/* * This file is part of the Monero P2Pool <https://github.com/SChernykh/p2pool> * Copyright (c) 2021 SChernykh <https://github.com/SChernykh> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "common.h" #include "p2pool.h" #include "zmq_reader.h" #include "mempool.h" #include "json_rpc_request.h" #include "rapidjson/document.h" #include "json_parsers.h" #include "pow_hash.h" #include "block_template.h" #include "side_chain.h" #include "stratum_server.h" #include "p2p_server.h" #include "params.h" #include "console_commands.h" #include <thread> #include <iostream> static constexpr char log_category_prefix[] = "P2Pool "; constexpr int BLOCK_HEADERS_REQUIRED = 720; constexpr uint64_t SEEDHASH_EPOCH_BLOCKS = 2048; constexpr uint64_t SEEDHASH_EPOCH_LAG = 64; namespace p2pool { p2pool::p2pool(int argc, char* argv[]) : m_stopped(false) , m_params(new Params(argc, argv)) , m_updateSeed(true) { if (!m_params->m_wallet.valid()) { LOGERR(1, "Invalid wallet address. Try \"p2pool --help\"."); panic(); } const Wallet::Type type = m_params->m_wallet.type(); if (type == Wallet::Type::Testnet) { LOGWARN(1, "Mining to a testnet wallet address"); } else if (type == Wallet::Type::Stagenet) { LOGWARN(1, "Mining to a stagenet wallet address"); } int err = uv_async_init(uv_default_loop_checked(), &m_blockTemplateAsync, on_update_block_template); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "uv_async_init failed, error " << uv_err_name(err)); panic(); } m_blockTemplateAsync.data = this; err = uv_async_init(uv_default_loop_checked(), &m_stopAsync, on_stop); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "uv_async_init failed, error " << uv_err_name(err)); panic(); } m_stopAsync.data = this; uv_rwlock_init_checked(&m_mainchainLock); MinerData d; m_sideChain = new SideChain(this); m_hasher = new RandomX_Hasher(this); m_blockTemplate = new BlockTemplate(this); m_mempool = new Mempool(); m_consoleCommands = new ConsoleCommands(this); } p2pool::~p2pool() { uv_close(reinterpret_cast<uv_handle_t*>(&m_blockTemplateAsync), nullptr); uv_close(reinterpret_cast<uv_handle_t*>(&m_stopAsync), nullptr); uv_rwlock_destroy(&m_mainchainLock); delete m_sideChain; delete m_hasher; delete m_blockTemplate; delete m_mempool; delete m_params; delete m_consoleCommands; } bool p2pool::calculate_hash(const void* data, size_t size, const hash& seed, hash& result) { return m_hasher->calculate(data, size, seed, result); } uint64_t p2pool::get_seed_height(uint64_t height) { if (LIKELY(height > SEEDHASH_EPOCH_LAG)) { return (height - SEEDHASH_EPOCH_LAG - 1) & ~(SEEDHASH_EPOCH_BLOCKS - 1); } return 0; } bool p2pool::get_seed(uint64_t height, hash& seed) const { ReadLock lock(m_mainchainLock); auto it = m_mainchainByHeight.find(get_seed_height(height)); if (it == m_mainchainByHeight.end()) { return false; } seed = it->second.id; return true; } void p2pool::handle_tx(TxMempoolData& tx) { if (!tx.weight || !tx.fee) { LOGWARN(1, "invalid transaction: tx id = " << tx.id << ", size = " << tx.blob_size << ", weight = " << tx.weight << ", fee = " << static_cast<double>(tx.fee) / 1e6 << " um"); return; } m_mempool->add(tx); LOGINFO(5, "new tx id = " << log::LightBlue() << tx.id << log::NoColor() << ", size = " << log::Gray() << tx.blob_size << log::NoColor() << ", weight = " << log::Gray() << tx.weight << log::NoColor() << ", fee = " << log::Gray() << static_cast<double>(tx.fee) / 1e6 << " um"); #if TEST_MEMPOOL_PICKING_ALGORITHM m_blockTemplate->update(m_minerData, *m_mempool, &m_params->m_wallet); #endif } void p2pool::handle_miner_data(MinerData& data) { #if TEST_MEMPOOL_PICKING_ALGORITHM if (m_mempool->m_transactions.size() < data.tx_backlog.size()) { m_mempool->swap(data.tx_backlog); } #else m_mempool->swap(data.tx_backlog); #endif { WriteLock lock(m_mainchainLock); ChainMain& c = m_mainchainByHeight[data.height - 1]; c.height = data.height - 1; c.id = data.prev_id; // timestamp is unknown here c.timestamp = 0; m_mainchainByHash[c.id] = c; } data.tx_backlog.clear(); m_minerData = data; m_updateSeed = true; update_median_timestamp(); LOGINFO(2, "new miner data\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" << "\nmajor_version = " << data.major_version << "\nheight = " << data.height << "\nprev_id = " << log::LightBlue() << data.prev_id << log::NoColor() << "\nseed_hash = " << log::LightBlue() << data.seed_hash << log::NoColor() << "\ndifficulty = " << data.difficulty << "\nmedian_weight = " << data.median_weight << "\nalready_generated_coins = " << data.already_generated_coins << "\ntransactions = " << m_mempool->m_transactions.size() << "\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); if (!is_main_thread) { update_block_template_async(); } else { update_block_template(); } } static constexpr char BLOCK_FOUND[] = "\n\ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\ | ###### # ####### ##### # # ####### ####### # # # # ###### |\n\ | # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # # |\n\ | # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # |\n\ | ###### # # # # ### ##### # # # # # # # # # |\n\ | # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # |\n\ | # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # # |\n\ | ###### ####### ####### ##### # # # ####### ##### # # ###### |\n\ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"; void p2pool::handle_chain_main(ChainMain& data, const char* extra) { { WriteLock lock(m_mainchainLock); ChainMain& c = m_mainchainByHeight[data.height]; c.height = data.height; c.timestamp = data.timestamp; // data.id not filled in here, but c.id should be available. Copy it to data.id for logging data.id = c.id; m_mainchainByHash[c.id] = c; } update_median_timestamp(); hash sidechain_id; if (extra) { const size_t n = strlen(extra); if (n >= HASH_SIZE * 2) { const char* s = extra + n - HASH_SIZE * 2; for (size_t i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; ++i) { uint8_t d[2]; if (!from_hex(s[i * 2], d[0]) || !from_hex(s[i * 2 + 1], d[1])) { sidechain_id = {}; break; } sidechain_id.h[i] = (d[0] << 4) | d[1]; } } } LOGINFO(2, "new main chain block: height = " << log::Gray() << data.height << log::NoColor() << ", id = " << log::LightBlue() << data.id << log::NoColor() << ", timestamp = " << log::Gray() << data.timestamp); if (!sidechain_id.empty() && side_chain().has_block(sidechain_id)) { LOGINFO(0, log::LightGreen() << "BLOCK FOUND: main chain block at height " << data.height << " was mined by this p2pool" << BLOCK_FOUND); } } void p2pool::submit_block(uint32_t template_id, uint32_t nonce, uint32_t extra_nonce) const { const uint64_t height = m_blockTemplate->height(); const difficulty_type diff = m_blockTemplate->difficulty(); LOGINFO(0, "submit_block: height = " << height << ", template id = " << template_id << ", nonce = " << nonce << ", extra_nonce = " << extra_nonce); size_t nonce_offset; size_t extra_nonce_offset; const std::vector<uint8_t> blockTemplateBlob = m_blockTemplate->get_block_template_blob(template_id, nonce_offset, extra_nonce_offset); if (blockTemplateBlob.empty()) { LOGERR(0, "submit_block: couldn't find block template with id " << template_id); return; } std::string request; request.reserve(blockTemplateBlob.size() * 2 + 128); request = "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":\"0\",\"method\":\"submit_block\",\"params\":[\""; for (size_t i = 0; i < blockTemplateBlob.size(); ++i) { char buf[16]; if (nonce_offset <= i && i < nonce_offset + sizeof(nonce)) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02x", nonce & 255); nonce >>= 8; } else if (extra_nonce_offset <= i && i < extra_nonce_offset + sizeof(extra_nonce)) { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02x", extra_nonce & 