 * This file is part of the Monero P2Pool <https://github.com/SChernykh/p2pool>
 * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 SChernykh <https://github.com/SChernykh>
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#pragma once

#include "uv_util.h"
#include "pool_block.h"
#include <map>
#include <thread>

namespace p2pool {

class p2pool;
class P2PServer;

struct MinerShare
	FORCEINLINE MinerShare() : m_weight(), m_wallet(nullptr) {}
	FORCEINLINE MinerShare(const difficulty_type& w, const Wallet* x) : m_weight(w), m_wallet(x) {}

	difficulty_type m_weight;
	const Wallet* m_wallet;

class SideChain : public nocopy_nomove
	SideChain(p2pool* pool, NetworkType type, const char* pool_name = nullptr);

	void fill_sidechain_data(PoolBlock& block, const Wallet* w, const hash& txkeySec, std::vector<MinerShare>& shares) const;

	bool block_seen(const PoolBlock& block);
	void unsee_block(const PoolBlock& block);
	bool add_external_block(PoolBlock& block, std::vector<hash>& missing_blocks);
	void add_block(const PoolBlock& block);
	void get_missing_blocks(std::vector<hash>& missing_blocks) const;

	PoolBlock* find_block(const hash& id) const;
	void watch_mainchain_block(const ChainMain& data, const hash& possible_id);

	bool get_block_blob(const hash& id, std::vector<uint8_t>& blob) const;
	bool get_outputs_blob(PoolBlock* block, uint64_t total_reward, std::vector<uint8_t>& blob, uv_loop_t* loop) const;

	void print_status(bool obtain_sidechain_lock = true) const;
	double get_reward_share(const Wallet& w) const;

	// Consensus ID can be used to spawn independent P2Pools with their own sidechains
	// It's never sent over the network to avoid revealing it to the possible man in the middle
	// Consensus ID can therefore be used as a password to create private P2Pools
	const std::vector<uint8_t>& consensus_id() const { return m_consensusId; }
	uint64_t chain_window_size() const { return m_chainWindowSize; }
	NetworkType network_type() const { return m_networkType; }
	uint64_t network_major_version(uint64_t height) const;
	FORCEINLINE difficulty_type difficulty() const { ReadLock lock(m_curDifficultyLock); return m_curDifficulty; }
	difficulty_type total_hashes() const;
	uint64_t block_time() const { return m_targetBlockTime; }
	uint64_t miner_count();
	uint64_t last_updated() const;
	bool is_default() const;
	bool is_mini() const;

	const PoolBlock* chainTip() const { return m_chainTip; }
	bool precalcFinished() const { return m_precalcFinished.load(); }

	static bool split_reward(uint64_t reward, const std::vector<MinerShare>& shares, std::vector<uint64_t>& rewards);

	p2pool* m_pool;
	P2PServer* p2pServer() const;
	NetworkType m_networkType;

	bool get_shares(const PoolBlock* tip, std::vector<MinerShare>& shares) const;
	bool get_difficulty(const PoolBlock* tip, std::vector<DifficultyData>& difficultyData, difficulty_type& curDifficulty) const;
	bool get_wallets(const PoolBlock* tip, std::vector<const Wallet*>& wallets) const;
	void verify_loop(PoolBlock* block);
	void verify(PoolBlock* block);
	void update_chain_tip(const PoolBlock* block);
	PoolBlock* get_parent(const PoolBlock* block) const;

	// Checks if "candidate" has longer (higher difficulty) chain than "block"
	bool is_longer_chain(const PoolBlock* block, const PoolBlock* candidate, bool& is_alternative);
	void update_depths(PoolBlock* block);
	void prune_old_blocks();

	bool load_config(const std::string& filename);
	bool check_config();

	mutable uv_rwlock_t m_sidechainLock;
	std::atomic<PoolBlock*> m_chainTip;
	std::map<uint64_t, std::vector<PoolBlock*>> m_blocksByHeight;
	unordered_map<hash, PoolBlock*> m_blocksById;

	uv_mutex_t m_seenWalletsLock;
	unordered_map<hash, uint64_t> m_seenWallets;
	uint64_t m_seenWalletsLastPruneTime;

	uv_mutex_t m_seenBlocksLock;
	unordered_set<PoolBlock::full_id> m_seenBlocks;

	std::vector<DifficultyData> m_difficultyData;

	std::string m_poolName;
	std::string m_poolPassword;
	uint64_t m_targetBlockTime;
	difficulty_type m_minDifficulty;
	uint64_t m_chainWindowSize;
	uint64_t m_unclePenalty;

	std::vector<uint8_t> m_consensusId;
	std::string m_consensusIdDisplayStr;

	mutable uv_rwlock_t m_curDifficultyLock;
	difficulty_type m_curDifficulty;

	ChainMain m_watchBlock;
	hash m_watchBlockSidechainId;

	struct PrecalcJob
		const PoolBlock* b;
		std::vector<const Wallet*> wallets;

	uv_cond_t m_precalcJobsCond;
	uv_mutex_t m_precalcJobsMutex;

	std::vector<PrecalcJob*> m_precalcJobs;
	std::vector<std::thread> m_precalcWorkers;
	unordered_set<size_t>* m_uniquePrecalcInputs;

	std::atomic<bool> m_precalcFinished;

	void launch_precalc(const PoolBlock* block);
	void precalc_worker();
	void finish_precalc();

} // namespace p2pool