/* * This file is part of the Monero P2Pool * Copyright (c) 2021-2024 SChernykh * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "tcp_server.h" #include "Tari/proto.h" namespace p2pool { class p2pool; class MergeMiningClientTari : public IMergeMiningClient, public nocopy_nomove { public: MergeMiningClientTari(p2pool* pool, std::string host, const std::string& wallet); ~MergeMiningClientTari() override; bool get_params(ChainParameters& out_params) const override; void submit_solution(const BlockTemplate* block_tpl, const uint8_t (&hashing_blob)[128], size_t nonce_offset, const hash& seed_hash, const std::vector& blob, const std::vector& merkle_proof, uint32_t merkle_proof_path) override; static constexpr char TARI_PREFIX[] = "tari://"; private: mutable uv_rwlock_t m_chainParamsLock; ChainParameters m_chainParams; tari::rpc::Block m_tariBlock; std::string m_auxWallet; p2pool* m_pool; struct TariJobParams { uint64_t height; uint64_t diff; uint64_t reward; uint64_t fees; FORCEINLINE bool operator!=(const TariJobParams& job) const { static_assert(sizeof(TariJobParams) == sizeof(uint64_t) * 4, "Invalid TariJobParams size"); return memcmp(this, &job, sizeof(TariJobParams)) != 0; } }; TariJobParams m_tariJobParams; private: static constexpr uint64_t BUF_SIZE = 16384; struct TariClient; struct TariServer : public TCPServer { explicit TariServer(const std::string& socks5Proxy); ~TariServer() {} [[nodiscard]] bool start(); [[nodiscard]] bool connect_upstream(TariClient* downstream); void on_shutdown() override; [[nodiscard]] const char* get_log_category() const override; bool m_TariNodeIsV6; std::string m_TariNodeHost; int m_TariNodePort; int m_internalPort; } *m_server; const std::string m_hostStr; tari::rpc::BaseNode::Stub* m_TariNode; struct TariClient : public TCPServer::Client { TariClient(); ~TariClient() override {} static Client* allocate() { return new TariClient(); } virtual size_t size() const override { return sizeof(TariClient); } void reset() override; [[nodiscard]] bool on_connect() override; [[nodiscard]] bool on_read(char* data, uint32_t size) override; char m_buf[BUF_SIZE]; std::vector m_pendingData; bool is_paired() const { return m_pairedClient && (m_pairedClient->m_resetCounter == m_pairedClientSavedResetCounter); } TariClient* m_pairedClient; uint32_t m_pairedClientSavedResetCounter; }; uv_thread_t m_worker; uv_mutex_t m_workerLock; uv_cond_t m_workerCond; std::atomic m_workerStop; static void run_wrapper(void* arg); void run(); }; } // namespace p2pool