255); extra_nonce >>= 8; } else { snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02x", blockTemplateBlob[i]); } request.append(buf); } request.append("\"]}"); JSONRPCRequest::call(m_params->m_host, m_params->m_rpcPort, request.c_str(), [height, diff, template_id, nonce, extra_nonce](const char* data, size_t size) { rapidjson::Document doc; if (doc.Parse(data, size).HasParseError() || !doc.IsObject()) { LOGERR(0, "submit_block: invalid JSON response from daemon"); return; } if (doc.HasMember("error")) { auto& err = doc["error"]; if (!err.IsObject()) { LOGERR(0, "submit_block: invalid JSON reponse from daemon: 'error' is not an object"); return; } const char* error_msg = nullptr; auto it = doc.FindMember("message"); if (it != doc.MemberEnd() && it->value.IsString()) { error_msg = it->value.GetString(); } LOGERR(0, "submit_block: daemon returned error: '" << (error_msg ? error_msg : "unknown error") << "', template id = " << template_id << ", nonce = " << nonce << ", extra_nonce = " << extra_nonce); return; } auto it = doc.FindMember("result"); if (it != doc.MemberEnd() && it->value.IsObject()) { auto& result = it->value; auto it2 = result.FindMember("status"); if (it2 != result.MemberEnd() && it2->value.IsString() && (strcmp(it2->value.GetString(), "OK") == 0)) { LOGINFO(0, log::LightGreen() << "submit_block: BLOCK ACCEPTED at height " << height << " and difficulty = " << diff); return; } } LOGWARN(0, "submit_block: daemon sent unrecognizable reply: " << log::const_buf(data, size)); }); } void p2pool::submit_sidechain_block(uint32_t template_id, uint32_t nonce, uint32_t extra_nonce) { LOGINFO(1, "submit_sidechain_block: template id = " << template_id << ", nonce = " << nonce << ", extra_nonce = " << extra_nonce); m_blockTemplate->submit_sidechain_block(template_id, nonce, extra_nonce); } void p2pool::update_block_template_async() { const int err = uv_async_send(&m_blockTemplateAsync); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "uv_async_send failed, error " << uv_err_name(err)); } } void p2pool::update_block_template() { if (m_updateSeed) { m_hasher->set_seed_async(m_minerData.seed_hash); m_updateSeed = false; } m_blockTemplate->update(m_minerData, *m_mempool, &m_params->m_wallet); stratum_on_block(); } void p2pool::download_block_headers(uint64_t current_height) { const uint64_t seed_height = get_seed_height(current_height); const uint64_t prev_seed_height = (seed_height > SEEDHASH_EPOCH_BLOCKS) ? (seed_height - SEEDHASH_EPOCH_BLOCKS) : 0; char buf[log::Stream::BUF_SIZE + 1]; log::Stream s(buf); // First download 2 RandomX seeds const uint64_t seed_heights[2] = { prev_seed_height, seed_height }; for (uint64_t height : seed_heights) { s.m_pos = 0; s << "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":\"0\",\"method\":\"get_block_header_by_height\",\"params\":{\"height\":" << height << "}}\0"; JSONRPCRequest::call(m_params->m_host, m_params->m_rpcPort, buf, [this, prev_seed_height, height](const char* data, size_t size) { ChainMain block; if (parse_block_header(data, size, block)) { if (height == prev_seed_height) { m_hasher->set_old_seed_async(block.id); } } else { LOGERR(1, "fatal error: couldn't download block header for height " << height); panic(); } }); } s.m_pos = 0; s << "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":\"0\",\"method\":\"get_block_headers_range\",\"params\":{\"start_height\":" << current_height - BLOCK_HEADERS_REQUIRED << ",\"end_height\":" << current_height - 1 << "}}\0"; JSONRPCRequest::call(m_params->m_host, m_params->m_rpcPort, buf, [this, current_height](const char* data, size_t size) { if (parse_block_headers_range(data, size) == BLOCK_HEADERS_REQUIRED) { update_median_timestamp(); if (m_serversStarted.exchange(1) == 0) { m_stratumServer = new StratumServer(this); m_p2pServer = new P2PServer(this); } } else { LOGERR(1, "fatal