/* * This file is part of the Monero P2Pool * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 SChernykh * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "common.h" #include "miner.h" #include "p2pool.h" #include "stratum_server.h" #include "block_template.h" #include "pow_hash.h" #include "randomx.h" #include "params.h" #include "p2pool_api.h" #include "side_chain.h" #include "p2p_server.h" #include static constexpr char log_category_prefix[] = "Miner "; using namespace std::chrono; namespace p2pool { Miner::Miner(p2pool* pool, uint32_t threads) : m_pool(pool) , m_threads(threads) , m_stopped{ false } , m_startTimestamp(high_resolution_clock::now()) , m_nonce(0) , m_nonceTimestamp(m_startTimestamp) , m_totalHashes(0) , m_sharesFound(0) , m_job{} , m_jobIndex{ 0 } { std::random_device rd; m_extraNonce = static_cast(rd()); on_block(m_pool->block_template()); m_minerThreads.reserve(threads); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < threads; ++i) { WorkerData* data = new WorkerData{ this, i + 1, threads, {} }; const int err = uv_thread_create(&data->m_worker, run, data); if (err) { LOGERR(1, "failed to start worker thread " << data->m_index << '/' << threads << ", error " << uv_err_name(err)); delete data; continue; } m_minerThreads.push_back(data); } } Miner::~Miner() { m_stopped = true; for (WorkerData* data : m_minerThreads) { uv_thread_join(&data->m_worker); delete data; } } void Miner::print_status() { const uint32_t hash_count = 0 - m_nonce.load(); const double dt = static_cast(duration_cast(high_resolution_clock::now() - m_nonceTimestamp).count()) / 1e9; const uint64_t hr = (dt > 0.0) ? static_cast(hash_count / dt) : 0; LOGINFO(0, "status" << "\nThreads = " << m_threads << "\nHashrate = " << log::Hashrate(hr) << "\nShares found = " << m_sharesFound.load() ); } void Miner::on_block(const BlockTemplate& block) { const uint32_t next_index = m_jobIndex ^ 1; Job& j = m_job[next_index]; hash seed; j.m_blobSize = block.get_hashing_blob(m_extraNonce, j.m_blob, j.m_height, j.m_sidechainHeight, j.m_diff, j.m_sidechainDiff, seed, j.m_nonceOffset, j.m_templateId); const uint32_t hash_count = 0 - m_nonce.exchange(0); m_jobIndex = next_index; const auto cur_ts = high_resolution_clock::now(); const double dt = static_cast(duration_cast(cur_ts - m_nonceTimestamp).count()) / 1e9; m_nonceTimestamp = cur_ts; m_totalHashes += hash_count; if (m_pool->api() && m_pool->params().m_localStats) { const double block_reward_share_percent = m_pool->side_chain().get_reward_share(m_pool->params().m_wallet) * 100.0; m_pool->api()->set(p2pool_api::Category::LOCAL, "miner", [cur_ts, hash_count, dt, block_reward_share_percent, this](log::Stream& s) { const uint64_t hr = (dt > 0.0) ? static_cast(hash_count / dt) : 0; const double time_running = static_cast(duration_cast(cur_ts - m_startTimestamp).count()) / 1e3; s << "{\"current_hashrate\":" << hr << ",\"total_hashes\":" << m_totalHashes.load() << ",\"time_running\":" << time_running << ",\"shares_found\":" << m_sharesFound.load() << ",\"block_reward_share_percent\":" << block_reward_share_percent << ",\"threads\":" << m_threads << "}"; }); } } void Miner::reset_share_counters() { m_totalHashes = 0; m_sharesFound = 0; } void Miner::run(void* data) { WorkerData* d = static_cast(data); LOGINFO(1, "worker thread " << d->m_index << '/' << d->m_count << " started"); make_thread_background(); d->m_miner->run(d); LOGINFO(1, "worker thread " << d->m_index << '/' << d->m_count << " stopped"); } void Miner::run(WorkerData* data) { RandomX_Hasher_Base* hasher = m_pool->hasher(); randomx_cache* cache = hasher->cache(); randomx_dataset* dataset = hasher->dataset(); if (!cache && !dataset) { LOGERR(1, "worker thread " << data->m_index << '/' << data->m_count << ": RandomX cache and dataset are not ready"); return; } randomx_flags flags = randomx_get_flags(); if (dataset) { flags |= RANDOMX_FLAG_FULL_MEM; } randomx_vm* vm = randomx_create_vm(flags | RANDOMX_FLAG_LARGE_PAGES, dataset ? nullptr : cache, dataset); if (!vm) { LOGWARN(1, "couldn't allocate RandomX VM using large pages"); vm = randomx_create_vm(flags, dataset ? nullptr : cache, dataset); if (!vm) { LOGERR(1, "couldn't allocate RandomX VM"); return; } } uint32_t index = 0; Job job[2]; uint32_t seed_counter = 0; bool first = true; Miner* miner = data->m_miner; while (!m_stopped) { if (hasher->seed_counter() != seed_counter) { LOGINFO(5, "worker thread " << data->m_index << '/' << data->m_count << " paused (waiting for RandomX cache/dataset update)"); hasher->sync_wait(); seed_counter = hasher->seed_counter(); if (flags & RANDOMX_FLAG_FULL_MEM) { dataset = hasher->dataset(); randomx_vm_set_dataset(vm, dataset); } else { cache = hasher->cache(); randomx_vm_set_cache(vm, cache); } LOGINFO(5, "worker thread " << data->m_index << '/' << data->m_count << " resumed"); } if (first) { first = false; memcpy(&job[index], &miner->m_job[miner->m_jobIndex], sizeof(Job)); job[index].set_nonce(miner->m_nonce.fetch_sub(1), miner->m_extraNonce); randomx_calculate_hash_first(vm, job[index].m_blob, job[index].m_blobSize); } const Job& j = job[index]; index ^= 1; memcpy(&job[index], &miner->m_job[miner->m_jobIndex], sizeof(Job)); job[index].set_nonce(miner->m_nonce.fetch_sub(1), miner->m_extraNonce); hash h; randomx_calculate_hash_next(vm, job[index].m_blob, job[index].m_blobSize, &h); if (j.m_diff.check_pow(h)) { LOGINFO(0, log::Green() << "worker thread " << data->m_index << '/' << data->m_count << " found a mainchain block at height " << j.m_height << ", submitting it"); m_pool->submit_block_async(j.m_templateId, j.m_nonce, j.m_extraNonce); } if (j.m_sidechainDiff.check_pow(h)) { LOGINFO(0, log::Green() << "SHARE FOUND: mainchain height " << j.m_height << ", sidechain height " << j.m_sidechainHeight << ", diff " << j.m_sidechainDiff << ", worker thread " << data->m_index << '/' << data->m_count); m_pool->submit_sidechain_block(j.m_templateId, j.m_nonce, j.m_extraNonce); ++m_sharesFound; } std::this_thread::yield(); } randomx_destroy_vm(vm); } void Miner::Job::set_nonce(uint32_t nonce, uint32_t extra_nonce) { m_nonce = nonce; m_extraNonce = extra_nonce; uint8_t* p = m_blob + m_nonceOffset; p[0] = static_cast(nonce); p[1] = static_cast(nonce >> 8); p[2] = static_cast(nonce >> 16); p[3] = static_cast(nonce >> 24); } } // namespace p2pool