/* * This file is part of the Monero P2Pool * Copyright (c) 2021-2023 SChernykh * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #pragma once #include "tcp_server.h" #include namespace p2pool { class p2pool; struct PoolBlock; class BlockCache; static constexpr size_t P2P_BUF_SIZE = 128 * 1024; static constexpr size_t PEER_LIST_RESPONSE_MAX_PEERS = 16; static constexpr int DEFAULT_P2P_PORT = 37889; static constexpr int DEFAULT_P2P_PORT_MINI = 37888; static constexpr uint32_t PROTOCOL_VERSION_1_0 = 0x00010000UL; static constexpr uint32_t PROTOCOL_VERSION_1_1 = 0x00010001UL; static constexpr uint32_t SUPPORTED_PROTOCOL_VERSION = PROTOCOL_VERSION_1_1; class P2PServer : public TCPServer { public: enum class MessageId { HANDSHAKE_CHALLENGE = 0, HANDSHAKE_SOLUTION = 1, LISTEN_PORT = 2, BLOCK_REQUEST = 3, BLOCK_RESPONSE = 4, BLOCK_BROADCAST = 5, PEER_LIST_REQUEST = 6, PEER_LIST_RESPONSE = 7, BLOCK_BROADCAST_COMPACT = 8, }; explicit P2PServer(p2pool *pool); ~P2PServer(); void add_cached_block(const PoolBlock& block); void clear_cached_blocks(); void store_in_cache(const PoolBlock& block); void connect_to_peers_async(const char* peer_list); void connect_to_peers(const std::string& peer_list); void on_connect_failed(bool is_v6, const raw_ip& ip, int port) override; struct P2PClient : public Client { P2PClient(); ~P2PClient(); static Client* allocate() { return new P2PClient(); } virtual size_t size() const override { return sizeof(P2PClient); } void reset() override; bool on_connect() override; bool on_read(char* data, uint32_t size) override; void on_read_failed(int err) override; void on_disconnected() override; // Both peers send handshake challenge immediately after a connection is established // Both peers must have the same consensus ID for handshake to succeed // Consensus ID is never sent over the network // // Handshake sequence: // // - Both peers send 8-byte random challenges (and 8 bytes of peer ID) to each other // - Each peer receives 8-byte challenge, chooses 8-byte random SALT and calculates H = KECCAK(CHALLENGE|CONSENSUS_ID|SALT) // - Both peers send their H and SALT, calculate H of the other peer and check if it matches with what other peer calculated // - Peer that initiated the connection must also provide enough PoW in H (difficulty = 10000, 5-10 ms on modern CPU) // - If H doesn't match or doesn't have enough PoW, connection is closed immediately enum { CHALLENGE_SIZE = 8, CHALLENGE_DIFFICULTY = 10000, }; bool send_handshake_challenge(); void send_handshake_solution(const uint8_t (&challenge)[CHALLENGE_SIZE]); bool check_handshake_solution(const hash& solution, const uint8_t (&solution_salt)[CHALLENGE_SIZE]); bool on_handshake_challenge(const uint8_t* buf); bool on_handshake_solution(const uint8_t* buf); void on_after_handshake(uint8_t* &p); bool on_listen_port(const uint8_t* buf); bool on_block_request(const uint8_t* buf); bool on_block_response(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t size, const hash& expected_id); bool on_block_broadcast(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t size, bool compact); bool on_peer_list_request(const uint8_t* buf); bool on_peer_list_response(const uint8_t* buf); bool handle_incoming_block_async(const PoolBlock* block, uint64_t max_time_delta = 0); void handle_incoming_block(p2pool* pool, PoolBlock& block, const uint32_t reset_counter, const raw_ip& addr, std::vector& missing_blocks); void post_handle_incoming_block(const uint32_t reset_counter, std::vector& missing_blocks); bool is_good() const { return m_handshakeComplete && !m_handshakeInvalid && (m_listenPort >= 0); } const char* software_name() const; uint64_t m_peerId; uint64_t