error: couldn't download block headers for heights " << current_height - BLOCK_HEADERS_REQUIRED << " - " << current_height - 1); panic(); } }); } bool p2pool::chainmain_get_by_hash(const hash& id, ChainMain& data) const { ReadLock lock(m_mainchainLock); auto it = m_mainchainByHash.find(id); if (it == m_mainchainByHash.end()) { return false; } data = it->second; return true; } bool p2pool::get_timestamps(uint64_t (×tamps)[TIMESTAMP_WINDOW]) const { ReadLock lock(m_mainchainLock); if (m_mainchainByHeight.size() <= TIMESTAMP_WINDOW) { return false; } auto it = m_mainchainByHeight.end(); for (int i = 0; (i < TIMESTAMP_WINDOW) && (it != m_mainchainByHeight.begin()); ++i) { --it; timestamps[i] = it->second.timestamp; } return true; } void p2pool::update_median_timestamp() { uint64_t timestamps[TIMESTAMP_WINDOW]; if (!get_timestamps(timestamps)) { m_minerData.median_timestamp = 0; return; } std::sort(timestamps, timestamps + TIMESTAMP_WINDOW); // Shift it +1 block compared to Monero's code because we don't have the latest block yet when we receive new miner data m_minerData.median_timestamp = (timestamps[TIMESTAMP_WINDOW / 2] + timestamps[TIMESTAMP_WINDOW / 2 + 1]) / 2; LOGINFO(4, "median timestamp updated to " << log::Gray() << m_minerData.median_timestamp); } void p2pool::stratum_on_block() { #if 0 uint8_t hashing_blob[128]; uint64_t height; difficulty_type difficulty; difficulty_type sidechain_difficulty; hash seed_hash; size_t nonce_offset; uint32_t template_id; m_blockTemplate->get_hashing_blob(0, hashing_blob, height, difficulty, sidechain_difficulty, seed_hash, nonce_offset, template_id); submit_block(template_id, 0, 0); #else if (m_stratumServer) { m_stratumServer->on_block(*m_blockTemplate); } #endif } void p2pool::get_miner_data() { JSONRPCRequest::call(m_params->m_host, m_params->m_rpcPort, "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":\"0\",\"method\":\"get_miner_data\"}", [this](const char* data, size_t size) { parse_get_miner_data_rpc(data, size); }); } void p2pool::parse_get_miner_data_rpc(const char* data, size_t size) { rapidjson::Document doc; doc.Parse(data, size); if (!doc.IsObject() || !doc.HasMember("result")) { LOGWARN(1, "get_miner_data RPC response is invalid, skipping it"); return; } MinerData minerData; const auto& result = doc["result"]; if (!PARSE(result, minerData, major_version) || !PARSE(result, minerData, height) || !PARSE(result, minerData, prev_id) || !PARSE(result, minerData, seed_hash) || !PARSE(result, minerData, median_weight) || !PARSE(result, minerData, already_generated_coins) || !PARSE(result, minerData, difficulty)) { LOGWARN(1, "get_miner_data RPC response failed to parse, skipping it"); return; } auto it = result.FindMember("tx_backlog"); if ((it != result.MemberEnd()) && it->value.IsArray()) { const auto& tx_backlog = it->value.GetArray(); for (rapidjson::SizeType i = 0, n = tx_backlog.Size(); i < n; ++i) { const auto& tx = tx_backlog[i]; if (!tx.IsObject()) { continue; } TxMempoolData tx_data; if (PARSE(tx, tx_data, id) && PARSE(tx, tx_data, weight) && PARSE(tx, tx_data, fee)) { tx_data.blob_size = 0; minerData.tx_backlog.emplace_back(std::move(tx_data)); } } } handle_miner_data(minerData); download_block_headers(minerData.height); } bool p2pool::parse_block_header(const char* data, size_t size, ChainMain& result) { rapidjson::Document doc; if (doc.Parse(data, size).HasParseError() || !doc.IsObject()) { LOGERR(1, "parse_block_header: invalid JSON response from daemon"); return false; } auto it = doc.FindMember("result"); if (it == doc.MemberEnd() || !it->value.IsObject()) { LOGERR(1, "parse_block_header: invalid JSON response from daemon : 'result' is not found or not an object"); return false; } auto it2 = it->value.FindMember("block_header"); if (it2 == it->value.MemberEnd() || !it2->value.IsObject()) { LOGERR(1, "parse_block_header: invalid JSON response from daemon: 'block_header' is not found or not an object"); return false; } if (!PARSE(it2->value, result, height) || !PARSE(it2->value, result, timestamp) || !parseValue(it2->value, "hash", result.id)) { LOGERR(1, "parse_block_header: invalid JSON response from daemon: failed to parse 'block_header'"); return false; } { WriteLock lock(m_mainchainLock); m_mainchainByHeight[result.height] = result; m_mainchainByHash[result.id] = result; } LOGINFO(4, "parsed block header for height " << result.height); return true; } uint32_t p2pool::parse_block_headers_range(const char* data, size_t size) { rapidjson::Document doc; if (doc.Parse(data, size).HasParseError() || !doc.IsObject()) { LOGERR(1, "parse_block_headers_range: invalid JSON response from daemon"); return 0; } auto it = doc.FindMember("result"); if (it == doc.MemberEnd() || !it->value.IsObject()) { LOGERR(1, "parse_block_headers_range: invalid JSON response from daemon: 'result' is not found or not an object"); return 0; } auto it2 = it->value.FindMember("headers"); if (it2 == it->value.MemberEnd() || !it2->value.IsArray()) { LOGERR(1, "parse_block_headers_range: invalid JSON response from daemon: 'headers' is not found or not an array"); return 0; } uint32_t num_headers_parsed = 0; WriteLock lock(m_mainchainLock); auto headers = it2->value.GetArray(); uint64_t min_height = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(); uint64_t max_height = 0; for (auto i = headers.begin(); i != headers.end(); ++i) { if (!i->IsObject()) { continue; } ChainMain c; if (PARSE(*i, c, height) && PARSE(*i, c, timestamp) && parseValue(*i, "hash", c.id)) { min_height = std::min(min_height, c.height); max_height = std::max(max_height, c.height); m_mainchainByHeight[c.height] = c; m_mainchainByHash[c.id] = c; ++num_headers_parsed; } } LOGINFO(4, "parsed " << num_headers_parsed << " block headers for heights " << min_height << " - " << max_height); return num_headers_parsed; } static void on_signal(uv_signal_t* handle, int signum) { switch (signum) { case SIGHUP: LOGINFO(1, "caught SIGHUP"); break; case SIGINT: LOGINFO(1, "caught SIGINT"); break; case SIGTERM: LOGINFO(1, "caught SIGTERM"); break; #ifdef SIGBREAK case SIGBREAK: LOGINFO(1, "caught SIGBREAK"); break; #endif #ifdef SIGUSR1 case SIGUSR1: log::reopen(); return; #endif default: LOGINFO(1, "caught signal " << signum); } LOGINFO(1, "stopping"); uv_signal_stop(handle); uv_stop(uv_default_loop_checked()); } static bool init_uv_threadpool() { static uv_work_t dummy; return (uv_queue_work(uv_default_loop_checked(), &dummy, [](uv_work_t*) {}, nullptr) == 0); } static bool init_signals() { constexpr int signal_names[] = { SIGHUP, SIGINT, SIGTERM, #ifdef SIGBREAK SIGBREAK, #endif #ifdef SIGUSR1 SIGUSR1, #endif }; static uv_signal_t signals[array_size(signal_names)]; for (size_t i = 0; i < array_size(signal_names); ++i) { uv_signal_init(uv_default_loop_checked(), &signals[i]); const int rc = uv_signal_start(&signals[i], on_signal, signal_names[i]); if (rc != 0) { LOGERR(1, "failed to initialize signal, error " << rc); return false; } } return true; } void p2pool::stop() { uv_stop(uv_default_loop()); uv_async_send(&m_stopAsync); } int p2pool::run() { if (!m_params->ok()) { LOGERR(1, "Invalid or missing command line. Try \"p2pool --help\"."); return 1; } if (!init_uv_threadpool()) { LOGERR(1, "failed to start UV thread pool"); return 1; } if (!init_signals()) { LOGERR(1, "failed to initialize signal handlers"); return 1; } { ZMQReader z(m_params->m_host, m_params->m_rpcPort, m_params->m_zmqPort, this); get_miner_data(); const int rc = uv_run(uv_default_loop_checked(), UV_RUN_DEFAULT); LOGINFO(1, "uv_run exited, result = " << rc); } m_stopped = true; bkg_jobs_tracker.wait(); delete m_stratumServer; delete m_p2pServer; LOGINFO(1, "stopped"); return 0; } } // namespace p2pool