/* * This file is part of the Monero P2Pool * Copyright (c) 2021-2024 SChernykh * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "common.h" #include "merge_mining_client.h" #include "merge_mining_client_tari.h" #include "p2pool.h" #include "params.h" LOG_CATEGORY(MergeMiningClientTari) using namespace tari::rpc; namespace p2pool { MergeMiningClientTari::MergeMiningClientTari(p2pool* pool, std::string host, const std::string& wallet) : m_chainParams{} , m_auxWallet(wallet) , m_pool(pool) , m_server(new TariServer(pool->params().m_socks5Proxy)) , m_hostStr(host) , m_workerStop(0) { if (host.find(TARI_PREFIX) != 0) { LOGERR(1, "Invalid host " << host << " - \"" << TARI_PREFIX << "\" prefix not found"); throw std::exception(); } host.erase(0, sizeof(TARI_PREFIX) - 1); while (host.back() == '/') { host.pop_back(); } if (host.empty()) { LOGERR(1, "Invalid host"); throw std::exception(); } m_server->parse_address_list(host, [this](bool is_v6, const std::string& /*address*/, std::string ip, int port) { if (!m_pool->params().m_dns || resolve_host(ip, is_v6)) { m_server->m_TariNodeIsV6 = is_v6; m_server->m_TariNodeHost = ip; m_server->m_TariNodePort = port; } }); if (m_server->m_TariNodeHost.empty() || (m_server->m_TariNodePort == 0) || (m_server->m_TariNodePort >= 65536)) { LOGERR(1, "Invalid host " << host); throw std::exception(); } uv_rwlock_init_checked(&m_chainParamsLock); if (!m_server->start()) { throw std::exception(); } char buf[32] = {}; log::Stream s(buf); s << "" << m_server->external_listen_port(); m_TariNode = new BaseNode::Stub(grpc::CreateChannel(buf, grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials())); uv_mutex_init_checked(&m_workerLock); uv_cond_init_checked(&m_workerCond); const int err = uv_thread_create(&m_worker, run_wrapper, this); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to start worker thread, error " << uv_err_name(err)); throw std::exception(); } } MergeMiningClientTari::~MergeMiningClientTari() { LOGINFO(1, "stopping"); m_workerStop.exchange(1); { MutexLock lock(m_workerLock); uv_cond_signal(&m_workerCond); } uv_thread_join(&m_worker); m_server->shutdown_tcp(); delete m_server; delete m_TariNode; uv_rwlock_destroy(&m_chainParamsLock); uv_mutex_destroy(&m_workerLock); uv_cond_destroy(&m_workerCond); LOGINFO(1, "stopped"); } bool MergeMiningClientTari::get_params(ChainParameters& out_params) const { ReadLock lock(m_chainParamsLock); if (m_chainParams.aux_id.empty() || m_chainParams.aux_diff.empty()) { return false; } out_params = m_chainParams; return true; } void MergeMiningClientTari::submit_solution(const std::vector& blob, const std::vector& merkle_proof) { (void)blob; (void)merkle_proof; } void MergeMiningClientTari::run_wrapper(void* arg) { reinterpret_cast(arg)->run(); LOGINFO(1, "worker thread stopped"); } void MergeMiningClientTari::run() { LOGINFO(1, "worker thread ready"); using namespace std::chrono; for (;;) { const auto t1 = high_resolution_clock::now(); MutexLock lock(m_workerLock); LOGINFO(6, "Getting new block template from Tari node"); GetNewBlockTemplateWithCoinbasesRequest request; PowAlgo* algo = new PowAlgo(); algo->set_pow_algo(PowAlgo_PowAlgos_POW_ALGOS_RANDOMX); request.clear_algo(); request.set_allocated_algo(algo); request.set_max_weight(1); NewBlockCoinbase* coinbase = request.add_coinbases(); coinbase->set_address(m_auxWallet); // TODO this should be equal to the total weight of shares in the PPLNS window for each wallet coinbase->set_value(1); coinbase->set_stealth_payment(false); coinbase->set_revealed_value_proof(true); coinbase->clear_coinbase_extra(); grpc::ClientContext ctx; GetNewBlockResult response; const grpc::Status status = m_TariNode->GetNewBlockTemplateWithCoinbases(&ctx, request, &response); if (!status.ok()) { LOGWARN(5, "GetNewBlockTemplateWithCoinbases failed: " << status.error_message()); if (!status.error_details().empty()) { LOGWARN(5, "GetNewBlockTemplateWithCoinbases failed: " << status.error_details()); } } else { bool aux_id_empty; { ReadLock lock2(m_chainParamsLock); aux_id_empty = m_chainParams.aux_id.empty(); } if (aux_id_empty) { const std::string& id = response.tari_unique_id(); LOGINFO(1, m_hostStr << " uses chain_id " << log::LightCyan() << log::hex_buf(id.data(), id.size())); if (id.size() == HASH_SIZE) { WriteLock lock2(m_chainParamsLock); std::copy(id.begin(), id.end(), m_chainParams.aux_id.h); } else { LOGERR(1, "Tari unique_id has invalid size (" << id.size() << ')'); } } LOGINFO(6, "Tari block template: height = " << response.block().header().height() << ", diff = " << response.miner_data().target_difficulty() << ", reward = " << response.miner_data().reward() << ", fees = " << response.miner_data().total_fees() ); } const int64_t timeout = std::max(500'000'000 - duration_cast(high_resolution_clock::now() - t1).count(), 1'000'000); if ((m_workerStop.load() != 0) || (uv_cond_timedwait(&m_workerCond, &m_workerLock, timeout) != UV_ETIMEDOUT)) { return; } } } // TariServer and TariClient are simply a proxy from a localhost TCP port to the external Tari node // This is needed for SOCKS5 proxy support (gRPC library doesn't support it natively) MergeMiningClientTari::TariServer::TariServer(const std::string& socks5Proxy) : TCPServer(1, MergeMiningClientTari::TariClient::allocate, socks5Proxy) , m_TariNodeIsV6(false) , m_TariNodeHost() , m_TariNodePort(0) , m_internalPort(0) { m_callbackBuf.resize(MergeMiningClientTari::BUF_SIZE); } bool MergeMiningClientTari::TariServer::start() { std::random_device rd; for (size_t i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { if (start_listening(false, "", 49152 + (rd() % 16384))) { break; } } if (m_listenPort < 0) { LOGERR(1, "failed to listen on TCP port"); return false; } const int err = uv_thread_create(&m_loopThread, loop, this); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to start event loop thread, error " << uv_err_name(err)); return false; } m_loopThreadCreated = true; return true; } bool MergeMiningClientTari::TariServer::connect_upstream(TariClient* downstream) { const bool is_v6 = m_TariNodeIsV6; const std::string& ip = m_TariNodeHost; const int port = m_TariNodePort; TariClient* upstream = static_cast(get_client()); upstream->m_owner = this; upstream->m_port = port; upstream->m_isV6 = is_v6; if (!str_to_ip(is_v6, ip.c_str(), upstream->m_addr)) { return_client(upstream); return false; } log::Stream s(upstream->m_addrString); if (is_v6) { s << '[' << ip << "]:" << port << '\0'; } else { s << ip << ':' << port << '\0'; } if (!connect_to_peer(upstream)) { return false; } upstream->m_pairedClient = downstream; upstream->m_pairedClientSavedResetCounter = downstream->m_resetCounter; return true; } void MergeMiningClientTari::TariServer::on_shutdown() { } const char* MergeMiningClientTari::TariServer::get_log_category() const { return log_category_prefix; } MergeMiningClientTari::TariClient::TariClient() : Client(m_buf, sizeof(m_buf)) , m_pairedClient(nullptr) , m_pairedClientSavedResetCounter(std::numeric_limits::max()) { m_buf[0] = '\0'; } void MergeMiningClientTari::TariClient::reset() { if (is_paired()) { m_pairedClient->m_pairedClient = nullptr; m_pairedClient->close(); m_pairedClient = nullptr; } m_pairedClientSavedResetCounter = std::numeric_limits::max(); } bool MergeMiningClientTari::TariClient::on_connect() { MergeMiningClientTari::TariServer* server = static_cast(m_owner); if (!server) { return false; } if (m_isIncoming) { return server->connect_upstream(this); } else { // The outgoing connection is ready now // Check if the incoming connection (downstream) has already sent something that needs to be relayed TariClient* downstream = m_pairedClient; downstream->m_pairedClient = this; downstream->m_pairedClientSavedResetCounter = m_resetCounter; const std::vector& v = downstream->m_pendingData; if (!v.empty()) { const bool result = server->send(this, [&v](uint8_t* buf, size_t buf_size) -> size_t { if (v.size() > buf_size) { return 0U; } std::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), buf); return v.size(); }); downstream->m_pendingData.clear(); return result; } } return true; } bool MergeMiningClientTari::TariClient::on_read(char* data, uint32_t size) { MergeMiningClientTari::TariServer* server = static_cast(m_owner); if (!server) { return false; } if (!is_paired()) { LOGWARN(5, "Read " << size << " bytes from " << static_cast(m_addrString) << " but it's not paired yet. Buffering it."); m_pendingData.insert(m_pendingData.end(), data, data + size); return true; } return server->send(m_pairedClient, [data, size](uint8_t* buf, size_t buf_size) -> size_t { if (size > buf_size) { return 0U; } std::copy(data, data + size, buf); return size; }); } } // namespace p2pool