV6; } if (is_v6) { memcpy(client->m_addr.data, &reinterpret_cast(&peer_addr)->sin6_addr, sizeof(in6_addr)); client->m_port = ntohs(reinterpret_cast(&peer_addr)->sin6_port); } else { client->m_addr = {}; client->m_addr.data[10] = 0xFF; client->m_addr.data[11] = 0xFF; memcpy(client->m_addr.data + 12, &reinterpret_cast(&peer_addr)->sin_addr, sizeof(in_addr)); client->m_port = ntohs(reinterpret_cast(&peer_addr)->sin_port); } client->init_addr_string(is_v6, &peer_addr); if (server) { LOGINFO(5, "new connection from " << log::Gray() << static_cast(client->m_addrString)); client->m_isIncoming = true; ++m_numIncomingConnections; } else { LOGINFO(5, "new connection to " << log::Gray() << static_cast(client->m_addrString)); client->m_isIncoming = false; } if (is_banned(client->m_addr)) { LOGINFO(5, "peer " << log::Gray() << static_cast(client->m_addrString) << log::NoColor() << " is banned, disconnecting"); client->close(); return; } if (client->m_owner->m_finished.load() || !client->on_connect()) { client->close(); return; } err = uv_read_start(reinterpret_cast(&client->m_socket), Client::on_alloc, Client::on_read); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to start reading from client connection, error " << uv_err_name(err)); client->close(); } } template TCPServer::Client::Client() { Client::reset(); uv_mutex_init_checked(&m_sendLock); m_readBuf[0] = '\0'; } template TCPServer::Client::~Client() { uv_mutex_destroy(&m_sendLock); } template void TCPServer::Client::reset() { m_resetCounter.fetch_add(1); m_owner = nullptr; m_prev = nullptr; m_next = nullptr; memset(&m_socket, 0, sizeof(m_socket)); memset(&m_write, 0, sizeof(m_write)); memset(&m_connectRequest, 0, sizeof(m_connectRequest)); m_isV6 = false; m_isIncoming = false; m_addr = {}; m_port = -1; m_addrString[0] = '\0'; m_readBufInUse = false; m_numRead = 0; } template void TCPServer::Client::on_alloc(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t /*suggested_size*/, uv_buf_t* buf) { Client* pThis = static_cast(handle->data); if (pThis->m_readBufInUse) { LOGWARN(4, "client " << static_cast(pThis->m_addrString) << " read buffer is already in use"); buf->len = 0; buf->base = nullptr; return; } if (pThis->m_numRead >= sizeof(pThis->m_readBuf)) { LOGWARN(4, "client " << static_cast(pThis->m_addrString) << " read buffer is full"); buf->len = 0; buf->base = nullptr; return; } buf->len = sizeof(pThis->m_readBuf) - pThis->m_numRead; buf->base = pThis->m_readBuf + pThis->m_numRead; pThis->m_readBufInUse = true; } template void TCPServer::Client::on_read(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf) { Client* pThis = static_cast(stream->data); pThis->m_readBufInUse = false; if (nread > 0) { if (pThis->m_owner && !pThis->m_owner->m_finished.load()) { if (!pThis->on_read(buf->base, static_cast(nread))) { pThis->close(); } } } else if (nread < 0) { if (nread != UV_EOF) { const int err = static_cast(nread); LOGWARN(5, "client " << static_cast(pThis->m_addrString) << " failed to read response, err = " << uv_err_name(err)); pThis->on_read_failed(err); } else { pThis->on_disconnected(); } pThis->close(); } } template void TCPServer::Client::on_write(uv_write_t* req, int status) { WriteBuf* buf = static_cast(req->data); Client* client = buf->m_client; TCPServer* server = client->m_owner; if (server) { MutexLock lock(server->m_writeBuffersLock); server->m_writeBuffers.push_back(buf); } if (status != 0) { LOGWARN(5, "client " << static_cast(client->m_addrString) << " failed to write data to client connection, error " << uv_err_name(status)); client->close(); } } template void TCPServer::Client::close() { if (!m_owner) { // Already closed return; } uv_read_stop(reinterpret_cast(&m_socket)); uv_tcp_t* s = &m_socket; uv_handle_t* h = reinterpret_cast(s); if (!uv_is_closing(h)) { uv_close(h, on_connection_close); } } template void TCPServer::Client::ban(uint64_t seconds) { if (m_owner) { LOGWARN(3, "peer " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " banned for " << seconds << " seconds"); m_owner->ban(m_addr, seconds); } } template void TCPServer::Client::init_addr_string(bool is_v6, const sockaddr_storage* peer_addr) { const char* addr_str; char addr_str_buf[64]; if (is_v6) { addr_str = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &reinterpret_cast(peer_addr)->sin6_addr, addr_str_buf, sizeof(addr_str_buf)); } else { addr_str = inet_ntop(AF_INET, &reinterpret_cast(peer_addr)->sin_addr, addr_str_buf, sizeof(addr_str_buf)); } if (addr_str) { size_t n = strlen(addr_str); if (n > sizeof(m_addrString) - 16) { n = sizeof(m_addrString) - 16; } log::Stream s(m_addrString); if (is_v6) { s << '[' << log::const_buf(addr_str, n) << "]:" << ntohs(reinterpret_cast(peer_addr)->sin6_port) << '\0'; } else { s << log::const_buf(addr_str, n) << ':' << ntohs(reinterpret_cast(peer_addr)->sin_port) << '\0'; } } } } // namespace p2pool