/* * This file is part of the Monero P2Pool * Copyright (c) 2021 SChernykh * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "common.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "pool_block.h" #include "pow_hash.h" #include "side_chain.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include namespace p2pool { TEST(pool_block, deserialize) { init_crypto_cache(); PoolBlock b; SideChain sidechain(nullptr, NetworkType::Mainnet, "default"); constexpr uint64_t expected_consensus_id[HASH_SIZE / sizeof(uint64_t)] = { 0x92680bb5e77eaf22ull, 0x27446c2c6bda99e3ull, 0x008e04a9d40451b2ull, 0x18f90744f09d6eb1ull }; const std::vector& consensus_id = sidechain.consensus_id(); ASSERT_EQ(consensus_id.size(), HASH_SIZE); ASSERT_EQ(memcmp(consensus_id.data(), expected_consensus_id, HASH_SIZE), 0); std::ifstream f("block.dat", std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate); ASSERT_EQ(f.good() && f.is_open(), true); std::vector buf(f.tellg()); f.seekg(0); f.read(reinterpret_cast(buf.data()), buf.size()); ASSERT_EQ(f.good(), true); ASSERT_EQ(b.deserialize(buf.data(), buf.size(), sidechain, nullptr, false), 0); size_t header_size, miner_tx_size; int outputs_offset, outputs_blob_size; const std::vector mainchain_data = b.serialize_mainchain_data(&header_size, &miner_tx_size, &outputs_offset, &outputs_blob_size); ASSERT_EQ(mainchain_data.size(), 1757); ASSERT_EQ(header_size, 43); ASSERT_EQ(miner_tx_size, 1457); ASSERT_EQ(outputs_offset, 54); ASSERT_EQ(outputs_blob_size, 1371); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_majorVersion, 16); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_minorVersion, 16); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_timestamp, 1679221824); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_nonce, 1247); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_txinGenHeight, 2845298); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_outputs.size(), 35); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_extraNonceSize, 4); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_extraNonce, 1482827308); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_transactions.size(), 9); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_uncles.size(), 0); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_sidechainHeight, 4674483); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_difficulty.lo, 1854596983); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_difficulty.hi, 0); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_cumulativeDifficulty.lo, 7172845253120126ull); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_cumulativeDifficulty.hi, 0); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_depth, 0); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_verified, false); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_invalid, false); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_broadcasted, false); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_wantBroadcast, false); class RandomX_Hasher_Test : public RandomX_Hasher_Base { public: bool calculate(const void* data, size_t size, uint64_t, const hash&, hash& result, bool /*force_light_mode*/) override { if (size == 76) { char buf[76 * 2 + 1]; { log::Stream s(buf); s << log::hex_buf(reinterpret_cast(data), size); buf[76 * 2] = '\0'; } const char ref[] = "1010c0c8dba006b78e04571806733a74ef1014f404484d3358bfca889a75bb0fe9aff64a41c92bdf040000ecf0a11f83c6eced7d7cdfbdcd5a193f64d334b2c5491a9c595b4527e531ae7209"; if (memcmp(buf, ref, sizeof(buf)) == 0) { std::stringstream s; s << "aa7a3c4a2d67cb6a728e244288219bf038024f3b511b0da197a19ec601000000"; s >> result; return true; } } return false; } } hasher; hash seed, pow_hash; ASSERT_EQ(b.get_pow_hash(&hasher, 0, seed, pow_hash), true); std::stringstream s; s << pow_hash; ASSERT_EQ(s.str(), "aa7a3c4a2d67cb6a728e244288219bf038024f3b511b0da197a19ec601000000"); ASSERT_EQ(b.m_difficulty.check_pow(pow_hash), true); destroy_crypto_cache(); } TEST(pool_block, verify) { init_crypto_cache(); struct STest { const char* m_poolName; const char* m_fileName; uint64_t m_txinGenHeight; uint64_t m_sidechainHeight; } tests[2] = { { "default", "sidechain_dump.dat", 2870010, 4957203 }, { "mini", "sidechain_dump_mini.dat", 2870010, 4414446 }, }; for (const STest& t : tests) { PoolBlock b; SideChain sidechain(nullptr, NetworkType::Mainnet, t.m_poolName); // Difficulty of block 2869248 sidechain.m_testMainChainDiff = difficulty_type(345786476185ULL, 0ULL); std::ifstream f(t.m_fileName, std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate); ASSERT_EQ(f.good() && f.is_open(), true); std::vector buf(f.tellg()); f.seekg(0); f.read(reinterpret_cast(buf.data()), buf.size()); ASSERT_EQ(f.good(), true); for (const uint8_t *p = buf.data(), *e = buf.data() + buf.size(); p < e;) { ASSERT_TRUE(p + sizeof(uint32_t) <= e); const uint32_t n = *reinterpret_cast(p); p += sizeof(uint32_t); ASSERT_TRUE(p + n <= e); ASSERT_EQ(b.deserialize(p, n, sidechain, nullptr, false), 0); p += n; ASSERT_TRUE(sidechain.add_block(b)); ASSERT_TRUE(sidechain.find_block(b.m_sidechainId) != nullptr); } const PoolBlock* tip = sidechain.chainTip(); ASSERT_TRUE(tip != nullptr); ASSERT_TRUE(tip->m_verified); ASSERT_FALSE(tip->m_invalid); ASSERT_EQ(tip->m_txinGenHeight, t.m_txinGenHeight); ASSERT_EQ(tip->m_sidechainHeight, t.m_sidechainHeight); } destroy_crypto_cache(); } }