m_connectedTime; uint64_t m_broadcastMaxHeight; MessageId m_expectedMessage; uint64_t m_handshakeChallenge; bool m_handshakeSolutionSent; bool m_handshakeComplete; bool m_handshakeInvalid; int m_listenPort; uint32_t m_fastPeerListRequestCount; uint64_t m_prevIncomingPeerListRequest; uint64_t m_nextOutgoingPeerListRequest; std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point m_lastPeerListRequestTime; int m_peerListPendingRequests; uint32_t m_protocolVersion; uint32_t m_SoftwareVersion; uint32_t m_SoftwareID; int64_t m_pingTime; std::list m_blockPendingRequests; uint64_t m_lastAlive; uint64_t m_lastBroadcastTimestamp; uint64_t m_lastBlockrequestTimestamp; hash m_broadcastedHashes[8]; std::atomic m_broadcastedHashesIndex{ 0 }; }; void broadcast(const PoolBlock& block, const PoolBlock* parent); uint64_t get_random64(); uint64_t get_peerId() const { return m_peerId; } void print_status() override; void show_peers_async(); size_t peer_list_size() const { MutexLock lock(m_peerListLock); return m_peerList.size(); } int external_listen_port() const override; uint32_t max_outgoing_peers() const { return m_maxOutgoingPeers; } uint32_t max_incoming_peers() const { return m_maxIncomingPeers; } void set_max_outgoing_peers(uint32_t n) { m_maxOutgoingPeers = std::min(std::max(n, 10U), 450U); } void set_max_incoming_peers(uint32_t n) { m_maxIncomingPeers = std::min(std::max(n, 10U), 450U); } int deserialize_block(const uint8_t* buf, uint32_t size, bool compact, uint64_t received_timestamp); const PoolBlock* get_block() const { return m_block; } private: p2pool* m_pool; BlockCache* m_cache; bool m_cacheLoaded; std::string m_initialPeerList; uint32_t m_maxOutgoingPeers; uint32_t m_maxIncomingPeers; uv_rwlock_t m_cachedBlocksLock; unordered_map* m_cachedBlocks; private: static void on_timer(uv_timer_t* timer) { reinterpret_cast(timer->data)->on_timer(); } void on_timer(); void flush_cache(); void download_missing_blocks(); void check_zmq(); void check_block_template(); void update_peer_connections(); void update_peer_list(); void send_peer_list_request(P2PClient* client, uint64_t cur_time); void save_peer_list_async(); void save_peer_list(); void load_peer_list(); void load_monerod_peer_list(); void update_peer_in_list(bool is_v6, const raw_ip& ip, int port); void remove_peer_from_list(P2PClient* client); void remove_peer_from_list(const raw_ip& ip); std::mt19937_64 m_rng; uv_mutex_t m_blockLock; PoolBlock* m_block; std::vector m_blockDeserializeBuf; int m_blockDeserializeResult; uv_timer_t m_timer; uint64_t m_timerCounter; uint64_t m_timerInterval; uint64_t m_peerId; mutable uv_mutex_t m_peerListLock; struct Peer { bool m_isV6; raw_ip m_addr; int m_port; uint32_t m_numFailedConnections; uint64_t m_lastSeen; }; std::vector m_peerList; std::vector m_peerListMonero; std::atomic m_peerListLastSaved; struct Broadcast { hash id; uint64_t received_timestamp; std::vector blob; std::vector pruned_blob; std::vector compact_blob; std::vector ancestor_hashes; }; uv_mutex_t m_broadcastLock; uv_async_t m_broadcastAsync; std::vector m_broadcastQueue; bool m_lookForMissingBlocks; unordered_set> m_missingBlockRequests; P2PClient* m_fastestPeer; static void on_broadcast(uv_async_t* handle) { reinterpret_cast(handle->data)->on_broadcast(); } void on_broadcast(); uv_mutex_t m_connectToPeersLock; uv_async_t m_connectToPeersAsync; std::string m_connectToPeersData; static void on_connect_to_peers(uv_async_t* handle); uv_async_t m_showPeersAsync; static void on_show_peers(uv_async_t* handle) { reinterpret_cast(handle->data)->show_peers(); } void show_peers() const; void on_shutdown() override; void api_update_local_stats(); }; } // namespace p2pool